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/lit/ - Literature

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9130908 No.9130908[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

wow /lit/ btfo

>> No.9130911

holy shit thanks for creating a /pol9k/-tier thread on /lit/, im absolutely triggered by your clickbait article

we must alert Lord Kek! redpillers unite!!

>> No.9130916

I don't think Jared was ours. We'd have told him to go kill himself if he showed up thinking the ubermensch was real.

It is a pity Elliot never asked us about prose though. I think if we were going to claim one, we'd take the one who wrote something.

>> No.9130931

Back to /r9k/, loser

>> No.9130934

>implying /lit/ isn't guilty of the same nietzsche fetishism as r9k
you pseuds clearly don't get philosophy

>> No.9130984

>implying one interpretation
nice lack of grammar for the second guy

>> No.9131000

everything i said was grammatical you pseud

>> No.9131004

oh wait you meant punctuation

i'll use it when you use it

>> No.9131010

>worshipping the last god of grammar
leave you illiterate fuck, at least the people who read him wrong read him.

>> No.9131014

is the slate telling their writers to advertise here? kek

>> No.9131020

>muh one obscure nietzsche quote
he wasn't literally talking about grammar being god you utter retard

he was talking about god not being abandoned because of a quirk of grammar

>at least the people who read him wrong read him.
this says it all really

>> No.9131034

>he doesn't know how much the subject-predicate influences all nietzsche's work
>he probably thinks nietzsche was a philosopher not philologist
>he likes fact more than error or lies
maybe you should read nietzsche. maybe not because some people don't like being BTFO

>> No.9131042

this has almost nothing to do with grammar

>> No.9131046

you go on believing that last man

>> No.9131048

i'm being serious

>> No.9131050

Readers of Nietzsche outside of academics ARE really cringey though.

>> No.9131051

i know. it's what's awful.

>> No.9131055

hence why i said /lit/ btfo
not as awful as /lit/'s misunderstanding of nietzsche

>> No.9131058

/lit/'s pretty good on nietzsche and if it were worse by your standards, nietzsche might dance

>> No.9131059

>/lit/'s pretty good on nietzsche
you clearly haven't read enough nietzsche threads

>> No.9131061

you mean all the ones where people with your simplistic understanding and strong convictions get btfo? they're hilarious.

>> No.9131064

>you mean all the ones where people with your simplistic understanding and strong convictions get btfo?
no because those don't exist except in your mind

>> No.9131066

>you clearly haven't read enough nietzsche threads
why would you so this? Its like opening Turner Diary threads.

>> No.9131069

and we have arrived at the problem, anon

>> No.9131072

>Turner Diary threads
the closest thing to that i've read is the gay nazi don quixote threads
that's literally the opposite of what i'm saying retard

>no because those don't exist except in your mind
i'm literally saying it exists subjectively and not objectively

>> No.9131076
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If only angry nerds read Neechuh, explain how these literal 10s know so much about him?

>> No.9131077

you're saying it's contrary to the objective. either that or you're saying you were basically being psychotic when you claimed /lit/ was bad at nietzsche, or worse than you who is awful.

>> No.9131083
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>you're saying it's contrary to the objective
and i am saying it is subjective

how are you this bad at words
>either that or you're saying you were basically being psychotic when you claimed /lit/ was bad at nietzsche, or worse than you who is awful.
this is more the level i was expecting from /lit/, the schizophrenic ravings of a lunatic

>> No.9131089
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also why the fuck are you forcing casper

>> No.9131090

the only schizophrenic ravings of a lunatic here are yours, per (you). awful world you live in, from here at least :3

>> No.9131092

doesn't parse

>> No.9131104

maybe you should read nietzsche on grammar. aber auf deutsch er ist ausgezeichnet auf englisch es ist aufgesetzt

>> No.9131116

maybe you should write in coherent english

>> No.9131124

>ich verstehe nietzsche
>aber englisch ist so schwer
full retard

>> No.9131132

understanding coherent english isn't hard you ESLshitter
understanding what was going through your monkey brain as you typed your deluded ravings is hard

>> No.9131155
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He is with us

>> No.9131161

>he didn't learn nietzschean german at least
you're basically all you have to complain about. it could be worse and you could have no complaints but it's still awfully blind nihilism.

