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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3.08 MB, 4128x2322, Livingroomstack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9108284 No.9108284 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a stack thread going? Post your most recently bought books, your current reads, shitposts and rate others' tastes. Have fun!

>> No.9109283


Usually these things are bumpin

>> No.9109294
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can I play physical-bros?

>> No.9109299


The City and the City-China Mieville
Perdido Street Station-China Mieville
Existentialism is humanism-Sartre
Human All Too Human/ Beyond Good and Evil-Nietzsche

I got the wordsworth edition of the Nietzsche book. I should be fine, right?

>> No.9109300

I'll post when I get home, my 3 recent ones are memetastic as fuck

>> No.9109324


Is illuminatus good?

>> No.9109520
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>> No.9109526



>> No.9109559

Give me 1(ONE) reason not to read the abridged version

>> No.9109572

>Give me 1(ONE) reason not to read the abridged version

Because it is disgusting pleb behavior. Its not like Les Mis where explication on the paris sewer system takes 50 pages, the whole work is of value and contains pertinent information and anecdote throughout.

If you think thats acceptable you might as well read the fucking wikipedia page.

>> No.9109579

>Trevor Noah
Dude wtf

>> No.9109623
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>> No.9109639

Nice stack, Dr. Bloodmoney is one of Dick's better books and Illuminatus is a favorite as well. I have that Celtic Miscellany book but haven't gotten to it yet

Yeah, though it's really pulp-y

Okay there Mr. Supreme Arbiter of What Is and Isn't Worth Reading

>> No.9109648

>Trevor Noah
kill yourself

>> No.9110249


>> No.9110277
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Recently bought are these

First is "peasants" by Wladislaw Reymont
Second is "A moment in Peking" by Lin Yutang
Third is "Between tears and laughter" by Lin Yutang
Last one was a gift,it's "Thoughts" by Blaise Pascal

What do you think?

>> No.9110561
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>muh wordsworth

regret nothing buying the waves and ulysses, have already read ulysses translated, now in english

a bit apreehensive buying war & peace for the translation and a bit the cover, but it was cheap as fuck so...

>> No.9110732


Joyce wordsworth doesn't actually look too bad. I quite like their Dubliners cover.

>> No.9110743

>trevor noah
I cant stand that little fuck. Ruined a great show
>hurr durr trump!!
Ok? Is there any commentary or at least a joke coming?
>hes dumb!
Oh. I guess ill go read

>> No.9111300
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Couch side stack.

>> No.9111324

Nice stack.

Probably going to finish The Education of Cyrus tonight myself. I really loved it.

How is Great Irish Short Stories?

>> No.9111353
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beyond this I'm thumbing through other non-fiction texts I've completed, a few poetry collections, and every once in a while read a bit of a novel to lighten my burden.

>> No.9111376

Have you read any Kierkegaard before?

>> No.9111378

>screenwriting guru book
>trevor noah
>comic book

oh my god

>> No.9111395

I haven't gotten very far in it but it has Yeats, Joyce, Beckett and a bunch of people I've never heard of. Liking what I've read so far though.

Good to hear about Cyrus though cause i havent read it yet.

>> No.9111397

You make the assumption he's going to read it farther than the first ten pages.

>> No.9111400


>Kelly Link


>> No.9111439
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Here's what I have bought the last few weeks.

>> No.9111455

no. i was deciding between this, fear and trembling, and christian discourses. i dont think of myself as an idiot, dont have that much time, and didnt want to buy a selected works, so I chose Practices. Hopefully it turns out to be a good decision.

>> No.9111484


Crucible of War by Fred Anderson
Pale Fire by Vladimir Nabokov
The Unvanquished by William Faulkner

Finished Pale Fire and I'm most likely going to finish The Unvanquished by tomorrow.

Crucible of War, however I am going to have chip away at for a while. I'm mostly reading it to be able to build more historically accurate details/setting for something I'm working on.

>> No.9111564

It was abridged by the author, I don't know what more you can want

>> No.9111573
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I started with Fear and Trembling then got the attached pic. I haven't read the full Christian Discourses yet.
He's pretty easy to read compared to most philosophy / theology.

>> No.9111597

Anão, onde você encontrou esse calhamaço em inglês e muito barato ainda por cima?

>> No.9111636
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>> No.9111667

Ha, I almost bought that. I figured I'd end up buying 2 or 3 of his complete texts eventually anyways so I didn't want to make the investment.

Glad that he's supposedly easy on the eyes, philosophers from up north tend to be obtuse.

>> No.9111689

He can be pretty funny at times too.

>> No.9111768

Hard Boiled is so good.

>> No.9111774
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Trying to chip away at some lesser known primary source ancient histories.

>> No.9111797

I have their Sallust w/ Bellum Jugurthine and Bellum Cataline, it is really good.

