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9128106 No.9128106 [Reply] [Original]

What was his fucking problem?

>> No.9128110

asians don't have souls.
try a redpill

>> No.9128129

he was a whiny faggot

i hated this book

>> No.9128131

Some men are born broken and cannot fit in society

>> No.9128763

what a convenient way to remove the burden of responsibility from yourself.

Literal bitch ideology

>> No.9128769

unresolved emotional issues

>> No.9129277


>> No.9129282

I enjoyed that he was a commie ironically

>> No.9129301

Can anyone recommend similar books with edgy depressed/existential men?

>> No.9129345

There aren't any other ones.

>> No.9129530

I don't understand how people who truly have zero ability to understand people even attempt to read. You didn't even attempt to get anything out of this. You just saw something different and got scared.

>> No.9129562


>> No.9129631
File: 453 KB, 210x210, Call the cops I dont give a fuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9129638

So delusional. No wonder you like self pitying shit books.


>> No.9129668

Seriously, why do you read books if you're going to get upset about the author being different than you? Legitimate question, I don't get what your motivation is.

>> No.9129672

i understand him, i just think he's an uninteresting lameo

>> No.9130069

daddy issues

>> No.9130108

Catcher in the rye and Norwegian wood come to mind

>> No.9130802

Extremely mild autism?

No matter his case, I related infinitely well to the book

>> No.9132497

Came here to post this.

>> No.9134103

Catcher in the Rye is awful.

>> No.9135130


>> No.9135173

Getting upset over things is a necessary human experience.

>> No.9135259

If you're not being edgelords and the way you experience life is anything approaching the way Dazai suffered in his own, then I belive you should honestly consider killing yourself. No joke.

>> No.9135268

everything passes

>> No.9135593

Not for Dazai. The man's suffering was terminal.

>> No.9135614

Didn't he have friends? I can't relate to that.

>> No.9135624

My dairy desu

>> No.9136843

He did

>> No.9136866

That was the point of his book precisely

>> No.9138612

In fact this should be in the sticky

>> No.9140029

shut up

>> No.9140050

Wait, did I interpret this incorrectly?
I thought the character was supposed to be an honest reflection of the human experience. The book even finishes itself by having a character that knew him personally (and could even be interpreted as being the author) describe him as being a genuinely good at heart. His sociopathic behaviors are just an exaggeration of the struggles most of us have with connecting with one another. I mean I thought this was obvious with having an ironic title like "No Longer Human"--if anything his character drew empathy from the readers (you liking him is irrelevant) which is evidence enough.

>> No.9140061

>Norwegian Wood
I thought that was about peepees in vaginas

>> No.9141105


>> No.9141125

that feel when no girl-to-commit-suicide-with-friend

>> No.9141190

>Extremely mild

I've never read sush an idiotic expression before. that's like saying tremendous mediocrity. it's pretentious.