>> No.9131169

>muh prose
nietzsche's value is in his ideas and criticism
> it could be worse and you could have no complaints but it's still awfully blind nihilism.
doesn't parse

>> No.9131172

>article is 6 years old
Nigga who cares about this shit? Why did you even bother digging this up?

>> No.9131180

motherfucker even the first sentence of zarathustra is a major translation quibble and you want to call shit that isn't even obscure in nietzsche's work esoteric while accusing other people of not knowing enough (though they seem to bring up obscured to you points)

you're fucking retarded and pretentious. i bet you wear a scarf like you came up with it. kek

>> No.9131194

>you want to call shit that isn't even obscure in nietzsche's work esoteric
i didn't call anything in nietzsche esoteric, i called your interpretation of him objectively wrong

you can clearly tell what he meant if you've actually read and understood him
>while accusing other people of not knowing enough (though they seem to bring up obscured to you points)
i'm accusing you of misunderstanding, not being ignorant
>you're fucking retarded and pretentious. i bet you wear a scarf like you came up with it. kek
i don't wear scarfs you pseud

>> No.9131208


Not really.

I avoided reading Nietzche for a long time because I looked at him as a sort of meme and thought nihilism is fucking dumb.

Then I learned something about him and realized that the image often associated to him is far different from the message he sold. As much as he'd hate to hear it, he's closer to stoicism for people with shitty lives.

>> No.9131213

>Nietzsche is read by edgy teenage killers
We've known this for a century now, it isn't some kind of revelation. Has this person never heard of Leopold and Loeb?

>> No.9131230

>your interpretation of him objectively wrong
did you think god died to make you god? you're just the gift that keeps on giving, pun intended

>> No.9131241

>did you think god died to make you god? you're just the gift that keeps on giving, pun intended
pure bluster, you know you're wrong

>> No.9131246

i know you're awful and clinging to your idols like they're not as awful as you

>> No.9131253

>clinging to your idols
do you make it your mission to shoehorn in buzzwords from nietzsche in ways that don't make sense

>> No.9131259

>he couldn't even understand the new idol
it's about people who post newspapers, it's highly relevant to this thread :3

>> No.9131267

>it's about people who post newspapers, it's highly relevant to this thread :3

>> No.9131268

when he said
>who vomit their bile and call it a newspaper
it should have been a hint

>> No.9131284

the superfluous ones obviously refers to capitalists and newspaper proprietors

not everyone who writes for newspapers is vomiting bile

>> No.9131294

it's about nietzsche being reviewed by newspapers. read more

>> No.9131311

>muh narrow view
it's about nationalism and antisemitism in newspapers

i bet you think nietzsche's misogyny is about him getting rejected by salome

>> No.9131318

no, it's literally about a newspaper which reviewed his work incompletely and too soon.
>nietzsche's misogyny
uh how did you take his chapters on women and marriage as unkind?

you're becoming more retarded by the post. it's like a virtuoso performance of slapstick

>> No.9131321
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Also, I've never liked Nietzsche.

>> No.9131336

>no, it's literally about a newspaper which reviewed his work incompletely and too soon.
maybe if you took it utterly out of conetxt you'd be right

in context it's obvious he's talking about the capitalist class in general
>uh how did you take his chapters on women and marriage as unkind?
uh women take his chapters on women and marriage as unkind and i trust their judgment
>you're becoming more retarded by the post. it's like a virtuoso performance of slapstick
i only seem retarded to you because you're retarded and english isn't your first language

>> No.9131363

taking it out of the context nietzsche wrote it is the only way you could think it's anything else.
>the capitalist class
do you think he wrote marxist hegelianism?
>women are a monolith
>and they all can't read
they're short chapters, don't blame your retarded views on imaginary women you know and your mom.
>if i say the other guy is esl, people will think i can read english
it's like you're trying to hurt yourself.

