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File: 87 KB, 739x897, Intellectuals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9130567 No.9130567[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Memes aside what is the actual intellectuals fetish?

>> No.9130577

Farts and poop. Mozart and Joyce both had scat and farting fetishes. Are you going to disagree with two of history's greatest geniuses?

>> No.9130581


>> No.9130586


>> No.9130591
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>> No.9130595

Your image is not a meme. Cuckolding features prominently in a crazy amount of the best literature, from the Greeks on. Also it's an inherently narrative fetish.

>> No.9130603

Redheads are great but that's pretty widely accepted.

>> No.9130607
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Anime girl feet.

>> No.9130616
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When you look at the sheer volume of *autistic screeching* even the faintest hint of cuckoldry brings up in the average /pol/ak you'll know it's worth looking at.

Why is a frogman who will never have a girlfriend so terrified of black guys fucking his imaginary girlfriend?

Does he know deep down that he's a frogman and literally any guy his hypothetical girlfriend sees would be an upgrade?

My friend's into cuck, though a more sane kind. He doesn't like humiliation, but he gets off on knowing other men think she's hot, sort of a validation of his choices I guess. Seeing how much she's desired and knowing she chose him.

But that takes self-esteem and confidence, which is the opposite of what a frog-posting white identitarian on the internet has.

>> No.9130617


>> No.9130630


>> No.9130631
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the bourgeois men always loved candauslim, then you have the pegging and the ''degrading'' sex like scat (men love to believe that people are inherent nice which permits them to get off from doing ''inhuman'' acts)

Since women are too pragmatic to be intellectuals, they hardly get off through fantasies, they hardly have any fetish. What get them off is more physical contact, agreed upon beforehand or not.

>> No.9130650

Go get ypur wife rammed by a big black bull you commie fuck

>> No.9130653


>> No.9130654


>Since women are too pragmatic to be intellectuals, they hardly get off through fantasies, they hardly have any fetish. What get them off is more physical contact, agreed upon beforehand or not.

Cute. You have a lot to learn.

>> No.9130659


Nobody thinks about cuckolding more than you do, buddy.

>> No.9130665

Actually pathetic.

>> No.9130670
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Redheads are the most intellectual fetish, cuckoldry is for pseuds

>> No.9130678

Makes sense since Joyce's novels are shit :^)))

>> No.9130691

The most intellectual, educated women I've slept with were all massive kinks in bed

They usually get off on domination, primal rough stuff, a strong man forcibly fucking them etc.
I think it's because most the men they face in their business life are so supplicating and timid

>> No.9130719


Silly billy. That's the most common fetish among all women.

>> No.9130722

i think i've spent too much time watching porn, because that doesn't sound kinky at all. that just sounds...normal

>> No.9130748
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Necrophilia. Can't wait for Harold Bloom to go.

>> No.9130757

They're sapiosexuals, of course.

>> No.9130909

Woooow, so kinky dude. lmao, implying they werer "intellectual", you just hav e shit standards that's all.

>> No.9130913

Part of what you're talking about is covered by Rene Girard when talking about triangular desire (read the second chapter in deceit, desire and the novel), but being a full blown cuck is just sad

>> No.9130915

I wonder where the line is between confidence and callous indifference towards others.

>> No.9130923

Good post

>> No.9130980

Violence, not necessarily physical. Specifically domination and submission, not necessarily consensual

>> No.9130988

>But that takes self-esteem and confidence,
this is what cucks believe

>> No.9130989

Cuckoldry is for sjw.

>> No.9130992

Good shit :^))

>> No.9131006

masochistic lesbian vore. if you want to change it, be better than swinburne

>> No.9131081

Ass worship.

>> No.9131085

Remember when the most prevalent fetish between guys was to have a ffm threesome? What the fuck happened?

>> No.9131137

Intelligent women. Duh.

>> No.9131149

Kek. There's a reason why intellectuals choose to be gay.

>> No.9131166

>what is the actual intellectuals fetish?

Self-isolation. True artists seclude themselves from society and look at their loved one from a distance.

