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9107162 No.9107162 [Reply] [Original]

>"The meek shall inherit the Earth"
>"The last man lives longest"

Wow, it's almost like Nietzsche and Jesus agreed on stuff.

>> No.9107209

Those aren't good things for Nietzsche, though. Although he does say the ideal overman is a "Roman Caesar with the heart of Christ."

>> No.9107239

Well, Nietzsche didn't really hate Jesus. He really hated St. Paul and the greek philosophy in Christianity.

>> No.9107498

>The meek shall inherit the Earth
Doubtful: Studies show that psychopathic bullies target the meek and weak.

>> No.9107512
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>cogent enough to "agree"

All aboard the syphilis train!

>> No.9107519



>> No.9107537

Yea, no shit, there's no definitive proof it was syphilis. Thanks for stating the obvious.

The point is he was bonkers. I'd wager jesus also had genetic degenerative syphilis in the sense I'm using the term (a joke). That is, if he (jesus) had actually been real, which he wasn't.

>> No.9107569

The strong always end up killing each other, eventually all of the strong and willful men will eliminate one another from the genepool and all we will have left is meek idiots, wretched weeds.

It's almost like the IQ shredder argument but in the 19th century. Nietzsche was practically Landian before Land even landed.

>> No.9107572
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>> No.9107592

>le meme

There's no verifiable physical or archaeological evidence for the man you mean by "Jesus." The only "evidence" is a bunch of pseudo-historians in universities sitting around publishing gibberish to the effect of "no serious historian would ever question the existence of a historical Jesus."

Yes, I'm mad. I'm perpetually furious that religion (Christianity) has ensconced itself in what could have been respectable hobbies (history and historiography)

>> No.9107632

You're not mad, you're just an edgy pseud who never grew out of your high school mentality. Christianity has been a net stabilizing force for Europe.

>> No.9107637

You are right. Jesus probably didnt exist, since pretty much nothing in the bible is literally true. It is a philosophical and psychological text above everything else.

>I'm perpetually furious that religion (Christianity) has ensconced itself in what could have been respectable hobbies (history and historiography)

Religion should not be confused with history, or science for that matter. By doing so you are showing a lack of understanding of religion. Religion is the ancient understanding of psychology. Read Carl Jung.

>> No.9107644

>Religion is the ancient understanding of psychology. Read Carl Jung.

Oh god, another jungian. It's the blind talking to the blind.

>> No.9107653

Jewish butthurt canonized in talmud; even the name they use for Jesus is a curse.
>may his name be forgotten

That's proof enough. He probably isn't boiling in semen at the moment though.

>> No.9107658

Thanks for the input stormfriend.

See, I'm not the one who is doing that (confusing religion for history). The people who say "no serious historian would deny the existence of a historical Jesus" are doing that.

I agree that religion is an ancient reflection of psychology, and helps to understand psychology, but in and of itself does not yield "understand of psychology." The evidence for this being people still get frightened by their own religion (shadow). I've not read Jung in a while, but according to you that's where I part with him. I still think many of his concepts (e.g. shadow, synchronicity) are useful.

>> No.9107665

He never really did much after his mental break

>> No.9107670

>>"The meek shall inherit the Earth"
I always thought that this meant children and the oppressed, not women and fags.

>> No.9107675

>The people who say "no serious historian would deny the existence of a historical Jesus" are doing that.
Who cares retard? You're getting butthurt over nothing.

>> No.9107682

Women are children, fags are oppressed.

>> No.9107685
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All notion of loyalty to our civilization is now national socialism?

Some of us love romance. Meaning, virtue, beauty.
I like Persian, Chinese, Japanese culture groups. I don't hate most others. But European civilization was the greatest. Well, we don't know much about the past ones, the late bronze age empires. Aside from Babylon and Egypt.

>> No.9107688

>fags are oppressed
Nope. Their life is all positive, whilst most heteros lead negative lives.

>> No.9107695

>It's the blind talking to the blind.
Please elaborate
>See, I'm not the one who is doing that (confusing religion for history). The people who say "no serious historian would deny the existence of a historical Jesus" are doing that.
This is where we disagree, take the book animal farm, a historian might take the book as literally true, and you could point out that animals could never run a farm and the book is literally false. You have both interpreted the book literally and are both wrong.

>but in and of itself does not yield "understand of psychology."
We agree here, I am uncertain if I have misunderstood your views anon.

>> No.9107704

I'm not so sure. Rome wasn't even the de facto greatest power in its time, and European civilization was only clearly dominant for 200 years. The West is already fading, and we haven't even reached the nanotech age, where cities will plausibly be built within months, rather than the years it took prior.

>> No.9107730

Ok, I get you. I don't discount the Bible, for instance, as literature in the same way that I don't discount the Eddas. Certainly, it would be myopic to do that. Although, personally I think the Bible (e.g. King James version) is boring in comparison to the (e.g. Ursula Dronke translation) Poetic Edda.

