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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 70 KB, 615x461, lovelit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
914172 No.914172 [Reply] [Original]

Even though you guys are MEAN, I still love you.

And I'm still out books! :(

I know there's at least ONE kind anon out there... I just know it!



>> No.914177

Dude... That's a fuckin' dude....

>> No.914180

I am not! :(

>> No.914181

Get. The. Fuck. Out.

>> No.914184

Why is 4chan such tranny bait?

>> No.914185

lulz man face.

>> No.914186


>> No.914187

I'll buy you a book if you post dick.

>> No.914188

are you trying to get people to buy you books because you're pretending to be a woman?
goddamn that's stupid.

>> No.914190

What a pretty man.

>> No.914192

post your cawk and I'll buy you some books.

>> No.914194

I'll buy books if we see nudes.

>> No.914195
File: 18 KB, 200x263, pic.php.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say what?

>> No.914196

Spiky ball

>> No.914197

Most of the time, especially on this site, you just breeze past weird crazy shit without giving it a second though. Everyone once in a while though, you come across something like this, which makes you step back and realize how fucking weird the internet is.

>> No.914198
File: 145 KB, 1192x1686, da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, Rachelyn, I gave you Ulysses because of your crazy "fat dude took my books" story. In return, you should prove your gender with more pics.

>> No.914199

While I think that OP is in fact a woman and I want to see her tits, I am NOT going to buy her books.

>> No.914200

post a pitcture with obvious woman is obvious and i'll buy you books

>> No.914202

Dude with whore makeup

>> No.914204

SaintAnon does not approve.

Your hell shall be as gay as you. You have been condemned.

>> No.914205

nice cat

>> No.914207

Sometimes I just really, really hate the people on the internet.

This is one of those times.

>> No.914209

Post balls and I might consider it.

>> No.914211

DO NOT buy this person books. Just don't.

>> No.914212

Make your damn bed

>> No.914214
File: 42 KB, 425x349, 1278702322283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought /lit/ was protected against camwhores.

>> No.914216

I can has story?

>> No.914218

If you had made your bed, I would have bought you a book. Now your fate is sealed. KILL HIM!!

>> No.914219

If you're gonna camwhore at least go all the way.

Nudes. Now.

>> No.914220

It was on last night's wishlist thread, didn't save it.

>> No.914221

Great anons think alike

>> No.914222

Hey whore, this isn't /b/, you won't get any OMG!!!! A GIRL ON TEH INTERETZ POST TITS!!!! FAPFAPFAPFAP LOLLLLL
Please get the fuck out.

>> No.914224


Who's mean? Your friends when they see you selling tits for books?

>> No.914226

It was about how she went to borders or B&N and bought some books. Set them down to drink some coffee and a big guy ran over and stole her recently purchased books.

Complete lie.

>> No.914227

Burn that sign and never say you love me again.

>> No.914228

Well played sir. Well played.

>> No.914230

Blank fake profile is blank and fake.

>> No.914231


Now that we have the full name we can pretty get any info we want about you. Just leave.

>> No.914232

you're pretty ugly in this pic.

>> No.914234


What tits?

>> No.914235

I see that a lot of people forget to sage when they post...

>> No.914237

Don't care if OP is female or Male. Got you a book OP. You can think the kindanon's that have bought me books in the past.

>> No.914238

This sets a dangerous precedent.

>> No.914240

because getting a camwhore a book is kindness and helps anything.

>> No.914250

I hate all of you for bumping this trapwhore's thread.

>> No.914251

gifting may have just been ruined

>> No.914252

You can fuck off and die too.

>> No.914259

OP, are you male or female? Because in either way it's pretty hilarious.

>> No.914265

What the fuck? Someone buys a cheap whore like you a book, without expecting anything in return and you have enough arrogance to come back asking for more? You shit, fucking disgrace, human for fucking nothing. I hope some fat nigger rape you.

>> No.914266
File: 49 KB, 624x468, 2027002_b873_625x625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SaintAnon is PISSED

>> No.914267

Male or female, i'd probably still hit it. I will never buy you a book though.

>> No.914270

Moar pics, lady.

>> No.914276
File: 12 KB, 470x457, 1269818816501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/, you're better than this!!!!

Please tell me you're better than this?

>> No.914278

Get your fucking DUCK LIPS off my fucking computer screen DUDE.

>> No.914282


This IS 4chan after all. Everyone knew it wouldn't be long until wishlist threads broke into this.

>> No.914287

I'm laughing my pants off, I'm almost crying. There's something hilarious about seeing this on /lit/. OP is a genius.

>> No.914292

Damn prostitution is EVERYWHERE!

>> No.914294

Hahahahahaha, damn you anon, damn you.