>> No.9131168


Degeneracy. The sexual revolution was a mistake.

>> No.9131183

pls be my gf

>> No.9131190

Everyone now has easy access to the most niche porn in existence. There's nothing theoric or conspiratory behind it, simply people can now discover if they're attracted by traps and things like that, wich wasn't possible 100 years ago without having to go your way to find obscure illegal porn magazines.

>> No.9131199

The death of God
The narcissism epidemic
over-reliance on psychotherapy
Benzodiazepines as a reaction to CBT
proliferation of high impact pornography

>> No.9131202
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Anybody loves to see how ugly they are and enjoy fapping to 10/10 even more ?

>> No.9131211

I always have to build a context for me to fap on something: Either there is a narrative or I can come.

I wish I could fap abstractly on pictures of beautiful women.

>> No.9131219

Without specifying a specific ethical framework it is difficult to determine how we are to judge cuckoldry.
It appears that some people are able to keep jealousy at bay while gaining great pleasure from sharing their partner.
If only practised by a few, there would be few bad consequences for anyone, as by definition the cuck is happy in his act. Only marriage and the fate of potential children seem to merit a second look.

However, I can't rid myself of the feeling that almost all cucks are lying when the say open relationships work for them. Perhaps there really are a lucky few who feel no envy and have no kids to hinder.

>> No.9131226

>not fapping to the thought of demolishing opponents in intellectual debate

>> No.9131234

They aren't even attractive, also they all have aids now.

>> No.9131244

>t. virgin

Also is this article real? The graininess of the image in relation to the text makes it look like a really lazy photoshop job. Also if it is real, this article is nearly seven years, dating from before the rise of "cuck" as an insult

>> No.9131248

Why does the sex life of the parents have any bearing on the children? Assuming the marriage is stable and cuckoldry is only something they do for fun on weekends or whatever

>> No.9131263

Because although the father may have no qualms about letting his wife have intercourse with other men while maintaining his esteem, his child may not. If they viewed the father as weak, this would influence the child's life in fairly profound ways.

>> No.9131277

Seems like a stretch to me but okay. I was never aware of my parents' sex life and I imagine anyone whose fetishes are outside the norm would take a little more to care to keep it under wraps. People I know who do dom/sub stuff in bed don't really let it cross into how they interact with eachother in public either

>> No.9131285

>my friend

>> No.9131292
File: 63 KB, 396x591, 73ee181d89e63c809d832fe3abd45c41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Article based on the female version of the common fantasy of having sex with 2 opposite sex partners
>Features photo of a woman in the middle of two fit wanting males
>One is black
>Article is written by a woman
>that whole first paragraph reads exactly as a transcript from some new age soft core erotica

WEW haha

>> No.9131322


All of them, for two reason:
1) Anyone so unconscious to describe themselves as an "intellectual" is certainly so obsessed with themselves as to convince themselves that they have to distinguish their sexual tastes among all the other animals with some absurd, arbitrary thing as a preference

2) Anyone who is actually intelligent realizes it doesn't matter in the least, and does what they want, whether that be refrain from sex or engage in total depravity. You won't ever know about it, though, because such a person isn't concerned with letting you know how they feel and certainly isn't interested in unsolicited discussions about their preferences on literally anything.

inb4 implications i think im category 2

>> No.9131331
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6 out of the 9 women I've dated had rape fetishes
One dreamt about being kidnapped and put in a dungeon as a sex slave, another wanted to be abused by her dad

We men may think we are into weird shit, but most of us are vanilla compared to women

>> No.9131342

That's some truly wonderful inversion and misassociation.

I mean, you're absolutely right on /pol/ users and frog-posters. But your argument falls apart at this idea that a woman's sex is an instrument, artifact, or methodology for a man's masculinity.

Measuring your value as a person against your desirability by the opposite sex is absolutely the mostly cowardly, insecure thing a human could possibly do. We are genetically designed and programmed to want sex. You're essentially arguing that being good at shitting is a laudable quality. Only the mast base, vulgar, animalistic of us even value sex as an thing unto itself.

