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9125222 No.9125222 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a shitlib who just got recommended this by some lolbertarian. Is it any good or is this just the right's version of identity politics?

>> No.9125228

>I'm a shitlib

Glad you realize your inferior. But really, this is 4chan and not the place for you. We are redpilled and against identity politics.

You are actively destroying the West by advocating white genocide. Go to /r/books

>> No.9125235

I've honestly never read Sowell (and I'm a finance major)
I'm assuming one of the reasons he's touted by the right is because black right wing intellectuals are rare
He seems pretty insightful though

>> No.9125241

This is a communist board, piggy.


>> No.9125291

You literally just paraphrased my OP

>> No.9125295

Popsci equivalent. Read a normal textbook.

>> No.9125300
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Here's our official reading list

Yes, Sowell is very good

>> No.9125980

It draws insightful conclusions from mainstream neoclassical economics. But neoclassical economics is a joke.

>> No.9126154
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>we are against identity politics
>white supremacist
>the guy who coined your ideology literally calls himself identitatarian


>> No.9126163
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Schutzstaffel when?

I love American politics, so vibrant and energetic!

>> No.9126172

good book, easy to read, examples from around the world

>> No.9126617

the book was recommended to you by a libertarian, of course it's shit
read it if you want to, and then google some critiques

>> No.9126642
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>is this just the right's version of identity politics?
Why would it be? It's just a book that argues for a neo-classical interpretation of economics. Everything is logically and rationally argued, and I honestly didn't find any fault with the conclusions Sowell draws. Personally I disagree with the assertion that availability of cheap products constitutes quality of life which the book builds a lot of its arguments on, but that's more of an issue with the culture of consumerism than with the free-market economy, which I agree is probably the most efficient way of allocating scarce resources.

>> No.9126653

>the assertion that availability of cheap products constitutes quality of life

This is how politicians (corporations) sell globalization and offshoring to conservative dupes.

>> No.9126664

>it´s ok to punch nazis
>spencer is a nazi it´s ok to punch him
>pewdiepie is a nazi it´s ok to punch him
>everyone who disagrees is a nazi it´s ok to punch everyone
i´m sitting here being comfy and laughing about the retards running on us streets
i pity you who are not retarded for having to live with such degenerate scum

>> No.9127115


Conservatives generally don't give a shit about race. Thomas Sowell is loved by the right because he's an incredibly smart self made man that knows what he's talking about. You don't even need to support free market economics to appreciate what he brings to the table.

>> No.9127123


People are going to buy these goods anyway. And they are better off if those goods are cheap. I don't see how the argument is false. People can either earn more in wages or the goods they buy can be cheaper. Same effect.

>> No.9127253
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>> No.9127264
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>> No.9127343
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>Conservatives generally don't give a shit about race
>the conservatives literally just elected a president whose entire platform was "fuck spics and sandniggers"

>> No.9127354


I know you hear "spics and sandniggers" when people say "illegal immigrants" or "terrorists" but that's not what people are actually saying.

>> No.9127374

Either he's stupid or he hates sandniggers/muslims. The ban obviously doesn't make anyone safer from terrorists. Please just be open about the hatred and don't pretend these policies are intelligent in any way. It would be so much less gross.

>> No.9127412


>> No.9127428


I think you're projecting your own racial insecurities into other people, that you yourself tend to have racist thoughts. I'm sure you don't like that you have these thoughts, and like a good leftist you have spent a significant amount of time become "not racist" through education. This is why it's so easy for you to ascribe racism as the primary motive of other people, because if you're racist then everybody else must be racist too. But in your head the difference is that you're working to fix your racism while those dumb conservatives are embracing theirs.

You're wrong though. Not everybody is racist, or at the very least it doesn't manifest in the way that you think it does. Conservatives want a wall and a ban because they think it will be useful in solving some problems. You can disagree with the effectiveness of these things and that's wonderful, just stop ascribing the worst motives to people that you don't even know.

Here's a little thought experiment. Since you believe Trump is racist, imagine we live in an alternate universe where Trump is actually not racist, but he still wants to pursue the same policies. How would tell the "racist" trump of this universe and the non racist trump apart?

>> No.9127444


>> No.9127472

Most americans have an unhealthy neurotic relationship with 'race'. Even conservatives feel compelled to seek out token blacks in order to prove they are Not Racist, ie. Sheriff Clarke, Ben Carson, Sowell. White libs have a consumer relationship with blacks and black culture as fetishised authenticity, often alluding to black people to justify views that are clearly their own. Even Pop music videos often have a group of black people that follow the popstar around, signalling his/her 'street cred'.

>> No.9127489

I always had a hard on for the Kowloon walled city. What a incredible place, I was born to late to experience it.

>> No.9127542

One day anon you'll grow the fuck up and cringe at how you used to use terms like libshit and lolbertarian.
But yeah Sowell is pretty good desu. Unapologetically honest and extremely insightful and his writing is smooth and easy to keep up with.
If there's one thing I don't like about this particular book is that it's not as much an introduction to economics as much as it is a guide to how to vote right in the next election. For example, it doesn't talk about the business cycles, currency wars or the petrodollar system. But yeah it's still good nonetheless. Definitely go for it.

>> No.9127575

Sowell is a conservative worth reading.

>> No.9127587

It's like you didn't read my 5 line post. I said "either he's stupid or he's [racist]."