>> No.9131384

>taking it out of the context nietzsche wrote it is the only way you could think it's anything else.
what no
>Just see these superfluous ones! They steal the works of the inventors and the treasures of the wise. Culture, they call their theft—and everything becometh sickness and trouble unto them!
>Just see these superfluous ones! Sick are they always; they vomit their bile and call it a newspaper. They devour one another, and cannot even digest themselves.
>Just see these superfluous ones! Wealth they acquire and become poorer thereby. Power they seek for, and above all, the lever of power, much money—these impotent ones!
>See them clamber, these nimble apes! They clamber over one another, and thus scuffle into the mud and the abyss.
>Towards the throne they all strive: it is their madness—as if happiness sat on the throne! Ofttimes sitteth filth on the throne.- and ofttimes also the throne on filth.
given the time he lived in and what he's saying it's obvious who he's talking about
>do you think he wrote marxist hegelianism?
i think that he was talking about capitalists because he was
>they're short chapters, don't blame your retarded views on imaginary women you know and your mom.
why are you arguing that nietzsche's views on women aren't offensive to women who have read him

oh wait muh not all women fallacy
>they're short chapters
doesn't make them less offensive
>if i say the other guy is esl, people will think i can read english
i'm saying you're esl because i think you are esl

>> No.9131412

It's obvious he's still butthurt the Prussians called Beyond Good and Evil in their newspapers, the kind of manifesto the ultra right were too scared to write in their antiSemetic newspapers.
Given the time he lived in, that was pretty abhorrent to Nietzsche. The theft is their misappropriation of his work.

He's not though. They don't necessarily own the presses. What he's complaining about is much closer to the purveyors of culture, which would be the writers and readers, who are not known for their capital holdings. Hard to get much poorer in history than newspaperman and ultraright newspaper reader

I'm saying if you find offence in those chapters as a woman, you're either an idiot or a lying idiot who thrives on offence. The latter's one of the saddest ways to try to immortalize yourself in the face of nihilism. Your friends who are women being idiots isn't surprising considering you can't read Nietzsche in English or German.

>just because it's a short book doesn't affect my psychic powers of offense
lol those women sold you some bullshit witchcraft if they made you think them reading it precludes your need to

>i think you are esl
i think you're brazilian and i am waiting for you to drop dong tbph w/ufam but keep thinking the problem's the world

>> No.9131428

>He's not though. They don't necessarily own the presses.
he's talking about newspaper proprietors who are assuredly not poor
>What he's complaining about is much closer to the purveyors of culture, which would be the writers and readers, who are not known for their capital holdings.
the purveyors of culture are newspaper proprietors
>Just see these superfluous ones! They steal the works of the inventors and the treasures of the wise.
tell me he's not talking about capitalists exploiting the worker
>I'm saying if you find offence in those chapters as a woman, you're either an idiot or a lying idiot who thrives on offence.
>it's the women who are wrong
you're removed from reality
>just because it's a short book doesn't affect my psychic powers of offense
where the fuck did this come from
>lol those women sold you some bullshit witchcraft if they made you think them reading it precludes your need to
i have read it

women have read it and they have been offended by it you retard, this is a fact

>> No.9131431

>he's talking about newspaper proprietors who are assuredly not poor
newspaper owners are not the ones vomiting their bile. you're making communists look retarded, but nietzsche would be okay with that.
>this is a fact
you mean an enemy of truth, worse than lies? yeah, the women are better idiots than you, because you got snowed m8

>> No.9131439

>newspaper owners are not the ones vomiting their bile
newspaper proprietors are the ones who put out newspapers
>you mean an enemy of truth, worse than lies?
fine i forgot i was arguing with an autist who uses nietzsche quotes taken out of context

it is true that women have been offended by it, therefore it is offensive to women

>> No.9131440

>unironically gets dubs.

>> No.9131449

>newspaper proprietors are the ones who put out newspapers
hard to do without an audience, or bile spewers.
>nietzsche quotes out of context
what context do you think he regarded facts and claims to have facts to be a good thing? at least accuse me of being a historian or something that shows you are familiar enough with the material to banter like an idiot.

