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/lit/ - Literature

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9119805 No.9119805 [Reply] [Original]

Sicut exspectatum, /his/ est plenum stultorum, ita hunc nuntium huc affero.

O.P. Catamitus omnibus plurimam salutem dicit.

Non sum certus hanc rem hic oportere, filum Latinum verum volo. Certe lingua Latina multa per saecula erat modus totius eruditionis, ac abavi nostri erant rectissimi in existimando linguam Latinam esse fundamentum sententiae rectae sensibilitatis veraeque, nam ea lingua non solum dialecticam magnufice docet, sed etiam ipsa sono dulci est poesis profundissima. Itaque hoc filum omnium Latinitatis amantium vel cupientium causa facio. Si ego ipse ubique in Latinitate erro, certe me corrigite, vos amabo.

Ecce nostra Venus Callipyge, maximum Romanitatis opus.


As expected, /his/ is full of idiots, so I'm crossposting this here.

Salvete c/lit/s,

I'm not sure if this belongs here, but I'd like a Latin thread. Of course, Latin was for many ages the platform for all learning, and our ancestors were most right in thinking that Latin was the foundation for right thinking and true appreciation, for that language possesses not only teaches logic excellently, but also is itself the most profound poetry by virtue of its sweet sound. So I'm making this thread for everybody who loves or wants to learn Latin. If I myself have made a mistake in my Latin anywhere, please correct me of course.

Here is our Venus Callipyge, a very great product of the Roman spirit.

>> No.9120058
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The Classics department is infested by SJWs who like Harry Potter and only want to talk about Penises.

>> No.9120073

Last thing I read in Latin was Pliny's letter about the volcano, pretty enjoyable ngl

>> No.9120175

>O.P. Catamitus omnibus plurimam salutem dicit.
accedo, ut melius dicas. vale.
comp's hard man, and it's harder when you're writing 4chanism in Latin. I'll have a look over later if anything obvious pops out, but have a bump you cute motherfucker.

Anything you're reading in particular?

>> No.9120544

Salve Amicae

that's all I got so far

>> No.9120558

honestly the only way to save /lit/ is for the patricians to only speak in latin and the whole board to ban anyone who tries to bring any other language beside french onto this board.

>> No.9120573

>for the patricians to only speak in latin

>> No.9120575
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>Not including German, Russian, or Greek
>including French
What is wrong with you?

>> No.9120581

german and russian and we might get shitposters from >>>/int/

>> No.9120591

it's better than people who think latin wasn't the plebeian language.

>> No.9120805


God, can you not shut the fuck up about meaningless contemporary politics for one second? Not everything needs to be about your politicized mommy issues. If you haven't already, you must realize you are at least as bad as your so-called SJWs. De stultitias tace, puer amare!


De eas litteras audivi. Quis est titulus iis? Suntne satis faciles?


Ego ipse sum Latinitati tiro, ita non est difficultas nec te culpa. Quare autem me dulcis vel lepidus ("dulcis" et "lepidus" esse aequivalentes "cute"o conicio) esse dicis? Romanus virilis id iniuriosum putet.


Salvete* And that is correct only when speaking to a crowd of women. Otherwise it'd be Salvete, amici.


I like the idea of restricting this board to classical languages only, though surely discussion in Greek, Sanskrit, even classical Chinese should be allowed and encouraged. I would add that other languages may be /quoted/ for the sake of discussion, but the discussion itself must take place in one of those venerable tongues. I think we should start our own PatricianChan, as obviously the idea is too haughty for this administration (though you never know, with the creation of /vip/). It'd have a userbase of perhaps some five people.

>> No.9120814


me dulcem vel lepidum*

Nonne vides me pessime errare?

>> No.9120852
File: 1.89 MB, 500x459, idi nahuy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you. I wanted to go into Classics and it was the most politicized environment I've ever seen. Identity Politics were brought up ever single day. Mention Caesar compare him to Hitler and him to Trump. Bring up Catullus, Bitch about Rape Culture for 20 min. Citations of Buzzfeed articles. Idolization of J.K. Rowling. The same bullshit everyday Ad infinitum. I'm a fucking Communist and I found your lot of spoiled rotten little white bitches insufferable.

>> No.9120855

>Latinitati tiro
Figurative Latin nicer tbph. I'm reading for boipoussi and depraved bitches which explains some of the rest. Fetch me more wine, little Caesar.

>> No.9120862

It's cool bro, it let me make jokes about Lepidus and gay threesomes.
Nice. I ain't seen shit.

>> No.9120868

though i'd take haec oranmenta mea as a guide for syntax on the possessive

>> No.9120889


>studying Classics at a shit-tier college

Quidquid mereris, O Trumpista odibilis.


Solum si latine faris, boipussi mihi est umidus: secum ad manum dic.

>> No.9120916


secus ad manum dic*

>> No.9120932

Oppi, indecens es, sed bene futuis? optem es
I'm way too high for this shit, but you're a funny motherfucker in case people can't read Latin