I left the possibility of him being not racist very open. Thwt just makes him stupid because his policies don't really solve the problems they claim to; they just keep the sandniggers out. So he's either horribly mistaken, making him stupid, or he knows these policies won't keep terrorists out, and if anything increase the risk of terrorism, meaning he has ulterior motives, like racism.

>imagine we live in an alternate universe where Trump is actually not racist, but he still wants to pursue the same policies. How would tell the "racist" trump of this universe and the non racist trump apart?

In one universe he's a racist genius, in the other he's a well-intentioned dumbass (policy-wise).

>> No.9127607

>against identity politics
>white identitarian

Hey everybody, look at this retard

>> No.9127617

I'm new here. Has this place always been full of /pol/ shitheads?

>> No.9127637

Please don't reproduce
I met many retarded people in my years on this site but you easily made it into the top 10 with this

You actually don't understand shit, so please let me give you this one advice, and please take it:
You are horribly stupid and it hurts, don't ever try to spread the shit you believe to know about anything ever again.

Now please try to think about the shit you're telling us here for at least 5 minutes and maybe you find the giant flaws in your logic all by yourself.
No one is here to give you private lessons. Maybe google "Does trump hate muslims?".
If you still don't get it then, just kill yourself

>> No.9127642


I don't see anybody claiming that a limited immigration ban is going to stop terrorism or that wall will completely stop illegal immigration. We believe the ban will make it harder for terrorists to come here and we believe the wall will make it harder for people to illegally cross the border. When you characterize the opposition as believing the wall will completely stop illegal immigration it's no wonder you think its stupid. Nobody is under the impression that these things will completely solve anything, we believe they will help. Are you prepared to argue that digging a tunnel across the border is just as easy as walking overland without obstruction? The goal is to make it as hard as possible to cross the border illegally and a wall would help that.

It's the same deal with the "Muslim ban," an easy way to prevent terrorists from entering the country is to stop letting people immigrate from countries that are riddled with terrorists. Nobody believes that because of this ban, no terrorist could ever enter the country.

>> No.9127656

>republicans are conservatives
>even then, thats the main reason why people voted Trump

Turn off the television

>> No.9127657

you missed a big point... some of the worst muslim terrorists come from countries which were not in the list, and also are "friendly" to the US. in fact, some of these terrorists are actually sponsored by the governments of the countries not listed in the banlist.

>> No.9127669


Yeah I don't believe the ban goes far enough. It should be all Muslim counties, including Sweden.

>> No.9127717

>When you characterize the opposition as believing the wall will completely stop illegal immigration it's no wonder you think its stupid.

I swear you keep talking past me, do you know how to fucking read? I never characterized them that way, I characterized them as thinking it would be effective in combatting terrorism. Look up terrorist attacks post 9/11 (which are already practically nonexistent, in terms of threat to your average person), then look up the countries Trump banned. There's barely any overlap, his countries seem to be chosen at random. However, such a ban (against refugees in many cases) does do a great job at painting America as anti-muslim, which is about the best propaganda tool you could give to terrorists.

So yeah, it doesn't make us any safer, and if anything has the opposite effect. The only reason to support it (if you're not a dumbass) is for racial/religious reasons. Which, fine, go ahead, just know that the blood of innocent refugee children is on your hands.

>> No.9127729

Not him, but this is the single most cringe-tier post I have seen on this board in the last week.

You aren't nearly as clever as you think, and you're trying too hard to fit in.

>> No.9127740

Not him, but aren't these the same countries that Obama limited immigration through in early 2009?

>> No.9127747

applied economics was pretty terrible. Chapter after chapter of "it's good because dis stat" type leading on with little nuanced discussion

>> No.9127764

Oh boy it's like you've been rehearsing this shit for weeks just to btfo some "leftist" when an opportunity presented itself.

>like a good leftist you have spent a significant amount of time become "not racist" through education.
Learn how to write faggot.

>Here's a little thought experiment. Since you believe Trump is racist, imagine we live in an alternate universe where Trump is actually not racist, but he still wants to pursue the same policies. How would tell the "racist" trump of this universe and the non racist trump apart?
Here's how you can you dense piece of shit: you look at his foreign policy. He's willing to befriend America's arch enemy, Russia, but at the same time, he's escalating against a country that has a fuckton of common interests with the US, Iran. (Keep in mind that Iran is the only Muslim country where people went down to the streets in protests condemning the 9/11 attacks).
What does that tell you? Isn't it obvious that his entire foreign policy is Russia/Israel are white and therefore good, Iran/China are brown and therefore bad?
And the Muslim ban is fucking retarded. The guys who did 9/11 were mostly from Saudi Arabia, a safe country that is openly pro US. the fact that he banned people from 7 states whose citizens had never committed terrorist attacks on US soil while citizens of the world's largest terror sponsoring state are allowed to come and go as they wish only shows that he's desperate to just ban brown skinned people, no matter where they come from and regardless of how irrational that might be.
Also the wall is a dramatic overkill. If "conservatives" as you say, truly want to fix "some problems", then why don't they demand that America pull its troops from Europe or fucking Africa so they can secure the borders and you know, maybe actually protect american citizens? Why build a fucking wall when a much, much cheaper alternative exists? What do you think that tells us about the inner workings of his mind?
Look the guy is racist, if I was american I would've voted for him (only because he's not Hillary), but we cannot deny that he's an emotional bigot with a shallow understanding of the world around him.

