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/lit/ - Literature

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9111216 No.9111216 [Reply] [Original]

a-anon, what's philosophy?

>> No.9111233

*unzips dick*

>> No.9111242


>> No.9111251

The study of thought, now go to bed.

>> No.9111255

You're memeing if you think philosophy's only aim is to study human thought. It makes use of thought but it covers a wide variety of subjects.

>> No.9111257

nothing that your pathetic inferior female brain could comprehend

>> No.9111457


Bottom line? Ontology.

>> No.9111459


>> No.9111490

The study of knowledge, existence, reality, and your mother.

>> No.9111500

philosophy is thinking about things until you come up with ideas so far removed form reality you end up reshaping reality with the help of your friends to reflect your ideas.

>> No.9111511

Philosophy is when you wonder about shit with fancy words

>> No.9111512

It is about developing systems of thought and logic, which can then be used for various ends.

This often means asking questions or complicating or redirecting old ones.

>> No.9111539

Both are correct.

>> No.9111561

When a man and a man love each other very much, they write incessantly about increasingly abstract bullshit.

>> No.9111574

how does one unzip a dick?

>> No.9111591

*gore spills out*

>> No.9111612

It's when you reject Christ and have to make up nonsense to try and fill the void in your soul.

>> No.9111617

Love of knowledge.

By this metric, most "professional philosophers" are not actually philosophers. That is, they love dogma, which is static, instead of knowledge, which is pegged to thinking and is dynamic.

>> No.9111627

But by that metric, a shitload of people definitely-not-philosophers are philosophers. Good scientists definitely love knowledge, but defining them as philosophers would be silly.

That definition worked back when philosophy and science were still more or less merged.

>> No.9111632
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this x100

>> No.9111639

Why is there a potato in my bed asking questions?

>> No.9111646

trying to understand life and meaning outside of politics for the most part

>> No.9111652

Why would it be silly to define "good scientists" (I'm assuming that by "good" you mean efficient) as philosophers?

>> No.9111656
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haha it's everything, everything in the universe! physics are philosophy!!

>> No.9111661


An attempt to answer the fundamental questions behind broad concepts such as ethics, existence, politics, and logic, using rigorous reasoning and debate.

>> No.9111663

a mental illness

>> No.9111674

When I said good, I meant "people who actually like being scientists and do it well" and thus: who love knowledge. As opposed to someone who half-asses their study.

It would be silly because philosophy is its own study, one that is rather hard to define, but still. It is usually pretty clear to us when someone is doing philosophy rather than physics.

>> No.9111677

you can't just say something's a mental illness just because you don't understand it

>> No.9111701

>Y-you just don't get it!

Typical response from someone with a mental illness.

>> No.9111702

We're using different terms. I do not recognize what you call philosophy, what I call professional philosophy, as any more valid a course to knowledge than entrance into a seminary.

Philosophy as you define it is pure navel-gazing. But I'm glad you recognize that scientists are the actual knowledge-lovers, rather than these people who sit around in academies masturbating to syllogisms it took 30 (wasted) years to produce

>> No.9111706

hello brainlet

>> No.9111717

>Y-your brain just isn't on the same w-wavelength at mine!

You're in denial, dear anon-with-mental-illness.

>> No.9111718

>your mother
eh funny meme my brother haha

>> No.9111725

Its love of wisdom actually.

>> No.9111730

by not being a newfag

>> No.9111783

To be wise means to have knowledge. Yes, the literal translation of "sophia" is "wisdom," but phrasing it that way implies more of a state than a process. That is, there is a common misunderstanding of "wisdom" as an object to be "acquired" in the same way that "selfishness" has come to mean "hedonism." One will say, "I want to be a wise (wo)man," as if being in that state would complete one's life.

>> No.9111805
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Here is the actual definition of the Greek term.

>> No.9111811

then why are some of the greatest philosophers in history Christian?

>> No.9111832

Christian "philosophy," properly done, is simply the explication of biblical truth. Otherwise it is nonsense too; e.g. Dionysius.

>> No.9111869

I don't care how you phrase it. Its lover of wisdom. Also to be wise doesn't mean to have knowledge. Wisdom is gained through knowledge and experience.

>> No.9111889
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>> No.9111920

>To be wise means to have knowledge
No, to be wise is to apply knowledge.

>> No.9111925

Cathartic circle jerking most of the time but is in its purest form is the pursuit of knowledge.


/lit/ should be more careful throwing the word logic around, talking about it as if their Star-Trek spock interpretation of logic is what it actually means.

Some of the best Philosophers were mathematicians and scientists.

>> No.9111944


>> No.9111991

words without meaning

>> No.9112021

"Logic" has different meanings depending on the context, though.

Anyway, I'm not seeing /lit/ misusing it much, even if we use a more strict definition for it. /lit/ seems to rarely discuss logic, in this thread for example, there are only mentions of logic: no real implications of what logic is.

>> No.9112028

a way to be miserable intelligently

>> No.9112944

You pick some basic assumptions that you think are true and then you build skyscrapers of logic on top of them.

>> No.9112982


>> No.9113013

>there are people on /lit/ right now who don't study Hegel's lectures about the history of philosophy