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9112567 No.9112567 [Reply] [Original]

Have any of you served?
I am seriously considering joining the military here in the U.S. and was wondering what the general thought is around here on writers in the army.

>> No.9112582

The Vietnam War seems to have effectively killed the romantic idea of being a soldier. Americans since then haven't really associated soldiers with intelligence and creativity, probably to the detriment of the nation.

>> No.9112590

you van only go to the army if you get discharged for being too much of a badass, like jimi hendrix or something. otherwise youre a stooge

>> No.9112592

>what the general thought is around here on writers in the army.
welfare queens with nothing worth saying
those who submit to a ruling structure to be ruled rather than rule themselves

>> No.9112596

>welfare queens with nothing worth saying

u wot

>> No.9112600

salinger and pynchon both served, among others
so what then, in stoogeship, is desirable...there has got to be some aspect of service which evades you

>> No.9112603

very interesting point
but i would say in the mideast, specifically any measure brought to bear on isis, is viewed with some degree of patriotism, and rightly so - in my judgement

>> No.9112613

government is basically a giant mafia operation, and the army are the henchmen or enforcers. the idea that anyone would willingly sign up for that is repellant to me me. though i guess some people join for the health and educational benefits. but still.

>> No.9112625

oh man, you're wide of the mark. But then of course, under the conditions you've set, it would be repellent to join up. It is very much to the advantage of reality that your description is very far from it

>> No.9112631

we can disagree. doesnt mean youre wrong, or that i'm wrong.
even though realistically, you're wrong.

>> No.9112632

You can go to war as a journalist without enlisting.

>> No.9112645

Either of us might be right at one time or another throughout history, but as a rule, and as a matter of principle, your stance is teenaged at best.

And I've never been attracted to the facile self-congratulations of those who merely recognize a disagreement and then seek, meekly, to "leave it at that"...proud of having discerned. One of us is wrong, and so it follows naturally that you are wrong.

>> No.9112663
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>tfw I want to be a soldier but my nation is docile and toothless
It is to me an almost mythical ideal, an ideal that I'll never have the opportunity to embody

>> No.9112677

what country?

>> No.9112683

Germany probably. The kikes really cucked them after WW2.

>> No.9112684

What's a better viewpoint for an aspiring writers, enlisted or officer?

>> No.9112692

My diary desu

>> No.9112693

What's so great about being a soldier? At best you'll be sent to murder some brown people on the other side of the globe who pose no threat to you to further the interests of the global elite. Not exactly as romantic as it was. Not to mention martial combat is all but gone.

>> No.9112694

Australia. I really want to love my nation as a man should be able to, but I can't. There is nothing here to admire or aspire to and I grow more bitter and discontented every day at the passivity and servility of our people and government.

>> No.9112709

that's what I mean, it's no longer a pure ideal. I doubt there will be a conflict involving Australia that wouldn't be shameful to fight in as long as I live.

>> No.9112723
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>tfw Canada
>tfw your leader says "When you kill your enemies, they win."

Why couldn't the old one have shot blanks? Why God, why?

>> No.9112724

I'm from belgium and I feel EXACTLY the same way about my country and the way it has now rendered the pursuit of romantic ideals impossible.

>> No.9112730

Join the French Foreign Legion. Fags like you is exactly what they need.

>> No.9112736

How many men harbour these feelings today? I don't want to die without witnessing a movement in our favour

>> No.9112738

>Join the French

Va te faire foutre, grenouille.

>> No.9112746

we should institute female-only conscription until as many females have died in combat as have men

>> No.9112756
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>tfw to intelligent to join the army

>> No.9112757

sounds totally awful

>> No.9112760

>to intelligent

>> No.9112762
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I ain't no Ox-moron

>> No.9112767


>> No.9112786

>not realizing nationality is a spook
If a war happened you should always join the winning side, otherwise and you're still spooked.

>> No.9112792

>being a little bitch is a spook

>> No.9112815


>> No.9112835
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>being a puppet in Mr. Goldberg's army


>> No.9112844

>dying to fill/protect someone's pockets

>> No.9112875

You can always join up with the Kurds and help them fight Isis.