>> No.9127773

>Having moral convictions is so cringey XDD

Stop worrying about looking genuine you fucking tool

>> No.9127795


You literally said "that makes him stupid because his policies don't really solve the problems they claim to," when we don't claim that they solve anything. I'm not talking past you when I'm responding to exactly what you say.

Obama selected those countries because he believed those people are the ones that present the most threat. I disagree with him and believe that the ban doesn't go far enough, and that it should cover all Muslim countries because it is impossible to tell the good from the bad during entry, and it's becoming increasingly common for even the "good ones" to raise second generation "homegrown" terrorists. The easiest and safest solution is just not have dealings with them at all. If appearing anti-Muslim is enough to turn regular Muslims into terrorists then we should absolutely not let any of them in. Because then those people, by your own admission, should not be trusted.

>> No.9127808
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>he's escalating against a country that has a fuckton of common interests with the US, Iran.

I giggled

>> No.9127817

Who do you think is killing Isis in Iraq and Syria right now kiddo?

>> No.9127835

>we don't claim that they solve anything

Then why support them. Seems like a waste of time if it doesn't solve any problems, right?

>appearing anti-Muslim

I think you mean "being anti-Muslim," you fucking faggot. In Trump's America, we are what ISIS claims we are, which is pretty fucking sad when you think about it.

>then we should absolutely not let any of them in. Because then those people, by your own admission, should not be trusted.

Oh come on, if you antagonize any group, the risk of violence from that group rises. Maybe we should just deport the entire American population.

>> No.9127842

>appearing anti-Muslim is enough to turn regular Muslims into terrorists
this is the kind of thinking that passes for common sense in America

>> No.9127851

you know you can hate something/someone and still share interests, right? you could have your reasons to hate them... in fact, your reasons could be related to how the person/group you hate fucked up and damaged your interests

the US paints itself as "progressive", "liberal", etc, but its foreign policy says otherwise... the US govt keeps using the most horrible tactics against those who dare present a different political agenda than that of big capitalists, even if that means, say, supporting saudi arabia against most progressive govts, or right-wing extremists in europe.

>> No.9127860

ISIS and Iran are allies when it comes to the infidels The true clash is a clash of civilisations: on one side Europa with it's liberal enlightenment values, on the other the uncompromising hordes of mahometanism. This is a battle for the very soul of the west. you can't reason with a zealot who believes in the absolute truth of the Quran.

>> No.9127870

>the free-market economy, which I agree is probably the most efficient way of allocating scarce resources.

->8/10 humans working in jobs no one needs (supervising, finance etc)
->people starving all over the place
->millions unemployed, when there is always work to do

>> No.9127871


As I've said before, we don't believe the wall will solve illegal immigration or that the Muslim ban well solve domestic terrorism. We believe they will alleviate the problems. The wall will make it harder to cross the border and that banning Muslim countries will help prevent terrorists from coming in through those countries. Most of the countries that are on the list are places where we can't any real background checks, so that's one reason to prioritize those but as I've said, I don't think the ban goes far enough.

I don't think that if we banned all immigration from Canada that they would suddenly start attacking us. If it were, like you believe it is with Muslims, then that reason alone would justify a complete ban on Canadians right now.

>> No.9127879

>Oh come on, if you antagonize any group, the risk of violence from that group rises
>if you solve your problem you lose
Sup Justin?

>> No.9127880

>America's arch enemy, Russia
why does this meme continue

>> No.9127891

See kid you can't ban all Muslims. You just can't. Gulf Muslims has billions worth of investment in america and trump knows that, and he knows that these same gulf countries are financing terrorists, yet he chose to ban refugees from poverty stricken countries that America itself had fucking destabilized in the first place. All he did, is that he now made it more okay for Muslims to hate america.
The man is a double digit IQ monkey. You can tell that he's not very bright and I doubt anyone would say otherwise. Just look at the way he talks. Why do you think that we can assume that such an intellectual midget he has national interest in mind when taking decisions? Isn't it obvious that it's all about emotions and guts with trump?

>> No.9127896

It is an ok book but New Keynesian economics is actually correct, not neoclassical forms.

>> No.9127910

You dumb shit there's no place for ideology in global politics. It's all about balance of power and economic incentives. Iran doe not want to destroy america because they think Allah wants them to do so . Stop lying to yourself.

>> No.9127912

>He's willing to befriend America's arch enemy, Russia

Not really, Trump's already rattling sables with Putin on Crimea. The Russian collusion theories are almost alex jones tier absurdity. Liberals will go to any lengths to avoid dealing with issues of political economy. The deep state depends on a constant threat of war for its survival. Remember Obama ran on 'peace' back in 2008? nothing came out of it. Bannon is a nutcase who wants war with China within the next four years or so. That probably means the end of civilisation as we know it.

Americans, regardless of their political orientation, have entered a weird sadomasochistic relationship with the security state. Even Liberals look to the CIA as a source of political legitimacy. While Trump doesn't even try to hide the fact he's building a police state.

>> No.9127914

no you see when you ban some poor bastard from yemen whose house was decimated by saudi bombs that they got from the americans it increases the safety of joe blow

also killing children during special ops is a foolproof way of getting the locals on your side, no way they're gonna start listening to the doofus spouting religious claptrap about killing yourself for allah when they're all depressed after burying little coffins

>> No.9127915


>> No.9127916


One second you say that Trump selectively chose which countries to ban based on national interest but then you say that he's too stupid to have the national interest in mind when he makes decisions. You're off the rails.