>> No.9111819

Yeah dude Sallust is great. You might also like his (or "pseudo-Sallust's") letters to Caesar in the second loeb volume.

>> No.9111903

The rest of the book.

>> No.9111911

P&V Demons is the best translation out there.

>> No.9111942

>Trevor Noah
Fucking kill yourself

>> No.9111949

Sallust, "Lesser Known" WEW LAD

>> No.9111962

When did I say Sallust is lesser known?

>> No.9111998
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Gonna be my first Pynchon and first Dostoyevsky, but I'm familiar with Camus.

Picked out some short books, since I just got done with Don Quixote

>> No.9112083

Go away

>> No.9112086
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Bro. Not a recent stack or anything, just happen to own the exct same versions

>> No.9112091

Nice, book bros for life

>> No.9112101


>> No.9112125

This pic is grandma and grandpa's dusty spring vacation home core

>> No.9112168

Do you mean it in a good or a bad way?

>> No.9112679
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Library had sale.

Where did I go right/wrong?

>> No.9112695

I read the Running Man in jail. Comfy as fuck.

>> No.9112788
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This constitutes my reading from about Christmas. Please excuse the abridged version of Don Quixote

>> No.9112801
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Just got these the other day

>> No.9113254

I just finished it last night. I thought it was really quite sad. I mean, the end was satisfying to a point but overall just depressing. Probably doesnt help that i have a 15 month old daughter with a lingering cough.

>> No.9113276
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I'm new, please recommend me stuff, currently reading Solzhenitsyn.

>> No.9113287

Darkness at Noon is a good followup to Gulag Archipelago.

>> No.9113292

Thanks, so Day in the Life, Gulag Archipelago and then Darkess at Noon?

>> No.9113773
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Livraria Cultura, amigo. Eu li o Ulisses traduzido pelo Antonio Houaiss e tava planejando importar o Ulysses da Wordsworth, aí fui na loja física da Livraria Cultura pra buscar a minha encomenda (The Waves da Virginia Woolf, tinha importado 1 mes atrás junto com Infinite Jest e Livro do Desassossego) e por sorte, achei não só Ulysses mas também War & Peace. Recomendo MUITO a Cultura, preço muito bom e tem MUITO livro. Todos os livros da Wordsworth são só R$ 10,00 cada, ou seja, Ulysses e War & Peace (tradução boa), acredite se quiser, apenas 20 contos de réis.
Geralmente, though, esses livros da Wordsworth tu tem que importar, difícil ter nas lojas físicas, mas se tu importar, tu pode escolher ir buscar na loja você mesmo, aí não precisa pagar frete (btw, paguei apenas 63 reais no Infinite Jest, mais barato que comprar dos EUA).
Godspeed, anão.

>pic relatada, único lugar que econtrei gravity's rainbow, 2666 e infinite jest foi na cultura, todos na faixa de R$ 60,00.
>inb4 shilling

>> No.9113835

i hate infinite jest and ulisses so much, fucking hate that i got memed into reading them both

>> No.9113845

Where do you download well formatted ebooks with covers and everything?
I hope you aren't buying them.

>> No.9113868

What's wrong with buying?

They're stored on an account and I can read them on multiple devices, and I'm paying the distributors.

>> No.9113870
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not him, but mobilism, libgen, and soulseek, and then download metadata with calibre


>> No.9113884

Why would you spend money on things that you can easily get for free?

>> No.9113928

As reward, and because I can switch to my phone and read anywhere.

>> No.9113936

>As reward
? It isnt a reward to spend money.

>> No.9113938

I reward by paying, and it gives me incentive to finish the book. It's not that expensive.

>> No.9113958
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these 2 arrived 5 minutes ago. now I have 4 volumes of britannica great books and had good luck buying them, they are all in great condition and it seems that they have been read 1 time, if at all

>> No.9114272
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Currently reading these

>> No.9114962


>> No.9115149
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Picked up Mythology at a local thrift store. Actually pretty good.

>> No.9115175

If you don't purchase ebooks, companies will stop making them. Supply and demand.

It isn't a bad thing to buy ebooks. It's a good thing.

>> No.9115553

who the fuck cares? like there was/is anything worthy for them to "make" in the last decades

>> No.9115680

Bro, it's not like those aren't the first results you find when you type those titles into Amazon

>> No.9115699
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>> No.9115723

>i dont read contemporary literature so there is no good contemporary literature

Worst /lit/ habit

>> No.9116920

If I don't purchase ebooks, morons will purchase them.
There are plenty of imbeciles funding everything these days, we live in times of abundance.

I bet you have a job too, instead of just comfy welfare NEET life.
Fuck it, I am actually slowly accumulating money without having an income besides handouts.