I mean, the fucking Greeks knew that the whole point of being civilized is to resist your animalistic tendencies, even if they didn't quite use that language.

>> No.9131353

How can you rape a women that wants it to without hurting her?

>> No.9131359

No matter how you look at it, cuckolding is defeatism

You're letting another, better man properly satisfy your woman
If you were her best lover, she wouldn't WANT to fuck anyone else
Other men wouldn't even be a threat to you

A winner is the KEKER, never the KEKED

>> No.9131367


>> No.9131373

Knowledge, Truth, Self-Mastery (especially over the sexual urges, which rule the masses like so much livestock)

>> No.9131375

Read "Story of the Eye". This is what goes on in the minds of intellectuals.

>> No.9131382

All those things you describe are pretty vanilla.
Here's one woman's fantasy as described by her in a survey of women's fantasies done in 1970

>... there’s this giant centipede or prawn, or a cross between the two, crawling into me head first, my legs being really wide apart to accommodate him. As he crawls into me, his thousands of fuzzy legs fall off onto the sheets around me. He tickles and excites me as he undulates and wiggles from side to side getting further and further in, and he becomes drenched with my nectar, which he licks up and is strengthened by. He goes on up and up. This all takes hours as he is ten thousand feet long, but I like every inch of it …
>The next morning, happily exhausted, I begin the ritual of carefully gathering up the thousands of orange fuzzy legs that surround me, and take them in a wicker basket to the kitchen. There I dump them into my blue enamel jam making pot, and add sugar, orange peel, lemon, nutmeg, banana peel scrapings, and a bit of hash when available (very optional). At the hard-ball, or so-called crack stage of cooling, I pour the orange mass into penis-shaped molds (can be bought in your nearest sex shop), and allow them to cool and harden. To be sucked later when desired, but I usually give mine away to my friends, as the penis-shaped mold itself is far more satisfying and I share him with no one. You’d be surprised how many of my friends drop by for their sucks...

>> No.9131383

We mostly did it roleplay with a safeword
They usually wanted me to "surprise" them, take them when I wanted, etc.

One time I nearly killed a girl from choking her so hard, when I realized what I was doing I let go and put my arms down, she grabbed my hands and led them back to her throat

>> No.9131389

>My friend's into cuck, though a more sane kind. He doesn't like humiliation, but he gets off on knowing other men think she's hot, sort of a validation of his choices I guess. Seeing how much she's desired and knowing she chose him.

That's not being a cuck. That's the opposite. It's the denial of other men. YOU have that woman and not them. They can crave her, but they will never get to touch her like you do. You let those pathetic men look at her, but you'll never let them too close to her, and she won't, either, because she chose you, and not them, as you said. You are better than them.

I've done some shit but I can still say that listening to my girl's phone blow up by orbiters is one of the best feelings I've experienced.

>> No.9131394

They're all pedophiles and/or sadists. I'm only half joking.

>> No.9131397

This. Women dont want to get raped because if they want it then it isnt rape. They want to fake not wanting to have sex and finding a man who will value his selfworth and desire over his partners wishes. This is probably just am effect of the pendulum swinging back to the old dominating man and submissive woman picture wich is nice when you think about it. By the time we reach maturity and want to settle down women will want strong dominating partners like they used to want weak sensitive boyfriends.

>> No.9131400


>> No.9131401

Do you have the full source for that? Seems like a fun read

>> No.9131459
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>> No.9131470

Presumably your parents were not deviants.
How much care can you take in a truly open relationship. Most advocates maintain they should be open about their open relationships.

Do people really want to risk their kid's psychological development for a few moments of pleasure?

>> No.9131472

Cuckoldry is for men who want physical affirmation that their perceived sexual inadequacies are in fact true.

>> No.9131524

>that bucket under his feet
hahaha, is this shopped?

>> No.9131545

A preference is not a fetish.

>> No.9131556
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More than just a preference.
Some prefer blondes or brunettes, but the fetishism of gingers or redheads is far different in kind.