>> No.914295


Dear my fellow /lit/ friends, I come with sad news. =(

Today I decided to do a little bit of shopping at Borders here in my hometown. (In Michigan)

I picked up quite a few books I needed for my collection of awesomeness. (Ulysses, The First Third, Crime and Punishment)

So my day is going swell. I decide to stop and get a cookie and a coffee from the cafe. I set my books down next to my feet, and begin to enjoy my snack.

The next thing I know, I see this large fellow running in my direction. At first, I thought he was going to run me over, but no, he just goes right by my table... AND IN THE PROCESS PICKS UP MY BAG OF NEWLY ACQUIRED LITERATURE. =((((

So now that my leisure money is gone, I must pay my bills and go without wonderful reading material this month.

Now I ask the ultimate question... Would any of you kind anons purchase me a book so I can at least have something to read?

Here's my Amazon wishlist: http://amzn.com/w/2NPJ8T1ACBOOO

I know there are a few kind anons out there, please help a distraught femanon out!

>> No.914296

OP, why are you doing this? Surely you must know this will stay on the internet for a very long time. Are the few books you might or might not get really worth it? Unless you're drunk or high at the moment, then I guess you don't care.

>> No.914299

>buy anon books
>anon mostly thankful but only few buy back
>camwhore makes up story and profits immensly
>saint anon is sad

>> No.914303

You best be shitting me. This was actually a thread on /lit/?

>> No.914304

>The next thing I know, I see this large fellow running in my direction. At first, I thought he was going to run me over, but no, he just goes right by my table... AND IN THE PROCESS PICKS UP MY BAG OF NEWLY ACQUIRED LITERATURE. =((((
This is the part that always cracks me up.

>> No.914305

Two book whore

>> No.914311



>> No.914312
File: 6 KB, 202x147, 1278449624175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.914317


Leave your three butt cheek ice cream cone out of this.

>> No.914319

I thought /lit/ was a lot nicer than this. :(

>> No.914321


>> No.914322

We're a lot nicer to people who don't try to abuse our good nature.

>> No.914325

What? I said I'd buy you books! All I want is nudes in return. <3

>> No.914326


Until you showed up

>> No.914327

Come on you stupid woman, who are you trying to impress? You don't have enough brain capacity to read those books. Just get your nails and hair done, get wasted and fuck some scum on party, with your duck lips it will be no problem. Hipster bitch.

>> No.914329


Abuse? Nay, sir.

I just came with a story (which IS true) and thought some kind anon would help me out in this dire time.

I was proven wrong last night, and I just wanted to tell you all that I still love you. <3

>> No.914330

From this point on, /lit/ will turn into complete shit.

Except if this only happens once, then it's pretty hilarious.

>> No.914332

Damn you anon! Hahahaha, I can't stop laughing.

>> No.914333


But you only love us if we buy you stuff.

Typical women.

>> No.914335

So you decided to return to the well in the hope that you hadn't pumped it dry?

And to seal the deal you posted a camwhoring photo?

>> No.914338


A HA! you lost two butt cheeks from your ice cream cone, did a fat man steal them?

>> No.914340

Fuck you, fuck you! Hahahahaha

>> No.914343

OP can I be serious for a second? Ok, I'll proceed.

You don't know this since your wishlist was just created yesterday and I'm pretty sure you're only here for the free stuff, but you're ruining a good thing. You really are. You see, these threads are not about showing tits or begging for books. They're not about camwhoring or looking like a dude. These threads are about giving. If you aren't prepared to give, then you shouldn't fucking receive. You've shown no initiative to help your fellow anon out, only some half-cocked story full of bullshit. Congrats, you let some anon feel sorry for you. Now stop this. All I can say is that I hope you pay that back and stop with this madness. You've corrupted this majestic thing we've built, but it's not too late. Do the right thing, stop begging, and contribute to anon's book giving. Otherwise go the fuck away. This is not the right way to go about doing this. You're fucking with forces far above your head, and I don't know if you're ready for the fallout.

tl;dr buy books or get fucked.

Oh and please stop bumping this /lit/ the proper thing to do is sage.

>> No.914344

Oh trust me, I'm pumped dry all right.

>> No.914348

I'm still utterly confused, which gender is OP?

>> No.914349

Also, show tits/dick.

>> No.914351

lets ask /di/ on 7chan if they recognize her

>> No.914358


I'm obviously a dude!

>> No.914361

Seriously though Rachelyn, you still haven't answered my question:
Is this really worth it?

>> No.914365
File: 29 KB, 468x702, feminism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.914369

Had you gone about this in a more decent manner the outcome may have been different. I hate whores.

>> No.914371
File: 27 KB, 577x431, begotten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm with this guy, please people, stop posting in this thread.

>My face when it won't stop and /lit/ is fucked.

