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/lit/ - Literature

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9137136 No.9137136[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do we save /lit/?

>> No.9137139

We don't.

>> No.9137144

Actually read women, and stop being weird aspies that fail on all accounts of being an intellectual

>> No.9137160

When people suggest things for others to read, actually read then. This was on /sci/, but he suggested I read Arithmetica by Diophantus, which I will be reading after Introduction to Arithmetic by Nicomachus.

>> No.9137164

Save it from what exactly?

>> No.9137171

More redpilled shit, more white identity politics, more right wing politics allowed

>> No.9137172

by everyone joining that dude from toronto (me) to go deliver books to carliclaire

>> No.9137178

for people like you to be crucified

>> No.9137179

by shutting it down. /lit/ards will actually read something instead their (you)posts

>> No.9137181

>identity politics

ahahahaha nice spooks nerds

>> No.9137185

nuke it from orbit

>> No.9137187

We're trying to make it better anon, not autistic.

>> No.9137189

terminate /pol/ posters with extreme prejudice

>> No.9137224

If you hide shit threads the board is one of the best on this site.

>> No.9137249

Reminder that every single board problem (for all boards) comes down to the userbase so you can never fix a board

>> No.9137253

Beg butters to come back

>> No.9137254

Strangely this might be true. Used to be that /pol/ showing up would cause arguments and derail threads, but now the 'white pride' stuff is basically a completely ignorable meme.

>> No.9137290

I wonder if there is any practical way to subtly influence a userbase to change. The userbase of /x/, for example, has significantly decreased in interest and intelligence to the point where it is nothing but schizophrenics and mind-numbing shitposting. There needs to be some system to revert this.

>> No.9137298

heroic posters who devote time to raising the level of discussion

t. HD and Ovid poster

>> No.9137308

>tfw finally memed someone else into taking over my job on two authors


>> No.9137327

I resent that. I memed myself thankyou.
Same thing with Middlemarch

>> No.9137329

stop, i'm spooked out

>> No.9137388

fuck political identities remember george washingon?

>> No.9137417

Oh come on I had to sperg about HD for far too long to get two people to read her for you take credit.

I think you could do a good job taking up Pushkin. It's been a spell since anyone memed him and he has a nice Nabokov inlet. Think about it.

>> No.9137433

I haven't go into him yet, but I'll look into it.
Consider memeing the Ugaritic Texts in exchange (they take the stylistic tendencies of Gilgamesh to the extreme).

>> No.9137488

1. get rid of the philosophy posters who don't talk about actual lit

2. frogposters/r9k shitposters

3. not much hope for this one but, the usual Green/DFW/Pynchon/Lovecraft/etc posters who literally post the same meme thread every day, sometimes multiple times a day, which knocks real threads off the board. Important note: I'm not referring to threads with actual discussion, but the meme threads that get one or two greentext replies and then 404 a day later.

>> No.9137532

Delete /pol/ and sjw garbage.

Also this.
Philosophy belongs in /his/ unless the thread is based around a specific book.

>> No.9137643
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No, philosophy belongs in /lit/.

>> No.9137653

>Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but ideally those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

>> No.9137663

philosophy is a humanity, therefore discussion about philosophy belongs on the humanities board.

there are some literary works about philosophy, those can be discussed on /lit/, but would also be at home referenced in a philosophy discussion on /his/ as well.

>> No.9137682

Lax moderation exacerbates issues significantly. There is tons of blatant shitposting on the blue boards that should be getting deleted and banned but doesn't. Once people start realizing that putting thought and effort into a post is just going to get them trolled, they stop giving a shit. Eventually everything is just shitposters trying to bait each other and create the next totally epic meme.

>> No.9137690
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>Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/

Glad that's settled.

>> No.9137699

>but ideally those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

>> No.9137708
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So there's no requirement. Gotcha.

>> No.9137711

You just answered your own question

>> No.9137722


I was going to say Literature that does not or does not attempt to provoke any philosophical ideas is childrens stories, but then I quickly realized, even their main purpose is philosophical, offering insights and wisdom into life and the human condition.

Is mindless masturbatory smuttery, a novel without a hint of philosophical excitation, may as well read: Flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers

>> No.9137730

More tranus

>> No.9137733

why do you think 'clicks per minute' is not more important than 'good discussion'?

>> No.9137762

Is that a serious question?

>> No.9137763

Heh, that's okay I guess.

>> No.9137773

has anyone ever successfully written a novel that can not be questioned or thought about in anyway?

>> No.9137779

>Is that a serious question?
Yes, but I was not asking it in relation to your feelings, thoughts and views

But ok, yes, your correct point may be: good/best discussion = maximum number of clicks