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/lit/ - Literature

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9124666 No.9124666 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you realise that poetry is devoid of any intellectual value, and therefore a waste of time
>tfw still can't stop reading it because of the easily fed emotional charge it gives me
Is poetry literature's low-brow entertainment, like blockbuster movies, or pop songs?

>> No.9124671

you dense fucking retard

>> No.9124679

Poetry is the apex of literature.
Most of it sucks though.
Good poetry is good.
Bad poetry is baaaaaaaaaaaaad.

Novelists are failed short story writers.
Short story writers are failed poets.

>> No.9124686

Yes. That's why all those teenagers and twentysomethings keep reading Yeats and Rimbaud. The true highbrow entertainment is reading Chuck Tingle and Harry Potter post-ironically.

>> No.9124705

Poetry is outdated literature. It was invented to pass on memorable lines orally in times when paper was scarce and easily destroyed. Music made the aesthetic quality of poetry completely obsolete, and prose exceeds at the rest.

>> No.9124718

wtf? you are completely wrong.
>devoid of any intellectual value, therefore a waste of time.
As many other complex games, emotions are not a waste of time.
And there is intellectual poetry, don't be so pseud and read Borges.

>> No.9124741

Everything has infinite intellectual value. Even pop songs and infomercials can function as alephs, allowing us to contemplate the glory of the absolute in which we all partake

>> No.9124753
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I like narrative poems.

Richard Cory

By Edwin Arlington Robinson

Whenever Richard Cory went down town,
We people on the pavement looked at him:
He was a gentleman from sole to crown,
Clean favored, and imperially slim.

And he was always quietly arrayed,
And he was always human when he talked;
But still he fluttered pulses when he said,
"Good-morning," and he glittered when he walked.

And he was rich—yes, richer than a king—
And admirably schooled in every grace:
In fine, we thought that he was everything
To make us wish that we were in his place.

So on we worked, and waited for the light,
And went without the meat, and cursed the bread;
And Richard Cory, one calm summer night,
Went home and put a bullet through his head.

>> No.9124797

don't be a retard

>> No.9124805
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One of my favorite poems, have you listened to Richard Cory by Simon & Garfunkel? it's pretty dope.

>> No.9124813
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Good pome

>> No.9124892

her eyes are like rounded knives

>> No.9124922


Both of them look a bit Asiatic. Mongol conquest genes?

>> No.9124949
File: 2.21 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20170218_201928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My daughter wrote me a poem today. She's 8. She's either going to kill me or make a lot of money some day.

>> No.9124955

>writes like someone with Parkinsons
American education, everyone

>> No.9124967

Satan's at it again.

>> No.9124968

Anon run for the hills, she has your number.

>> No.9124979


Is their ability at penmanship really a measure of education? I don't know many 8 year olds that can spell wretched ... spatial reasoning could be argued however.

>> No.9124982

ya man

>> No.9125004

>intellectual value
le hat image

>> No.9125047

sounds like some expensive therapy badluck

>> No.9125055

If poetry really was literary junk food, that would be a gigantic fucking achievement.

But it's not. It's like literary gruel. A complete fucking irrelevance.

>> No.9125075

This desu

>> No.9125105

I enjoy poetry when the way it is written makes the concepts more dynamic. I want to see unrelated words put together to form a more complex version of whatever is being conveyed.

If it is irrelevant or not is irrelevant. I want interesting, not "intellectual."

And there is high-brow poetry. Read Altazor.

>> No.9125120

Didn't Faulkner say this?

>> No.9125157

plenty of poetry is highbrow. james merril, for instance, is highbrow.

i write a lot of poetry and read a lot of poetry and i don't really like exceptionally academic poetry. i like academic novels, i'm very big on those, but highbrow poetry almost always seems lifeless.

laszlo krasznahorkai is probably my favorite novelist and in the case of seiobo there below i'd argue he's writing thematically connected and compounding prose poems.

he did indeed, young bull.

>> No.9125199
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I don't know why this girl is becoming a meme, or who she is, but I am strangely drawn to every image.

>> No.9125232
File: 40 KB, 346x500, fukyoupleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Music made poetry obsolete
Ooga booga bix nood

>*slams on bongo*
>*sheboon shakes her monkey ass and another nigger mounts her howling "I mak dose tittie move" *

The apex of literature

>> No.9125281
File: 47 KB, 160x160, W2iE2FT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good poetry is good.
>Bad poetry is baaaaaaaaaaaaad.

>> No.9125290

Posting is the apex of literature.
Most of it sucks though.
Good posting is good.
Bad posting is baaaaaaaaaaaaad.

Novelists are failed short story writers.
Short story writers are failed posters.

>> No.9125366

I thought that was kinda impressive for an 8 yr old

>> No.9125367

This post is thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis.

>> No.9125415

Bad poetry is baaaaaad

>> No.9125440



6 for your spooky dubs

>> No.9125628

The bongo thing you described is as smart/as dumb as, for example, John Keat's poetry about describing decrepit urns. Subjetive aesthetic value, the only difference is that you respect one and scoff at another.
Explain to me please why music is alive and booming while poetry effectively doesn't exist outside pretentious circles of rupi kaurs

>> No.9125632

she's a meme because she's dumb as fuck and also got lol

>> No.9126012

>livelihood is a measure of quality
Fuck off back to ribbit.