I think that people who defend "the idea of a historical jesus" are confusing terms, because ideas are not history unless they're put to paper and we have that paper (or scroll, tablet, etc.). So, to defend jesus historically is, to my mind, equivalent to a positive literalist interpretation of Animal Farm (e.g. "Pigs can actually talk and could conceivably govern").

>All notion of loyalty

Right there, you have your problem. "Required" or "logical" loyalty is bondage. Enjoy being a slave to your mind

>> No.9107735

>Enjoy being a slave to your mind
You're a slave to your own insignificant one.

>> No.9107742

>E.g. King James
Spotted the problem proddie

>> No.9107744

>Right there, you have your problem. "Required" or "logical" loyalty is bondage. Enjoy being a slave to your mind
Icaros is free when he gets his wings. He soars high with his freedom.
He could have remained free, too, by using his freedom properly.

I don't care for empty eyes. I don't care for void mantras. True loyalty is a choice. Your friends, whilst limiting your desired options, are not against your freedom.

>> No.9107746

>reading Nietzsche without having read Kierkegaard

Get the fuck out of here now.
Kierkegaard is definitively the better version of Nietzsche. Think about the same self-empowering philosophy but with God, basically.

>> No.9107749

Except there's evidence of a historical Jesus. Even people that deny Jesus' miracles admit there was a historical Jesus.

>> No.9107751

>Icaros is free when he gets his wings. He soars high with his freedom.
lmao you style yourself after a retard who cucked himself? i can see how you're going to end up.

>I don't care for void mantras.
your entire writing style resembles one. you're a hollow skulled idiot who thinks he's exercising free will, when you're as pathetically retarded as the mindless people around him, who have the same illusions.

>> No.9107753

I disagree with your use of the word "freedom." I agree with your meaning. I am loyal to friends to whom I choose to be loyal, and only because I choose to do so. I will not, can not be "loyal" to any thing or idea.

>> No.9107760

>lmao you style yourself after a retard who cucked himself?
I was describing you. Freedom means less than desirable choices, if you want to remain free. It means loyalty to my buffoon of a nation.

>your entire writing style resembles one. you're a hollow skulled idiot who thinks he's exercising free will, when you're as pathetically retarded as the mindless people around him, who have the same illusions.
Keep dreaming. Officers had similar delusions.

>> No.9107761

Sure thing buddy.

Recommend a translation that makes the "So and so begat so and so" section interesting, please? Or Deuteronomy?

Provide me with some physical evidence, then. Protip: it's not there. No matter how much either of us use google, we'll never find it

>> No.9107773

>Recommend a translation that makes the "So and so begat so and so" section interesting
You're smug and focus on the chaff end of things you don't like, which makes sense, since chaff is all you amount to. You think your opinions matter, and yet you're here on 4chan spewing things people don't care about, because you don't matter. I'll say this again, no one cares.

>> No.9107783

New American Bible Catholic edition it includes the 7 books proddies never wanted you to learn! Including Maccabees (about the Hebrew rebellions and prophecy) and Timothy! Seriously though king James is the worst scholarly version unless you are interested in learning about why late middle aged dynasties feared old testament prophecy.

>> No.9107785

You totally misunderstand. I was likening the Bible to the first Edda as boring because there's a lot of superfluous bullshit. As you call it, there's a lot of chaff. A great deal of Genesis, for instance, is interesting to me, and I don't think reading the King James version vs. the Catholic version is going to detract in any large part from the fun parts of the Bible.

Perhaps you should invest in a device that will detect written irony for you

>> No.9107786

Nietzsche is totally compatible with Christianity when it is stripped of paganism (Platonism)

I and a professor at my university both happen to be proponents of this ultimately both very reactionary and radical form of Christianity.
Hellenophiles are cancer.
Evidence doesn't exist.
Religion is not psychology, you pseud.
Bugger off
Nietzsche went further by replacing angst with power. What greater assertion of power is the recreation of existence to fit one's belief?

>> No.9107787

I am actually quite interested in medieval eschatology, but if the Catholic version has more books, I see no reason not to pick one up. Thanks for the tip

>> No.9107793

> replacing angst with power.
Alright what are you talking about? I read Thy Sickness Unto Death and there was no mention of 'Angst' anywhere...

>> No.9107800

Which book do you recommend?

>> No.9107801

>i dont know what synonyms are
Kierkegaard's philosophy focuses on: faith, doubt, freedom, finitude, and infinitude. Each of these foci produce angst.

>> No.9107813
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>Bugger off
But holier than thou pagans hate me for loving medieval Europe and absolute monarchy. Oh, and Christianity, too.

But I did appear like that.. It was unintentional - Gnon is notably European and traditional. I mainly picked it for the quote.
Oh, and Icaros was the simplest parable on freedom. I think that Christian freedom is too complex for the uneducated and theologically ignorant.

>> No.9107815

I don't care about that. Overall you just bitch and moan.

>> No.9107823


>> No.9107830

Too antisemitic for you?

>> No.9108942

No, too reddit-tastic.

>> No.9109337