>> No.9116971
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my library had some great stuff come in this week. got all of this for 5 bucks. there's a hitchhiker's complete guide to the galaxy hardcover there too, but it's late and I'm too tired to retake the photo.
I picked up a bantam classics edition of portrait of the artist as a young man that day too, but gave it to a friend of a friend because the cover was ugly and I already has a copy.

>> No.9116984


>If you don't purchase ebooks, companies will stop making them

I hope that's what happens, ebooks are for fags.

>> No.9117008
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>> No.9118433

best cover of the master and margarita, and actually a decent translation too

>> No.9118477
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My version has this cover and I really like it.

>> No.9118738

I love wordsworth.
it's perfect for original- English texts.

>> No.9118846
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Scored some late-50's Random House pubs. They were pretty cheap and didn't have copies of any but S&F so I figured I'd grab them while I could, may add on to the set in the future if I can find more.

>> No.9118978
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It's not a stack but just got this.
"Lectures on the Philosophy of History" by Hegel.
It even has the guarantee note from the publisher.

>> No.9118987

>watching rick mercer

literally lmaoing @ your life rn

>> No.9118989

is Battle Royale any good?

>> No.9119011
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I love old books they are cheap, look and smell great

>> No.9119102

That can be a mixed bag.
I have some that smell like absolute ass.
But then again,you van find stuff in pristine condition.

>> No.9119147

>all those beautiful new books
go to hell rich fag

>> No.9119169

Maybe I should read some Kosztolányi.
I just need a Hungarian copy.

>> No.9119175

i agree with the message of this post

>> No.9119201

putting a book in a ziplock bag with some baking soda and leaving it for a week there kills the funky smell on old books, have done this, works well, the baking gets off the book easily and doesn't harm the book at all

>> No.9119228
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Got these for my birthday, most glad to have The Red Book i think.

>> No.9119243
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shitty compression

>> No.9119244

That is nice to know.
Most of the time the smell goes away after reading it halfway trough,

>> No.9119291

The Aristophanes translations are appalling (bowdlerized like crazy) and none of them have any footnotes which means you will miss out on a decent amount of context.

>> No.9119323

wait a second

>> No.9119331
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now it's perfect

>> No.9119354
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>> No.9119511

I just finished part 1 of Don Quixote, so fantastic.

>> No.9120467

really cool

>> No.9120709

Nice, Kobo Abe's great. Just finished Woman in the Dunes myself, will have to read that next.

>> No.9120934

As someone who just finished Part 2, I'd say Part 2 is even better, so you're in for a treat

>> No.9120948

I just leave CBC on 24/7 so I'll have some company.

>> No.9120956


>Trevor Nigger

Mcfucking kill yourself.

>> No.9120965

I found that funny

>> No.9120969

>trevor noah
go kill yourself

>> No.9120971
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I know this has been said many times but
>Trevor Noah
You are Trash

>> No.9121180
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>> No.9121226

What's a good place to start with James Baldwin? I mean, aside from his short stories. I tried reading Go Tell It on the Mountain but it didn't take.

>> No.9121237
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OP here with a fresh stack. Can I get some opinions and recommendations?

>> No.9121257

I would recommend Dude Weed Lmao Drugs by Danky McStoner

>> No.9121277

The Fire Next Time - its short and powerful.

>> No.9121882

Thank you for the positive feedback,but could you elaborate please?

>> No.9121932

>Worst cover of Infinite Jest

>Worst cover of Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.9121959

>Trevor Noah

whats wrong with you?

>> No.9121974

>implying I care enough about the cover to pay 2x the price

>> No.9122176

Stop butchering my language please

>> No.9122180


>> No.9122185

That is a little bit better

>> No.9122437

That is how we pronounce it.
My copy actually has "Don Quijote" written on it,

>> No.9122473

>Don Quicks Ot

>> No.9122513 [DELETED] 

x pronounces as a chi you fucking spic

>> No.9122518

ok ok. wow. just... ok. every single book in this stack is a complete waste of your fucking time. just get rid of all of it. donating it to your library would be a fucking insult to your community, just throw it away or use it to weigh shit down if you need it for some obscure reason. or fire wood. otherwise they are useless pieces of paper taking up space in your life. you fucking gigantic faggot.

>> No.9123067

thats so fucking weird the only wordsworth classics book i own are war and peace and ulysses

maybe i should get the waves to complete le collection

>> No.9123098

I have:
>Two Lovecraft collections
>Wind in the Willows
>Canterbury Tales
I think they are pretty good for English texts

>> No.9123150

>spics no longer know their own language

>> No.9123176

my ulysses is fucking falling apart but it has a good introduction which helped me a lot on my first reading so im thankful for it

>> No.9123201

Gatsby and Woolf are god-tier imo

>> No.9123219

How are you finding Starting Point? I have it but it's fairly low on my list. Should I bump it up?