>> No.914390

I am bumping because I really, really want to know why the girl is doing this. Nobody would be that dumb, would they? This will stay on greenoval and shit forever.

>> No.914392

i would post my dick if people would buy me books. but nobody is going to, so i dont try

>> No.914398

I would if I had a credit card; I adore dicks. Provided they're pretty, of course.

>> No.914400


Isn't it obvious? I'm doing it because I need books to read, you retard.

I've made that clear quite a few times.

Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to blow up like that. I still love you all.

>> No.914410

>free e-books
>borrow books from friends
>cheap-ass used paperbacks

>> No.914412
File: 41 KB, 275x371, book2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still not admitting that what you're doing is manipulative

>> No.914414
File: 12 KB, 244x252, 1278343787485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't. Go away

>> No.914418

>no camwhoring in my /lit/
>fukken reported

>> No.914420

idk if it's pretty or not, but it's a dick.
regardless, you don't have a credit card, so there's still no use

>> No.914421

HAHA laughed my ass off

>> No.914426

Fuck off, omg so i asked for books, big fucking deal. I would love to buy you all books but i don't have money, since i have to pay for rent. If some kind anon wants to make one person happy...

>> No.914429

Somebody already bought you some books, now go to the back of the line and let somebody else have a turn.

>> No.914437

You're manipulative in the manner you attempted to gain books. This angers me more than anything. Women attempting to manipulate generous kind men. Fuck you OP. Fuck you.

Also /lit/ if you're going to post please sage

>> No.914439

Damn OP, strangers on the internet aren't usually the people you turn to when you need something.
So your books were stolen, did you report it?
So you had money to buy a bagful of books, why can't you wait another month and make do with library books for the time being?
I'd just like you to tell me this. I'm curious. Your behavior genuinely strikes me as strange.

>> No.914441


>> No.914442

If by now you can't tell that I'm a trap, I really don't know what to tell you.

Still love you though! <333

>> No.914447

Mine's kinda good looking, I believe. Nicely shaped and stuff...
Perhaps we can get in contact for the future, who knows.

>> No.914449

I don't care if the OP is a tranny or just a transvestite. I still want nudes.

>> No.914450

>still not admitting that you're manipulative
>still think you're supposed to "ask" for books or post semi-nudes.

No fuck you. I hope some anon emails that picture to someone you'd rather not have see it.

>> No.914453

Take off those stupid fucking glasses.

>> No.914454

Let me get this straight, mr troll. You don't ask for someone to buy you books, it's something you stumble upon to.

>> No.914457

Fuck you and your duck lips. Bro.

>> No.914458

Sure thing.

>> No.914474


You think you're the only poor student-aged person with rent and bills to pay? Somehow we manage to scrape money together to help those in need. I bought a dude a book for his birthday earlier today even though I can't really afford it. That's how this shit is supposed to be done.

Whatever. But please, don't come back to /lit/. I remember your name and list and you'll never be getting anything from me. Enjoy your books.

>> No.914496

Welp, you never know...

>> No.914507

Sorry, no AIM. :(

>> No.914510

My face is so wet.
From tears. I should start collecting them in bottles and with some masking tape and a sharpie I will label the incident and date(s), all the names of the party involved, even if it is myself.

>> No.914511

I bought the stranger, nausea, a novel by my countryman you don't know, a nonfic on social drama (some bs on brecht and miller) and for whom the bell tolls, anon, for ~5€. Your poorfag excuses are officially invalid.

>> No.914517

well after reading all of that you'll probably stop thinking that anything has value and then save money like a crazy man

>> No.914519


Great. The thread went from camwhore begging to gayfag meetups. RIP /lit/.

>> No.914530

Dicklover is a woman.

>> No.914531

Seconded. I have the list bookmarked for the sake of double-checking before I gift.

Also, facebook, for whatever reason I felt like searching: http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=662636156&ref=search

>> No.914532

From the moment my eyes peeled open I was aware that I was finally alone.
Wishing for years on end that this day would come.
It came. The air is still, goosebumps begin to form on my arms, every hair on my body sticking straight up. I am not cold. I take a deep breath. The lighting is faint. Open up the curtains, peak out into the backyard and there is no movement, the grass is still, no trace of human other than myself. The skies are gray, the sun is somewhere but my mind cannot even grasp what is going on. I pictured this day for so long but this is much different than what I had expected.

It's true, what they say... expect the unexpected.

I walk out to the front room, look out onto the street...
Running, bleeding, running for their lives.

>> No.914537

good sir, that's a tautology

>> No.914540

You make your bed, you lay in it.
I sore these skies with someone new
We are happy
We are sad
I have to keep this up, I have sacrificed so much
A strong strain pulls at my muscle, my heart
Always missing when I'd float across those waves.
Someone Old.

