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9129273 No.9129273 [Reply] [Original]

What do you notice about this copy of Finnegans Wake?

>> No.9129283

Whatever's subconsciously bugging me.

>> No.9129284

It's very blurry.
Post a better picture.
Also, no page numbers.

>> No.9129295

Looking very closely, there's quite a high volume of proper dictionary words. Oh my God, is this a translation?

>> No.9129328


Yes it's a fucking shit reading format, and NO FUCKING PAGE NUMBERS.

An extreme waste of money

>> No.9129340

>An extreme waste of money
number them as you go

>> No.9129350


Absolutely not. Why would I make up for an unfinished product? Also, the formating is abhorent

>> No.9129353

Looks like you're lightly grasping a firm but medium sized black cock from the shadow.

>> No.9129372

Ask me how I know you are a homo

>> No.9129374

>Absolutely not. Why would I make up for an unfinished product? Also, the formating is abhorent
So you are going to sue them, or call them back and ask for a refund, or see if they have a not bad copy? Or keep it on yourself and not read or enjoy it, because you cant hold an indelable pen while you read?

>> No.9129391

Did you buy it online? Rip-offs like this are why amazon sucks.

>> No.9129396

I bought a copy that's actually readable, I'm not a poorfag. I can by 2 books believe it or not.

Yes. Absolutely. You hit the nail on the head.

>> No.9129406

yes hello anon I'm OP's mother's husband and I needed to call you and let you know, man to man, don't ever talk to him or me again, or we will be forced to respond appropriately!!

>> No.9129442

It's on the ground
What did you mean by this

>> No.9129457

Well I hope for your sake you've learned your lesson and from this point on will only be browsing your local used and fine bookstore, owned and operated by a cheerful English immigrant, exclusively browsing sturdy hardcovers, first-edition paperbacks, and chapbooks authored by dying poets put to print by tiny publishing houses, running your fingers down the spines to check for cracks, flipping slowly through the pages to ensure print quality and crisp and fragrant paper texture, until one day, browsing with an anarchist girl you want to impress because you're young, you pick up a copy of The Second Sex on impulse which sits on your shelf for six months, twelve months, two years, three, but when you finally read it out of curiosity you can't read past the handwritten inscription on the front flap, "To Patti, Another book to spark your journey of 'Woman's [sic] Studies'. I promise once your PhD is complete I'll purchase you Archie Comics. Love you. Always & Forever. Karen. XOX." You put the volume down, but you can't stop thinking about this messy dedication with its broad cursive in blue ink. You begin idly searching the internet a few weeks later, but find nothing. A curiosity turns into an interest; an interest turns into an obsession. You track down "Karen's" obituary in three months. She died in a car crash in '98. It takes you almost a year to find Patti. She dropped out of Women's Studies, took a year off, and graduated with a PhD in Sociology. She's a mother of three now; her husband works in advertising; she stays at home with the kids and writes poetry that never gets published, though she tries, and she updates her obscure blog twice a month. You decide to visit her in August. You bring the volume with the inscription, still unread, and a stack of Archie Comics, Archie and Jughead, Betty and Veronica, whatever you think she'll like. When you show up at her door, her husband doesn't understand. She hasn't read Archies in 25 years. Who's Karen? You leave the state without meeting her. The next morning, she deletes her blog, leaving no trace.

>> No.9129472

How do you know? t. homo sapien

>> No.9129474

Kill yourself cucky finster.

>> No.9129540

Every copy of FW I've ever flipped through (Viking, Penguin, Random House, Vintage) retained the same formatting and pagination, to the point where I thought that was an integral to the work itself. This copy has obviously been formatted to fit this Press' mold, which does not bode well for fully-automated printings if a work's spacing and pagination is crucial to its execution. Like, imagine if they were to publish Apollinaire's Calligrammes or Mallarmè's Un coup...

>> No.9129546

Nothing, other than its surroundings, because the picture is blurry as fuck. lrn2photography

>> No.9129554


It's blurry because of shitty indoor apartment lighting, and my shit phone camera I was using + my lack of flash. Page content was not important.

I'm more /p/ than you son

>> No.9129725

The margins are ass backwards.
Also seems to be a shadow of a guy dicking his finger hole. I wouldn't note this but I expect strange on here.

>> No.9129969

Cool story bro

>> No.9129983

No paragraph indents. It hurts my tism.

>> No.9130210

Thank you :)

>> No.9131623

the margins are fucky

>> No.9131705

it is, for the last page is page 628, which happens to be a (100) * 2pi to 3sf.

(2pi is the amount of radians in a circle for those who don't know)

>> No.9131712

I can't read it, nothing unusual

>> No.9131718

>when your life is so pathetically uninteresting that stalking previous book owners seems like a great use of your time

>> No.9132472
File: 62 KB, 896x608, vesica1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I also noticed this when I did a basic flip-through to understand the structure of the work.

Furthermore, this diagram appears on 293, which is close to the halfway point (314, give or take a page or two) of the work. Obviously, the diagram is suggestive both of circles (π), and "the first half" (A-L). But it gets spicier.

on 314 ITSELF, the seventh of the ten thunders (Bothall...) is uttered. All of the other thunders involve at least some other words in their sentence, or belong to some paragraph with other sentences. This thunder is the only one which is not only a sentence unto itself, but a /paragraph/ unto itself, being followed only by a terminating exclamation point.

>> No.9132499

It looks like a copy bought by someone who fell for Dublin's most notorious literary HACK.

>> No.9132564


the formatting seems to have intentionally similar, seemingly meaningless line-breaks on both pages.

but if it were intentional, and if it was important for the line-breaks to copy each other, then why not make the line-breaks exactly the same rather than mostly the same?

>> No.9132661

>Joyce thought he would be experimental and ironic/pretentious and literally wrote down the FIRST prop of Elements.


>> No.9133147

this is what happens when low IQ humanities fags try to into the superior realm of the high IQ STEM master race

>> No.9133661

NEVER buy books off of amazon unless you know for certain which edition the book is or if pictures are provided. I ordered Ulysses off amazon once, it came in the size of a fucking school workbook and had the pages divided into two columns like it was the Bible.

>> No.9133804

Whats this mean?

>> No.9133819

>wrote down the FIRST prop of Elements.
>the FIRST prop of Elements
>the FIRST
>of Elements
>the first prop of elements
>why the first prop of elements?
>why the first?
>why elements?
>and why the first prop of them?
>what is special, important, significant, meaningful, interesting about elements?
>well, the FIRST prop of them

>> No.9133902

what did he mean by this?

>> No.9133992

It is resting on a filthy door mat, and appears to have been printed and put together at home.

>> No.9134097

do you write short stories because I enjoyed that

>> No.9134108 [DELETED] 

you mean tau

>> No.9134764
File: 446 KB, 7724x961, thunderwords.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9135013

10 thumbs up bruv

>> No.9135038

First proposition of Euclid's Elements. Faggot.

>> No.9135308

>First proposition of Euclid's Elements. Faggot.

Now pretend I was aware of that, and try again? How would you approach it this time? Is there anything else you could get me on? Because this may be fail number 2?

>> No.9135409

Why in the world is Amazon printing shitty copies of books? Who wants that?