>> No.9127923

why do leftists love radical islam so much, when they are the ones throwing gays of rooftops?

>> No.9127930

I'll be honest anon, you didn't posit anything. All you did was call him names and tell him to google something.

>> No.9127931


>also killing children during special ops is a foolproof way of getting the locals on your side, no way they're gonna start listening to the doofus spouting religious claptrap about killing yourself for allah when they're all depressed after burying little coffins

Then lets stop bombing them, and for good measure let's not let them move into our country just in case they're out for revenge. Sound good?

>> No.9127935

>also killing children during special ops is a foolproof way of getting the locals on your side, no way they're gonna start listening to the doofus spouting religious claptrap about killing yourself for allah when they're all depressed after burying little coffins

Books for this feel?

I mean ones from the perspective of someone becoming a terrorist because of this stuff (preferably fiction).

>> No.9127936


Spencer talking about his pepe pin sounds almost like Chris Chan talking about his Sonichu medallion.

>Leftist thugs assault autistic gay man in brutal hatecrime

>> No.9127940

Where did I say that he the ban was based on national interest?

>> No.9127948

>replying to pasta

>> No.9127950


When you said "Gulf Muslims has billions worth of investment in america and trump knows that, and he knows that...yet he chose to ban refugees from poverty stricken countries..."

>> No.9127951

Some people are so misinformed that it's not worth arguing with them, and you're better off just telling them to read a book.

You can't always play the role of the 1st grade teacher

>> No.9127958


I butchered that quote but you get the idea

>> No.9127962

Regardless of whether Trump is 'racist', he's definitely creating a police state.

>> No.9127966

>Conservatives generally don't give a shit about race.
but that wasn't what he was saying. he was saying conservatives push Sowell because he's black and that's an easy shield from criticism. like what young conservatives do with Milo cause he's gay

>> No.9127967

>Then lets stop bombing them, and for good measure let's not let them move into our country just in case they're out for revenge. Sound good?
Better yet, we should pull the fuck out of the middle east, give the people there education instead of bombs, stop supporting dictators, force the Saudi royal family to pull the plug on wahabism, stop giving Jihadis tow missiles, stop antagonizing a feeble country like Iran that can never be a threat to our national interest here or abroad and finally, take refugees in.
We need the middle east. In fact we need it more than Europe. And for that reason we should win back the goodwill of people of that region. Banning Muslims won't get us there.

>> No.9127976

>>9125228 just caught the thread early and is fighting le meme war by shoving his paranoid world view on us.

>> No.9127979

Everything in Sowell will make perfect sense to someone who has no grasp of methodology, that's why it's such great propaganda. Neo-classicalism is based on such competently flawed premises that it should be dismissed as a joke but it still holds complete hegemonic control in academia. You can read his economic works if you want but follow it up by reading a solid critique:

>> No.9127986

The prospect of losing Saudi investments isn't really a threat to the national interest. after all, america is not a third world country that collapses the moment a foreign investor pulls out.
He didn't ban Saudis because of their lobbying efforts. The Saudi lobby is as powerful as the Israeli.

>> No.9127988

Yes, but planned economies are even more wasteful. Notice I said most efficient not perfect.

>> No.9127990


I'm with you up until the "take refugees in." Doing so will just create a "brain drain" where the smartest or most motivated of their people will manage to make it into the west. Those are precisely the sort of people it takes to rebuilt a nation and make it great. Additionally the cultures are much to different which will cause them to ghettoize and because they're foreigners who don't speak the native tongues it's going to be hard for them to find jobs in the west, as we're currently seeing with the refugee populations in Europe. They're much too reliant on government assistance and that's no recipe for happiness.

I'm all for helping them build a country that's so nice they won't need to move away, and I believe accepting them as refugees is detrimental to this cause. This concept of "brain drain" is very interesting I recommend looking into it.


>> No.9128004

>I'm with you up until the "take refugees in." Doing so will just create a "brain drain"

>brain drain

>> No.9128016


Yeah I've seen people on places like r/the_donald do that. I don't believe this is the case with Sowell because he is a giant among men, and to say his success is due to race would be to diminish his accomplishments. If anything you could say he was successful in spite of his race, because hes been loved by conservatives from as far back as the 60's. I've seen literal stormfags express admiration.

>> No.9128020


They may not be the smartest group of people but they're certainly young and motivated.

>> No.9128029

I like how you're listing all those reasons that the poor refugees won't feel good in the west while forgetting that you're leaving them in a country that looks worse than dresden did after the bombings.
I think they'd rather get ghettoized in the west than roast rats in Syria.

>> No.9128039

The economy depends on constant growth in order to keep paying debts. it's not sustainable. And not a rational way to distribute resources in any way. If you want to defend modern capitalism, you'd have to get into propietarian ethics or spooky dissertations on human nature and the inherent virtue of the property owner. Stalinist planned economies where not democratically run, but run for the benefit of the state.

>> No.9128045


Well I'm thinking of the long term. Japan rebuilt their country extremely quickly once peace was established, there's no reason to think that Muslims can't do the same.

>> No.9128052

Libertarian economics appeal to ppl with a daddy complex who want to be dominated by the capitalist class.

