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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 31 KB, 705x344, goodreads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9140890 No.9140890 [Reply] [Original]

p-please be my friend. I promise I will never speak to you.


>> No.9141040

Top or bottom? How big?

>> No.9141058

Why Bill?

>> No.9141182
File: 40 KB, 663x497, legend-of-the-galactic-heroes-026-x264-720p-10bit-aac-mkv_snapshot_19-42_2015-02-17_12-13-29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But, Bill, we are already friends.


>> No.9141216


pls no bully

>> No.9141220

>age 34

Nah, sorry, it'd be awkward, grandpa

>> No.9141226

Will you show us your Boipuccy, please? :3

>> No.9141257
File: 64 KB, 640x480, Legend_of_the_Galactic_Heroes_58-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


;_; you're not even going to attempt to romance or sweet-talk me? You're a regular Gregory Berrycone.

>> No.9141262
File: 83 KB, 615x591, c3c81a45207e8e633ca263754e11e6bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 5 years ago it would all be cool

>> No.9141303

I'll add you, bill


>> No.9141308

I already have all you cunts added.

>> No.9141313


Time for novelty accounts, lads.

>> No.9141318

this was me.

and bill...I'm a year older than you too, kid. :)

>> No.9141327

hey I'm in Williamsburg. I was in Richmond Friday and Saturday (for a fundraiser/benefit gig and comicon on Saturday).

>> No.9141331

But why Bill?

>> No.9141334

I'm still in my mid 20s but iktf, so weird and scary man, childhood doesn't prepare you for this

>> No.9141341

To maximize book recommendations

>> No.9141342


Oh, really? That's neat! Technically I'm south of Richmond in farmland but I go there often enough.

I was actually in Williamsburg recently for Marscon!

>> No.9141348

Am I the only one who thinks Goodreads has the worst fucking apps? The book cataloguing is great and all but as far as socially goes the apps are bullshit. Messages disappear, friend requests come up multiple times after you approve them, half the time you send messages to yourself, it's fucking God-awful. I've pissed off a dozen people at least by "not responding" and it's almost always on Goodreads.

>> No.9141354

>To quote Harold Bloom
Stopped perceiving your existence there

>> No.9141368

Sure Bill, sure. So tell us: what kind of books?

>> No.9141373

I prefer not to speak to others regarding my taste.

i would rather lurk on their profiles

>> No.9141376

yeah I work in Williamsburg. technically I'm in surry va. I ride the Jamestown ferry back and forth to work. but I'm in Richmond semi regularly. guitar shops...strange matter and the national for shows and of course the fine arts museum there is awesome.

>> No.9141399

I'm also reading dead souls and it's going extremely slow, why is this book so boring?

>> No.9141415

what is veronica

>> No.9141424
File: 140 KB, 714x1080, images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTRzYdunASFQCAYcuoMna9A6IN6msWWrJgAQU0MKgh64QcBb53E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Veronica Roth

I created a shelf to show my mum how to get recommendations

>> No.9141431

I, too, read The Importance of being Earnest. Sharpe's Tiger was pretty awesome as well, and of course A Christmas Carol (that Jim Carrey movie was pretty accurate, it seemed to me). Macbeth. Night by Elie Wiesel. Of Mice and Men. I read some of The Giver but didn't get to finish it, ended up giving the book to a friend. Hamlet. Diary of Anne Frank. World War Z. 1984.

I read through all the books you've apparently read, and we have these in common. You've read a fuckload more than I have, but then again you've been alive for nearly a decade longer than I have so I guess I've KIND of got an excuse, but I doubt I'll have THAT much read by the mid 2020s. Impressive list.

>> No.9141443


What's your mum's Goodreads?

>> No.9141446
File: 60 KB, 298x289, 1438102970058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably got everyone added already but here:

Im always open to recommendations and shitposting.

>> No.9141449

She didnt make one, she likes the NYT.

>> No.9141507


this is /lit/ now...

>> No.9141515

Kys, faggot. You disgust me.