>it's true that women have been allergic to penicillin, bring back the clap
you're actually that retarded, which your imaginary female friends are laughing at.

>> No.9131465

>hard to do without an audience, or bile spewers.
no in this analogy putting out the newspaper is the same as spewing the bile

fuck you're retarded
>what context do you think he regarded facts and claims to have facts to be a good thing?
i don't think he regarded facts to be the enemy of truth in all contexts because he used facts in other contexts
>at least accuse me of being a historian or something that shows you are familiar enough with the material to banter like an idiot.
no because i'm not a walking meme who uses excerpts from aphorisms as if they're baseball cards
>it's true that women have been allergic to penicillin, bring back the clap
are you really this bored

>> No.9131478

>not everyone who writes for newspapers is vomiting bile
This is empirically false

>> No.9131481

wow what a zinger sasuga /lit/

>> No.9131485

it's not intended to be

but I've never read a newspaper piece that's not worth less than the sub-toilet paper it's printed on

>> No.9131487

read more newspaper pieces

>> No.9131491

you've such a hard on for newspaper owners you really think that newspaper culture wasn't a mass movement? lel. they have reviews of reviews within a few decades of nietzsche and that doesn't happen without a lot of reader's digest subscriptions.

>i don't think he regarded facts to be the enemy of truth in all contexts because he used facts in other contexts
you've already gone full retard. at least you're lying now. it's an improvement on that belief you were the arbiter of reality a while back because i have hope you're conscious of it. it's probably not though.
>no because i'm not a walking meme who uses excerpts from aphorisms as if they're baseball cards
>people quoting books i haven't read that make me look retarded should be outlawed on internet literature forums
you're a step away from complaining we don't allow fanfiction
>are you really this bored
the clap is anything but boring, i support your efforts to make women homogeneous in that respect, but i still think we should allow them penicillin now and then.

>> No.9131496

holy shit the slate really is this desperate for advertising

>> No.9131499

i don't want to sustain any more damage than I already have

>> No.9131516

>you've such a hard on for newspaper owners you really think that newspaper culture wasn't a mass movement?
the people who put out the nespapers and spew the bile are the proprietors and the proprietors only
>you've already gone full retard. at least you're lying now.
ok fuck off

nietzsche used facts shut up
>people quoting books i haven't read that make me look retarded should be outlawed on internet literature forums
you're not making me look retarded you spaz
>the clap is anything but boring, i support your efforts to make women homogeneous in that respect, but i still think we should allow them penicillin now and then.
now this is retarded

>> No.9131519

Why do so many in society find the existence of lonely young men so objectionable?

>> No.9131528

>Why do so many in society find the existence of lonely young men so objectionable?
because lonely young men tend to kill people

>> No.9131530

>if i say it more it will come tru
>[autistic screaming intensifies]
how many times has your mom accidentally brought you tendies instead of nietzsche since you started realizing you look retarded.
>ok fuck off
>instead of quoting support
>after calling any other quote to be out of context or too obscure
so you lied like a lying liar who lies about having read that anywhere in nietzsche like the lying little liar you are, liar?

>> No.9131533

the world would be a worse place if people didn't get killed

>> No.9131543

Usually just themselves though right?

>> No.9131544

>if i say it more it will come tru
you haven't disproven what i'm saying you autist

but that would require you using facts to make an argument
>instead of quoting support
because i don't want to find a nietzsche quote where he uses facts because i have faith in humanity that you don't believe that nietzsche never used facts
>the world would be a worse place if people didn't get killed
nietzsche would agree with you

most people wouldn't

>> No.9131554

>Usually just themselves though right?
well usually they don't kill anyone

but then again it's not really rational to be scared that you'll be murdered

>> No.9131555

>nietzsche would agree with you
i am already agreeing with nietzsche so that was expected

>> No.9131557

>i lied about the quote being out of context
>that's why I can't quote any other context
Do you write for a newspaper? I mean, are you doing this for free? If you're going to whore your bile to the newspaper owners, you might as well get your slave pay. Because if you're doing this retarded shit for free, you're basically as bad a human as an ultra right wing newspaper reader. Liar.

