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9113631 No.9113631 [Reply] [Original]

How to start with Kierkegaard?

>> No.9113636

Um, maybe read his book?

O wait no you must start with the Sumerians first otherwise you don't understand who he is responding to

>> No.9113637

Try reading his books.

>> No.9113689

either/or is accessible even to P L E B s like you t b h

>> No.9113702
File: 72 KB, 633x507, 1485052614179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some smarty pants made this, it's bretty gud.

>> No.9113704

I read Fear And Trembling without reading any other philosophy besides Camus, and I at least understood some of it. I'll definitely have to reread it eventually, but it wasn't so difficult.

>> No.9113711

Same guy again

Sorry everyone here is such a prick, not sure why people have to act like this. This chart is legitimately good, don't really worry about the need hegel stuff, you'll still get a ton out of it.

>> No.9113760

Training in cuckold

>> No.9113791

Not OP but thanks

>> No.9113801

There's being witty, and then there's being pedantic.

>> No.9114182

ask rebel absurdity

>> No.9114202


You need a thorough understanding of Kant's transcendental subject as well, Kierkegaard's entire thought rests on it.

>> No.9114256

how to start with kant?
how to start with hegel?

>> No.9114285
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Personally I understood kierk and hegel on the first read without any prior experience in philosophy, but I'm Catholic so maybe that's to be expected desu.

>> No.9114397

1. No you don't.

2. But of course you think that you do. How could you know that you don't know?

>> No.9114418
File: 49 KB, 310x459, Kierkegaard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up cross my name is sören but u can call me t3h kN1gHT oF f41TH!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very anxious!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet anxious ppl like me _… im 27 years old (im deathly ill 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 read the holy bible w/ my ex-girlfreind (im calling my wedding off if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite bookshow!!! bcuz its SOOOO anxious!!!! shes anxious 2 of course but i want 2 meet more anxious ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!
ISAAAAAAAAC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein anxious again _^ hehe…toodles!!!!!

irony and repetition,

t3h kN1gHT oF f41TH

>> No.9114551
File: 112 KB, 675x1080, kierk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read "Kierkegaard" by Michael Watts. Breaks down Kierkegaard's verbose ramblings in layman and covers most of his works and his life. very good and thorough book.

>> No.9114830


>> No.9115344
File: 194 KB, 498x430, 1477836894134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How could you know that you don't know?
My vision is finite, yet I can know what does not fall within it in as far as I don't see it but know that it's there since vision and comprehension are connected. In the same way what falls under my comprehension is known to me differently than what is formulated to me but does not fall under my comprehension. I can know exactly where my understanding leaves off, because things which I understand manifest themselves in a particular way that I am familiar with. So when I read words on a page and they don't take on this quality in my mind then I know without a doubt I don't understand them.
How do I know when I've understood something? Two requirements must be met; firstly, I have to be able to place this knowledge comfortably within my personal philosophical context wherein it is connected with other kinds of knowledge and thereby attaining relevance to me and my picture of the world of ideas. Secondly the historical-critical dimension; my understanding of a thing must be in alignment with the external, historical, and structural form of the idea in question and be based on what the author himself intended to express.
This is my process of heuristic, it works very well for me, so you can take your little miniature powerpoint presentation and shove it up your already prolapsed anus.

>> No.9115464

top lel

>> No.9115486

Seducer's Diary

>> No.9116679


>> No.9117598


To be honest I'm just gonna broadly follow the reading list here. Seems dece

>> No.9118132