>> No.9141781
File: 35 KB, 500x500, 1480319451216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

catch me recc'ing thicc GASS


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/_p_x9IN6894" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

>> No.9141823
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>> No.9141852

The app is terrible. I got a notice on my phone that it had crashed over 20 times in the past month, and therefore I should consider removing it. Also, maybe it's just my phone but when scrolling, it constantly mis-clicks on books, instantly marking them as 'read' so that I have to go through their shitty navigation to remove it.

>> No.9141871

>people with over 100 friends

Fucking sluts.

>> No.9141913
File: 128 KB, 960x720, tumblr_okhsklApDl1qg9yhjo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's only room in this thread for one gimmick poster, friendo.

>> No.9141927
File: 641 KB, 604x770, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long time no see, friendos.

>> No.9141972
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>when a teenager has read more than you

>> No.9142015
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>> No.9142355

>no one speaks after adding them

>> No.9142398

Did Sebastian get a job or something?

>> No.9142425
File: 46 KB, 671x665, 1487544277475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


whats a good book

>> No.9142441

Remember, anon, it's about quality, not quantity.

>> No.9142447

>reading is a competition

never gonna make it

>> No.9142478

im not your personal blog boy

>> No.9142485

excuse but i am a girl

>> No.9142494

i thought that was the point?

I look at my goodreads "friends" as bots

>> No.9142507

Man it takes quite a while to hit 10,000 books.

>> No.9142518

Why don't you speak then, you loser.

>> No.9142547

Fuck off, I have better shit to do.

>> No.9142551

Are you going to blow me? No.

>> No.9142561


>> No.9142562
File: 267 KB, 1300x1495, IMG_3790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>compare books

>> No.9142567


>> No.9142571


So even more intimidating.

>> No.9142578

>you both gave The Giving Tree 3 out of 5 stars

What in the everloving fuck is wrong with you two.

>> No.9142608

desu, i made my goodreads account in 2011 before my kids were old enough to reread it to them, would up to 5 stars now, and a lot of "classics" like the old man and the sea would be downgraded to 2-3.

>> No.9142615

This desu. I read all those when I was a teen, i think I'd change the rating of all now.

>> No.9142647

Just set up my account


Hyper-pleb but add me anyway

>> No.9142704

>Giving The Bell Jar 5 stars
absolutely fucking disgusting

>> No.9142739


no sebastian in a goodreads thread?????

>> No.9143232

It's okay anon, I read shitty books anyway.

>> No.9143319

More like it's unthinkable that he possibly has everyone in this thread already added and can recognize them individually by their chan-posting prose alone

>> No.9143334

PinkyIvan is the only one i recognize 10/10 times, otherwise I recognize books people are reading matching with threads.

The Lermontov meme is an example.

>> No.9143392

are you the guy who is always calling him "slimey croat"?

>> No.9143403

Any time BotNS is mentioned you know it's that shitposting croat.

>> No.9143724


How often do you folks split a collection and shelve each work separately? Most of the time it's obvious to split it, like if it's a Portrait/Dubliners book, but if I'm shelving four 50 page plays in a row or individual Socratic dialogues and so on it just feels like it's inflating my "read" count.

>> No.9143737

I have an autistic need for every entry to be the exact edition that I read so I split nothing.

>> No.9143823

I can respect that

>> No.9143828

I dont really pay attention to it, i think i put divine comedy as one, same with complete pushkin prose but plato dialogues separately

>> No.9143933


>> No.9144299


>> No.9144336

I always lie and say I'll wite review books, always give up.
But i'm trying to...


>> No.9144479


Once more unto the breach, &c. &c.

>> No.9144546


but this is correct

>> No.9145140


>> No.9145172

I like Pinky. You guys need to stop taking out your sexual and physical impotence on other 4channers, and 'preciate the Ignatius Reillys of the world.

I don't have a goodreads, but I've taken a page from Qin Shi Huang and am warmly enthusiastic about books.

>> No.9145179

Been a while


>> No.9145217
File: 3 KB, 279x237, 1354773488674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>otherwise I recognize books people are reading matching with threads

My deepest fear tbqhwyf

>> No.9145248
File: 156 KB, 1019x881, scared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same. i make a concious effort not to talk about books im currently reading.

>> No.9145253

pretty narcissistic lads.

>> No.9145260

Probably have everyone here already


>> No.9145262
File: 1.71 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pls, no bully.

