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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 36 KB, 640x640, rupi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9118107 No.9118107 [Reply] [Original]

>find a qt3.14
>she says she likes reading and writing
>finally, an attractive grill that shares my interests
>find out that she likes YA and Rupi Kaur (pic related)
>fuck me

Is it even possible to find a young cutie reader/writer girl who is at least semi-patrician bros? Or has YA and feminism corrupted the minds of young women?

>> No.9118128
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ask her if pic related is her favorite rupi poem

>> No.9118130

Seek liberal arts teachers in their 40s.

>> No.9118158


Corrupt her. Get her into better shit. Give her a TS Eliot collection and tell her 'I got it because you said you love poetry'.

>> No.9118168

Dude, what the fuck?

Is this bitch famous?

What about the fucking meter, or even structure?

>> No.9118172
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There are tons of relatively patrician qts at elite universities in my experience. It's not fair to expect them to have the same autistic level of interest as a lonely male 4chan poster, but I've seen some solid bookshelves and had some great literary discussions on dates with Ivy+ girls.

>this triggers the state school plebs

>> No.9118193


No, because young people are concerned with fitting in above almost anything else these days. It's why everybody looks like they're trying to be a model for Urban Outfitters. And why everybody reads the same shit and uses the same phones and the same apps and the same sites and reads the same news etc.

I'm 27 and find my generation (and the gen above) much more individual than any young people I meet.

>> No.9118194


If you are fantasizing, you might as well go all out and claim that you gave them an orgasm after the date.

>> No.9118197

Nigga, your generation is the one he is talking about.

Tell me what 27 year old does not look like an exact copy of somebody else?

>> No.9118201

There are plenty of 4chan users at those schools dude. Back when Yik-Yak was good, it was practically /pol/ on campus.

>> No.9118214


Is he? I thought he was talking about college kids or something. But yeah, I don't disagree with you. Most 27-year-olds are quite boring too but I think it's getting more homogenised as time goes. There's still a flicker of individualism in my gen but, as I suggest, it's not quite as pronounced as the slightly older people I meet.

>> No.9118233


Also, I came to that conclusion because the only person I know who's actually read Rupi Kaur is 21. And the only people I've ever seen buy her book - i'm a bookseller - are around that age.

>> No.9118244

>old hag (young women is just another term for 'old hag')
Fuck off reddit.
Elite schools don't exist, they're just factory schools with more money and an impressive campus (to inflate tuition, of course).

>> No.9118260

its fake you idiot

you never read any rupi kaur poem, dont you? You would respect her otherwise

>> No.9118267

As a man, you should impose your tastes on women, they have no will of their own.

>> No.9118270

It's probably just got to do with getting older, and as you get older you come more into your own instead of being a follower of the masses, for a variety of reasons (continued brain development and maturity; no longer being around a bunch of aimless kids with no responsibilities that are your age for 6+ hours a day every day; etc).

At least I hope so because the current generation and their constant IRL memeing and talk about internet culture is so annoying. It amazes me that I grew up when the WWW had literally just came about (I'm 25) and was this incredible new, novel thing, and the internet has been in tens of millions of homes for over 20 years now, yet this current generation acts like the internet is this brand new cutting edge fad that just came out. Everything that is on the internet is somehow absolutely hilarious and amazing and must be talked about non-stop and inserted into conversations all the time.

>> No.9118276

Go gay!!

>> No.9118334
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>what is academic lineage
>what are admissions standards
>what are resources for student organizations
>what is financial aid
>what are alumni networks










>> No.9118340
File: 268 KB, 685x385, ruperiodkaur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck your
and structure
you little gay

>> No.9118394

>Some 10% of CEOs currently heading the top 500 companies received undergraduate degrees from Ivy League colleges, according to a survey by executive recruiter Spencer Stuart. But more received their undergraduate degrees from the University of Wisconsin than from Harvard, the most represented Ivy school.

Well their shitty state school education worked out okay for them.

>> No.9118443

>Harvard undegraduate population = 6,699
>University of Wisconsin, Madison undergraduate population = 31,662

UMad is definitely one of the stronger state schools, don't get me wrong, but it's important to note that it's 4x the size of Harvard. It would also be interesting to know how many of those CEOs got their MBA or JD at an Ivy.

>> No.9118499


Meter and structure are not always the most important things, but still

these poems are bad

>> No.9118505

>Is it even possible to find a young cutie reader/writer girl who is at least semi-patrician bros?
I know a few semi-patrician reader girls, but none are writers.

>> No.9118519
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Really makes my brain burn up some phosphate

>> No.9118536

You've gotta engineer her taste bro. Recommend her good authors in a style peripherally related to what she reads. Offer articulate but mild critiques of what she reads. Don't come off as harsh or elitist, but educated. You might have to slog through some of her recommendations but in the end it will have been worth it.

>> No.9118537
File: 10 KB, 604x259, rupihopeless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is some thoughtful shit

>> No.9118538


I believed you, and looked for her real poems. Fuck you.

>> No.9118539


>Everything that is on the internet is somehow absolutely hilarious and amazing and must be talked about non-stop and inserted into conversations all the time.