Or if you don't like Kurds, you can always join up with Isis.

>> No.9112892

I hate the idea of fighting for Wall Street or Tel Aviv, but if Trump is serious about Making America Great Again, I would definitely take part in The Great Cleansing.

>> No.9112898
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Outer Heaven when?

>> No.9113026
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>couldn't serve the army because my myopia is too high.

>> No.9113047

>putting yourself in harms way for trump
you poor stupid fuck.

>> No.9113134


>> No.9113163

>dude you know what's super patriotic?
>conquering a bunch of shitskins halfway around the world
Like I understand why you might think it's right or ethical, but patriotic?

>> No.9113171

He's not wrong. The mafia is a lot more organised than they appear.

Certainly the army isn't like any militia, defending the good people of the good city or some bullshit like that. The army is a geopolitical tool, and it is proud to be one.

>> No.9113173

it has better benefits than being a barista at starbucks. the only problem is I can't have a twirly mustache and dreads.

>> No.9113175

You need to actually have some combat experience for them to want to use you. Otherwise you're just propaganda, which is fair (because why the fuck would you want to use untrained westerners on the front line?).

>> No.9113193

why would anyone who is intelligent want to become a mindless tool for the elites?

>> No.9113221

I used to glamorize war, since I was a teenager when the Iraq invasion started and thought Vietnam Vets were mostly complainer pussies.

As I got older, and saw the IED war, with no real enemy, and started reading stuff like Chomsky and Tolstoi's non-fiction works, and showed some scholarly interest in the Syrian conflict and the birth of Daesh, I have settled into the conclusion that while standing armies are necessary, as are generally peaceful alliance blocs like Nato, for the most part service in the military is for the low caste, and possibly immoral. This doesnt mean that I totally subscribe to Christian naivete ala Tolstoi, but harming your fellow man is ultimately monstrous and glamorizing it is a fools errand. We must strive for Detente and rise above our animal origins.


I don't think my country is better than the US, or Denmark, and if ISIS rolled in, defending from the savages is ethical, but it is not Patriotic.

>> No.9113226

French foreign legion

>> No.9113231

I have an uncle with a twirly mustache.

>> No.9113237

>I don't think my country is better than the US, or Denmark, and if ISIS rolled in, defending from the savages is ethical, but it is not Patriotic.
I'd understand if that was his argument, because if you believe in such a thing then defending your country is certainly patriotic. But going out to take over people thousands of miles away?

The rest of your post is pseudy af my friend. Spooks n shiiet.
Christ, I wouldn't recommend that even to someone who mythologises the army as much as anon.

>> No.9113245

As if working in an office and playing with your iCrap is being an independent individual.

>> No.9113247

spotted the pseud. self defense does not immediately imply patriotism, especially if the defense is a common one within your civilization.

and you believe that patriotism ISNT a spook?

>> No.9113256

>spotted the pseud
What a pseud.
>self defense does not immediately imply patriotism
Nor did I say it did.
>and you believe that patriotism ISNT a spook?

>> No.9113265
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Keep calm continue your studies, the pot is only beginning to simmer. Wait until it gets to a rolling boil and we will have some fun.

>> No.9113279

This is true. I personally despise everything related to death, but it is inevitable.

>> No.9113342

Mattis, only guy in current administration who is smart. Reads like a maniac, watch some interviews the guy is pulling anecdotes from literature as often as history and perr-reviewed studies. He bring a copy of Marcus Aurelius with him everywhere.

Lots of idiots in the military, meaning if you read a lot and are generally resourceful and smart, you will go extremely far, if you can put up with the bullshit.

>> No.9113377

I would've, but I got discharged from boot camp after not being able to sleep for several days and acting crazy because of it. I wanted to go back, but they wouldn't risk it and sent me home.

>> No.9113954

>Lots of idiots in the military

Among grunts and low-level officerd, maybe. What makes Mattis unique is the cult of personality around him. There's plenty of other "smart guy" generals in the military. You can't get that high up the chain of command if you're an idiot.