>> No.9128078

It's okay, and I'd definitely recommend you read it. As the title says, it's about BASIC economic theory, it's not a definitive text (those don't exist) and Sowell's examples tend to be pretty heavy-handed. But, overall, it's a good starting point if you're interested in economics. The best thing you could take away from this book is the desire to dig deep into the discipline.

>> No.9128358
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Don't worry, famalam, I am prepared. Maybe i can get in a few pages in between gunning down commies

>> No.9128388


I don't know if you're aware of this but Trump was not running to be president of Mexico.

If it's not in the Americans' interest to import literal truckloads of Mexicans and Muslims why should they allow them in?

>> No.9128423
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>> No.9128433
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>common sense

spot the ideology 101

>> No.9128442
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The one on the left is extremely unlikely to hurt anyone with her weapon
The one on the right is extremely likely to kill anyone including women or children with her weapon if she doesnt blow herself up trying.
If you're trying to say they are the same, you are more than beyond completely fucking retarded

>> No.9128448

>If you're trying to say they are the same

Maybe i can get in a few pages in between gunning down commies

>> No.9128451

thats all I needed to know Im never reading it now, thanks m8

>> No.9128457
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Pic related
doesnt make what i said wrong though, when confined to the picture in question

>> No.9128461

trump supporters were promising literal civil war if they lost the election

>> No.9128463

dey wuz trollin

>> No.9128468


>> No.9128470

this is closer to reality. also real men dont immediatly fix their haircut after getting punched

>> No.9128476


You certainly are adding a lot to the discussion.

>> No.9128482

aside from being put in ancaps and shitlibs lists, weath of nations is worth reading, right?

>> No.9128483

punctuating your threats with "lol jk" doesn't absolve you of criminal responsibility

>real men dont immediatly fix their haircut after getting punched
I'm still privately convinced Spencer is an FBI asset given that he can spend millions on his "Institute" without any identifiable source of funds

>> No.9128486

>meta shitposts are still shitposts
thanks for joinin in m8

>> No.9128493

And you're point is? That doesnt change the fact that the fascists of antifa. and now trhe mainstream left, are encouraging and participating in political violence. And my original post was meant to be a joke, but in all seriousness, if someone attempts to assault me based purely off of my political beliefs (about which you know almost nothing other than me being opposed to communism and islamic terrorism), then yes, I will have no problem whatsoever defending myself with the force i have available; in this case, that means a gun.

>> No.9128496

If you want a real good theoretical and historical backing to classical economics then it's an alright read. It's not the full-throated defense of capitalism that some people make it out to be though, since Smith's concerns were more concerned with 18th Century trade policy.

*slaps ur ass*

>> No.9128505

As long as you don't interpret a dirty look or an insult as "assault" that's kinda OK.

>> No.9128509

So you have no problem discharging a weapon at an assailant within a large crowd filled with your political supporters and police?

>> No.9128511

I'v not looked into it that deeply. citation on his income/that of his institute? Mainly find it ironic that he seems to represent so much of what he critiques, I mostly dismissed him as another one of these "alt-right" "thinkers" trying to capitalize on the mainstreaming of far right ideologies.

>> No.9128527

Sry the /pol/ user ruined your thread. Maybe try goodreads for reviews

>> No.9128528

I don't. I dont give a shit what people say or how they look at me. I mean actual physical assault.
within a large crowd? I probably wouldnt in that case. I might be within my right to, but it would be incredibly stupid, as i could injure an innocent bystander, and would be prosecuted for such. I would probably try and use my fists in that case, unless they pulled out a weapon. Then i'd be defending my life, and I might pull my gun. But if one or several people tried to physically attack me, and they werent in a crowd? Yes, I would have no problem pulling my weapon. First to threaten, and then to shoot if they continue their assault. I'm not some homicidal maniac. I do have a level head about me.

>> No.9128559

Antifa rapscallions are lurking in CVS stores nationwide to find people like >>9128528 and drop ice cubes down the back of his shirt when he's not looking. Be on the look out

>> No.9128580

I don't have a smoking gun, but my suspicions are based on the fact that his think tank maintains a HQ in Montana and a branch in the DC suburbs, hosts massive conferences, hands out grants to other white nationalists and maintains several journals

Beyond that Spenny himself ticks off most of the "informant" check boxes:
- Frequently engages in infighting
- Name drops nazi allusions on several occasions
- Prior associations with establishment conservatives followed by a clean and radical break for white nationalism
- Often eggs on his followers to do extreme shit

>> No.9128629

>mfw the Black economics guy compared sjws to nazis because both are/were in favor of the minimum wage
In that moment I lost all respect I had for him

>> No.9128655


Are you doing that thing that stupid people do where they hear two things in the same thought and assume they're being compared?

>> No.9128660


>self defence is the same as terrorism
>this is what liberals actually believe

>> No.9128698


>> No.9128700

>And my original post was meant to be a joke
>punctuating your threats with "lol jk" doesn't absolve you of criminal responsibility

>> No.9128712

No but read for yourself:


>> No.9128720

you have the names of his think tanks/institutes. sorry to ask for spoonfeeding but his shitty website wont load for whatever reason and Id like to check out at a later date. I also didnt know he had ties to conservatives only heard of him through twitter in last year or so.

as for your list, I think you're on the right track. or at least your skepticism is well thought out. definitly worth investigating

>> No.9128724


If the goal is to "hold down' ethnic minorities then the minimum wage would be a good policy to support.

