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9133256 No.9133256 [Reply] [Original]

Wow, this play really doubles down on the "common people are sheep" idea, doesn't it?

A lot of Shakespeare's plays do, come to think of it.

>> No.9133281

They simply are bluepilled as opposed to us redpilled philosopher kings.

Read the Allegory of the Cave. It is our duty to go back to the normies and try to redpill them. But don't expect it to be easy or for them to ever thank you for it. You chose to walk out into the light but you cannot unsee what has been seen. Only to serve the dark ones willingly, but then you are worse than the most dedicated norm. Good luck Anons.
Indoctrination. Like the prisoners in the allegory of the cave, they've been taught that the shadows on the wall are supreme, and that those returning from the surface with the truth are paranoid conspiracy theorists.
You can't ever leave, this is permanent. Think of it as the Allegory of the Cave. Once you're outside, you can't crawl back into the cave.
I'm just a big fan of Greek mythology and The Allegory of The Cave is one of my favorite "redpill simile" if you will, to drop on people.

>> No.9133286

Well spoken, brother.
May the Greeks guide you! Praise Plato!

>> No.9133295

IIRC Shakespeare didn't like the fact that he had to write plays for an audience of mostly commoners, he felt that he was wasting his talents

>> No.9133313

Glad to see you agree! Are they operating on some allegory of the cave logic wherein they can't tell if this is the matrix or the real world? it doesn't matter how messed up their epistemology is, we still ought to subject ourselves to some standard for justification, we hold beliefs as justified if given what we know, no matter how little that may be, and given what we can deduce, it's reasonable. we may never know the truth, but i can still accuse people for being full of shit if they aren't being true to themselves by holding beliefs that run contrary to what they know and can deduce. if jake has video proof that his wife is cheating on him with 7 niggers and he still decides to believe that she's faithful because his heart can't handle it, i'm going to call him out on it. it doesn't matter if it's good for the marriage and they have a lot of shared possessions and the divorce will be a mess, people can't be given carte blanche to bullshit themselves and others otherwise we'll all turn into giant walking pussies that tell fat whales how beautiful they are and that men in women's panties are real girls

>> No.9133564

its because the common people are unimportant and Shakespeare tends to use them as plot devices or to give exposition.

It's a tradition, just look at the Greek tragic plays. the townspeople become the chorus, there to give background information etc.

I mean at the end of the day, when I'm watching Julius Caesar I'm not wondering what the cobbler from act 1 is doing I'm interested in what Brutus is doing. The plebs are there to explain why Brutus and company would flee Rome just after their triumph.

>> No.9133602

Shakespeare was fairly liberal for his times in general. Obviously he worked in a profession that was regulated, discouraged and even censored. By today's standards he was as conservative as they get. And firmer on the right compared to his contemporaries. Marlow and Ben Johnson went lot further in testing the censorship laws. He was anti gay, pro masculinity, and was on the catholic side of the religious row. All his women are damsels in distress, comic relief, or simply shrew biches lacking some proper rod for their bushes.

>> No.9133641

I disagree with the women thing. He wrote some of the most well-rounded female characters of his time. Think lady Beatrice, or the women from As You Like It, or Cleopatra.

>> No.9133674

Do you reckon he would've voted Trump? Would be great if we had the greatest literary figure of all time on our side

>> No.9133687

I have a feeling he would have appreciated his ability to get the commoners excited. It was one of the things Bill did best, after all.

>> No.9133702

So many plays of Shakespeare can actually interpreted as warning.

Evil, malicious or disliked characters are various and commonly jewish. However with hollywood and contemporary emoji autism reduced Shakespeare into only Romeo&Juliet.

Aside, Shakespeare, Jews most destructive weaponry, feminism has also roots in literature, powerful and unfortunate.

Successful, male writers were problem for upper-class because so many writers also regarded being author as ascendancy to high class and wealthy living.

Male writers had to be scrutinized only for finding a flaw and debunking them and thanks to Critical Theories and feminism, Revisional Writing has emerged.

Revisional writing, a textbook plagiarism, aimed to give voice to potential female characters in a text. Thus the original work will be conceived as lacking and insufficient, unfortunately defamed. So people who read Odysseia for bravado and vices of Odysseus started to read for Circe's pleasentry. People reading Snow White for seeing chastity as a good deed, to feminist version of Snow white where a lasvicious pale girl sucks everyone elses blood and rapes a prince. Critical Theory established to destroy any kind of good piece, or any good piece came from male writers to drag them into degeneracy.

In campuses you will see only Oscar Wilde, as a favorable artist. Your bookshelves are filled with demand-fictions, your conception of a bookworm or bookreader reduced into a spastic child who only holds a novel for social media attraction, and the only interaction he/she has is joining to a retarded facebook groups which quote artists, so stupid they can't even attribute quotes properly time to time. You are no longer seeing fables, myths, fairy tales told to children, they are considered as wrong, ridiculed and mocked because they no longer appease the neither jews nor critical theorists and women.

>> No.9133708

He was gay.

>> No.9133791

Exceptions. But they may have something to do with boys playing girls. Most of his women get only a few lines. I mean, Juliet is title character, has got the second most lines, but they are simple at best, and pale even if compared to Friar. They have nothing on Mercutio.

>> No.9134342
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Yeah, but he could render them unimportant without also making them gullible and easily bendable to the will of great men.

They literally go from mourning Caesar to cheering Brutus to supporting Antony in the span of about 150 lines. I get that Antony's meant to be extremely persuasive, but it's a bad look for the common folk. It makes them all out as extraordinarily bestial, more fit to be ruled than rule.

>> No.9134357

I think he's just trying to show the different types of rhetoric an how it can affect people. The crowd's dramatic reaction just gets that point across better. When all is said and done Antony's speech is much more clever than Brutus's, but people appreciate Brutus's genuine, heartfelt love of Julius Caesar and Rome in his "lesser of two evils" thing.

No modern audience is gonna fall for it so easily, but it doesn't mean people can't still be manipulated or their loyalties changed from new information. Think about how people turned on Hillary after Wikileaks, no matter what she said people wouldn't trust her and saw her as "crooked" and jumped to Trump's absolutism.

The quick turn of the crowd is just a quickening of the real turn of people's minds as new information is learned.

>> No.9134470
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Tamora, Queen of the Goths
Lady MacBeth
Corialanus' Mother

strong women are not the exceptions in shakespeare. we've listed six to your one juliet example. perhaps you should read from here >>9133702
>hollywood and contemporary emoji autism reduced Shakespeare into only Romeo&Juliet

>> No.9135023

>describing the alllegory of the cave as a red pill
thanks for ruining plato for me

>> No.9136180

Actually, according to Plato's later arguments, it is not possible for someone fully awake to wake those fully asleep. You need someone closer to their level, yet above them.

>> No.9136182

Yes, it also says a lot about the nature of politics.

>> No.9136189


>Wow, this play really doubles down on the "common people are sheep" idea, doesn't it?

But they are though. Rhetoric rules the world.