>> No.9113960

>What's a better viewpoint for an aspiring writers, enlisted or officer?

Officer, no doubt.

>> No.9113964
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savage af

>> No.9113968

>You can't get that high up the chain of command if you're an idiot.

>> No.9113972

Yes, but under the threat of prison. Conscription kills motivation.

>> No.9113975

Soldiers aren't interesting when they're all drawn from one personality-type. When they were drafted and you'd have weepy, Owen Wilsony type faggots in there, war writers were interesting; now I would honestly prefer war-journalists' writing.

>> No.9113987

t. Master Strategos

>> No.9114027

What l meant was that the military has a habit of sorting out the Michael Flynns from the Mattisses and the Kellys.

>> No.9114036

at times of peace only fucking losers join the army my man.

>> No.9114046

it's actually a cozy way to get college and benefits. (eating for free for 3+ years and getting paid to study) but whatever, enjoy slaving away bussing tables.

>> No.9114048

I'm not a burger, so correct me if l'm wrong, but doesn't the military provide scolarships for people who come back from their tours?

Isn't that how people like Tom Cotton got to where they are now?

>> No.9114052

>The Vietnam War seems to have effectively killed the romantic idea of being a soldier
In the U.S. maybe. In Europe that idea went down with the WWI.

>> No.9114061

Except for the whole Fascism thing.

>> No.9114062

Being a soldier is only /lit/ if you got drafted.

If you want a similar experience (traveling to a foreign dangerous country to serve people for a powerful experience) before you enter your normie life, consider the Peace Corps. That's what I'm planning on doing. All the adventure without the needless violence in service of a bunch of morally dubious causes.

It would be different if we were fighting a genuine existential threat, but right now America is just killing thousands of brown people because people are still somehow terrified of terrorism despite the fact that it poses basically no more threat than lightning.

>> No.9114071

Newfag wow
Be a navyseal. All of them are shit writers so go be a good one

>> No.9114074

Yeah I did my conscription.

>> No.9114075

those words aren't my own btw. that came from my grandfather who trained pilots in WW2 and stayed on long after that. when I was finishing highschool I wanted to join and he sat me down and told me about the difference in people during a time of war vs not. I did not join the army lol.

>> No.9114080

i served the shit out of your fat ass mom's dick hole

>> No.9114082

So as he said, then.
>without the needless violence in service of a bunch of morally dubious causes.
But that's the whole fucking point.

How the hell are you meant to have a sanity-shaking experience if you're not throwing yourself into the bad stuff?

>> No.9114100

one of my childhood friends did this. they were going to send him to marseilles on his first mission or else the parachute corps, which is essentially a death sentence so his parents and a couple friends staged a paramilitary operation to free him. he's alright now but i don't think his dad is leaving him out unescorted.

>> No.9114107

I served three years in IDF and it immediately abolished any bit of nationalist feeling I barely had previously and it was shit in general.
I imagine it's different in countries where citizens aren't forced to recruit and have tons of depressed and unmotivated soldiers, but at any rate I guess it's a universal illusion that army service and wars in general are glorious, and I think you should find something better to do with your time then getting drafted and sent to some hellhole in the desert to die for the globalists.

>> No.9114114

still free krav maga classes are based

>> No.9114120

I still don't get your point

>> No.9114123

Good goy

>> No.9114269

>How the hell are you meant to have a sanity-shaking experience if you're not throwing yourself into the bad stuff?

That's why being drafted is /lit/ as fuck. But it just doesn't make sense to willingly do that if you don't support it. Especially because in a draft you'll also be surrounded by people forced into this situation, rather than a bunch of nationalists pumped to shoot up some sandniggers.

I'm just hoping Trump fucks shit up enough that we'll need a draft soon.

>> No.9114276

>But it just doesn't make sense to willingly do that if you don't support it.
That's exactly what makes it patrish. We all know how essential internal contradiction is to not being a pleb.