>> No.9131564

True, but of the ones who kill most are only killing themselves.
Also violent men are usually admired or desired by those in society.

>> No.9131573

>i lied about the quote being out of context
ok here's the thing about nietzsche, he contradicts himself frequently

reading the rest of his work and not cherrypicking quotations would tell you that nietzsche does not think that facts are always the enemy of truth but that would require you to try and understand nietzsche instead of mindlessly pretending everything nietzsche said was part of a system
pretty much what i said already

>> No.9131579

>i can't quote it because it doesn't exist
still lying like a liar, i see. good thing you're one of those people who believe in objective truth. jej

>> No.9131608

>i can't quote it because it doesn't exist
> the whole of history is in fact the experimental refutation
of the principle of the so-called 'moral world order'
i ctrl+f fact and found tons of hits

>> No.9131630

>in fact
lol that's not actually the same as claiming a fact exists. it's a phrase, and why reading him in english is perilous. it's also translated as "indeed". what you are talking about is a fact, an objective truth, which is not the same thing.

that was the best you could come up with? the part of ecce homo where he says the last thing that he wants is people who are by the book believers of his works? a whole chapter of blowing the fuck out of people who act like you and then are disappointed when his words diverge from their vision? your support is that nietzsche disagrees kekekeke

>> No.9131649

>lol that's not actually the same as claiming a fact exists.
>claiming a fact exists
what so now you're questioning if facts exist or not

if facts don't exist then how can they be the enemy of truth
>he part of ecce homo where he says the last thing that he wants is people who are by the book believers of his works?
this obviously applies to you more you autist

>> No.9131656


>> No.9131668

>putting your heart and soul into a deb8 is now autism

>> No.9131672

well, unless you're enjoying it you're really making a big mistake

>> No.9131682

>what so now you're questioning if facts exist or not
facts cannot exist in truth, since it's always subjective (see the moral world order in what you quoted, it's had plenty of facts go with it, or his diatribes against science).

lies can hold subjective truth, and i'm sure your mommy told you lots of em. you should have stuck to lying, liar.

>if facts don't exist then how can they be the enemy of truth
does truth have enemies?

>no u
you're the one who claims to be the only person to understand nietzsche and everyone else is terrible at it, while also believing nietzsche intended an objective reading, or maybe even you were one of the two people he wrote for and his mystic side had foretold your birth, i don't know.

now, maybe it's all just lies that all the people who can quote nietzsche in context off the cuff and in several languages with reference to the ionic greek on /lit/ seem less retarded than you, but it's such a more plausible lie than you having understood shoelaces given the evidence. have a cookie for trying though.

>> No.9131719

>facts cannot exist in truth, since it's always subjective (see the moral world order in what you quoted, it's had plenty of facts go with it, or his diatribes against science).
ok so you accept that i can use facts to make points then

so i can say
>women have read it and they have been offended by it you retard, this is a fact
and you won't spaz out then?

>now, maybe it's all just lies that all the people who can quote nietzsche in context off the cuff and in several languages with reference to the ionic greek on /lit/ seem less retarded than you, but it's such a more plausible lie than you having understood shoelaces given the evidence. have a cookie for trying though.
uhhhhhhhhh dude don't you know evidence doesn't exist and everything is like subjective
>it's such a more plausible lie
either way they're both lies

oh and i love how you use plausible here, a lie's value should be measured on whether it is a useful lie not whether it is plausible

>> No.9131726

Slate is shit.

>> No.9131734

>ok so you accept that i can use facts to make points then
i think they'll still be retarded points if we're going with the flow of things, but you try anything you like
>>women have read it and they have been offended by it you retard, this is a fact
I'll say they're retarded or trying to martyr themselves, which is better than you're doing in your life. Bless em, the little Joans of Arc, it's still just latent social christianity.

>uhhhhhhhhh dude don't you know evidence doesn't exist and everything is like subjective
i know. it's one of the basic problems even STEMfags know.

>useful not plausible
then why are your lies neither, not even to your own ends?