>> No.9126018

Please locate the word 'livelihood' in my post because I sure can't find it.

>> No.9126023

livelihood, as in its prosperity and living-ness.

As in, your sole argument besides bad relativism.

>> No.9126037

8 year old using Vice versa and having that handwriting. I call bs anon, stop trying to shill your own poetry.

>> No.9126040

Me too anon, I need more. I need to see her instagram and realize she is ugly to break it.

>> No.9126056

Please locate the words 'prosperity' and 'living-ness' (don't even know what that is) in my post because I sure can't find it.

>> No.9126065

>Explain to me please why music is alive and booming while poetry effectively doesn't exist outside pretentious circles of rupi kaurs
Of course you dislike poetry, your English is a fucking meme.

>> No.9126173

Your "realization" is meaningless without explanation and reason.

>> No.9126193

Define 'intellectual value'. Sounds like a dumb meme.

>> No.9126407

You're a dumb meme................................

cinema movie!!!!

>> No.9126460
File: 330 KB, 1600x1050, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw all these plebs

Of Man’s first disobedience, and the fruit
Of that forbidden tree whose mortal taste
Brought death into the World, and all our woe,
With loss of Eden, till one greater Man
Restore us, and regain the blissful seat,
Sing, Heavenly Muse, that, on the secret top
Of Oreb, or of Sinai, didst inspire
That shepherd who first taught the chosen seed
In the beginning how the heavens and earth
Rose out of Chaos: or, if Sion hill
Delight thee more, and Siloa’s brook that flowed
Fast by the oracle of God, I thence
Invoke thy aid to my adventurous song,
That with no middle flight intends to soar
Above th’ Aonian mount, while it pursues
Things unattempted yet in prose or rhyme.
And chiefly thou, O Spirit, that dost prefer
Before all temples th’ upright heart and pure,
Instruct me, for thou know’st; thou from the first
Wast present, and, with mighty wings outspread,
Dove-like sat’st brooding on the vast Abyss,
And mad’st it pregnant: what in me is dark
Illumine, what is low raise and support;
That, to the height of this great argument,
I may assert Eternal Providence,
And justify the ways of God to men.

>> No.9126462

How deep

>> No.9126465

jesus christ this fucking board is exactly like the neckbeard board on 8ch

>> No.9126513


I unironically think poets should be if not killed outright, at least beat up quite frequently. The first world is inherently incapable of writing poetry at this point, we might as well prevent garbage to be written, or at least make sure those who do write poetry regardless of the death penatly prescribed for it, are going to be really passionate about it.

>> No.9126523

what are some good short stories books?

>> No.9126561

you are 1 silly guy

>> No.9126570

ITT: anons who can't into poetry

>> No.9126580

If you think Yeats, Tennyson, Basho, Dickinson, Shakespeare, Homer, Milton, etc., are "devoid of intellectual value," you should give up on ever understanding literature or art, and DEFINITELY give up any aspirations of being an intellectual.

>> No.9126610

I've always said this and I always will

a poet is just a songwriter who can't sing, play, or write music

>> No.9126611

You say that out loud?


>> No.9126619

Tell me more.
In the form of a poem.

>> No.9126665

The fact that you think Rupi Kuar is a poet shows you don't even know what poetry is.

>> No.9126687

Collected Stories, Kafka
Loveship etc, Munro

>> No.9126720

Cute antifa grill
Green beanie hat, icy blue eyes
Nietzsche was stupid

>> No.9126782

Are you just upset because you don't 'get it'?

>> No.9126847

Yeah this is yours.

Not that it's impossible for a kid to write like this, I just think it's impossible for your kid to write like this.

Plus the ending reeks of "wouldn't this be cute?".

>> No.9126858

She looks better on instagram.

If it helps, she's certainly got a chad in her life. I don't know if it helps.

>> No.9127561

Read Charles Olson, you'll change your mind

>> No.9127687
File: 88 KB, 760x787, 1476055718823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>pop ongs
>low brow

>> No.9127698

read Eliot you fucking losers

>> No.9128001

Feels good to be part of a movement, right?

>> No.9128143

I agree, My Twisted World is the greatest work of this generation.

>> No.9128243

jesus fucking christ

>> No.9128327

t. fascist

>> No.9128368

Thats a nice poem

>> No.9128771

She a dyke tho

>> No.9128797

>when you give a girl a romantic era poem to read and it triggers them

>> No.9128807

This 2bh

Literature is full of good bad novels, but there's no one single good bad poem. All bad poems are just bad and pathetics.

And that's the problem when you pick a book of 500-1000 pages of poems. There's in there like 10-15 awesome poems and 300-400 bad just bad poems.

