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/lit/ - Literature

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9123615 No.9123615 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9123620

>why terry eagleton was wrong

>> No.9123624

This really triggers my alt-right sensibilities and frogman mentality

>> No.9123667

marx is cool but eagleton is an english department hack pretending to be a philosopher

>> No.9123711

this basically but Eagleton does accidentally say interesting things from time to time

>> No.9123716 [DELETED] 

>leftist things

Fucking McKill yourself

>> No.9123718

So what OP?

>> No.9123739


>> No.9123750
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No. Marx was wrong because Equality is a False God.

>> No.9123753 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9123756

This. There is no way women or ethnic minorities are equal to me. WIsh more people would understand this

>> No.9123760


confirmed illiterate

>> No.9123765

Piketty does well in his ultimate dismissal:

>Marx’s dark prophecy came no closer to being realized than Ricardo’s. In the last third of the nineteenth century, wages finally began to increase: the improvement in the purchasing power of workers spread everywhere, and this changed the situation radically, even if extreme inequalities persisted and in some respects continued to increase until World War I. The communist revolution did indeed take place, but in the most backward country in Europe, Russia, where the Industrial Revolution had scarcely begun, whereas the most advanced European countries explored other, social democratic avenues—fortunately for their citizens. Like his predecessors,

>Marx totally neglected the possibility of durable technological progress and steadily increasing productivity, which is a force that can to some extent serve as a counterweight to the process of accumulation and concentration of private capital. He no doubt lacked the statistical data needed to refine his predictions. He probably suffered as well from having decided on his conclusions in 1848, before embarking on the research needed to justify them. Marx evidently wrote in great political fervor, which at times led him to issue hasty pronouncements from which it was difficult to escape. That is why economic theory needs to be rooted in historical sources that are as complete as possible, and in this respect Marx did not exploit all the possibilities available to him.8 What is more, he devoted little thought to the question of how a society in which private capital had been totally abolished would be organized politically and economically—a complex issue if ever there was one, as shown by the tragic totalitarian experiments undertaken in states where private capital was abolished.

>> No.9123766 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9123779

equality is a bourgeoisie concept

>> No.9123791

so many pseuds talking out of their asses ITT

>> No.9123802

sounds like a pseud thing to say

>> No.9123803 [DELETED] 
File: 596 KB, 1000x750, tips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cant wait until Xlumpft is impeached and we can finally make communism work properly as it was intended

>> No.9123813 [DELETED] 

lol exactly. This is what liberals actually believe. They are fucking idiots. Can't wait till Trump fucking builds the wall and deports all arabs and I can jerk off to the tears of libcucks

>> No.9123820

So what?

>> No.9123822
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Its going to be AWSOME!

>> No.9123863 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9123865 [DELETED] 

same shit they all believe in muh feels equality and communism

>> No.9123873

[multiple citations needed]

>> No.9123884 [DELETED] 

look up what cultural marxism is and realize the truth of what's going on

>> No.9123895 [DELETED] 

unless you live in the woods you have no excuse to be this dumb

>> No.9123900 [DELETED] 
File: 967 KB, 4621x2914, Pol_cultural_Marxism_conspiracy_flowchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Educate yourself you commie nigger liberal socialist

>> No.9123904 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 242x242, NFZUnheb[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take the redpill already

>> No.9123911 [DELETED] 

the redpill IS Marx

fucking classcucks I swear

>> No.9123912 [DELETED] 

you can't have a schematic representation with arrows that have like a dozen different meanings, that's retarded

>> No.9123918 [DELETED] 

Hello, I am looking for a you, would a pill pusher care recommending to me the taking of it? Thanks in advance.

>> No.9123934 [DELETED] 


>> No.9123940 [DELETED] 
File: 217 KB, 267x689, 1483360467357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>libturds so buttblasted by someone pointing out how pathetic their ideology is they report my post to get it deleted


>> No.9123948

Wow a book title agrees with me so I must be right

You should probably read some real books. Pic related.

>> No.9123950 [DELETED] 

How is this not just a giant clusterfuck?

>> No.9123957
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>> No.9123958 [DELETED] 

>libcuck damage control

Not an argument

>> No.9123962 [DELETED] 

>someone pointing out how pathetic their ideology

>> No.9123970 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9123976 [DELETED] 
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>lol if I make my bizzare unfounded incoherent paranoid """ideas""" into a diagram that makes them legit XDD

t. modern right winger

>> No.9123985 [DELETED] 

take the redpill and realize that it's actually true.

>> No.9123991 [DELETED] 

I think you misunderstood, I want to know where it was pointed out that anon's ideology was pathetic.

>> No.9123994 [DELETED] 

in a deleted post dumbo

>> No.9123996

I tried reading this, but it was quite bad. Eagleton doesn't provide any substantial engagement with Marx, and quickly dismisses such fundamental ideas like historical materialism as wrong. Oftenthe book is more likely to dissuade you from reading Marx than proving how he was correct. Overall not worth it, try McLellan's biography of Marx or Singer's Very Short Introduction.

>> No.9124000


>> No.9124009 [DELETED] 

>go to thread
>retarded /pol/tards chimping out again
Learn to discuss like normal people or fuck off to your containment board already.

>> No.9124011

Nice try OP but you can't fool me with that image. Marx was left not right

>> No.9124026

Why is the intelligentsia so obsessed with Marx?

>> No.9124037

Why are you?

>> No.9124065 [DELETED] 

>having severe autism
>browsing /lit/

>> No.9124081


>> No.9124106

shit book. read these instead
Clarke - Marx, marginalism and modern sociology
Fine - Macroeconomics/Microeconomics
Kliman - Reclaiming Marx's Capital
Roberts - The long depression
>in b4 replace shit with more shit

>> No.9124107

Marx was a crypto-capitalist. It's not surprising bourgeois edgelords adore him.

>> No.9124136 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 600x600, 59e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If 'cultural marxism dont real' then, how do you call THIS?!?

>> No.9124146 [DELETED] 

holy fuck. that's it, I'm a neo-Nazi now

>> No.9124215 [DELETED] 

oh my god you're one of those
