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9142769 No.9142769 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you realise that philosophy and religion will never make life easier to live

>> No.9142777

thats something good.

>> No.9142853


that face when
>time-bound reaction
you realize
>you're reality from your reaction in time
that philosophy and religion
>philosophy and religion are carried in time
will never make
>philosophy and religion have an action on the reality of your reaction in time
>your realization of time is life
>time is meant to be easy
to live
>self-deceptive reality

implying implications

premise is that life should be easier to live?

>> No.9142863


>> No.9142884

Ask not for lighter burdens, but for broader shoulders.

>> No.9142905

Have you read the Consolation of Philosophy?
That book helps me when I feel pointless.

>> No.9142917

yeah because religion is bullshit

>> No.9143011

They will if you pay a modicum of attention, and show a little discretion.

>implying the most influential minds of history should all be ignored

>> No.9143341

Welcome to the real world, jackass.

>> No.9143359

This was beautiful to read.

>> No.9143493

I don't know where people get this idea that religion is meant to make your life more easy or make you more happy. That's not the purpose of religion or philosophy, it's about finding the truth no matter how inconvenient.

Converting from agnostic to Christian was the hardest thing I've ever had to do because I know what I'm like, and after enough study I knew what God is like. I had to radically alter my life and the way I thought to conform with what I knew to be true. God is infinite; and he's all wise, so he knows everything about me. He's all-good, too, and all righteous, and perfectly holy. And he commands me to be perfectly holy, too. Since he's all wise, he knows exactly when I'm not very holy or good, and he judges me based on what he knows. He's immutable too, so he'll never change. He'll always be the way he is now; so he'll always hold the same standards; and he's always going to judge me by every idle word I utter. I wish I could be an atheist. As a little aside I always get a good laugh whenever they accuse theists of "inventing god to make yourself feel better," because if they were the case I would invent one more congenial to my whims and not one that forces me to get up on Sunday.

>> No.9143506

>I decided to take on catholic guilt because reasons

>> No.9143513
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Dat's it Mann

>> No.9143568

Relax. It's just a phase you're going through.

Read Jung's "Aion". It's a handy guidebook for your present crisis.

>> No.9143581

>He's immutable too, so he'll never change
mind = blown

what bloviating drivel

>> No.9144034

Not that guy but thanks for the recommendation, anon.

>> No.9144047

Is this pasta from somewhere? Seems really familiar.

>> No.9144104
File: 48 KB, 500x353, pope smiles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually find my Christianity does make life easier. It fills me with joy, real joy, not just transient bursts of happiness.

>> No.9144540

t. the dude who takes the collection plate.

>> No.9144553
File: 707 KB, 900x1203, 1486499117130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel the same way.

I love this painting. You can see the eyes of god in the mother. This depiction is beautiful on an transcendent level, at least for me.

>> No.9144559

Was going to do another snarky comment but holy shit that painting is beautiful.

>> No.9144604

It was painted by Marianne Stokes in 1905 if you or anyone was curious.

>> No.9144754

There's some religious art that is just incredible. Like there's a murial in Florence of an angel crying and wiping its tears away with its robe. It's touching

>> No.9144780

Mary looks like she's thinking "Yeah, what now bitch nigga, just birthed the son of god, step up and catch these hands"

and baby jesus is all
"Yeah nigga run up, y'all ain't shit."

>> No.9144795

Yeah because there was no such thing as the love of a mother for her child before Christ.

>> No.9144798
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haha its funni because you said nigga and talked like one of them chocolate people :^)

>> No.9144882

Is it the goal of philosophy to make life easier?
Seems to me like a goal archived much quicker through lobotomy.
I like to think that philosophy aims at the opposite and teaches you to grapple with the infinite complexity of life and minutal interactions.

>> No.9145095

>Women Suc-
by Marianne Stokes

>> No.9145106
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>I always have to be a wet blanket in life no matter what

>> No.9146737
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consider literal, practical application of this platitude.

>> No.9146809

why even go to church tho? Everything is in bible, church is just repeating same words over and over again
what so stupid about that? God/idea is undivided entity, its oldest truth

>> No.9147375

It's the other way around. You should be reading the bible for religious purposes, you should be entering into powerful magic ritual that will make you believe because it's so deliciously brainwashing. Same as having lyrics and music work together to form a hybrid and intense experience

>> No.9147816

If I ever believe in God I could never see myself doing what most religious people are doing: anthropomorphising something that should by all means be beyond comprehension.

Why do theists talk about God as if he's just a wise dude? He would be more like a concept of perfection for me. Praying would be beyond useless because he wouldn't do shit on a whim, it would be up to you to try to live your life with the goal of bettering yourself and proving to yourself and Him that you deserved to be born.

Maybe I'm just confused about peoples religious practices.

>> No.9147879


>> No.9147886

What the fuck.
You just invented your own religion. Congratulations. Now give it a name.

>> No.9147892

I call it Perfectionism... Oh wait...

>> No.9147901

Are you memeing me? I was being serious.

Don't be mean.

