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/lit/ - Literature

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9115987 No.9115987 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that there is zero original gender critical literature written from a male perspective, but at the same time a phenomena of men feeling the need to talk over and "correct" feminist literature as if they're coming from a position of being more well-read in that area?

>> No.9115998

becourse women are fucking stupid idiots who belong in the kitchen and not in art or politics.

take the redpill and find out the truth that their all superficial worthless whores

>> No.9116146

what's up with numales resorting to sarcasm when they get all pissy and PMS?

>> No.9116422

Men aren't self-aware as a gender with interests and special, group-specific problems. They have them, but they don't stick up for themselves. Ironically this is part of masculine identity, to be above this (and so in denial about it).

Women will always win in these arenas because men can't complain about anything. So the narrative will always be that women get the short straw, even when they plainly don't.

>> No.9116594

finely baited my dude

ya got me

>> No.9116719

The concept of gender is nothing new, it has already been widely discussed in literature, most men don't write new lit on the subject because their stance on the matter is the same as many men and women before them. Other than a critique on modern gender theory, there's not much to add.

Also, how is there a relation between producing literature and being well-red?

>> No.9116739
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Most men aren't even aware that feminist "literature" exists. Of those men who are aware of it, most don't pay it any mind, a minority agree with it uncritically, and another minority violently disagree with it.

For fuck's sake, most women aren't even feminists, feminist literature is almost completely irrelevant and what little relevance it has comes from assigned (i.e. forced) reading in the faculty of arts.

P.S that girl doesn't pass: she has man shoulders and her makeup makes her look like a transvestite. Which is what she is.

>> No.9116741

I didn't even read your post, but I'll bump with a couple suggestions.

Orlando by Virginia Woolf
Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides

>> No.9116748
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Because we need to leave something for women to be good at.
(complaining doesn't count)

>> No.9116827

Men doesn't have in-group bias or a brotherhood so they don't go around all day thinking about how the male gender is being oppressed.