>> No.9145266

and you're autistic.

they're not really narcissistic because they aren't really exploiting other people toward their ends, more like

not self confident
people pleaser
self obsessed

>> No.9145268

they're narcissistic beacuse they think world revolves around them and their readings lol

>> No.9145274


Beware, I have notoriously bad taste.

>> No.9145277


What are you studying? You read a lot of cool books.

Depends on how I read them. I'll just try to reflect that in the books I add on GR.
Also you are best reviewer on /lit tbqhf

>> No.9145281

in their case it appears to be less out of self admiration or egocentrism, and more of them going out of their way to actually avoid attention or even attempting to gain the admiration of others.

>> No.9145433
File: 98 KB, 800x334, Depiction-of-the-infamous-burning-of-books-and-burying-of-scholars-event.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a patrician attitude

>> No.9145655

Shut up pinky
I like him, he's a cool dude. It's just easy to single him out.

>> No.9145930

I literally don't give a fuck about this and hope that it happens

>> No.9145988

Oh, I wasn't trying to be mean. I like Pinky too. He's so pink!


>> No.9146063


>> No.9146293



>> No.9147052



more friends

>> No.9147116
File: 326 KB, 1000x660, tumblr_o035sxEcBw1snlw9ao1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just made my account recently

>> No.9147173


>> No.9147464

>Books in common: 18 (39.13% of your library and 0.60% of his library)

I feel like I haven't lived correctly.

>> No.9147490

Who did you check with? What were the books?

>> No.9147553


Pls no bully, I'm embarrassed

>> No.9147945

I'm fine with that then :) D-don't bully mah friend!

>> No.9148012




Nonymity makes me nervous. I'm afraid of getting criticized for bad taste or bad opinions.

>> No.9148098

>I'm afraid of getting criticized
there's a chance for you to respond to it too

why use forum if you are not going to
you know

>> No.9148109

Shit poem, m8.

>> No.9148241


>> No.9149304

Thanks senpai, I'm trying to be the Clifford Lee Sargent of book reviews.

>> No.9149314

I thought it was established in the OP that there would be no talking, kissing, or meeting eyes.

>> No.9149321
File: 37 KB, 349x644, favorites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am proud, desu

>> No.9149382

I'd hold anyone's hand here

>> No.9149388

I want my "friends" on good reads to be on their knees in a darkened room facing away from me, with titles of their last 20 books in sharpy on their back.

No talkie, no movie

>> No.9149437
File: 41 KB, 1030x690, goodreads publication year stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your scatterplots

>> No.9149454
File: 46 KB, 995x613, not that old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well.. shit

>> No.9149477

how do you see this?

>> No.9149481

Ever since I read Gilgamesh my chart has been fucked. Wasn't great with the Greeks either.

>> No.9149516
File: 59 KB, 540x405, tumblr_ok6w02moTI1qg9yhjo3_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can't hug your children with nuclear arms, anon.

>> No.9149619


Suppose I'll join too

>> No.9150737
File: 71 KB, 979x707, screenshot.2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art of War by Sun Tzu in 450BC is what throws it right off.

>> No.9150741
File: 92 KB, 957x691, screenshot.3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Art of War removed, it looks a bit better.

>> No.9150746

I'm glad some new people are showing up.


>> No.9150862

You guys have only been reading since 2013 and 2015?

I'm still only in my 20s, but I've been reading since I was a kid, though most of my reading has been in the last 5 years.

>> No.9150989

Presumably they're only recording things they've read since starting their goodreads accounts.

>> No.9151042

When you set something to 'read', as in having already been read, then you can put in WHEN you read it. Goodreads probably wasn't around in 2001, but you can see on my chart that I've read at least one book back then, and it was published in the year 2000.
The bottom shows when it was read (not when it was added to Goodreads, unless that's the method they are specifically going with), and the left shows when it was published. Down at 450BC is The Art of War, then there at about 1600AD is a couple books (Shakespeare), and yet more in the mid-1800s (Charles Dickens), etc. There's a substantial gap between roughly 2008-2011 because, quite simply, I didn't really read much of anything back then. I was busy working, and when I wasn't working I was playing videogames or handling/cleaning my firearms, shooting them on the rare, pleasant occasion as well.

