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File: 236 KB, 1600x800, landscape_nrm_1430577914-jk_rowling_at_the_empire_state_building.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9117641 No.9117641 [Reply] [Original]

Has any author ever ruined their legacy as bad as she has?

>> No.9117646

i don't think she had a legacy in first place

>> No.9117649

She ruined it by not making Malfoy a qt tsundere that ends up with Harry and redeems herself.

>> No.9117651

She's doing just fine desu

>> No.9117666

>being on the right side of history ruins your legacy

>> No.9117670

What ? I ....
That would have actually been cool.

>> No.9117673

>Has any author ever ruined their legacy as bad as she has?

physical manifestation of DoTA should secure it before it gets even worse

>> No.9117685
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>> No.9117688

Piers Morgan BTFO

>> No.9117691

Holy *bleep*... I want more.

>> No.9117695

disclosure of tax avoidance?

>> No.9117701

I think Hamsun did worse. And lots of (((people))) seem to hate on Celine.

>> No.9118235

This picture is implying she's a socialist, which is wrong. Even Corbyn is too radical for her sensitive liberalism and she ranted about the Labour Party because it's not a neoliberal shithole anymore.

>> No.9118452

Thinking of skipping my annual Harry Potter reread this year tbqh

>> No.9118456

this t b h

>> No.9118466

>right side of history

>> No.9118485


Can't we just burn the books instead?

>> No.9118514

I've never read the harry potter books but the curiosity has grown over time. I think I'm just gonna buy the first one to see what it's like. It just feels like it might be a really comfy read with the setting and all.

Is this a mistake? Is it really just trash with no redeeming qualities?

>> No.9118521
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no they're quite good books for teenagers. but that's what you have to set your expectations to

>> No.9118523

Don't waste your time. It's predictable, YA garbage.

>> No.9118527

Could be comfy. Depends what you can tolerate. The writing in the first one is significantly worse than the others imo.

>> No.9118558

>Is this a mistake? Is it really just trash with no redeeming qualities?

The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

>> No.9119131

It implies the opposite

>> No.9119190

How high is your tolerance to YA, genre fiction and other more accessible literature?

If it's low like this sperglord:

Skip it

>> No.9119195

I like her old books and her new books
I don't know why she has a twitter account

>> No.9119247
File: 21 KB, 254x393, Casual_Vacancy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She didn't write the godawful fanfiction tier play, but she did write the screenplay for Fantastic Beasts. I haven't seen it yet, but it seems much more well received by Harry Potter fags.

I have no idea how good or bad her non-Harry Potter books are.

Overall, it seems a bit of a stretch to say that her "legacy" is "ruined."


I was a little bit surprised by Harry going to train station purgatory to visit Dumbledore and fetus Voldemort as well as finding out about Dumbledore's love affair with a gay nazi wizard.

>> No.9119273

Kafka tried

>> No.9119284

Jist watch the movie. They are comfy and it only will take 2 hours a piece. Then continue with the greeks

>> No.9119297


She's rich. She's already won at life.

She can literally do anything she wants and still come out on top.

>> No.9119325

One of my friends (who's 26) just read the entire series for the first time. He said they were nice comfy books, obviously meant for kids, but nice nonetheless

>> No.9119384

>right side of history

>> No.9119390

Defense of The Ancients

>> No.9119391

t. Satan

>> No.9119402

Didn't expect so many replies. I'll set my standards lower and try to enjoy them for what they are. I have quite a high tolerance to more accessible stuff since if I choose to read something like this it would be for completely different reasons than when it comes to the usual literature I read.

I'm going to give it a try and if I dislike it or can't tolerate it I'll listen to
and just drop it.

Thanks for the replies and your input, I look forward to giving it a chance.

>> No.9119436
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>makes dumbledore gay
>makes hermione black
>makes slytherin white supremacists
>says trump is more skilled at magic than voldemort

What's next? Is Ron going to come out as a furry?

>> No.9119543
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>> No.9119553

I read somewhere that Lee was basically senile and near dead when the publisher decided fuck it, just release it anyway. That she actually died shortly after its release too.

>> No.9119559

But that's what she did with Dudley

>> No.9119560

>Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
I'm dying.

Though I did like the books back when I read them (elementary/high school).

>> No.9119566
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Go to bed Harold

>> No.9119569

>Is Ron going to come out as a furry?
Did he fall in love with Hermoine when she turned into a cat monster in the second movie?

>> No.9119579


>> No.9119642


IIRC, The Casual Vacancy sold badly and was largely disregarded as trash, until Rowling revealed she wrote it...

suddenly everyone was buying it and lavishing it with praise

>> No.9119712

What an absolutely missed opportunity.

>> No.9119788

Well that was total misinformed bullshit. Everyone knew she was writing that from day one and it sold millions because of it, only then did they call it trash because it was some FOR ADURT ONLY misery porn shit.

She wrote some other detective novel under a pseudonym that got relatively decent reviews, but shit sales so the publishing house leaked that she actually wrote them to drive sales up. She still writes those detective novels too, but is far more interested in shilling harry potter some more and giving Corbyn a hard time since he banned champagne from party conferences.

>> No.9119792

muh dick

>> No.9119967

wtf you're right

Malfoy was wasted potential

a lot of people were redeemed

but malfoy wasn't


>> No.9119990

Why were hufflepuff and ravenclaw so irrelevant in her books?

>> No.9119991

>Got to be a piece of shit throughout school
>reason why most of his teachers were killed
>both his parents still alive and free
>ended up with 10/10 pureblood wife
>no comeuppance

Malfoy is the real hero.

>> No.9120021

She's a Blairite, neoliberal. Hopefully, all her kind will one day be hanged.

>> No.9120040

>have hardon for 1920s fashion and architecture
>Colin Firth as a bad guy
On the other hand
>Harry Potter
Seriously fuck that guy. I fucking hate his prick little guts, why can't he play a normal person? Literally every role I've ever seen him in he's either
- Ludicrously depressed
- Retarded
- a tranny
- some quirky satyr
Why can't he just try and see if he can handle the stress of playing a normal fucking person
and the fact that this man owns an Oscar ought to be an albatross hanging from every academy voter's neck

>> No.9120050
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Of coursh!

>> No.9120154
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dude badly needs a re-evaluation. Nowadays more and more people are awakening to the machinations of the state and government. The social engineering and media manipulation, it's all gonna have a breaking point. Ethnic clashes that will justify the militarisation of the police and restriction of all individual liberty in the west. Unless Alternative political forces manage to embed themselves in the civi and economic structure, the west is a warzone.

Men like Hamsun, all the conservative 'fascist sympathizers', will resurface within different analytical spheres. Their work will gather new meanin. Even the left will eventually see their flaws and failure, then capitulate and surrender in humiliation and submission.

>> No.9120198

Orson Scott Card

>> No.9120272

>Even the left will eventually see their flaws and failure, then capitulate and surrender in humiliation and submission.
Those with a profit to gain will cling to their wealth as leeches to a bloodsource.

>> No.9120297


>> No.9120304

thank god she wrote all the books before she got brainwashed.

>> No.9120483
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*winks in peruvian*

>> No.9120518


You're right. She didn't necessarily ruin a legacy (she never had one in the first place) but rather blundered it away painfully.

>> No.9120551

Good Night Right Side

>> No.9120572