>> No.9128808

Thats paradise lost you hopeless pseud

>> No.9128824


to be honest, pulling out paradise lost is a pretty pleb move in itself.
>dude its canon lmao

>> No.9128836

ok. ok. wow. just... ok. poets are people who muddy their own waters to make themselves look deeper than they really are. that being said i hope you get fucked in the ass, the fucker punches you in the top of your ass, your rectum prolapses like a little pink dick sticking out of your butt, and then someone comes and chops it off with a big scissor

>> No.9128970

she's built like an iceberg if you know what i mean

>> No.9128993

holy...i want more

>> No.9129109

>therefore a waste of time
Life is one big waste of time. You're going to die, OP, and it will be like you never existed. You might as well never have been born - the end result is the same.

You can distract yourself for as long as you live, but you feel the horror of this reality deep inside you regardless
I wonder what thoughts will pass on your deathbed. To come to grips with the void that you always knew was underway, yet seemed so far off and impossible. Having always seen and heard of others deaths, intellectually knowing that the same awaits you, but unable to really feel the realization. It must make you feel powerless and afraid, knowing that nothing can stop it, nothing can save you. It must be the most lonely and crushing feeling in the world. The last thing you think of before you never have a thought again.

fuck this gay world

>> No.9129121

how do you reconcile the belief that life is a waste of time with the belief that death is a tragedy

>> No.9129143

Well, it's more the dying part that is fucking with me, Anon.

>> No.9129194

>devoid of any intellectual value
I'll tell you what, OP, . You read "Burnt Norton," the first of Eliot's Four Quartets, and tell me what "easily fed emotional charge" it gives you. Then try to fully decipher the lines

>Garlic and sapphires in the mud
>Clot the bedded axle-tree."


>Except for the point, the still point,
>There would be no dance, and there is only the dance.

Don't bother with Google junk: their guesses are just sad. My hints are Charles Williams and Mallarmé. Spend a few days or weeks working on those and tell me this shit is low-brow.

>> No.9129197

please abandon literature from now on.

>> No.9129199

>devoid of any intellectual value, and therefore a waste of time

you're a loser

>> No.9129207

Life is only meaningful because of death. Imagine if everyone lived forever. Nothing would matter and no one would have any reason to act or do something. People invent shit and create art because they want to leave something behind

>> No.9129262

>Life is only meaningful because of death. Imagine if everyone lived forever. Nothing would matter and no one would have any reason to act or do something.
I know where you're coming from, but that is such a tired platitude from my perspective.
You could build a great empire, fuck a million girls, have the greatest of times. All of that is erased the moment you die. die at 7, 30, 80 years old, it's the same deal. You will in no small time be forgotten, as will everyone and everything else you leave behind. The universe will probably die and not even empty space will be remain.

All this time spent investing, thinking, feeling - gone in a moment, as if it never was. What a cruel joke, to be made to live, to want to live, to do your very best to continue living. Every fucking day. Eating, drinking, sleeping. All done to keep yourself alive. Your biology screams for you to continue living, yet the ONLY thing you're ever guaranteed is your death. And to top off this little prank, biology has made sure you're terrified of this one certainty. You may find meaning in this macabre joke, but I don't.

So fuck me, I suppose

>> No.9129280

>Life is only meaningful because of death
that's stupid, I would love to live forever
as if the things I "invest" in only count if I die before getting anything out of my investments!

>> No.9129281

this guy gets it

>> No.9129290

too bad he fucks up in the fourth act

Dry Savages is the best

>> No.9129291

>the author plants some wordplay conundrums or obscure references in his poetry
There's nothing 'intellectual' about this

>> No.9129294

>my English major was worth it, please believe me
I'll have a pumpkin spice latte. Chop chop!

>> No.9129298

you don't actually read do you

>> No.9129321

>music made the aesthetic quality of poetry completely obsolete


>> No.9129354

Nonsense. To the degree that a work partakes in Truth - that is the measure of it share in the Infinite.

What is Earthy is earthy, and Divine, divine.

If your work doesn't enter in to the Conversation which Man has had with himself and the Divine for millennia, it is so far removed from the source as to make its share in the Infinite negligible to the point of ridicule.

>> No.9129362


>> No.9129367

Dat midlife crisis. The post-toddler years are always the hardest.

>> No.9129411

At some point you gotta accept the rules of the game. Yes we die, yes we don't matter, so what? You throw down your bat and glove and say "none of this matters! It's gonna end anyway!" while the rest of us are enjoying a game. Yeah it's a failed analogy, so what? Get out of your head for a bit.

>> No.9129748

Poetry is high-brow, unless it's written by Jewel.

>> No.9130961

Except there is more suffering in this game than enjoyment. I intellectually agree with your sentiment, here. The problem is I don't FEEL like that

>> No.9131198

It's not penmanship but having some kind of structure to your writing. In my country we learn handwriting by using notebooks with guide lines that help with character size, slant and spacing. We switch to regular notebooks around the age of 10. I've never met anyone from my country whose letters slanted to both sides or were incostistent in size. If someone writes like that (even at the age of 8, since we start writing at the age of 6-7) it's a sign of shitty education that gives no fucks about handwriting.