>> No.9123229
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Currently reading the gulag archipelago.

>> No.9123259
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>> No.9123308

>mfw I use to pronounce the word 'quixotic' is kee-ho-tic.

>> No.9123331

> "Donkey-Hotty"

>> No.9123358

mirin dante

>> No.9123382
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>> No.9123397

30~ pages in.
Miyazaki brings up some good points about animation.(Like how the industry works what to pay attention to if you decide to work in the business etc.)
But in typical fashion he keeps talking about how bad the industry is and that "otakus" are disgusting.How mecha is soulless.
I'm no expert on japanese animation but I think it's a pretty good,light read.And it has a nice little biography in the back.
Worth it if you are interested in his work or anime in general.

Bumping it up on your list depends on
a)How interested are you in the subject matter
b)How interested are you in the books you are currently reading/are before it

>> No.9123413
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Thanks bruh. It was a pickup from the flea market last summer

>> No.9123471


>> No.9123544

>Paulo Coehlo

Do a favor for your community and burn it

>> No.9123555

Have yet to read it. I heard it was critically acclaimed so I picked it up. Why do you feel that way?

>> No.9123570


It's essentially a modern self-help book, in the vein that you can get anything if you just want it hard enough. Complete with a trite new-age spirituality.

It's a quick read though, so you might as well read it to cure yourself of any want in reading Coehlo ever again.

>> No.9123784

But abridged, right? Because mine's six volumes, albeit smaller ones

>> No.9123824
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Beautiful. I have Statius' Thebaid, printed in Latin and gorgeous English. Good picks, anon.

Pic related. Dipping into anarchism and freedom for reasons. Stirner's Ego and His Own and Emma Goldman's Anarchism and Other Essays are en route.

>> No.9123834
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Nah I'm reading the unabridged version of the gulag archipelago. I accidentally destroyed the book today though.

>> No.9123850

shamefur dispray

>> No.9123893


>> No.9123896

left it on top of my friends car this morning after my chem lab.

>> No.9123898


>> No.9123906

You left it on top of the car and then what happened?
Pigeons bombarded it like the Brits bombarded Dresden or what?

>> No.9123943

She drove away and the book fell off the top and split in two. The covers are destroyed and a few of the pages around where it split are slightly ripped.

>> No.9123953

Did she drive over the book?
Or was it already in shit condition?

>> No.9123974

The book was in pretty good condition. I think it hit the ground on its spine and then the two halves slid on the concrete.

>> No.9124014

I used books to smack people and nothing happened with them.(And that was a shitty commie paperback)

>> No.9124041 [DELETED] 

Got a new job recently, so I have not been reading as much as I would like to. Excited for starting with "On the Marble Cliffs".

>> No.9124048
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Got a new job recently, so I have not been reading as much as I would like to. Excited for starting with "On the Marble Cliffs".

>> No.9124140
File: 48 KB, 600x600, consider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a very short read, but it reads like a really beautiful parable or fable, and it's a little bit surreal as well.
The only other book I can think of which has the same fairytale-like setting and deals with war trauma is Hesse's The Glass Bead Game, but as a Bildungsroman it's way more massive and not really like a fable.
On a side-note, Max Frisch and Friedrich Dürrenmatt have written some fucking funny plays/stories based on their experiences.

>> No.9124203
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me rate

>> No.9124214

Nice, i have the complete works of Aristotle from this set.
They're really nice but the translation was so dated I felt like there was something wrong with me because I was having so much trouble with them. (Granted I got them as a senior in HS)
I read through the entirety of what I wanted to read of Aristotle with that translation before realizing how much more accessible more modern translations are.
But on the bright side i think it improved my comprehension skills in addition to my knowledge of how to approach philosophical works.

So even its the same situation for these volumes I'd just grit my teeth and try to push through them regardless of the language, as soon as something doesn't make sense stop and make sure you full understand the term they use in the context they use it and you'll benefit way more than you would from more watered down translations.

>> No.9124246

Yes the book is, from what I've gathered, very much a heartfelt statement of Jünger's own feelings regarding return to civility, and a razor sharp commentary on Germany and contemporary german society's deep personality split regarding The Great War. On one hand they hated the war, it ravaged their country, broke the "fairy tale" of an ancient Germania. On the other hand they want revenge administered through that exact thing that broke them, and so they seemingly have not learned a bit. Really quite an interesting perspective, expecially when it is taken into account that the book was realised right on the cusp of war in 1939.

I liked Jünger's WW2 diary. Though it was pretentious and artsy at times, I like Jünger's way of writing, he managed to put words to moods, sensations and feelings, somehow capturing the essences of experiences, I myself find so hard to pin down. Is the prose in "On the Marble Cliffs" sort of like that, airy, dreamy sort of... aethereal?