I only really got into reading in 2012, and you can see from then until 2016 I've steadily been reading, but I've been working mostly on editing/writing so far in 2017 so while I've read a little, I've yet to finish a book this year. Very unfortunate, but once I do finish this book, I'll have one that was published around 1910 or so. Looks like I've yet to read anything that was written in the 18th century though, so I'll have to look into that. I think 'Rhimes of the Ancient Mariner' was written in the 18th century, so that'll probably be my first. I've got Shakespeare in the 17th century, but as for the 16th century?... I have no clue, off the top of my head. That's right around the beginning of the Renaissance period. There were barely even muskets back then, even before matchlocks.

>> No.9151078

sorry bro i cant remember when i read something before 2013

>> No.9151213

I can only really remember the years for most books. I shouldn't be too far off, but due to events in my life it's easy to remember which books I read from May 2016 until the end of the year, and which books I read either April/May 2012. But for the most part, I just put in when I figure the year was, and then it puts the month and day at 1 (Jan 1st).

Notice how, for the most part, all the books are in vertical lines. That's because most of them just have the date as January first, and the years then put them into columns. Undoubtedly I didn't get them all in the proper year, but at the very most they'll be 2 years off, likely only 1 year off. Most of the books I've read were in 2012 and 2016 though, I think, and I'm quite certain I've got those put in their proper years.

>> No.9151341

Most of the retroactive stuff is not worth it. There is no way I'm adding Star Wars: Tales of the Bounty Hunters and Maniac McGee just so I can have a timeline listing them in 2002.

>> No.9151345
File: 101 KB, 667x1000, friendly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just created one, be my friend

>> No.9151375
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>> No.9151405

I've been trying to rec something to each person that adds me and at least 1 book from my country. I hope that someone gets to appreciate our very underrated lit tradition

>> No.9151441

I included everything I could think about. I also read some of those Mr. and Mrs. books, you know, the ones for kids, and I was also read a few Berenstein Bears books when I was a child, but I can't remember exactly which ones nor could I POSSIBLY try and guess which year in the 90s I read them, so those I'll ignore, but the others I could at least take a stab at what year I read them.

It's sketchy as fuck, considering what website this is, but check out J N Morgan if you guys want to add me on Goodreads. It's just a pseudonym so I suppose it'd be alright.

>> No.9151507


>> No.9152458

Which country?

>> No.9152469


>> No.9152617

Do you guys chart books you read in your childhood? There are loads of full-length Roald Dahl and Anthony Horowitz books I read years ago but it feels kind weird including them.

>> No.9152673

Yes as it increases the number of books I've read and makes me look better. If I'm feeling really self-conscious I uncheck the "add to my update feed" box so no one will know.

>> No.9152681

what is charti g books? i just use read if i have read.the book, why. the fuck not.

>> No.9152713

I look down on anyone who adds them. I don't add people go get their opinion on fucking Artemis Fowl. And I can only imagine how much that would screw the recommendation algorithm. I wouldn't fault someone who rereads Watership Down or something every other year, but that's different from blatantly padding your shelves with pap.

>> No.9152724

Sorry by "chart" I just meant adding them to your "read" shelf.

>> No.9152815

how are you guys getting these scatterplots?

>> No.9152837

I read my kid a book or 4 every night. I would blow sebastian out of the water if i counted them

>> No.9152844
File: 37 KB, 500x611, 1459521036236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9152883


>> No.9152936

Go to 'My Books', go to 'Stats', and then there's three more possibilities. Books by year, pages by year, and then the third one is the 'scatterplot' or whatever it's called.

>> No.9152953

Never trust croats

>> No.9152958

It's not weird if you use it to remember what you've read. You guys act as if everyone uses the site to show off.

>> No.9152966


>> No.9153056

He's an 18 year old "I'm not like those other girls" conservative who makes youtube videos "BTFOing those silly leftists", you can safely give him a break.

>> No.9153089
File: 44 KB, 760x518, sekka_Momoyogusa8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


LibraryThing instead. I never feel like keeping up with both it and GR anymore.

>> No.9153106

What did Croats ever do to you?

>> No.9153130
