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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 196 KB, 1200x686, kobo-aura-hd-glo-mini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9117485 No.9117485 [Reply] [Original]

If you don't like ereaders rest proud in the knowledge you are a pseud.

>> No.9117899

they're ok

>> No.9118021

Why is this even a debated topic on this board. Just read you fucks

>> No.9118034

>tfw fell for the kindle paperwhite meme

>> No.9118036

they're otherwise great but the e-book market in my native language is garbage and expensive

well, the upside is that importing foreign English books is pretty expensive, so I save a damn lot money by reading most of that stuff digitally on my Kindle (keyboard) (I'm probably buying a Kobo Aura 2 next month, I'm starting to want a frontlight)

>> No.9118056

This, content>medium.

Anyone with strong feelings one way or another is a fucking joke.

>> No.9118120


I like mine

>> No.9118127

Fiction = e-reader (unless it's not on e-book or is more expensive (more likely that you think))
Non-fiction = paper

>> No.9118129

What's the meme?

>> No.9118141

weird, I feel the exact opposite

but its really just because fiction is never that expensive on paper, I can afford to buy it if I really want it

but pirating a 60 or even more euro non-fiction book? feels good desu

>> No.9118144

(note: doesn't have to be 60, that is a bit rare - but 30-50 is very common, especially including postage or if buying locally)

>> No.9118220
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The medium greatly impacts the content, as it is the content's delivery route. Think if you needed a medicinal tablet containing 500 mg of a particular active pharmaceutical ingredient which, due to its chemical composition, may be successfully introduced orally into the body. Now suppose that there is also a suppository form of this tablet. Which do you choose, the less invasive oral delivery route, or the suppository?
Well, physical books are suppositories. They deliver the desired "content" into your body, but are more invasive, less pleasurable, and make it dangerous for you to fart.
This all affects your experience of the content within, hence affecting the content.
Therefore, e-readers are the best delivery route systems for literary content.

>> No.9118226

Sounds like you need 500 mg of a psychiatric drug.

>> No.9118238

>Why would I get something that is now obsolete?

Fuck off. I can use my phone to do the shit that an e-reader does.

>> No.9118261

True for books like Fabric of The Cosmos, which uses a lot of diagrams

>> No.9118265

It's honestly not the same.

>> No.9118278


>> No.9118316

Wtf is wrong with you?

>> No.9118332

I like to read books and save money

>> No.9118344

E-readers are great for fiction, not good for anything else. Poetry, reference books, books with images, pretty much any book you refer back to and flip through often will be much better in paperback form.

>> No.9118351
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Well done. Your prudence is an example to us all.

>> No.9118357

>not liking stuff in your butt
you will never be patrish

>> No.9118361

Sure your phone can open an e-reader file and read it. Although it does it with a backlit screen that is hard on your eyes. If you are going to be reading a novel, and want to do it comfortably without doing irreversible damage to your eyes You're going to want to use an e-ink screen.

>> No.9118371

Is the latest Kobo worth it?

I got a Kobo Pro and I love it, the new one seems a little big.

>> No.9118378

I read on my phone just about every day. Plus I already did a visual self-inspection on my eyes and the results came back positive for fuck off

>> No.9118385

My "book" broke after a year. It's also a bit annoying when you have to charge your "book".

>> No.9118390

>came back positive for fuck off
What is this, middle school: the post? Pssh, go play some video games, kid.

>> No.9118418
File: 40 KB, 285x400, 3gkindle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a Kindle Fire and one of the earliest international Kindles, the small one with the integrated keyboard and the 3G. The battery on the little kindle lasts forever but the Fire can be read in the dark.

>> No.9118438

Shilling, the thread.

>> No.9118460
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Yes he was reddit but on this topic he was utterly prescient. eBooks all the way baby.

>> No.9118606

I don't know, I'm still using my Kobo Glo.

>> No.9118689

I meant Glo, I got the same one, I love it.

>> No.9120161
File: 68 KB, 700x700, 1460844219387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why won't Amazon make a bigger kindle?

I just want an 8" Paperwhite.

6" is just too small.

The only thing that fits the bill is the Aura One but it's fucking $250 (syruptokens).

>> No.9120196

Isn't the fire a tablet or do you mean the paperwhite?

>> No.9120202


great example, for the reasons you listed and also because usually plugging is more effective per mg than oral consumption and I find that I remember more after reading paper books

>> No.9120210

Got bad eyes or something?