Minimum wage laws are disproportionately harmful to unskilled and inexperienced workers because those laws take away their one competitive advantage, which is price. In a free market, an employer might choose to hire a lower-priced and less productive worker and train them for the job. Minimum wage laws make this unaffordable for many employers.

Unions don't care about the poor. They care about their members, and few of them are ever minimum wage workers. They support increasing the minimum wage because they understand that low skilled non union labor is often a substitute for them in the eyes of a employer, so they use the minimum wage law to artificially raise the barrier of entry for new workers to protect themselves. An example of this would be in Apartheid South Africa, where construction unions used the minimum wage law to eliminate the competitive advantage of black construction workers who were willing to work for $1.51 an hour less than white workers. American unions have similarly pushed for minimum wage laws to take away the competitive advantage of less expensive, and often ethnic minority workers.

>> No.9128731


Yes that was exactly what you were doing.

>> No.9128733
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Unlike Hillary supporters, who have been completely calm and law abiding since they lost. . .Correct me if I'm wrong but did they not torture a disabled man and livestream it?

>> No.9128741

the beauty of this kind of thinking is that it kinda (KINDA) makes logical sense but it's still completely retarded

>> No.9128745

Leftists and marxists are the greatest hypocrites around, they say they are anti establishments, but in reality they are in bed with Soros and 'crooked hilary'. If you are white and not muslim or transgender you are an evil nazi bigot who deserves to get killed. no other option. I'm a libertarian, but I'd side with the alt right over liberals/marxist. I'm the dad of two precious white children and I want them healthy and estrogen free. The BLM and muslims are rampaging in our streets, the left secretely thinks the only good white is a dead white, that's their supreme principle, everything else is secondary

>> No.9128756

>I'm a libertarian, but I'd side with the alt right over liberals/marxist.

Is this supposed to be surprising?

>> No.9128761

This has all of the links you need

I've always wondered why even most white nationalists attack the minimum wage when its repeal is a cornerstone of neoliberal globalist policy

>> No.9128764

ok. ok. wow. just... ok. give up on this shit entirely. you are wasting your fucking time. the fact that he recommended a book to you titled "basic economics" means he was trying to insult you, he literally googled it and its the first one that comes up. go ahead, try for yourself faggot. you're a gigantic fucking tool.

>> No.9128770

>the bad behaviour of the opposition excuses my side's bad behaviour

also, not a democrat, nice try tho.

>> No.9128774


Another way to "keep the brutha down" would be to support giving them welfare,and as crazy as that sounds there's some real genius behind it. The beauty of it is that it gives minorities the impression that you care about them, which in turn wins their support come election season.

Government welfare keeps people in poverty because it creates incentives for people to stay poor. For example in 2014 the Fiscal Research Division of the General Assembly analyzed the decisions confronting individuals and families enrolled in various government welfare programs. A single mother with two children ages 1 and 4 earning $15,000 a year through work would be eligible for government benefits (such as Medicaid, housing vouchers and subsidized day care) equivalent to roughly an additional $35,000. Such a scenario puts this woman in a bind. If she finds a better job paying more, she risks losing substantial amounts of benefits. She would make her family worse off even though her paycheck would be bigger. Just to come out even, once taxes are factored in, she would need to find work paying about $55,000 a year. Not many low-skilled workers can make such a leap. This scenario is commonly referred to as the welfare cliff. Fear of falling off that cliff is perfectly rational, but it also serves as a highly effective tool to trap people in a life of poverty.

>> No.9128792

like I said, when you're reading this it all sounds swell and you think to yourself "yeah, this guy knows what's up". then you vote for him and everything goes to shit. because it doesn't work. because libertarians are simpletons with big vocabularies and some economic knowledge under their belt.

>> No.9128814


I'm not too big on conspiracy theories but LBJ did say "I'll have those niggers voting Democrat for two-hundred years" while instituting some welfare programs, and the average black family before then were much better off financially.

It's almost as if it were done intentionally.

>> No.9128856

Yes, you absolute retard, LBJ did it by giving them welfare, not by implementing the Voting Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act.

>> No.9128879

Well then states with more generous welfare programs should have higher poverty rates then those with less but you'll actually find the worse poverty where there doesn't tend to be safety-nets
The thing is most people living in poverty are not operating on any rational cost-benefit analysis, you're imputing to much logic

>LBJ did say "I'll have those niggers voting Democrat for two-hundred years"
[citation needed]

The Great Society/most of the modest welfare reforms were initially supported by the business community because of fears of civil unrest actually

>> No.9128890


Regardless of his intentions in passing the Great Society, it doesn't diminish the destructiveness that welfare has had on black communities.

>> No.9128898

>Well then states with more generous welfare programs should have higher poverty rates

Why is that?

>> No.9128910


The problem here is that I don't believe you when you say that welfare is the cause of black communities' destruction.

>> No.9128911

Most of those welfare programs were phased out during the also democratic Clinton administration. Remember he ran on 'ending welfare as we know it'? The present day democratic party lies way to the right of socialists or even new deal era democrats. Their pipe dreams now involve teaching ghetto youth to code in private charter schools so they can come up with the next big app startup.

The 'new economy' has degenerated into complete absurdity, google gets billions of dollars from ads only seen by automated ad clicking bots, while Uber and Amazon are still running at a loss, propped up by investment capital in their pursuit of monopoly power. Appeals to the fabled protestant work ethic seem more and more preposterous as automation looms in the horizon.