>> No.914542

Girls don't belong on 4chan. End of story

>> No.914543

>confused by the term gayfag
>has never been on 4chan

>> No.914547

So you're saying the thread has improved greatly?

>> No.914551

>I sore these skies with someone new
We are happy
>I sore these skies

>> No.914554

that's not a girl...

>> No.914555

sage and reported

>> No.914556

Oh ok. This should do then.

>> No.914558


Never thought I would say this on /lit/, but lurk more. Hint: the fag suffix when used on 4chan has nothing to do with homosexuality.

Also sage.

>> No.914615

I'm so numb I cannot feel my fingernails relieve it. Which makes me wonder how I even feel the itch. I feel only emotional pain. I burned my fingers on the butt end of my cigarette for 20 seconds and it took nothing but the urge I had to take another drag, which brough me tolook at the butt end burning my fingers and turning them brown, to even notice.

>> No.914623


>> No.914626


quit posting your shit stream of consciousness writing and let this thread die already

>> No.914631

Oh no, I'm interested in the dicklover, I wonder if he/she wrote down my mail.

>> No.914633


That's her boyfriend. I wonder if he approves.

>> No.914648
File: 118 KB, 255x288, Rage3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.914653

I don't think you know what "whiteknighting" means.
And believe me, there isn't a single white knight in this thread.

>> No.914688

What you're doing is wrong.

When someone's nice enough to treat you to a present out of the kindness of their heart and sacrifice every last penny in their wallet you should be fucking grateful.

Begging like this is fucking disgusting? Remember that girl in Willy Wonka who got shoved down the tube because she kept begging her parents to buy her shit she had no right to? That's you.
The book-buyer is like a guardian angel and a blessing from god. Cut with the "Santa Claus, buy me a fucking pony!" bullshit. You're a fucking disgrace, you know that?

>> No.914703


>> No.914706

damn, i was gonna get one my bitches to do this

>> No.914711


fuckin homo

>> No.914722

You still here, OP?

>> No.914724

Someone buy this faggot a copy of Willy Wonka. He obviously has no clue what happened in the book.

>> No.914725

I don't support a camwhore. Therefore, i'm a homo. fucking summer faggot

>> No.914728

You're right, but if you're going to post, at least sage.

In August I'll have some disposable income and I'mma make a gift thread. I'm bookmarking this crotch pheasant's wishlist so I can make sure I'm not gifting this person.

Fucking ugly glasses.

>> No.914743


>> No.914745
File: 279 KB, 580x4118, 1270130163615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.914752

I hate all of you right now.

>> No.914760

Hey, pssst, if you rage in a thread about how badly you want it to die, you're actually making it worse.

>> No.914775

because you're an underage whitekinght? GTFO of /lit/.

>> No.914779

Let me fix that for you.

I don't support a trap camwhore, therefore I am a homo.

>> No.914791
File: 71 KB, 528x384, cancerpost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.914804

My sentence was grammatically better than yours in addition to not being contradictory.

I win

>> No.914806

trap or not OP is hot.

>> No.914825

except you used two sentences.

I win.

>> No.914836

>My face when there still hasn't been any dick posted

>> No.914841

buy me a book and i'll do it

>> No.914843


>> No.914851

Learn how to sage you retard.

>> No.914858


>> No.914865

I can only imagine what that yesterday's thread must've been like.

>> No.914868

Hey, I offered first.

>> No.914869

look around, I post with sage in my name all the time

proof of concept: this post is effectively saged

>> No.914870


Added to my list of people to not buy for.

Enjoy your no books.

>> No.914872

sage again

>> No.914873
File: 277 KB, 3075x1974, dudeslouie2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.914877

i beg to differ, I believe I offered here:

regardless, we're not getting any books so it doesn't matter.
also, sage better

>> No.914878

only works when sage is placed in email field. You can put whatever your little hear desires in all the other ones.

>> No.914889

why do people consistently tell me I am sageing wrong? I post ALL MY POSTS with "sage" as the name. I only put it in the email field if I am actually sageing

>> No.914892

ITT: People who think saging has a different effect than not posting.

>> No.914893

And why are you not saging this horrendous thread?

>> No.914895

goddammit, for some reason "noko" overpowers "sage" when it comes to saving the fields

>> No.914896

You sir, are the reason this thread still exists.

>> No.914911

why would you want to come back to the thread you are saging
that's just stupid

>> No.914913

The book is called Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, not Willie Wonka

>> No.914922

if i'm still sageing it it doesn't make a difference

i'm just proving that i know how to sage, and that i'm not a dumass for trying to sage, but failing by putting it in the name field

the irony being that I screwed up and left 'noko' there instead of 'sage'

>> No.914927


>> No.914941

But I offered contact info. HAH!
Joke's on you.