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/lit/ - Literature

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9141321 No.9141321 [Reply] [Original]

did he fuck the dog?

>> No.9141329

Who hasnt stuck their dick in a dogs mouth or played with their pussy?

Most 13-15 year olds do this, and I doubt much has changed.

>> No.9141340

Here's a trick that helped me as a sex-deprived teenager:

>take your dog into a room when your parents are out
>go to kitchen
>get peanut butter
>go to room where dog is
>smear peanut butter all over your dick and balls
>proceed to suck your dog's dick

>> No.9141668

>Interestingly, he called all his dogs the same name...Atma,[and nicknamed them Butz] the hindu word for the universal soul from which all universal souls arise.

>> No.9141685

Atma Butz? More like at muh butts amirite.

>> No.9141709
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lol schopie just kys my man

>> No.9141778


>> No.9142066

today is schopenhauer's birthday yall

>> No.9142072

that proves it

>> No.9142075

Great. Let's celebrate reading /lit/'s favorite essay


>> No.9142091




>> No.9143046
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Fuck women tbqh.

>> No.9143559

happy birthday to schopenhauer

>> No.9144326
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>> No.9144928

Agree 100%!!!!

Cringe! This guy was some weeaboo faggot for sure, he would be posting on /wiz/ or some anime IRC if he was alive today!

>> No.9144945
File: 72 KB, 775x719, 1de88bef81127b8877dde83a18297607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people take this fag seriously
I've seen more thoughtful incel reeeeeing on /r9k/

>> No.9144955

Amen, and he is a 'philosopher'? Didn't he just adopt Kant completely but posit the thing-in-itself to be the phenomenal will of your body? What a shitty philosopher! Totally derivative, I don't even think he understood Kant...

>> No.9144969

I hate all of you

>> No.9144989

Discomforted frog detected

>> No.9145048

100% affirmative

>> No.9145061

I actually love women and just really wish Schopenhauer could have had genuine human connection so his claims, particularly his aesthetics, didn't have to have this stain.

No, I hate you all because you're mocking a dead man whose bitterness is sad and ultimately forgivable, and because you all are some of the clearest representations of the endless and pointless need for conflict inherent within humanity

>> No.9145127

Is there any reason at all to think that he was wrong about women?

>> No.9145149

unless you are somehow socratic questioning your way to proving that he fucked the dog, please try to stay on topic

>> No.9145181
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She did.

>> No.9146768


>> No.9148832
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Your post gives me hope, anon.