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9113948 No.9113948[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>mfw Wikipedia pages are actually more informative and easily understood than two hour lectures by a fat, middle-aged Jew who flirts with all the female students

>> No.9113957
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>English major detected

Academia is only a sham for meme-degrees.

>> No.9113963

The same goes for science!!!

Why would I go to uni when I could buy a cheap second hand book or use khan academy for free !!!

>> No.9113969

I'd be embarrassed to make this post.

Shitty instructors at your community college are not "academia". Academia is the vetting of works by fact checkers and peers throughout multiple decades. Even now, you have the garbage leftists being toasted by stuff like real peer review, and post-structuralism is under attack by a resurgent right. And this, as >>9113957 says, is a problem in the humanities. being a sham in STEM causes massive controversies.

2. Wikipedia is the most editorialized source of information I have ever seen. At least use fucking JSTOR and put some effort in.

>> No.9113976

Currently studying my MSc. It has dawned on me. I payed thousands of pounds to listen to some people reading from ppt slides. The course is based on "independent study".

>> No.9113981

Right. Now try IT, engineering or theoretical physics. Anything that isn't parroting, really.

>> No.9113999

Or just forget college, take out a business loan, and take open courses in your down time.

>> No.9114010

You got duped. Embrace autodidactism.

>> No.9114013
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>> No.9114016

my teachers are S H I T

>> No.9114023


I know that you're being sarcastic, but it's true enough. All the STEM materials you need are available online, from places like MIT.

>> No.9114025

Academia is a monopoly on the means of education!

Down with academia. Join me, friends!

>> No.9114028


Your sarcasm does not invalidate the truth of the sentiment.

>> No.9114033

I'm the OP. I'm being entirely serious.

Literally what is the point in universities if all the books exist freely online and professors can be paid through patreon donations based on their quality?

>> No.9114034

>khan academy

>> No.9114035


universities are no longer a place to go to expand your mind. If you are going for some artsy fartsy purpose and are paying a dime, you got scammed

>> No.9114037

your ass does not nipple the fuckle of this pingle :^)

>> No.9114039


I think that that is what will eventually happen. It's already true that attending university has almost no value added over just being an autodidact (if you have the discipline and ability to structure your life, of course).

>> No.9114041

Really unless you're going to a small liberal arts college where you can actually have discussions with your profs, there's no meaningful difference between Uni and just reading a bunch of books. It's just an information transfer. You might as well pay thousands for someone to force you to read a bunch of books.

The only worthwhile one is where you can discuss things with your profs, and get quality feedback. Otherwise, just go to a fucking library, and watch free lectures online. There's no difference

Well, except that going to Uni is a good signal to employers, but Im just talking about education here, not employment prospects.

>> No.9114042

Why can't you get online certificates which are just as rigourous?

>> No.9114069


>> No.9114101

Oh yeah.. Studying isn't 'free' everywhere.

>> No.9114154


Nigga, what?

Engineers do not learn shit in class, all you have to do is use the book and work on a bunch of problems yourself.

>> No.9114169
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The important aspect about academia is that you learn to do methodological research, are able to critically analyse other people's work and your own and build/critique for the advancement of your field.

Reading wikipedia articles might expand your knowledge regarding topics on the field but it won't develop aforementioned skills or contribute to it as a whole.

t. 3d year social scientist

>> No.9114191


>social """science"""

>> No.9114221
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My field is not that bad
I p-promise.

>> No.9114226

ITT: Anon vents after he got a C and mom got mad at him.

>> No.9114711


piracy works too

>> No.9114720

Am I wrong, anons?

>> No.9114749

People who claim you can't learn anything from school either went to a shit school or didn't try. Throughout my entire education, I met privately with any of my professors that I needed to. There's a thing called office hours that they're required to keep. You probably don't go to them because you'd rather shitpost.

>> No.9114761

Reaffirm this. Dropouts itt

>> No.9114792

Skkool hss its purpose. ideally to teach you to teach Uself. Have u Never done something wrong before and had it pointed out as result of schooling or actually used the resources available to you at college? If you go and parrot and don't make use of your time or resources, guess what, you're wasting your time.

>> No.9114800
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>> No.9114803

more than that, people who stop learning at any time are this >>9114761

>> No.9114821

No you aren't wrong and with the ever inflating rate of college tuition it could in the near future not be worth the investment to go to uni at all and just become a well read service industry pleb who works their way up in management by working hard and proving their competent that way. Some examples are specialty foods, department store management, etc. Anything that requires a little extra intelligence can get you full time plus benefits and no college debt to pay off.

>> No.9114822

Yes, because the important part of uni is not lectures, it is assignments.

Assignments are training exercises. They also involve mandatory feedback with people who are more highly trained than you. Assignments build skills, they don't just test them.

Now, you could organise all this yourself. But people don't. Because unis do it for them. That's their business.

>> No.9115072

I think that's pretty well recognized. You're paying to get your foot in the door.

>> No.9115085

Some day this may be true, but not today.

>> No.9115100

I already said I'm just talking about getting a good education, not a job. But either way, if you're already paying for it, why not get an education while you're at it?

>> No.9115114

t. people who apparently own the millions of dollars of equipment required to learn lab techniques

>> No.9115142

wikipedia contains a lot of "information", but large portions of it are not accurate

>> No.9115158

Yeah and the point of uni is not just to disseminate information, but to teach how to critically evaluate, manage, and communicate information.

>> No.9115277

Complete bullshit when considering the amount of liberal propaganda and I say that as a fucking liberal.

>> No.9115286

[citation needed]

>> No.9115293

Pro-tip: don't get a coffee-serving degree unless going into academia. And I say that full of respect and admiration for humanities.

>> No.9115312

That's a completely unrelated point. Also see >>9114822

>> No.9115331

But that's exactly the issue. People who are just passively accepting whatever their told at uni are missing the point of being there. If they are not able to enter into the discourse then they are not suited for uni in the first place.

>> No.9115379

Im not totally sure what you're trying to say. Do you mean that the problem is that people view the professors expressing their opinions as "liberal propaganda," rather than just another viewpoint which they can critically analyze? That the assumption is that people should just adopt the opinions of their profs, which is what makes it "propaganda" in the minds of people incapable of independent thinking?

>> No.9115458

Yeah that's right, thanks anon. I remember taking a philosophy elective in which the professor provided his own take on Nietzsche, for example. The point was to stimulate a Socratic dialogue, and students sitting there writing down his lines were totally missing the discussion and the point of being there.

I spoke to them throughout the unit, and they also were less able to form and deliver their argument in written assignments. University is a large dialogue, and you are being trained to enter into dialogue rather than just listen to someone else speaking.

>> No.9115525

Well said. This is why I think smaller LACs are pretty decent for education (see >>9114041), because you can actually debate/question the professor in class pretty easily, while that might be difficult in a larger lecture where you're really just supposed to listen.

That's my hope anyway. I'm starting at one next year, so we'll see if it lives up to my hopes.

>> No.9115575


>> No.9115597

It is likely that self-learned people will always be intelligent compared with people who were mostly taught to regurgitate whatever their teacher wanted to here.

>> No.9115614
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>wanted to here
>tfw to smart for college

>> No.9115673


>> No.9115757

fucking bumperino