>> No.9124247
File: 209 KB, 1023x764, stackems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Breadpill Stack

>> No.9124314

Nice stack anon. Where's the Holy Quran tho?

>> No.9124324

Those are some nice new books... .. .. . . .. .

>> No.9124335

In a storage unit, unfortunately. Left a box of books in there when I moved, haven't brought them out yet. It's a nice edition too. Green cover, thin wisp pages. Arabic in the margins.

>> No.9124352
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This answer was unexpected.

Uhh well, where's your Nag Hammadi library???? What now smart guy?

>> No.9124369

havent read the alchemist but every single depressive teenage girl pretended to read that book when i was in high school. needless to say i dont plan on reading it anytime soon.

>> No.9124371

Yes I just bought them and now I will read them, are you having problems?

>> No.9124457
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>tfw nobody comments on your stack

>> No.9124478
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>tfw you respond to your own stack talking about how no one responded to your stack in an attempt to get someone to respond to yourself

>> No.9124521
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(You) will enjoy Hunger.

>> No.9124638

Whats wrong with Trevor Noah?

i'm just trying to learn more about peoples experiences with apartheid

>> No.9124697

learn to take a picture that doesn't look so fucking pixelated

I do like the Dostoevsky book tho

>> No.9124719

next time say this but dont reply to yourself. that way people go back and reply pics with no replys and you dont look like a youwhore.

>> No.9124776

good stack

>> No.9125141
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>> No.9125372
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>> No.9125520

Literally nothing and that was the same dipshit reposting his stupid meme.

Also no stacks. I'm a slow reader and hate having a backlog. Just reading Great Shark Hunt.

>> No.9125562

so are the other books to help you understand the science chapters in gravity's rainbow?

>> No.9125842

mah mecha

>> No.9125912
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>> No.9125991
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I picked these up from the second hand book store for $15.20 in total today. It pains me to remember always buying brand new.

>> No.9125998
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Stack threads are the best to browse while taking a dump.

>> No.9126080

Thanks for this. I'm currently reading IJ and Nothing else so it'll probably make a good lighter read.

>> No.9126129
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this is just the stack next to my bed & bookcase

i'm also listening to Gaiman's recent norse myth book. i've been listening to more audiobooks lately just because reading for long periods of time gives me migraines.

>> No.9126162

how's saga? if youve started it.
i also checked out kingcity but quickly stopped after reading a little bit. it just seemed kind of bad. interesting artwork though.

>> No.9126176

Cancer Ward is honestly one of the most underrated Russian novels there is. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

>> No.9126183

I read it before from the library, I wanted my own copy

>> No.9126188


Great stuff though, especially Jünger. Marble Cliffs is very different from Storm of Steel both in prose and theme. It really shows how Jünger matured as an author imo.

Thought Soumission only became great in the last 50 pages or so. Definitely worth the read though.

>> No.9126217
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I used to buyfag because I love purchasing physical copies but I now enjoy owning as few possessions as possible. In addition, since having children I can't justify buying anything that isn't necessary. Not because having children is expensive, it really isn't, but because I want the security of no debt and money in the bank. Its a comfy feeling and one I haven't had for some time.

Only spending money on things which are completely necessary feels somehow psychically cleansing, like extraneous objects and purchases somehow muddle my mind. I don't quite know how to explain this and I'm aware it sounds bizarre. Sometimes I think I have OCD.

Anyway, Kindle Paperwhite is nice and calibre is a nice way to organize books.

>> No.9126233

OP likes to go by Brenda

>> No.9126253

On the Marble Cliffs is very dreamy.
Being a danefag mysef, if you're interested in war, I can recommend Krestens Dagboger og Breve. It's a Danish conscript from post-1864, pre-1920 Germany and who wrote some very heartfelt letters and diaries back to his mother. It's not really about politics, but about having drawn the shortest straw and being forced to eat it, and his plan was to go on to be a teacher at a Hojskole, meaning he was relatively literary and that the diaries aren't without their occasional flourish either.
He died at the Somme I believe but you follow him all the way through boot camp.

>> No.9126310

i've made it about 3/4 through Saga, it's alright. i really like its atmosphere and just how the story is kind of handled in the medium. i didn't really seem to take much away much from it, but that might just be because i didn't finish it.
i'm planning on setting aside an afternoon to reread it from start to finish, though. my friend who has similar taste to me swears that saga is one of the best series that he has gotten into.
i definitely bought Kingcity for the art, i collect certain artbooks & comics. i don't really feel too strongly towards the story, but i sometimes open it and look through a few pages every now & then.

>> No.9126383

nice man, thanks for the heads up, will definitely do that.

>> No.9126537

Kingcity is very touching towards the end and improves all the time, in terms of artwork & story. I'd advise you to give it another go

>> No.9126543
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About halfway through Eva & Bruce, yet to start Han Kang

>> No.9126621

The anime was touching,but I heard the manga is a lot different.Is it any good?