Yeah, but I think that's because the internet is all kids have to form their social identities these days.

I'm a /britlad/ from a midlands town and when I was younger, me and my mates always go out to watch gigs (local and touring bands). Now those venues have all shut down and the varied social scenes like those I flirted in don't exist. I've had conversations with older people about that type of thing and I know a lot of their social interactions were formed around those types of cliques too.

That's a personal example of course but I think it explains why the internet is as big a phenomenon as it is. It's the only thing young people have in common and they actually base their entire social existence around it. People go out of their way to indulge in shit books like Rupi Kaur's big book of aphorisms masquerading as poetry simply because it's part of their social identity.

It's a weird world.

>> No.9118540

i miss those days
then of course they added id, phone number verification, and police reports lmfao

see: >>9118201
>There are plenty of 4chan users at those schools dude.

i also unironically agree with this. if a girl likes you enough you can get them to read whatever you want them to.

i went to a state and an ivy, and boi let me tell you, its night and day.

>> No.9118639

I would go that school just because the abbreviation is hilarious

>> No.9118646

OP here, you serious bros? Is she still salvageable? I know my taste will seem very patrician to her (I haven't revealed my power level yet desu). I don't want to come across as too much of an elitist douche, but I'll try. I don't want to force her to read Joyce or some other super difficult author. What are some authors you guys would rec for hacking her literary tastes? Virginia Woolf? Dostoevsky?

>> No.9118653

my girlfriend loves t.s. elliot, hemingway and Byron

>> No.9118656

Why don't you ask her what she is interested, and then recommend her a book you have read before?

Talk to her, nigga.

>> No.9118668

She has to really like you though.

>> No.9118670

You can get plebs into quality literature.
I know one girl who only used to read YA and got into Ishiguro via Never Let Me Go and now reads decent stuff as well as her trash on a regular basis.

>> No.9118710
File: 68 KB, 533x309, suicide candidate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so she's a pleb? nice.

>> No.9118731

yeah but shes got a great ass

>> No.9118741

My gfs fav book is moby dick, she reads what i tell her and other stuff shes interested in.
We both had a laugh about rupi poopi

>> No.9118758

Post? Just the ass. It's not like any of us could identify her by just the ass, right?

>> No.9118811


I met a girl with a byron quote on her backpack. I gave her a spare joyce I had and she moaned a bit about how tough he is to read.

>> No.9119194

None of that is beneficial.

>> No.9119222


Genuinely, where do you meet these girls? I'm convinced not all girls are idiots despite what is commonly purported on this Elizabethan basking weaving assembly but I've yet to meet more than one outside of a classroom.

>> No.9119233

I meet them at parties because I live in a big city.Find the ones not dancing. Plenty of people that don't like parties go to parties.

>> No.9119239
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>not using this a chance to introduce her to some real classics while she teaches you how to not be such an insufferable cunt, and actually building a complementary relationship with each other

ok. ok. wow. just.... ok. have you learned nothing from any of the fucking books you ever read? do you have any fucking clue how human relationships develop? all of the characters and relationships you've come across in your (((alleged))) patrician reading, and you still don't have a single fucking clue about how to develop a simple fucking relationship? you are a gigantic fucking faggot. seriously. i'm glad faggots like you will never find a mate and reproduce so that there are less autistic pieces of shit in the human race. faggot.

>> No.9119257


Alright, I'll keep it in mind. I'm trying hard to find a job in the next big city over so with any luck I'll get invited to at least one party before I die.

>> No.9119261

If you live near a big city, look into the arts-related events. Opera events especially will have plenty of well-read women.

>> No.9119277

Maybe if you're retarded and don't know how to make use of it.

>> No.9119295

I'm a state school pleb and I'm envious. I had the opportunity to go to a good school but I'm an idiot.

>> No.9119319
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>Is it even possible to find a young cutie reader/writer girl who is at least semi-patrician bros?
I exchanged numbers with a girl who's reading Infinite Jest atm. Just yesterday she asked me if I wanted to meet and I said no.
Point is: there are girls who have at least some iota of taste. Just gotta be lucky enough to find them.

>> No.9119329

Here's some advice:
Don't go for girls who "like reading and writing". That's like wanting a girl who is serious about a sport and going for the one who "likes fitness", or like being an outdoors guy and going for the girl who "likes adventures".
Learn to read social cues.

Second piece of advice:
Girls don't have to have the same taste as you or identify with old men who smoke, drink and hunt or channeled their sexual frustrations. Let them read Munroe or Austen or whatever.

When it comes to literature, both genders are equally fucked up in my experience. There's just as many men who read YA or genre fiction or shitty scifi.

>> No.9119355

There is very little shitty sci-fi.

>> No.9119366

The genepool is gonna wipe the sweat off its forehead when OP finally dies childless.

>> No.9119414

Maybe if you define it narrowly but there's enough GRRMartin-in-space out there, thousands of pages of derivative Lovecraftian shit, more high-fantasy shit than anyone could ever read, etc. - males read a lot of dumb shit too.

