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9105703 No.9105703 [Reply] [Original]

Where do I start with Sara Ahmed? A phenomenology of whiteness or Queer phenomenology: Orientations, Objects, Others?

htanks in advance

>> No.9105712

>An Archive Of Feelings
>In this bold new work of cultural criticism, Ann Cvetkovich develops a queer approach to trauma. She argues for the importance of recognizing—and archiving—accounts of trauma that belong as much to the ordinary and everyday as to the domain of catastrophe. An Archive of Feelings contends that the field of trauma studies, limited by too strict a division between the public and the private, has overlooked the experiences of women and queers. Rejecting the pathologizing understandings of trauma that permeate medical and clinical discourses on the subject, Cvetkovich develops instead a sex-positive approach missing even from most feminist work on trauma. She challenges the field to engage more fully with sexual trauma and the wide range of feelings in its vicinity, including those associated with butch-femme sex and aids activism and caretaking
Oh boy

>> No.9105718

This is why analytic philosophy will always be better than continental wankshite that leads to this

>> No.9106485

Analytic philosophy and queer bullshit are two equal errors the Brits made after misunderstanding continental philosophy.

>> No.9106495

>A phenomenology of whiteness
top zozzle

>> No.9106514
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>Ahmed argues that it’s useful to approach whiteness through phenomenology, because it provides “a way of exploring how whiteness is ‘real’, material and lived” (150). Drawing on Frantz Fanon’s Black Skin, White Masks and Nirmal Puwar’s Space Invaders, among others, she argues that bodies are orientated in certain directions by their surroundings, and the surroundings in turn orientate towards the bodies which historically have been ‘at home’ in those spaces. When white bodies dominate institutions, the bodies and the institutions orientate towards each other, and white bodies become ‘habitual’ in these surroundings – whiteness becomes that which ‘lags behind’, unnoticed.

How many layers of critical theory is this womyn on?

>> No.9106531
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Phenomenology was a mistake

>> No.9106537

critical race theory was a mistake

>> No.9106597


Well it is a sound argument provided it's premises are correct. Whiteness could indeed have become an unquestioned aspect of the world if i) domination of whites in institutions was, essentially, 100%,; ii) said domination wouldn't have been questioned by anyone; iii) if institutional dominance affects the way we see the world in a very defining manner.

The two first ones don't seem to hold any ground, since there are chinks and blacks and whatnots on Fortune 500 boards and political institutions across the globe, and we have had tons of movements like the Civil Rights Movement and BLM. The third one, on the other hand, is an interesting question, though even intuitively it seems that while institutions are important for our personalities etc., the effect they have seems not be to the scale her argument would require.

She's essentially doing what Heidegger did for the concept of 'being', but for the concept of 'whiteness'. Whether or not she is as successful in raising the question of 'whiteness' and analysing it is another matter.

>> No.9107010
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I warned you about German """"""love of wisdom"""""".

Heidegger a shit. Don't read satanic German philosophy.

>> No.9107019

Start by throwing her books in a rubbish heap or garbage bin!

>> No.9107023

would you do her?

>> No.9107083

Well, she's not even really wrong. The real question is what ought to do in response to this socio-ontological analysis, for example we can see where Heidegger establishes a relatively right-wing, illiberal, communitarian provincialism (men/beings are more authentically and ontologically sound when living among those of a similar historical tradition and volk or, to use her word, orientation).

But, as we can all safely assume, her analysis promotes a liberal, ahistorical (wrt blood and soil) multiculturalism where dominant lineages and habitual orientations based on a substantive volk are to be dismantled and 'opened-up.'

>> No.9107090

And there, my dear anons, is where she is mistaken.