>> No.9126628

It's great so far! There are a few minor changes, I think it has a bit more slice of life stuff (which I love) and more Kaworu, which is good because he always felt underdeveloped in the show

>> No.9126644

This might be somewhat of a rude question,but how much was it? (Is that the 3-in-1 editon btw?)

>> No.9126677

No bother. It was $15

And yeah, it's the three-in-one edition. There are still a lot of them but I feel like I'll end up picking them all up

>> No.9126694

Looked at that and I still find it a expensive.
Oh well,I will read it online and get it if I really like it.

>> No.9126711
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You're missing out bro.

>> No.9126722

I planned on taking the conservative approach of
>See how it is
>Then buy it if I like it

Maybe I just got used to cheap books in the last 6 or so months.
Also,stop making me jealous.

>> No.9126729
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Am I? Sorry.

>> No.9126735

I see I would get plenty of quality for my money.
I will keep these posts in mind

>> No.9126772

I've got the first 3 trades of Saga on my bookshelf. Is it really as "progressive" as it seems? The type of people who are into it make me think its going to pander to blue-haired "gender fluid" teenagers.

>> No.9127282
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recent purchases, all new bar the mansfield & moby-dick which i took from the school library (before you judge no one has read it since 1999)

also thought these copies of the iliad and the odyssey would be matching - odyssey i bought ages ago and iliad the other day from book depository, iliad is verse and odyssey is prose REEEE. odyssey is also suspiciously thin i'm worried it's abridged or some shit

>> No.9127347

The odyssey is pretty short.
I have a tiny pocketbook verse translation of it in two volumes.

>> No.9127356
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Most recent buys for me. Reading Gulag Archipelago volume 1 now. Also have the Principles of Economics by Mankiw textbook I'll get to first before Sowell.

>> No.9127564
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>> No.9128381

no one has anything to say?
fuck you, tell me what you think

>> No.9128393

High five for Nietzsche, I've only read a little of that particular book but in general I like his philosophy a lot and feel like I can relate to it, he's helped shape a lot of my views and helped me emerge from a nihilistic state.

Is this your first Nietzsche or have you read some of his other work? I'm reading Thus Spoke Zarathustra at the moment and can definitely recommend it.

>> No.9128466

I've tried reading Zarathustra back in high school but i was too lazy and depressed to put in the effort required to read. I've emerged from my "nihilistic state" on my own, so now i'm reading philosophy mostly to learn how to neatly put all those ideas which i understand intuitively into words.

Besides that english Nietzsche one i also got a bunch of philosophy translated to my native language, since all that shit wasn't written in english anyway and i need to polish my Polish speaking skills, they've gone stale from never talking to anybody. So far i've only read "An Introduction to Metaphysics" by Bergson, right now i'm just reading Frank Herbert's Dune.

>> No.9128473

>iliad is verse and odyssey is prose...odyssey is also suspiciously thin

If it's in prose, it's gonna have a smaller page count just because there isn't so much empty space, as opposed to the verse version. Notwithstanding,
>would be matching

Also, Mansfield is seriously underappreciated both here and in general. She writes in the same vein as Kafka and Woolf but without the genius that makes the other two great.

>> No.9128494

desu, i really doubt it is as progressive as a lot of people say it is, it just seems to be the entry point for a lot of people who have never gotten into medium outside of superhero stuff.

>> No.9128498
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>new books

>> No.9128501

also >>9127282

>> No.9128918

The Waves is the greatest book ever written

>> No.9129336

Is this out of personal interest or are you studying economics?

If it's interest and you want an intro to inequality issues try Piketty. The Economics of Inequality is a good start. Short and fairly easy to read if you have a solid basic understanding.

>> No.9129351

that edition of pale fire is worth good money

>> No.9129620

I love you anon

>> No.9129661

what do you use to read those? I've been looking into getting an ereader

>> No.9129720
File: 546 KB, 1437x1141, bookslut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most recent acquisitions.
I am absolute slut for mythology, spooky shit, and other general garbage.

>> No.9129831

I have the following books and am not sure which to read next.
Confessions of a Mask (Mishima)
Critique of Judgement
The Reformation (Will Durant)
Orthodoxy (G.K. Chesterton)
Anathem (Neal Stephenson; recommended by a friend, I'm skeptical)

>> No.9129869


I read that while I was on a submarine the Pacific ocean. It was certainly an interesting read. Palahniuk plays with the syntax in an almost stereotypical, first generation, Korean-American way. Fun to read, you'll enjoy it.

>> No.9130623

It's great that you are self aware about it.

>> No.9131002

Routledge is general garbage. Unless you're a high school student or undergrad (which is the same thing) you should consider academic publishers who don't write their books for children.

