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9142453 No.9142453 [Reply] [Original]

What has been the most life changing book you've read?

>> No.9142470

Unironically IJ. Not because of the message of the book though, but because of the path I've taken since reading it.

>> No.9142484

I love knee chi!

>> No.9142498

Schopenhauer's 'On Women'
The Bell Curve

>> No.9142503

Elaborate, just bought the book

>> No.9142546

My diary desu

>> No.9142688

he stopped taking advice from 4chan after that

>> No.9142762

Is that his sister's nazi edition of his unpublished writings?

>> No.9142803
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The Lord of the Rings

I could go on and on but i still dont know why exactly

no bully pls

>> No.9143004

I'd like to hear some kind of explanation. Surely you've some answer.

>> No.9143041
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Book of the New Sun

It really made me think

>> No.9144422


I read all 3 back-to-back during one of the lowest times of my life.
>my life is terrible
Realizing how much of a bitch i was only makes it worse but whatever
Gandalf is my favorite character purely because he just keeps going. No matter how many times other characters throw stones at him, tell him how pointless it all is, how dark the world is becoming, he never fucking stops. also #based Samwise Gamgee.

Undying, never ending hope and conviction for a brighter tomorrow.

>> No.9144426
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I am now a staunch substantavilist

>> No.9144433

"what if i became god emperor with multiple consciousnesses?" LUL

>> No.9144435
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The Bible.

>> No.9144454

Some might argue Gandalf and Samwise have no choice but to persist. That this is a limitation on their part, and if circumstance were otherwise a tragic flaw.

Aragorn always impressed me more, especially since he had such a direct contrast and foil available in Boromir. His strength and nobility were just as unreal as Sam's conviction, which I'd readily argue as a sort of simplicity. Aragorn went for days without sleep while he conquered the paths of the dead and won the Battle of the Pelennor all shortly after almost dying a dozen times at the Hornburg and challenging Sauron in the palantir, all throughout he never failed to discern what course was just and right and pursued it with such convincing strength.

In life, the circumstances are otherwise. There is no benevolent and wise king returning to rule signifying the triumph of order or good, shouldering the world's evils as no-one else can.

>> No.9144509


>Some might argue Gandalf and Samwise have no choice but to persist.

For Samwise I'd agree but even then, he is his own man. Blame Gandalf for putting him in that position but he could've let fear and despair take hold. Even when Frodo turned him away he came back. Just like Gandalf, they dont accept defeat. They simply deny the possibility and press forward as the only way "....or die trying" Just like real life we can ask the same thing "what if circumstances were different?" They can be, but we have to make it so

But fuckin Gandalf, man.

>times are tough?
>Gandalf is there giving hope
>unsure of what to do next?
>Gandalf does some research and has all the answers
>Balrog shows up to piss on your parade?
>Gandalf accepts his fate and kills the damn thing

Im really having a hard time trying to accurately put down how I see him in my minds eye

>> No.9144524
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>> No.9144593


Completely changed my life and outlook for the better.

>> No.9144600

Keep it in Fantasy general, nerds.

(just kidding LOTR is the only acceptable Fantasy book to be serious about, fuck Wheel of Time and George RR Shittin)