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/lit/ - Literature

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9120928 No.9120928 [Reply] [Original]

Is it pretentious to tell people this is your favorite novel?

>> No.9120949

No, it's a pretty pleb thing to do, actually.

>> No.9120952

No, but it's embarrassing, cowardly, and an immediate signal you've not read more than twenty books.

>> No.9120953

What should I claim to be my favorite novel to impress people?

>> No.9120955

Yes. Honestly, the pure sincerity of having an admitting that you have a favorite book is, itself, cringe-worthy.

>> No.9120958

No, it's a sign you should walk to the nearest hardware store, buy a boxcutter, leave it in a damp basement for 6 months and when it's nice and rusty use it to cut your wrists

>> No.9120962


>> No.9120966

It depends if it is your favourite novel or not.

>> No.9120968

say 'Oh i don't know, i've been re reading some of the classics, ..." then list off a few weird books then end with the conversation starter like fucking Stephen king or Dan Brown to make sure that the person your talking to knows that your listing authors and not just random words.

>> No.9120970

my diary desu

>> No.9120979

was going to post just this

how about actually reading books?

>> No.9120995

Well obviously i'd have to read a book to claim it's my favorite
But I need to know which book(s) would get me the furthest in convsersations with professors, bosses, women, etc. I don't have time to read anything and everything.

>> No.9121001

Just read some Wikipedia summaries and some quotes. That should get the job done. There's no point in reading if you don't like it unless you really want to know the books well to be able to look down on plebs.

>> No.9121005

You're dumb as shit but say Homer, Odyssey and Iliad, liked them since middle school, can't decide between the two. In the meantime develop some genuine personal taste. Not for anyone else's sake but your own.

>> No.9121066
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The Bible, Republic and The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.9121220

>>9121005 #
>calling OP dumb as shit
>doesn't favor Iliad over Odyssey a wide margin


>> No.9121854


>> No.9121873

Depends. Is it actually your favorite novel?

>> No.9121877


>> No.9121884

The Iliad is banal plebcore compared to the Odyssey.

>> No.9121896

Both are awesome, but the Illiad is about a huge fucking bloody battle mate. Spears through peoples throats and shit.

I mean, theres plenty a book about travels, cyclops and whatnot.

>> No.9121947

Infinite Jest