>> No.9120220

I don't get the size complaints, you can make the text bigger or smaller, what's the point of a larger screens in this point if I can't fit it in my pocket?

>> No.9120234

No, I just want more text on the screen and fewer page turns.

>> No.9120243
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kindle DX

Its most useful for image heavy stuff like textbook pdfs or CBR

>> No.9120264

Why should I buy an e-reader when I can buy a tablet that also support .cbr comics?

>> No.9121636
File: 41 KB, 564x467, 1486567296400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just pirate them like everyone else. It's free!

They're great on a train or bus ride, you don't have to carry your books around. I prefer books over e-readers any day, but I'm a poorfag and can't buy all the books I wanna read, so I download them and read them anyway. Judge me.

>> No.9122269

>kindle DX
Garbage pixel density.

>> No.9122297

"I can't read for long on any digital device, I don't know, I just prefer books"
> spends whole day on facebook

>> No.9122318

Theyre only a meme if youre too retarted to use Calibre to convert epubs. Besides the paperwhite is the best constructed ereader at that price range.

>> No.9122360

E-books are for literal plebs.

>> No.9122767

I have thought of getting an e-reader because I already read a lot of my phone but I'm actually afraid I will find the experience worse because holding the phone with one hand and flipping page with the volume buttons is really quite neat.
Has anyone gone from phone to e-reader and find it better?

>> No.9122780

Much, much better. Not only distractionwise, or because the battery lasts longer, but because it's less tiresome to the eyes.

>> No.9122894

I read a lot of books with archaic terminology and the convenience of a built in fairly comprehensive dictionary is too good to pass up desu senpai

>> No.9122957

>go to library
>shitty selection, don't have my special snowflake subgenres of subgenres or obscure nonfiction interests
>go to bookstore
>$20 minimum for a used book, still don't have my obscure preferences
>go to goodwill
>$1 a book, but shitty selection, predominantly mainstream genre fiction and YA/kids
>go to bookzz
>nearly anything I could ever want to read

I wonder what's the most logical choice. I don't even feel bad because authors get like 3 cents per book purchase, and 0 from used books. I finish about 70-120 books a year, and my drop rate is around 80%. So I don't want to dish out $5000 a year on fucking books.

>buy kindle
>put it on airplane mode immediately
>pirating machine

>> No.9123086

why airplane mode?

>> No.9123112


No wifi connection, no updates. Supposedly mine came with advertisements, but I haven't seen any. There's a file you can replace with a forgery to stop the ads, but if the kindle is allowed to update, it restores the ads. Hence airplane mode. But that hasn't been relevent, so I suppose just paranoia. What does it need wifi for? Nothing good could come of it.

Supposedly Amazon doesn't give a shit if you pirate, but they may go Google route and start selling your personal info, so I just like to keep the little gadget reined in.

>> No.9123227


I pirate on mine constantly and leave wifi on. No problems

>> No.9123717

Another alternative is to buy used online.

You can get pretty much anything off abebooks for 5 bucks.

>> No.9123823

>Kobo Aura 2
Get a Paperwhite, if you want the best middle class reader, or a Voyage if you want the best.

>> No.9124325

you can make a dummy folder in root that the update files drop harmlessly into if you're on wifi, ill post the deets when i can.

got a link for dummying out the ads?

>> No.9124542
File: 151 KB, 767x581, 1400982894846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Kobo Aura One with KOReader

>> No.9124629

One thing that bothers me about my Kindle is that it displays books that I've long removed, because it somehow synched those with the cloud ages ago, and it's not possible to manually edit the cloud content or just disable the feature.

>> No.9124653

I read differently on a screen than I do with paper, paper is best

I'll just get whatever books I cant get irl on my computer

>> No.9124694

>paper is best
That's objectively wrong, screens have better contrast and resolution, not to mention you can customize the text size to your preferences.

>> No.9125258

Got a Voyage recently. Love the shit out of it. Amazing for physically lazy readers.

>> No.9125327
File: 8 KB, 284x250, i-like-smelling-new-books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the smell of real paper desu

>> No.9125439

>Supposedly Amazon doesn't give a shit if you pirate...

They literally can't tell the difference between a pirated book and a book you bought from a 3rd party and converted into mobi format. I wouldn't be worried at all.

>> No.9125451


read Benjamin

>> No.9125491

e ink display.

>> No.9125498
File: 80 KB, 800x1048, nook_simple_touch_768_thumb800[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meme books (aka, /lit/ favourites) go to my ereader
good books in paper.