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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 5 KB, 170x256, PoundCantos_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
913386 No.913386 [Reply] [Original]

It sits there, on my book shelf, taunting me.
Each night, I pick it up, to get stuck.
Greek, Basque, Ideograms.

/lit/ what we have here is a challenge. Let us lay our powers together, for good, and break this fucker down.

>> No.913400

Ah, Ezra Pound. I have a copy of his Complete works, somewhere. I really do not understand the appeal, except for in some places. The man was a great scholar no doubt.

>> No.913408

Basque? WTF? Wasn't he Irish or English or something? What's he up to?

>> No.913420

OP: I find the pieces of work that I have read fairly banal, but spammit, this... monstrosity of a poem is sitting there, mocking us in its smug superiority. Look at me, see me sitting here, I, naught but a poem, can lay waste to that landscape you call your brain with naught but my massive scholastic wang.

Its not the value of the words, its the fact that a gauntlet has been thrown.

>> No.913431

I lol'd.

Oh well OP, how about starting with something other than Cantos? Some of my favorite poems by Pound are The Alchemist, Hugh Selwyn Mauberley and those from Cathay. I probably wouldn't approach The Cantos without an annotated edition.

>> No.913435
File: 11 KB, 492x297, gallery_12453_15_5908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We demand satisfaction, Ezra!

>> No.913445


OP: I have them qued, I just first need to finish with The Kalevala. Finnish is a beast of a language.

>> No.913553


I do say, bring it on, quijibo.

>> No.913555
File: 35 KB, 314x460, ezra_pound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My words precede me.