>> No.9128919

If you're claiming welfare incentives people not to work then more luxury pay-outs should decrease the general level of employment since less people will have an incentive to work

>> No.9128934


Wouldn't a state with a more generous welfare system only be able to support that because so few people need it to begin with?

>> No.9128949
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>8/10 humans working in jobs no one needs (supervising, finance etc)
>millions unemployed, when there is always work to do

>this commie logic

>> No.9128971

Yes, these idiots have the causality backwards

>> No.9128976


The point isn't that welfare causes poverty, it's that it keeps the people who go on welfare trapped in it. So no it wouldn't follow that a more generous welfare program would lead to higher poverty rates. The LBJ quote is from 'Inside the White House' by Ronald Kessler.

>> No.9128987

Libertarianism is just a flavor of liberalism

>> No.9129016

>The point isn't that welfare causes poverty, it's that it keeps the people who go on welfare trapped in it.

I agree, better to be poor and dead than trapped by welfare and alive.

>> No.9129030

Get the fuck out of here with this political garbage. Only art is allowed on this board. DISGUSTING

>> No.9129032

Since the 80s we've seen welfare cuts and also the immiseration of what once was the working class regardless of race. Meanwhile, finance keeps winning like never before. Predatory lending in the 00s hit blacks specially hard, while the real culprits got off scot free after 2008. The tech sector has been closely linked to the pentagon and the NSA and the CIA from the very start. Trump backer Peter Thiel is the CEO of Palantir corporation, a private surveillance and data broker. Since 9/11 garish McMansions have sprouted throughout DC suburbs, belonging to security state profiteers operating in a grey area between government and private enterprise. The 'free market' and the 'state' have fused into a totalitarian war machine behemont, marching at full gear towards the abyss. Unironically, our only hope lies with revolutionary communism

>> No.9129034


You're making the mistake of assuming that our current system welfare is the only way to keep people from dying in the streets. I would like to see the return of private mutual aid societies and divert the current government funds spent on welfare to them, but I'm open to innovative ideas.

>> No.9129042
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Get thee to >>>/pol/ where masturbatory tonsuring is encouraged

>> No.9129044

We don't even need to remove all forms of welfare
Just the programs that directly incentivize degeneracy.

>> No.9129048

Well some shithole in Africa couldn't start handing out 100s of USD to their citizens for obvious reasons but states with similar levels of financial capacity can manage themselves differently

>The point isn't that welfare causes poverty, it's that it keeps the people who go on welfare trapped in it.
That's pretty much what you are claiming, if you want to get people out of a welfare trap then just cut welfare and it should increase the employment rate and boost overall GDP

>> No.9129050

private mutual aid societies
jesus fucking christ

>> No.9129058


Yeah, like insurance. You pay into it, and if you find yourself in need you give them a call.

>> No.9129064

I'm not fan of social democracy either. I would personally like to see worker's councils, democratic municipalism and the abolition of private property. libertarians might be right but only within the rules of the capitalist system, which is as a whole profoundly arbitrary and irrational.

>> No.9129068

It's not sustainable, but it's highly productive desu, and no Marxist can deny that it's very focused on efficiency of labor. And I like highly productive systems better than systems where you have to apply constant stimulus to get production out of (like having to give tax breaks to make couples marry and reproduce), despite how arbitrary and unfair those ultra-productive systems may be, since you can apply some restrictions to a highly productive system and they'll still run well enough.

>> No.9129078


yeah because if theres one industry known for its honesty and charitable behaviour, its insurance companies...

>> No.9129094


>> No.9129096
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I'm actually a member of a pseudo mutual aid society and the insurance they provide is some of the best in the country.

>> No.9129098

I don't know what you talking about insuring but insurance is only a profitable scheme if you charge those at a higher risk more i.e. the poor [who are typically more risky] have to be charged at higher rates then the rich [who are typically safer]... not to mention most people are to cocky to buy insurance unless you force them to further driving up costs and leaving a group of dangerous uninsured morons left over

>> No.9129106

Capitalist productivity has become an autonomous force abstracted from all other aspects of human existence. Humans are instrumentalised by the sovereign economy, artificial needs are created, entire civilisations are levelled to make way for the market, and we are left with a world of atomised paranoid utility maximizing units. The only logical end to capitalism is the annihilation of everything that's human. Soon people will no longer be useful as labor, we will be reduced to lab rat status as capitalism seeks out ever more profitable permutations. Maybe it's already happening.

>> No.9129108


Regardless the point is that the current system of welfare is not the only way to keep people from starving in the streets. Mutual aid societies are just possible alternative.

>> No.9129138


people aren't going to buy barbie dolls unless they're marketed to their whiny, braindead, tablet-jockey children.

>> No.9129140

t. autist with a death wish

>> No.9129144


>empirical facts
>>commie logic

>> No.9129155

Welfare is a system of bribing off the drags of society while being able to maintain the basic structure in tact, welfare/military expenditure has been crucial to maintaining the social structure ever since the great depression... if you get rid of welfare, unless there's some sort of a revolution, you're going to end up dragging the surplus population into the barracks

>Mutual aid societies are just possible alternative.
I completely disagree, most aren't going to buy into it and you won't be able to stop those not volunteering to engage in your scheme from becoming a burden or if somehow you drug everyone into your scheme it'll eventually come crashing down because you won't be able to manage it profitably

>> No.9129156

>Mutual aid societies are just possible alternative.
so is socialism

>> No.9129158

when pro market ideologues talk about authentic human nature, they are actually talking about the unrealised and unrealisable ideal of human nature as conditioned by capitalism. ie. Mises' wholesale transplant of the of the 19th century bourgeois mentality entrepreneur on a hypothetical desert island dweller.

