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9126364 No.9126364 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that if you live in a society, use it's goods and services, participate in economy and rely on your countrys police/military/law system to keep you safe, you cannot claim to be an individualist

>> No.9126368

I'd use her goods and services if you know what I mean

>> No.9126376



>> No.9126377

im not quite sure i understand
can you elaborate?

>> No.9126379


anon means your picture is more interesting than your post.

rookie move.

>> No.9126380

Try and stop me!

>> No.9126381

WHY?! WHY MUST YOU TORMENT ME SO WITH THESE JEZEBELS? All I want to do is come here for an asexual experience that will exercise my brain but I am constantly titillated by these vixens with their prodigious hips and provocative figures. Can I never satiate this thirst, will I ever know the touch of a woman and enter between her loins? Will my seed ever drip from her moistened hole?

Life is a constant hell. No wonder I resent women too.

>> No.9126413
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"Individualist" is an obsolete term, since there is only one indivisible - ego.

>> No.9126430

>police, military and laws are there to keep you safe

I hate Hobbes for starting this meme.

>> No.9126439

do you guys just have word documents filled with text memes?
worst post in the thread

>> No.9126476

I am an individualist because I do things for myself and no one else. Even when I do good things for others, the final objective is my satisfaction.

So I can use the state's services for myself as much as I want you retard

>> No.9126483
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>> No.9126509

>I am an individualist because I do things for myself and no one else.
So you don't have a job?
You don't pay taxes?
You don't pay for food?
You don't pay for healthcare?
You don't abide the law?

>> No.9126522

Anon just explained that he does these things in order to further his own interests and for no other reason; therefore, doing these things is compatible with his being an individualist.
If you think we have reason to believe otherwise, please share.

>> No.9126529

>Anon just explained that he does these things in order to further his own interests and for no other reason;
This is a cop-out. He clearly participates in a system that forces him to do things that aren't enjoyable or beneficial to him. He's not doing them because muh interests, but because he has to

>> No.9126539
File: 74 KB, 1910x977, mfwpastas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw I also saved that into my pastas .txt
Share some of your other pastas anon

>> No.9126547

All those things are done for the purpose of maximizing net individual gains. Individualism/collectivism are describing goals and not the means, you dense tard. At least get a grip on basic terms before you start with the /b/-tier shitposting.

>> No.9126551

He's doing them because he has to do them in order to further his interests. If he didn't care about his interests, there's nothing he could be made to do. Not only is the pressure of society compatible with an individual pursuing his own interests, the society can only exert pressure on the individual if he wishes to pursue his interests.

>> No.9126567

So why does he choose to work for Mr. Shekelstein 40 hours a week instead of just robbing a bank, or killing a bunch of people to steal their cash? Could it be that society oppresses him to abide the law and he takes it like a good whore?

>> No.9126572

You think too much, thinking too much results in being unhappy. Stop it.

>> No.9126574

T. Kim Jong il

>> No.9126576

Because if he robbed a bank or killed a bunch of people to steal their cash, his interests would be compromised. In this particular case, his interests in safety and bodily freedom would be at risk.
What are you having trouble with here?

>> No.9126583

There's nothing totalitarian about it; it's just that a man who doesn't care about his interests could always, no matter what oppression he faced, say "I don't care."

>> No.9126588

>Because if he robbed a bank or killed a bunch of people to steal their cash, his interests would be compromised
Exactly, because society is built to bully those who act in entirely individualistic manner.
There are three way to interact with any given sovereign structure
1 - complete intergation. You receive goods and services in exchange for works and obedience. Clearly, individualism cannot exist in this case because society's interests exceed the individual
2 - parasitism. You receive goods and services yet refuse to work and be obedient (criminality). As you pointed out, this is impossible in the long run for most people because society is powerful enough to bully you, hence individualist also cannot exist
3 - separation. You do not receive goods and services, and do not work and obey the sovereign. Nobody on here does that

>> No.9126589
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Society is made by the individuals, individuals are made by society, we are one, look ate the light anon and come forward to embrace the death of the "I", your body is just a processus, your thoughts are created by a brain that is attached to a body that is part of the universe but these distinctions aren't useful where you're going, you're nothing and everything

>> No.9126594

I only have two or three more lit related ones.

>> No.9126608

THE MAN WHO CARES ABOUT HIS OWN INTERESTS WILL PICK THE PATH THAT MOST EFFECTIVELY FURTHERS HIS INTERESTS, with no thought to whether the "sovereign structure" gets the better end of the deal.
For this reason, no individualist with his wits about him would opt for separation.

>> No.9126673

So do people really post pictures like this of themselves online?

>> No.9126691

>I am an individualist because I do things for myself and no one else

That's called egoism, you dip.

>> No.9126692

Ones who look like this, yes

>> No.9126699

What do you call this mental defect then? Narcissism?

>> No.9126713

>pursuit of an impossible and vane ideal in order to escape the inevitable sadness that one will feel during his human existence

>> No.9126727

Narcissists are the lurkers of social media that never do anything themselves to get better.

>> No.9126728
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>> No.9126733

>come home after long day of wageslaving
>your wife is fucking a black guy
>"Attempting to fight the black guy would put my well-being in danger, which goes against my interests, I should leave and let him finish"

>> No.9126759

Wait, is Mr. Shekelstein somehow an individualist? Doesn't he live in a society as well?