>> No.9114307


I've thought about joining the Army and going for a Special Forces 18x contract after college

>> No.9114347

Join Special Forces - you can have a manly beard and a thousand yard stare.

>> No.9114373

I don't know. Are you going to do this senpai?

>> No.9114390

stop romanticising everything you retard

for infantry the main part of the job is carrying really heavy shit, doing a lot of training exercises and above all: sitting around waiting. Most will never see combat and combat today consists of hiding behind some cover, firing inaccurately at some distant position, not killing the terrorists who's only equipment is some poorly maintained firearms from the 50s-70s, then calling in an airstrike to avoid danger because they're not dying and getting closer or changing position is a slight risk. With half of the ordinance from the airstrike hitting a nearby village and killing a few dozen grandmothers and children.

Being a fucking truck driver is more of an honourable and dangerous profession than a soldier.

>> No.9114411

This post was some real shit.

>tfw you will never be drafted into WW2

Is there a modern equivalent for those of us that want to experience? Does anyone know anything about the experience of the peace corps (or maybe charity organizations that serve in dangerous areas)?

>> No.9114426
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I've served.

See you on the battlefield some day

>> No.9114435

in addition, soldiers for the modern world are archaic and useless. They had no place outside of war time in the past and today they're more like "just in case", hence why most soldiers in the past are hastily enlisted/conscripted unskilled youth. Something far more honourable and of a higher ideal is being a scientist or engineer. You can retain fitness and self-discipline while actually being useful to society. A cashier at a supermarket contributes more to the world than a soldier, a soldier is just a money sink, an investment in case force is needed (tip: it never actually is, it's just used in some shithole foreign country for the ends of corporations).

btw im a soldier in a fairly active non-U.S army who strives to be an autodidact polymath. Though those words are kind of memey.

>> No.9114442
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I was thinking about going to Ukraine as a volunteer when the thing with Crimea started, but they're not taking foreigners with no experience.

>> No.9114468

I don't know of anything. UN peacekeeper seems to align to what you mean but you have to be in a national military to be a peacekeeper (as far as I know).

You could join a force that fights against ISIS, such as Peshmerga. Though it'll be quite dangerous, far more dangerous than being a usual soldier would actually. Probably the worst part is you won't have a professional military around you. You'll have glory-searching, low quality, armed civilians at your side. Nor will you have the aforementioned airstrike or other tech and support on hand.

Peshmerga's foreign legion:

>> No.9114524

Modern warfare has lost all its glory. The vast majority who serve are not participating in combat, they're mechanics, engineers, cooks, clerks, etc. It's just a vast, bureaucratic machine, and the jobs are getting more and more specialized. Even if you are in the infantry, you will likely never see combat- and if you do, it'll be from hundreds of yards away, firing thousands of rounds at a few goat herders. Most of the people in the military are either fuckups or just plain fucked in the head. Like everything else in our society, the armed forces are becoming increasingly specialized and compartmentalized. There is no more glory, no honor, no struggle, no heroism. Just numbers and digits inside the great computer.

>> No.9114573

>no more glory, no honor, no struggle, no heroism
implying it genuinely had those in the past

>> No.9114639

It did and we all know it. Yes, there was disease and death and horrible fighting, but there was a true sense of self-sacrifice and struggle in the name of something greater than one individual. The soldiers under Alexander, Caesar, and Napoleon all knew what they were fighting for. They made history together. Brothers in arms. Even in the horrors of industrialized war, they were fighting for something greater, an ideal, a nation, or for the struggle itself. There were tales of heroism and greatness. We write stories about these wars because they appeal to us on a fundamental level.

>> No.9114650

Being a geopolitical tool does not, as such, disqualify an entity from defending the good people and city

>> No.9114654

Officers obviously are from a more educated baxkground and therefore more likely to be literary. There are literally thousands of grunt memoirs and they are nearly all sensationalist dogshit.

>> No.9114676

Serving in today's militaries is just being a tool of feckless liberal governments. There is little glory in that. Reminder that junger joined the French foreign legion before the German military

>> No.9114684

how did you find that?