>> No.9119965

I had never considered this
>tfw too servile in nature to develop normal relationships

>> No.9119973

There is very little good sci-fi and my standards have been eroded*

>> No.9119985 [DELETED] 

>she makes cervantes looks like stephen king


>> No.9120075

Jesus, why do I love these Rupi Kaur threads so much? I love it when people post real shit from it, I love when people post fake shit, and I love when people claim the real shit is fake shit so I'm duped into looking up more real shit. I've never been so gladly infuriated since I binge watched Bill O'Reilly clips when I was 16.

>> No.9120186

I never even knew who this poo in the loo girl was until this afternoon.

Her poems are shit, but she is a year younger than i, and already published, and respected in literary circles.

>> No.9120229

Just saw she narrates the audiobook, what a treat. You can listen to a sample.

>> No.9120310

she's tolerated because otherwise people would be accused of racisss and mysoggyknees

A great kaur poem:

the boys of the
school yard
did not like her
they preferred those
blonde white plastic
bitches over her
curry pussy forest

>> No.9120588

Why did you say no?

>> No.9120596

>tfw like reading poetry but straight up incapable of telling when poetry is shit or not except for when it's obviously a joke
What's wrong with me?

>> No.9120676

I don't think anyone is disputing that men sucks as well as women, but most here are, at least reportedly, interested in girls.
Wanting your partner to share your niche interest is not necessarily sexism.

>> No.9120772

HAHAH you're fucking delusional. There is so much derivative formulaic trash out there. In fact the majority of science fiction is trashy and horrendous, and I say that as someone who loves sci fi.

>> No.9120784

>look like
This attitude is one of the symptoms of the problem you are talking about. People thinking their personality can and should be summarised by external indicators (aka, fads).

>> No.9120830
File: 60 KB, 868x736, Screen Shot 2017-02-17 at 11.06.29 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just made this
can i be famous?

>> No.9121403
File: 32 KB, 640x640, shiiii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Learn to read social cues.

Also bros, do grills actually do this? (pic) How do I tell if a grill genuinely likes me and isn't just being really friendly?

>> No.9121622

Be a man and make your intentions known.

>> No.9121633

Just ask her.

>> No.9121732

Any chance you go to Twisted Tongues?

>> No.9121762

gender discussion on 4chan essentially boils down to neckbeards fawning after the popular girls and then getting angry at them not reciprocating their autistic interests.

>> No.9122386
File: 35 KB, 604x397, tumblr_netre7JrS41tezt7xo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry anon.

The diagnosis is in and... you're a pseud.

>> No.9122401

I talked to a girl that said that Lolita was on her reading list (after she finished the then current one - To kill a mockingbird) and I was happy, thinking oh wow! A woman who doesn't bash on Lolita because of the theme!
Half a year later she is posting Kaurs.

>> No.9122428

I haven't been to /lit/ in a while, but I thought that "pseud" always meant pseudointellectual, like somebody who was pretending to be well read or smart. Wouldn't somebody admitting to not knowing something be kind of the opposite of a pseud?

>> No.9122483

>I want a girl who shares my interests and tastes and is like me in every way

No, you fucking idiot. That's what male friends are for. Date a mirror if you want a partner that's exactly like you.

Think about it, are your parents exactly the same in their personalities? I know mine aren't, they're practically polar opposites.

You want a partner that's not like you. Someone with different perspectives, someone who can share something new with you. Never go looking for a female version of yourself, because she'll never be good enough.

>> No.9122493
File: 85 KB, 509x600, Blake Laokoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>recently became very good friends with a qt innocent Muslim girl from a poor immigrant background who writes surprisingly good and delightfully simple lyrics somewhat reminiscent of Davies', and wants to learn more about poetry
>corrupting her with readings from Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Swinburne, and dazzling her with the great Romantics, Modernists, and Metaphysicals
>we exchange lessons in Arabic and Latin

Get on my level.

>> No.9122509

I-I-I'll be your gf anon.

>> No.9122511
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>> No.9122514


>falling for the opposites attract meme

>> No.9122699

Assume it's all flirting and be willing to accept whatever consequences come of it.

>> No.9123346

Get her to read the stranger first. If she hates it, then slowly reveal power level in a crescendo fashion. If she loves it, have a talk about existentialism (girls love """""existentialism""""" at least the concept of it, not the true nitty gritty details) from there she's all yours my friend

>> No.9124980

>bae is a classics PhD
>favourites are Proust and Pound
>infinitely smarter than I am and cocky about it
>openly condescending when she corrects me
>very attractive

I am not worthy of this life.

>> No.9124998

does she step on your dick, too?

>> No.9124999
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>infinitely smarter than I am and cocky about it
>openly condescending when she corrects me
This would just make me want to fuck her even harder.

>> No.9126226


>> No.9126295

I don't know. Does it?

>> No.9126307


Present her with the male Rupi Kaur:


I actually think Vennu is better. More interesting juxtaposition of words.

>> No.9126324
File: 9 KB, 228x227, 61041909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't find the right reaction image. Just know that I'm now fully erect.