>> No.9131651
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i cant afford as many books as you guys

>> No.9131692

I buy mine used for a buck or two usually.
You should hit up a local used bookstore if you want a huge stack like most of us.

>> No.9131715

i live out in the country and would need to get a train into the city to find a used book store, which costs money itself

im alright with just buying a book after i finish one

>> No.9131722

That has it's beauties too.
For one,you don't get unread books piled up like I do,

>> No.9131765

From which publisher is that Kybalion?

>> No.9131800

aziloth books, the cover is nice but "The Kybalion" thats written on the spine is the wrong way round

>> No.9131813


>> No.9131877

It's a place to begin.

>> No.9133699

kindle touch

>> No.9133706

Nice page ten save. V brave, p cute. Wanna take my sickness out and have you lick it

>> No.9133811
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Picked these up today, gonna start with Machiavelli after studying.

>> No.9133816

How's Dune? Heard it's pretty good.

>> No.9134117
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Top to bottom
>Tolstoy - Master and Man, The Prisoner of the Caucasus & God Sees the Truth, But Waits
>Plato - Hippias Minor & Ion
>Dostoyevski - Notes from Underground
>Huxley - Brave New World
>Wilde - The Picture of Dorian Gray
Bought these in the last two months

>Drummond - 70 historinhas
>Guimarães Rosa - Sagarana
Stole these recently from dad

>The Philosophy Book
This was gifted

Currently reading Dorian Gay and the Philosophy Book. Read all the others except for Ion. Didnt like Brave New World as much as I thought I would, was expecting more from it.

>> No.9134608

I'm studying business and I'm also interested in economics. Other books are personal interest. I'd consider that book, also anything Marx but I'm highly speculative of leftist economics. Not to say I wouldn't read but I can't critique without having read them.

>> No.9135460
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I just started reading as a hobby recently. Been wasting my life's freetime away as a gamer/guitarist for probably the last 15 years. So forgive all the plebshit.

>> No.9135695

Do you live in a trailer park? How is there not a used book store, an antiquary, a Salvation Army, or anything of that ilk? If you do live in a trailer park, you can still browse the yellow pages or some more modern internet alternative.
The best book bargains I find when I'm visiting my parents in the countryside. You not only have less collegefags like myself to pick them up, but a lot of people who want to get rid of their old books as well in general, like old people dying and leaving widows and widowers with libraries too big for their own liking. One widow practically gave me Goethe's completed writings (an almost pristine Tempel-Klassiker edition) as well as an assload of other books, something like 70$ dollars for two-three Ikea bags worth of books.

>> No.9135770


>> No.9135822
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Right stack is recently read and currently reading, not sure what books to read next.

>> No.9135892

I live up in the highlands in scotland with not a lot of people around

there is a bookshop but all it sells is catholic books and paraphernalia

>> No.9135975

I like you

>> No.9136015

If your town truly has only one bookshop and nothing else at all that carries books, and if you don't ever see any private listings either, then I don't know why you don't get the fuck out of there because it sounds like a hellhole.

>> No.9136115

its just a small village m8, not chernobyl

it seems like living in the city has made you oddly hostile to places that dont offer instant gratification

>> No.9136290
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Left: just bought
Right: currently reading

>> No.9136523
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weeaboo passing through.

>> No.9137462
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>instant gratification

>> No.9137512
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H.C. Andersen is actually really great, his fairy tales are often or always more serene, weirder, or darker etc. than their different adaptions by modern media.
The guy was a total creep, though, I'm sure he's bee excoriated by literary psycho-analytics, and Dickens thought he was weird as fuck.

>> No.9137524

I spy "No Longer Human" and "Snow Country". Wish my Japanese was better, but kanji are sheer witchcraft.

>> No.9137561

Kusamakura by Soseki
Tsugaru by Dazai
Rashomon and Nose and other stories by Akutagawa

>> No.9137683

you still dont have to wait to be able to own them

but you knew thats what i meant anyway

>> No.9137761
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>own them
>not read them
Good to know why you buy books

>> No.9137794

if i had a bait picture id post it

read isnt the right word in the context i was using because i was talking about waiting m8. if i had said wait to read then somebody would just ask "why not read them online", because i also want to own the books themselves

>> No.9137832
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I haven't read or watched something Andersen related since I was a child, can't wait to start reading these. I'm reading a couple of short stories a day. I should be done with the Sherlock stories in a month or so, then I'm starting Andersen.
Also yeah, he seemed pretty weird, found it pretty funny how he overstayed his visit to Dickens by five weeks and then didn't realize why Dickens cut off relations with him.

>> No.9139000

Neil Gaiman's Norse mythology,
That might be really interesting. Could you take the picture of the first page?