>> No.9114686

A letter came in the mail

>> No.9114694

>hence why

>> No.9114703

Yep. Or something similar. Not just for the a e s t h e t i c, obviously.
>Not the Kurds
>Not Crimea
>Fucking Ukraine
Shit taste my man.
You'll also potentially be branded a terrorist/get put on watchlists, depending on your country.
This is pretty much the same throughout history, it's just that nowadays we call those faggots soldiers. Most people would fight very rarely.
The fuck's obvious about that. Anyone can become an officer.

>> No.9114856

that was promoted by intellectuals, students and irredentists, not by people who actually fought in the trenches (like, for example, Remarque)

>> No.9114899

Vlaanderen boven

>> No.9114906

Bullshit, the military loved fascism, and almost all fascist leaders served in WW1.

>> No.9114934
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But that's wrong though. Many of the original fascists in Germany were veterans of the Great War and the Freikorps. The Fuhrer himself was wounded in action several times and won the Iron Cross for valor.

>> No.9114938

You broke desperate fuck

>> No.9114982


War is psychopaths telling stories to idiots so they can go kill other human beings so the psychopaths can gain wealth. Thats all its ever fucking been. If you're not defending yourself on your own territory, you're basically just mercenary for corporations and politicians. A war hero is just a propaganda tool. Its someone who has been vetted through a violent struggle you can promote politically to remind your opponents that you have war veterans on your side. Soldiers are typically opportunistic people down on their luck, or hyper programmed patriots.

>> No.9114986

You're right, but the Italian war on the alpine front was not that painful and consuming as the clash between French and Germany in Normandy and Britanny. Well... of course every front was devastating for soldiers (war is war) but the real tragedy that changed the romantic idea of being a soldier once and for all was on the trenches. Italians were madly vengeful for the unredeemed lands, but Mussolini himself was actually doubtful about starting a new war, and it's no coincidence if he declared Italy neutral at the beginning of the WW2. Then, as you said, the military (but also the Futurists and many students) started pressing along with Hitler. On the other hand, the Germans subjected to censorship most of the facts about the WW1 and then sent young men (who had not been, of course, on the trenches) to fight

>> No.9114990

take a look at >>9114986

>> No.9114995

Hitler used force to get rid of a lot opposition before he actually stepped into power. A lot of his higher ups were military personal. In fact Hitlers rise to power really was just a millitary coup, and he started running germany like a military

>> No.9115004

Join, rise through the ranks, try to initiate a coup d'etat, fail, write your memoirs from prison.

>> No.9115037
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>You're right, but the Italian war on the alpine front was not that painful and consuming as the clash between French and Germany in Normandy and Britanny.

That's just your opinion. You've obviously never had to drag a howitzer up a rocky slope in snowstorm while half your platoon is buried under an avalanche. The trenches weren't even that bad, they rotated soldiers back behind the lines every couple of weeks so they could recuperate. If anything the Eastern Front was the worst, what with all the starvation and disease and pogroms.

>> No.9115055

If you live in a society likes ours, sometimes you have to grit your teeth and deal with that sort of obedience in order to survive, but signing up for the military is willingly becoming a dog for the government to use as they so choose. You're the shameless kiss-ass seeking attention from your master, like the ultimate cuck. You're willingly handing over your autonomy and your life to the big faceless conglomerate that will send you out to do its dirty work while they laugh up in their ivory towers. But yeah, being in the military is redpilled, sure.

>> No.9115140

Going to join Air Force in a couple months. Don't listen to these commie faggots.

>> No.9115189

Theres a great sub on reddit called r/navyseals. I know you said you want sf but the mods are actually seals and talk about their time as an operator. I suggest you go there and see what they say about it.

