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File: 406 KB, 1377x1600, Spinoza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9108977 No.9108977[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that all modern philosophy has been corrupted by Dutch Jew Baruch (((Spinoza))) with his Talmudic supposed magnum opus ethics which attacked the church and Christianity by disguising itself as a criticism of all religions (if it was really why didn't he publish it in the arab world) like how modern atheists such as Sam (((Harris))) and Christopher (((Hitchens))) do now. If you don't believe me then why did Hegel who influenced (((Marx))) say "you are either a Spinozist or not a philosopher at all" and 20th century french communist Gilles Deleuze call him the prince of philosophers?

>> No.9109847


>> No.9109858

>"you are either a Spinozist or not a philosopher at all" and 20th century french communist Gilles Deleuze call him the prince of philosophers?
Admiration of his thoroughality and rigorility even if he made errors, mistakes, short sights ("30"-44% accuracy rating but possibly nearing 60)

>> No.9110040

>("30"-44% accuracy rating but possibly nearing 60)
but also possibly as low as 9 - 3.6235062 on The Ultimate Meaning and Accuracy Scale of Measurements

>> No.9110042

People used avoid Spinoza because he talked about God so much.

>> No.9110049

YEah he came up with the Nature idea because his friends told him they'd never see him again if they heard the word God again.

>> No.9110053

immanent philosophy fucked many things up, I agree

>> No.9110059

Didn't Novalis claim Spinoza was drunk on God?

>> No.9110064

Yeah, everyone else used harsher terms but I think Novalis appreciated the natural troll qualities of autismal obsession and let it slide.

>> No.9110081

>sickly, died young

how jewish

>> No.9110083

all of philosophy is a corruption, the athenians were right in putting socrates to death

>> No.9110087

go to bed socrates you already an heroed. this thread is about how much Spinoza was in love with God, which is slightly more than how much Leibniz was in love with Spinoza

>> No.9110122


>> No.9110240


>> No.9110245

>tfw actually parentheses
>tfw waste of a shitpost

>> No.9110968

>being this mad about Spinoza's pan/atheism