>> No.9131569

this is true but being an intellectual is even worse than being a cuckold

>> No.9131570

I thought Mozart wrote a joke song about farts.

>> No.9131581

true intellectuals have transcended sex with other people and stick to masturbation.
wasting your life chasing after the diminishing returns that sex with a woman has to offer is not exactly an intellectual pursuit, is it?

>> No.9131587

Bimbofication is pretty neat. Taking a smart qt bookworm and turning her into a fake blonde slut is pretty hot

>> No.9131610

I don't consider myself an intellectual, but all of my sexual interests are purely psychological/emotional and have nothing to do with anything physical.

The biggest sexual thrill I can get is from manipulating and lying to women. I've got this complex routine that I go through with women I meet online who live in foreign countries.
I'll seduce them and make them believe I'm rich, that I love them, I'll always be there for them, you get the idea. Whatever it takes to make them become reliant on my attention for their own sense of validation.
Then, I will eventually get them to promise me sex and degrade themselves in some way, like sending very specific nudes or recording obscene audio recordings. After that, I'll make them look at my dick and write out at length how it makes them feel and what it makes them think. Then, I get them to confess their love to me. When that's all done, I just disappear. I might check up on them again in a month or so, just to see how much emotional and psychological damage I've done. Best case scenario, I can give the poor woman some lame excuse for why I disappeared and then do it all over again, which gets me off twice as hard.

In some rare cases, I'll actually go through with it and fuck the women. I've learned from experience, though, that it's better without the physical act of sex. I get off on disappointing and manipulating them, when I end up actually going to them for sex, it ends up with me being the one that's been let down.

I've been doing this for years. It's the only way I can get off anymore.
Oh, I also masturbate whenever I drive by especially catastrophic-looking car crashes on the highway.

>> No.9131736
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>> No.9131748

Having any fetish at all means you're a repressed idiot.

Real freethinkers have conventional consensual heterosexual vaginal intercourse.

>> No.9131754

>ywn be this alpha and carefree

>> No.9131755

I like how that guy got fucked in the rest of the thread lol

>> No.9131770

Hey I know that girl! Went to UVM. Small world.

>> No.9131777
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Serious discussion.

>> No.9131779


>> No.9131808


>it's better without the physical act of sex. I get off on disappointing

See, this is the part where it stopped computing.

>> No.9131826

This, is a wonderful perspective.

>> No.9131875
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>> No.9131882

Well, I'm not sure what to tell you.
I guess at this point I've had enough sex to know it's not really the exciting part for me. I get off on just bringing them to a point where they want to or will happily have sex with me. When it actually comes time to fuck, I find myself wishing I could have kept them dangling on my hook a little longer before reeling them in completely.

Though, there is something to be said for the physical sexual encounters, in terms of the memories and experiences they provide. One of the most potent sexual moments in my life came from seducing a woman and bringing her to a hotel, which I made her pay for. I denied her sex all night and then, when she fell asleep, I rolled her over and fucked the daylights out of her. She thanked me the whole time. When we woke up the next morning, I gave it to her again. Then I drove her home and immediately lost her number.

I can get off thinking about that experience, but actually being there and doing that in the moment didn't give me any joy or pleasure. In fact, while I was fucking her, I was literally staring out the window from sheer disinterest and waiting for it all to end.

Turning down sex is just more exciting than actually going for it.

>> No.9131903

It's real. I read it.

>> No.9131906

this looks like pedophilia to me anon

>> No.9131909

>the whole point of being civilized is to resist your animalistic tendencies

Would I be right in saying that this is a characteristic of Apollonian thought and that the opposite would be Dionysian? Or does that extend beyond hedonism and animalistic urges to a more cultured exhibitionism?

Basically I'm tryna say u wrong and thats just like ur opinion man. valuing sex doesn't make you vulgar and to equate it with shitting shows how little you're familiar with sexual intimacy and attraction

>> No.9131919

Not that guy, but sex and shitting are pretty much the same thing, sometimes literally.