>> No.9115196

You're right about the Eastern Front, but just trying to randomly quarrel about the rest. (Because we're on 4chan, eh? You feel the atmosphere, I noticed). Since we're in the right place, let's talk about books: the Italian literature about the WW1 is almost inexistent, except Ungaretti's poems (while it's pretty great the production after the WW2, not by chance). Instead, the greatest book about the WW1 -- and the one that destroyed for the first time the romantic idea of being a soldier -- is All Quiet on the Western Front, by Remarque. (Incidentally, saying that "the trenches weren't even that bad" is a lot more idiotic than saying the Alpine Front was not so painful -- which I didn't say, anyway, since I added immediately after that every front was devastating for soldiers. Go read Remarque, if you need to freshen up about what were the trenches).

However, we're just saying the same thing, even if you'll certainly argue again after this post. You said the fascists and the nazis were veterans of the Great War: sure, but that doesn't imply that the romantic idea of being a soldier died after the WW2. It was already dead with the WW1, when for the first time people fought in the mud, among pieces of flesh and brains squirting onto their faces, with blood and guts splat onto the trees, with eardrums ruptured by aircraft noise and no food for weeks and stale diarrhoea in the pants. Or do you want to argue about this?

>> No.9115207

>You feel the atmosphere, I noticed

Also Hemingway fought in Italy, no?

Also the romantic idea of fighting was "killed" in the Napoleonic Wars, and the Thirty Years War before that. But people don't really lose that romanticism.

>> No.9115258

>But people don't really lose that romanticism
Well, all the discussion started from this post >>9112582 where Anon stated that
>The Vietnam War seems to have effectively killed the romantic idea of being a soldier
Just bullshit that only an American, raised with nationalism as daily bread, could write. The first war that actually changed everything on a large scale was the WW1, that's written in every fucking history book. Then, well, of course people don't lose that romanticism... if not so, we'd already eradicate war off the planet.

>> No.9115260
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Man, you don't like it when people contradict you, do you? I have read Remarque but I've also read Junger.

>when for the first time people fought in the mud, among pieces of flesh and brains squirting onto their faces, with blood and guts splat onto the trees, with eardrums ruptured by aircraft noise and no food for weeks and stale diarrhoea in the pants.

This isn't true at all, except for the aircraft and even that isn't true, technically. Solferino and Gettysburg were just as bad as the Somme, just on a smaller scale.

>> No.9115272

Man, what's your problem? Are you trying to convince me that the WW1 was not so bad and normal people didn't lose the romanticism about being a soldier? Because that's what the discussion is about.

>> No.9115276
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Marine POG here.

Knew a guy who wrote erotic novels as a hobby and another who wrote shitty science fiction (had an entire universe mapped out in a level of detail that would impress Tolkien).

Pretty much everyone will call you a fag for being literate. Only the Officers have ever even picked up a book, and even then only because it was assigned reading in college or whatever.

My advice: if you're joining because you really want to join then good for you. On the other hand if you're a starving artist desperate for something to write about and just want to live out your Hemingway fantasies then fuck off cause you're just going to get people killed.

>> No.9115300
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>Unironically using reddit

>> No.9115304

Not at all. Why do you think War and Peace was written? People get caught up nowadays because the First World War is the thing which affected our era.

>> No.9115309

>Pretty much everyone will call you a fag for being literate. Only the Officers have ever even picked up a book, and even then only because it was assigned reading in college or whatever.

Yet another reason why being drafted is the only way to go. You would actually fight alongside fellow educated people, because they were forced into it.

>> No.9115311

People will see this and think it's shitty /r9k/-tier internet tribalism. It isn't. Reddit has a way of thinking that will wind its way into your brain. It is necessary to sever all ties with the site if you want to avoid its influence.

>> No.9115315

Okay I got bored enough by this sterile discussion, you're right okay? Cya

>> No.9115319

Normally you would just stop replying.

>> No.9115343


Patriotism ran high in the immediate postwar era. Those nihilistic anti-war books and movies only achieved mass popularity in the 1930s when the Depression hit. I don't think WW1 was worse than other wars, the only thing different was the scale. You can't seriously tell me that the Sicilian Expedition or the Teutoburger Wald weren't as bad as Ypres for the soldiers who were involved.

I don't think normal people have ever lost their romanticism about war, pretty much every kid grows up playing with toy soldiers and toy guns.