>> No.9139037
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Haul from the recent trip to Harvard book shop.

The three black ones are short analyses of various topics for general reader by MIT. The neuroplasticity one is pretty good. Also Oxford Press makes a nice feeling book.

>> No.9139402


Those MIT books look very nice.

>> No.9139600

Highly recommend except for the price (15$ each)

They are very concise and filled with sources, diagrams, and pre-highlighted lines. Of course they are not extremely comprehensive but its worth the trade-off in readability

>> No.9140134

Have you been to raven used books? If you're in the Harvard area definitely check it out. It's across the street from campus, and apparently gets a lot of overflow books from the professors, so it's stocked with mostly new/like new books at very good prices. Also has a fittingly great selection for philosophy and more academic topics.

>> No.9140328
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All from a charity shop for under $10.

The Fagles editions were damn lucky find. They were about to be thrown out.

>> No.9140454

I have those editions in hard cover

>> No.9140485

Many e-books have user right limiting DRM which prevents the user from sharing or making copies of their own purchases. These practices should be avoided at all cost and a dollar towards these freedom restricting e-books is a dollar spent to put yourself into an artificial digital prison.

>> No.9140522

That's pretty good.
That Ivanhoe is pretty.

>> No.9140568

please, I need feedback.

I hate myself

>> No.9140662

I honestly don't see the point of reading Machiavelli.
I read The Prince,but it was
a) Fucking boring
b) Common fucking sense half of the time

>> No.9140703
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These are my most recent reads. Recent enough for me to have not placed them back on the shelves yet. Stack was originally in reverse order in which I started with Perfume and worked my way down.

>> No.9140857

I walked by it but didn't have time to go in

they had copies of the entire meme trilogy lined up in their display window though lol

>> No.9140915

v comfy stack

>> No.9141735

Read Confessions of a Mask next.

>> No.9143171
File: 1.69 MB, 4048x2278, 0222171623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slowly getting through Gravity's Rainbow

Reading a story or two a day in the Lovecraft collection

I've got All Quiet on the Western Front, A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man, and Slaughterhouse-Five in an Amazon cart but I haven't ordered them yet.

>> No.9143759

>Bulfinch's Mythology

Good man

>> No.9144021
File: 74 KB, 1024x589, lol___braum_armstrong_by_kagekara_soul-d7ifisp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manly books

>> No.9144562

this photo is aesthetic af

>> No.9145855

If you enjoy Remarque, you might want to check out the six story cycle on WW1 by Arnold Zweig (no relation). They're all different narratives and showcase different aspects of the war so you can them separately and in the order you please.
I recommend Education before Verdun, it centres on a few characters, can't remember them all, but one is a dreamer and Alsatian conscript who gets entangled in a feud/tale of vengeance between some members of the German aristocracy (their commanding officers). Zweig mixes romantic and realistic depictions of warfare not unlike Remarque and you get a similar feel of camaraderie at the front. He was party-approved in the DDR but the book is not a manifesto, and the communists depicted in the book are mostly botched and pathetic figures.

>> No.9146538
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>> No.9146555

>Classical Literary Criticism

What's that about?

>> No.9148327

shit stack

>> No.9148364
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>Lords of Chaos
Stop reading that garbage. In fact, burn the book, then go watch Until the Light Takes Us instead

>> No.9148375

Wordsworth meme trilogy

>> No.9148431
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Mostly History with Paradise Lost thrown in.

>> No.9148728
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Just got back from the bookstore. Everything here is fresh, excluding the ends (which are what I'm reading currently). These copies of The Iliad and The Odyssey make me so happy. The copy of The Hobbit is brand new, but everything else here is used. Can I get some feedback?

>> No.9149450
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Currently taking the green pill. I will be one step closer to spirtual enlightenment by the end of the month.

Same, i realized a couple months ago i was wasting my time with dota. Dont give up on guitar though, music is a worthwhile endeavor.

>> No.9149545
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>> No.9149560

Hi, >>9129720 here. CAN WE BE FRIENDS. (Your stack looks fun af.)

>> No.9149573

Don't worry about pleb shit right now. Focus on reading becoming something you genuinely consistently enjoy doing. Once that's established, go from there.

>> No.9149617

So nice you bought it thrice?

>> No.9149626

This rhyme,
For me it's worth a dime!

>> No.9149651

You think my rhyme was not a work of art?
Go suck on Mr Gass's fart.

>> No.9149759

i actually only bought it once but due to a shipping error i ended up with three copies.

anybody want a peanut?

>> No.9150065

>being urbanite scum

>> No.9150329

I have the exact same copies of Nausea, Myth of Sisyphus and Notes from the Underground.

Nausea is my favourite book. I gave it to my ex to read and she skipped the country with it.

>> No.9150541

>trevor noah

>> No.9150549

>Trevor Noah.