>> No.9131758

>then why are your lies neither, not even to your own ends?
i'm not lying you special needs baby

i've just tired after spending an hour trying to convince you that facts aren't the enemy of truth
>you mean an enemy of truth, worse than lies?
>does truth have enemies?

seriously fuck you you spastic retard

>> No.9131794

and i've spent just as long pointing out that whatever you think is some made up bullshit which might pass the slush pile at the slate, but it's pretty clear to anyone who read nietzsche that nietzsche says explicitly the opposite. that lies are not the enemy of truth, but that facts are. I've babbied it up as many ways as possible to spoonfeed it to you, but you still seem to think that if you put your fingers in your ears and scream about opposite day, it'll change the authoritative collections of Nietzsche. Even his sister didn't get away too well with re-writing Nietzsche and it's cute and autistic as shit that you think you will.
>you couldn't be talking about a nonexistent thing
>because then when you mentioned the nonexistent thing it would have been nonexistent
wow, it's almost like newton couldn't see his laws might be overturned when he wrote them because he thought it was how shit work and like it totally wasn't.

>> No.9131816

>and i've spent just as long pointing out that whatever you think is some made up bullshit which might pass the slush pile at the slate, but it's pretty clear to anyone who read nietzsche that nietzsche says explicitly the opposite.
>that lies are not the enemy of truth, but that facts are
you are functionally illiterate, where the fuck did i mention lies being the enemy of truth

and you just admitted that facts aren't the enemy of truth what the fuck
>I've babbied it up as many ways as possible to spoonfeed it to you
stop spoonfeeding me obvious lies you schizophrenic
>wow, it's almost like newton couldn't see his laws might be overturned when he wrote them because he thought it was how shit work and like it totally wasn't.
so your position is that nietzsche was wrong about everything

good fuck off and die

>> No.9131821

>if i screech louder, the text will change
have faith, brother.

>> No.9131829

>nietzsche was wrong but i'm going to autistically take quotes out of context and use them anyway
neck yourself

>> No.9131830

>you are functionally illiterate, where the fuck did i mention lies being the enemy of truth
That's the Nietzsche quote you're meant to be discussing. It's Zarathustra, though you're not going to argue his character well, so I don't know why I'm telling you this.

>> No.9131836

I'm not saying Nietzsche was wrong. I'm saying you're wrong about Nietzsche and believe in objective truth which places you in a more awkward position than if you were wrong about Nietzsche and only wanted subjective truth.

>> No.9131844

>That's the Nietzsche quote you're meant to be discussing
by all means point it out to me
>I'm saying you're wrong about Nietzsche and believe in objective truth
nietzsche believed that lies were more useful than objective turth and that something being objective didn't help its usefulness

that doesn't mean that nietzsche "didn't believe in objective truth" it means that nietzsche didn't believe that something being objectively true was a point in its favour

>> No.9131860

No, Nietzsche thought any one with an objective truth was a flim-flam man, a charlatan, a Christian. Using lies and truth is a corruption of confusing the will to create with the will to power. Also bad: Jews were a useful lie and Nietzsche spent half his time telling people useful lies are just as dangerous as useful truths

You're actually more retarded than the 15 year old atheist posters who sometimes show up in threads here. Reading The Slate must really take its toll.

>> No.9131874

>No, Nietzsche thought any one with an objective truth was a flim-flam man, a charlatan, a Christian.
i don't think you understand what objective means

why don't you post one of your lovely quotes to back up this nonsensical bullshit
>You're actually more retarded than the 15 year old atheist posters who sometimes show up in threads here. Reading The Slate must really take its toll.
you're more retarded than most retards

>> No.9131885

Sorry, kid, I'm going to have to point you to the dictionary.

>> No.9131890

i'm going to have to point my penis down your throat and rape it

>> No.9131897

Do you want a helmet for that, Bobby?

>> No.9131916


>> No.9131920

try saying yes more often. nietzsche would like that.

>> No.9131955

>To create new values -- that even the lion cannot do; but the creation of freedom for oneself and a sacred "No" even to duty -- for that, my brothers, the lion is needed.

>> No.9131980

>wanting to be valueless
mmkay, should i spit in your mouth or something, mr lion man?