>> No.9126819

Literally the exact opposite. The narcissist lurks to improve themselves without actively participating in order to preserve their vanity.

>> No.9126824

Narcissism isn't vanity.

>> No.9126830

>public pride in your body is unhealthy
Nowhere near as unhealthy as complaining about it.

>> No.9127117


1. You don't know what "individualist" means.
2. I pay for all of those things, whether through cash in the case of goods and services or through taxes in the case of my "protection." Though I'm pretty sure starting wars overseas that lead to greater hostility and a police force that turns up on the 4 occasions my house has been robbed, writes some notes down and never finds a single thing, isn't worth the money. The only reason I call the cops is so I have the police report for my insurance company (a service I pay for that actually works).

>> No.9127143

>having a wife

You really just don't get it, do you anon?

>> No.9127167


>be clearly hard-working and dedicated
>have literally perfect body
>still need to seek validation from strangers on social media

I don't understand females

>> No.9127195

nobody with a brain believes in the individual, only the group

>> No.9127227
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>> No.9127229

>entire life is focused around creating a body image which can attract mates, can only fuck the best orbiters and the ugly ones will just compliment and like my images.

easy, the misunderstanding you should have is WHY females have repressed their natural urge to be mothers and replaced it with many penises and abortion

this is much harder to understand, same with males

>idealizing being a lonely cuck

>> No.9127353


Don't confuse individualism with anarchy and pure egoism. Individualism advocates individual autonomy in the face of diverse social and political institutions.

The interest of the individual can be opposed to the interest of the group and collective movements. The individual is therefore capable of great things through his own actions, without any social movement.

Liberty and equality are in ways antagonistic, since more individuals are free, more equality is difficult to preserve. In reversal, the more individuals become equal, the less they become free. The choice of liberty over all puts at risk the sake of equality, which to be attained needs the intervention of a third actor.

The State is the only economic and social agent that can impose itself legitimately to correct natural inequalities between individuals through taxation, laws and public politics.

If the individualist society is the sum of all individual interests, then as the counter balance of the state should be general interest of common and collective good.

The cohesion of society in opposing individuals between themselves is therefore attained through responsibility faced to failures, actions and excesses.

Misanthropy found an ideological flaw to corrupt our social bond. Irresponsible individualism is considering poverty and its members solely responsible of their situation; to pretend that poverty can be redeemed. In reality, individualism was never able to eradicate natural inequality that only solidarity can defeat.

>> No.9127418


i am sexually attracted to and want to have sex with the woman in the picture. do. you. understand. now? or need further explanation?

wow, /pol/ is fucking retarded.

>> No.9127440

No need to be lonely, just no point in entering a useless old mating contract when you can just hit the club with some roofies.

>> No.9127661 [DELETED] 

> if you live in a society, use it's goods and services, participate in economy and rely on your countrys police/military/law system to keep you safe, you cannot claim to be an individualist
In relation to the objects and relations you described that sounds like a valid criticism to me. However is that what people in most cases mean when they claim to be individualists? Isn't it most of the time about mental and intellectual needs and tendencies like being idiosyncratic in your writing, original in your thought, undogmatic in your belief? Or as a moral stance in this regard to mean that the group shouldn't dictate what the individual should write, think, believe and so on? Or would you criticize such a stance as well?

>> No.9127674

Old hags are disgusting. Fuck off back to re:ddit.

>> No.9127854


>> No.9127903


Unless Stirner

>> No.9128015

"She" is Brazilian, so you know what to expect.

>> No.9128296


Been masturbating to this for months now. Would love to fuck a girl like this. I don't even care if it makes me closet gay

>> No.9128795

You're disgusting, please keep your insecurities to yourself.
In this case, obviously, the issue is that in fact his interests, which include his dignity, are not best served by passivity. This case isn't analogous to the case at hand, that of a man making a life among other people.
A man's interests, including his dignity, are best served by living a social life and playing a role in society.
You've given no one any reason to believe the thesis you're peddling. Everyone has these feelings at some point or another, but to think that they legitimize a thesis that can't stand the light of argument is dumb as fuck.

>> No.9128804

ok. ok. wow. just... ok. go back to your cave, unabomber. i hope a fire ant colony crawls up your dickhole and when you run outside screaming in agony you step on some hick's bear trap

>> No.9128927

pedos like you belong in /b/

>> No.9129288

Their standards should be cloud nine high.

>> No.9130051
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>> No.9131279

Ass implants?

>> No.9131287

Her clit is bigger than your dick.

>> No.9131474

>*tips fedora*

>> No.9133014

Pastebin these pls

>> No.9133071

What is your definition of individualist? Because I'm pretty sure that no individualist uses that definition because it results in obvious problems like the one in your post.

>> No.9134305

One can make any claim one wants to, and makes it individually whether one likes it or not. Even your own claim's indovidualist. Or rather that's the very easy deconstruction.

>> No.9134348

It is in my best interest to take advantage of the kind of world I've been born in. I'm do not participate in society for society's sake, but for myself.

>> No.9134424

what in the world you have to smoke to think he is a right winger?

>> No.9134455

buff girls make me sick