>> No.9115347

Could you talk more about this? What exactly does reddit do to you?

>> No.9115356

It has an all-pervasive passive-aggression which will sap any will to deal with other people as if they were people, your equals (as it were), but instead as if they were potential political-points (political in the high-school politics sense of the word).

>> No.9115364

How is 4chan any better for dealing with people as equal human beings?

>> No.9115367

People are generally petty and simple minded. Reddit isnt the problem

>> No.9115369

It forces you to not give a shit about anyone else to the point that you just say what you think, and take nothing personally, and don't care about politics. You talk to people as they are, not as what they might represent.
Of course. Many other forums and similar networks have a similar effect. Reddit's just the most popular.

>> No.9115394

why air force over the other branches?

>> No.9115397

Because he's working-class enough to think a low-paying job sitting down all day is sweet.

>> No.9115400

>Lol blackpeopletwitter
>blacks are oppressed and we must stand together for the poor blacks
>famous black person speaks out about race (ironies aside): "this person should just shut the fuck up. People don't like you because x not because you're black"

This is reddit to me

>> No.9115401

Well said. I was trying to figure out why 4chan, despite being seemingly dehumanizing, has actually made me better with socializing IRL, and I think you summed it up pretty well.

>> No.9115409

why do people have this conception of the air force as a lazy branch

>> No.9115417

That's like a fifth of Reddit my man. /pol/-style anti-SJWry is wider spread (although centrist liberalism is bigger than both).

>> No.9115461

This desu. At least 4chan is open about its apathy (or quite often racism).

Reddit is so fucking pretentious about politics. Just accept you don't have to care about every single issue. Don't just adopt every single stance that makes you feel good.

>Racism is bad and I care about it, because that makes me feel like a good person
>but also SJWs are out of hand amiright (this makes me feel good about my white identity)
>conservatives r dumbbbb
>liberal view with moderation mixed in enough to make it a pleasant view to hold
>constantly asks "source?"
>gets their news from reddit, which is literally curated to reinforce their views, even if they technically use credible sources

I don't know what the fuck I'm saying anymore but hopefully it resonated with some of you.

>> No.9115472

and you're not doing this in your shitty office job?
you're shit posting on fucking 4chan, you're not an enlightened, free soul or whatever bullshit you think you are

>> No.9115485

The difference is that you're company won't kill you and not feel bad about it.

>> No.9115490

If two people are licking toilet seats, toilet licker A is right to call toilet licker B a faggot when he starts acting like he's eating cupcakes.

>> No.9115528

The watch is what worries me the most.

>> No.9115550

Seriously? Have you not heard or read about all the hazing, rape and suicide in the military?
Do you want PTSD?

>> No.9115571

Not to mention STD
There is a widely circulated myth that one has to experience stuff like that in order to write, ignoring that there is such a thing as imagination.

>> No.9115581

>The difference is that you are company

I wish, desu

>> No.9115626

Cervantes was a soldier who fought through victory and defeat and lingered in a prisoner of war camp for years.

Shakespeare lived in a house.

>> No.9115663

>I like people who weren't captured

>> No.9115753
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>liking people that were captured

>> No.9116380

Except for people generally believe that fighting in WWII was a good cause, otherwise you're a Nazi sympathizer.

>> No.9116409

Violent struggle is not morally indefensible as you seem to assume, it's the truest test of worthiness there is

>> No.9117869

It's good work, and the VA benefits are outrageous. You'll also spend 90% (99% if you're a POG) of your time doing fucking nothing. The only people who have to turn their brains on at any point during the tour in the Marines are the officers, everyone else might as well be oxen with rifles and vocal chords.

So you'll have a lot of time to think. The days of bayonet charges and grand combats are pretty much over though, infantry have a rapidly diminishing role in modern war. Especially if you join now, good luck getting a combat badge.

>> No.9117892

they give out CABs like fucking girl scout cookies man
>officer is within five miles of a mortar strike
>I-I was in danger!!!!