>> No.9147906


For me at least the anthropomorphism (not into it myself) can be interpreted in the same vein as religious rituals and mysticism in general, it's all about trying to translate the transcendent into the material, and it also has the bonus of making things accessible, which is useful when you have a theology that calls for mass movement combined with the plainly obvious fact you can't have everyone alive dedicating their lives to metaphysical contemplation 24/7 365

>> No.9147909

it does for me OP

>> No.9147913

this is just philosophical theism, it's hardly an innovation

>> No.9147928

>Why do theists talk about God as if he's just a wise dude?
Key word: just. We don't do that.
>He would be more like a concept of perfection for me.
He is also that. He is also the sheer act of existing!
>Praying would be beyond useless
Egregore. Pic related. You do a lot to yourself with prayer, too - it's like meditation, but potentially it doesn't end.
>because he wouldn't do shit on a whim,
Why not? Many things in nature do, so if they reflect that source and origin in any way...
>it would be up to you to try to live your life with the goal of bettering yourself and proving to yourself and Him that you deserved to be born.
That is an interesting goal.

>> No.9147938
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Forget the pic. Quote is the more important part.

>> No.9148016

Well that's understandable I guess. I just think it's a mistake because then you get things like people pretending have the ability to communicate/understand/translate God which leads to all sorts of horrible acts and inventions.

And I think it's accessible enough to realise that God is beyond our understanding and that you should try to live a good life and be a good person.

>He is also the sheer act of existing
This is a part I really like.
>You do a lot to yourself with prayer, too - it's like meditation, but potentially it doesn't end
As a form of meditation it would be useful/interesting. I guess you could see it as bringing yourself closer to God because it brings you peace of mind and allows you to contemplate things. I just don't like how some try talking to Him or wanting/wishing things.
>Why not? Many things in nature do, so if they reflect that source and origin in any way...
I think He would be above that. I think as a perfect being, or as existance itself, He wouldn't (or shouldn't) act differently because of us. Indeed he wouldn't "act" at all in a way that affects us for the duration of our lives. I'm not necessarily opposed to the idea that he would though, I just find the notion of God interfering with us strange.

>> No.9148120

>I just don't like how some try talking to Him or wanting/wishing things.
The book of Job is actually about this relationship with God. Job uses God to grant him things. "I fulfill my part or the contract, now you fill yours!" and God shows him the error of his ways.
>I think He would be above that. I think as a perfect being, or as existance itself, He wouldn't (or shouldn't) act differently because of us.
Yet when we look at the stars, we interact with the past. We draw the history in the future - and this is the nature of quantum physics. The double slit experiment works in space, with light curving around a galaxy.

>Indeed he wouldn't "act" at all in a way that affects us for the duration of our lives.
Now this depends on how great life is. I don't think it was coincidence that Napoleon encountered the greatest winter in a long time.
>I'm not necessarily opposed to the idea that he would though, I just find the notion of God interfering with us strange.
It is strange. Yet we interact with our own creations; art, literature, toys, games - and I've come to picture it as a manufacturing process. The goal? To be as much like God as we can be.

I struggled a long time with people not minding the importance of the great philosophical and religious questions. Yet, it is the expected outcome. Men who are not in the process can not understand. The 'goyim' of Christianity are the humans who remain human.
When I found out that, I realized my error in hating them.

>> No.9148158

Saved the youtube link. Thank you for your thoughtful replies and for being patient with me, I'm going to look more into this after I get some sleep.

>> No.9148166

sounds more like you might be a schizo, seek help anon

>> No.9148255

are those supposed to be the eyebrows of an arab woman?

>> No.9148649
File: 101 KB, 640x640, Thinking_Face_Emoji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Check a map buddy. Its also obviously a European depiction I'm sorry it doesn't fit your politically correct standards.

>> No.9150088
File: 76 KB, 744x777, wikihowhindu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only one path leads to the realization of atman as brahman


>> No.9150099
File: 23 KB, 441x333, images (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The path of fightin Jesus! The father, the son, and the holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...

>> No.9150104
File: 101 KB, 570x659, krishna2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no more jewish death cults

>> No.9150112
File: 295 KB, 1259x1600, resurrection-icon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We only die so we can live again.

>> No.9150113

Jesus could kick that blue baby's ass.

>> No.9150128
File: 22 KB, 200x219, 1475083916017.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you have no idea who your jesus is

>> No.9150137

This is sort of off topic guys but I am writing an essay for my philosophy class on existentialism. I'm about 80% done and it's about 4 pages. Would anyone be willing to read it and give me their thoughts/critique please?

>> No.9150140

I know he ain't no blue-blooded, yella-bellied, Brahma smokin hippie communist cuck fuck.

>> No.9150155

Post it in the critique thread

>> No.9150216
File: 10 KB, 268x188, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alan Watts saved my brain. No joke.

So not sure what you're on about.

>> No.9150423

i'm not trying to be pc, i'm trying to be pedantic. and how the fuck is nazareth not part of arabia?

>> No.9150432

she would have wonderful blowjob eyes.

>> No.9150461

But it may make death easier to die.

>> No.9150476

>seeking ease of life
You deserve suffering and should welcome it

>> No.9150510

But it's fun.

>> No.9150530

Every time I see this graffito I'm surprised at how funny it is, including the spelling errors. I guess 4chan is a state of mind.