>> No.9129159



>> No.9129162


But that's only given us poverty.

>> No.9129166
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the problem with socialism is you eventually run out of other people's money

>> No.9129171

the problem with conservatism is you eventually run out of other people's quotes

>> No.9129175
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the problem with capitalism is you eventually run out of other profit


>> No.9129179

socialism is not only state socialism, besides the free market left to its own devices is bound to degenerate into a dictatorship of the property holders. Recent libertarian ideologues, like HH Hoppe, have given up any pretence they actually give a shit about other people's freedom. They openly admit they want to restore something resembling feudalism.

>> No.9129186

* run out of profit [as such]

fucked up, that was supposed to be a sick tendency of the rate of profit to fall burn

>> No.9129196

The entrepreneur is merely someone skilled at giving people what they want. It's not an easy job as not anyone can be an entrepreneur. Only the cleverest and most innovative amongst us can. See for example Elon Musk and Tesla, they have done more for science and the environment than the bloated state bureaucracy has in years.

>> No.9129235

>Regressives cozying up to islamofascism yet again.

My heroes are Harris and Hitchens, I'm first and foremost a classical liberal and a defender of enlightenment values. If you want a reasonable debate I can give you that, but I'm not listening to regressive bullshit. What? do you need a 'safe space'? Go smoke some 'pot' and suck Chomsky's dick

>> No.9129241

elon musk would be getting swirlies in the employee bathroom of a walmart right now if there wasn't for government funding of the myriad technological and social stuff that his products are built upon

>> No.9129246

An entrepreneur is just a functionary in a larger totality, state bureaucracies are just the banal side keeping things in check, no bureaucrat is going to show up to work if you don't pay them a wage [unless they're a masochist], abolish waged labour and you will abolish all bureaucrats

>> No.9129247


EPA regulations have done more for the environment than Elon Musk.

>> No.9129250

Therein lies the genius of the entrepreneur, imagine the glory these noble geniuses would achieve if unburdened by government intervention. Bill Gates has personally saved the life of billions of nonwhite children through vaccines and coding workshops. And you say capitalism doesn't work?

>> No.9129259

>imagine the glory these noble geniuses would achieve if unburdened by government intervention

I'm deeply ashamed of not figuring out you were baiting.

>> No.9129261

Socialism means bigger government, more regulations and more bureaucracy. I want to unleash the power of freedom and disruptive creativity, not chain it up in red tape, taxes and political correctness.

>> No.9129388
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I honestly don't know whether I hate libertarians or commies more at this point.

>> No.9129393

I basically agree with you in principle, I just err on the side of materialism because a lot of anti-consumerist alternatives seem to boil down to "muh Evola" or otherwise really naive communalism.

>> No.9129431

Different anon, my main issue with humanistic arguments against capitalism is that the alternative to "atomised paranoid utility maximizing units" is ambiguous, along with "everything that's human." What are the other aspects of human existence? Being integrated into something isn't always preferable to being at atom.

Basically I lean in favor of capitalism because I'd rather take my chances with an asshole CEO instead of risking a traditionalist monarchy that takes on the holy high duty of purging degenerates.

>> No.9129493

>What are the other aspects of human existence?
basically everything else, all other human potentialities besides the profit motive, art, culture, love, the individual, community, transcendence. Even if you accept the ridiculous implication that CEO rule and traditionalist monarchism are the only two possible forms of human organisation, at least absolute monarchy gives people a place in a meaningful symbolic/spiritual order. I'm guessing you are a 2nd rate land fanboy. saying it's not you but the voice of Gnon/the machinic unconscious speaking is just like invoking the will of god, 'human rights', 'enlightenmentvalues', the chairman's fully optimised dialectic, or 'the lived experiences' of people of color' . Oldest trick in the book, you denounce humanism but disguise your petty human notions as transcendental truth.

>> No.9129518

you're only speaking for your submission complex

>> No.9129572

Good post tbqh, solid points raised.

My least favorite aspect of economics is how the consumption rate necessarily grows. This is indicative of an non-sustainable system. And yet, economics is such a vital need for humans. Organizing resources effectively is what governments should be organized AROUND, now that mass warfare is becoming obsolete.

>> No.9130514

KIll yourself stupid commie shit

>> No.9130951

>place in a meaningful symbolic/spiritual order

The virtue in that is heavily dependent on the spiritual order in question.

desu a good bit of my leeriness about the "capitalism atomizing us" angle is that a lot of the time the socially integrated alternative seems to be gassing the kikes or something. I don't consider CEO rule an ideal by any means, I just think it's somewhat less terrible than non-profit (or ostensibly so) tyrannies.

>> No.9131005

>does nothing
>criminal responsibility

>> No.9131032

Nazi gold confirmed.

>Frequently engages in infighting

To be fair, the alt-right in general seems to love cannibalizing others for being degenerate or too left on some issue. What's essentially a cadre of bloggers partially motivated by contrarianism isn't gonna have much party unity.

>> No.9131819

>white genocide