>> No.9117893

>How guys, let's spend five years and millions of lives stopping these Germans from taking over Europe so that these literal Communists can take it over instead
>Oh hey the war's over? Great let's start assembling the parts of Europe that aren't ruled by the Soviet Empire now into a superstate under Germany

Literally a waste of time. Every single person who died in that war died for nothing. The only differencethere would be between Europe today and Europe in a timeline where Hitler had won is that the latter would have a fortress on the moon and cooler architecture.

>> No.9118368
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>99% if you're a POG

Are you kidding me? We're the ones who actually have jobs that require more than sitting in the barracks all day jerking off, idiot. But go ahead and tell me how you get hazed more (like that's something to be proud of) or that you got shot at more on deployment so therefore all POGs should stand at parade rest for you.

>> No.9118388

No, they real difference is that the military will kill you physically before it kills you spiritually while the opposite is true for corporate wage slavery. You lose either way but for somewhat different reasons.

>> No.9118429

The army is built around breaking you to its rules.

In that way it is better. It's much easier to get a handle on things when someone's shouting at you, than when you're being constantly, slightly pressured into doing what nobody really wants.

>> No.9118447

AF has better tech jobs than any other branch. I don't care about the money, I need the experience.

>> No.9118450

Same difference.

>> No.9118459

I enjoyed this, anon. Thank you.

>> No.9118467

The Navy is the most literary.

>> No.9118470

Unless you become an officer, you're going to make shit pay no matter what branch you're in. Joining the Army for a few extra shekels is not worth dealing with the retards I'd be working with.

>> No.9118572

serving is for normies
the idea of dying for a social construct is disgusting
get yourself some taste

>> No.9118599

>not dying like Dave Masters

>> No.9118695

this is a good analogy desu

>> No.9118803

>you're either a tool for special interests or an enlightened, free soul
nuances exist, anon

>> No.9119156


Aeroplane has chair built into it

>> No.9119512

>constantly asks "source?"
>even if they technically use credible sources
While the pedantry and posturing on reddit is nauseating, you still can't fault these. Baseless assertions shouldn't be getting a pass.

>> No.9119527

Officers also make shit pay.

No, I meant that getting experience is equal to getting money, in that it's purely a means to earning more money later on.
I mean, actually I technically could fault those. Give me my upvote.

>> No.9119533

muh psy ants

>> No.9120504


>> No.9121107

You can only join if you're a dirt poor Slav shit with nothing to lose. They don't really accept anyone else.

>> No.9121154

>serving is for normies

The average American is too cowardly to serve lol

>> No.9122589


>> No.9122617

do it fags. serve!

>> No.9122817

I fear death too much, im still ambivalent towards our republic, and I don't even know if my countries enemy is my enemy.

>> No.9122887

>valuing your life and autonomy = cowardice

>> No.9123205

>want to love my nation as a man should be able to

My gott

>> No.9123233


>> No.9123237

ITT: good goyim

>> No.9123252

Do Americans really get triggered over stolen valour? Seems more pathetic than offensive

>> No.9123266

There is no Anglo American nation today worthy of its people's love

>> No.9124969

serve your fellow man, not your country or its leaders. if you ever go to battle you'll be fighting to save the man next to you, not some politician back home.

>> No.9125081


I'm not bothered by the fact that they ask for sources but rather the hypocrisy of constantly criticizing where the other side gets their info, while they get their news from reddit.

>> No.9125088

Yeah, it was fun.
Theres some patrish people hiding there running around reading Kafka and doing drugs.

>> No.9125293

>Dying for a spook is something to be proud of
lmaoing at your life

>> No.9125377

Stirner is a joke
Also look up combat deaths in the past five years, you're more likely to be murdered in a large city than die in the military from combat

>> No.9125408

Join the legion my nigger. Nothing can beat going to Africa and killing Africans.

>> No.9125752

I'm unironically interested in pmc work at this point

>> No.9126620
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>> No.9127715


>> No.9128195

>In Europe that idea went down with the WWI.
Canada as well, whole towns where I live had their sons shredded to pieces by German machine guns or Turkish shells