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9143073 No.9143073 [Reply] [Original]

>read the book jacket
>it spoils the first 100 pages

>> No.9143091
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>> No.9143102
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>the foreword details the entire plot because it's a classic so EVERYONE has totally already read it and knows what will happen anyways haha

>> No.9143108


>> No.9143146
File: 63 KB, 633x758, Angry+feels+some+speeding+asshole+ran+over+my+cat+today_58163f_5507890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>read the introduction
>it spoils the entire story

>reading for plot
Fuck off

>> No.9143249
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>Read the back of the book
>It spoils the ending

>> No.9143271

>reading for plot

>> No.9143285

>read the first sentence
>it spoils the entire book as well as the other 12 books in the series

>> No.9143298
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>reading the foreword

>> No.9143310
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>reads whole book
>it spoils the entire story

>> No.9143330
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>main character doesn't appear until the sequel
>the next book in the series retconns the other two

>> No.9143413
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>Reads title
>Spoils entire book

>> No.9143422


>> No.9143435

>reading introduction/foreword/anything else but the actual book

>reading for the plot
y'all faggots must be reading YA novels for a 1 page of text written by some moron spoil the whole content of the book

>> No.9143467

You can describe any book in 1 paragraph or less faggot

>> No.9143482

of course you can describe it but that is not going to ruin the whole book, faggot

try and describe ulysses in one sentence in a way to 'ruin' the book

>> No.9143490

I said paragraph, faggot

>> No.9143504

do it in a paragraph then, mongoloid

>> No.9143560

its taking you a long ass time for something so simple. should I keep waiting?

>> No.9143580

Local man lives locally.

>> No.9143654
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>read the foreword
>it spoils the whole book
I'm so sorry for not having read every classic already.

>> No.9143991
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>Read the last page
>It spoils the plot

>> No.9144017

Forewords and introduction essays are greay, fuck y'all who are >implying that you shouldn't ever read them.

>> No.9144072

When someone says "spoils" that's just the colloquially way of expressing that the value is lessened in some manner, not that the book is denuded of all potential value.

I don't know why this meme is popular but it's possible for one to read for sundry reasons, of which plot is but one. No one is claiming that knowing the general plot points of Ulysses would ruin the totality of the experience, but to some it would attenuate it.

>> No.9144076

I just did this with 'Butcher's Crossing' earlier today. I'm about a third of the way in and haven't even eclipsed the jacket blurb. Still enjoying it though

>> No.9144086

Stoner did the same thing too.

>> No.9144094
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>introduction written by a movie/pop star

>> No.9144101
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>James Franco

>> No.9144102
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>introduction written by shitty YA author

fuck you Penguin I hate you so much

>> No.9144110

At least it seems that John Williams ostensibly wanted you to know that information, as he kind of summarizes the novel in the first couple paragraphs.

>> No.9144115
File: 11 KB, 250x240, 1479087165731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Preface to the 1889 edition
>Preface to the 1908 eidition
>Preface to the 1912 edition
>Preface to the 1945 edition
>Preface to the 1999 edition
>Preface to the 2020 edition

>> No.9144146
File: 136 KB, 797x876, osoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read the entire book
>could have simply just read the jacket

>> No.9144164

>the preface eloquently says to take everything in the book with a pinch of salt because the author was a racist and does not uphold the progressive values of modern society

>> No.9144181

You should read them after

>> No.9144186

They would put them at the end if that was the case

>> No.9144191

Love that cover

>> No.9144198

Is there even a real difference between afterword and foreword?

>> No.9144207

I don't think so really. Maybe forewords are SUPPOSED to be prep essays that don't ruin things for you, but that's not the case anymore if it ever were.

>> No.9144223

Kek. What are some books that have one of these wonderful prefaces?

>> No.9144332

try anything Lovecraft with China Mieville prefaces

>> No.9144341

This is fucking annoying


As if a book being old means everybody has read it

>> No.9144350

I get so pissed when the preface shits on the author like what the fuck

I dont need some no name faggot telling me Nietszche was "wrong"

>> No.9144362

This is so spot on.

Had it recently with Schopenhauer and his "misogyny". Christ woman, just shut up and let me read the book.

>> No.9144367

If a book can be ruined by spoilers then that's not a book for me.

t. matured man

>> No.9144368

i just got an unnaturally strong urge to pet that dog

>> No.9144373

i probably should've said desire, not urge

>> No.9144375

haha, yeah man :^P

>> No.9144378

That's beastility

>> No.9144466

At least he was able to preemptively get some chirps about them in too

>> No.9144558
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holy fuck there's an afterword to my copy of The Tempest that not only argues that Shakespeare was racist by suggesting Caliban is supposed to be a black slave, the writer also - I shit you not - rewrites the final scene so that the ending to a fantasy romantic comedy is a speech by Miranda saying women and natives should rise up against the oppression of the white man (represented by prospero) and confesses her love for Caliban, who throughout the entire play she fucking hated after he tried to rape her. Like what the fuck people had to approve of that to get it in the back of the book.

>> No.9144565

Do you also think American Beauty is ruined by the fact you know he will die? NO, because the whole POINT is to connect you to the existential problem of being conscious of death.


>> No.9144573

my mom told me to plug my ears in the beginning of that movie

>> No.9144574
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Something to laugh at for the non-fiction bros

>Introduction by..
>translators note
>editors note
>preface by...

>> No.9144582
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>That edition of Ready Player One where Joe Rogan does an introduction and he just goes on and on about DMT and Hideo Kojima

>> No.9144595

It's your own fault for reading Reddit Player One

>> No.9144727

This almost ruined Peer Gynt for me

>> No.9145043
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>buy a classic
>read the preface
>it spoils the entire book

>buy another classic
>read it first, then read the preface
>it spoils 3 other books from the same author


>> No.9145059


>plotpleb feels angry and cheated

All is well.

>> No.9145088


>> No.9145092

That's explicitly there to stop cretins who read for the plot.

>> No.9145093
File: 16 KB, 267x400, 2592690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this and the author literally spoils the ENTIRE plot of almost everything he recommends.

>> No.9146238

>read book
>spoils my whole life

>> No.9146259

>read the title
>I accidentally bought the wrong book