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9101759 No.9101759 [Reply] [Original]

1984 or Brave New World?

>> No.9101765

Haven't read them. But leftism is destroying the West.

>> No.9101794
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Neither, you have successfully baited me. Nothing makes me more angry than this stupid fucking dichotomy. OH MY GOD FUCK YOU PSEUD GET OFF MY FUCKING BOARD

>> No.9101800

I think BNW is slightly longer than 1984 so that one.

>> No.9101811

This. Absolutely this.

>> No.9101812

1984 is a 20th century dystopia
Brave New World is a 21st century one

>> No.9101836
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Huxley was right about the world, Orwell was right about the people who would uphold that world.

>> No.9102928

both, and basipally
youre a meme

>> No.9103136

yeah, its actually becoming more and more like idiocracy

upvotes to the left ;)

>> No.9103151

Brave New World. But it is a mixture of both.

>> No.9103161

came here to say this but with less autism

>> No.9103193

If you think there's a difference you need to reread 1984 with fewer chromosomes.

The surveillance state people like to harp on about is only for the people who are smart enough to cause problems. The proles aren't watched because they don't need to be.

1984 is not about a surveillance state, it's about the reorganization of language to eliminate abstract thought. The proles don't even know what dissent is, let alone want to do it.

There isn't much difference between the proles in 1984 and the eloi in BNW. The only difference is how they were neutralized.

>> No.9103672


>> No.9103825
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Literally this.

>> No.9103837

BNW if you live in the West, 1984 if you don't

>> No.9103852

Not that Orwell is great, but he is a completely different caliber to Huxley, who was an inconsequential half-weight.

>> No.9104096

Fight Club.

>> No.9104596


>> No.9104666


>> No.9104675

Which book is more comparable to our present-day world? 120 Days of Sodom or Venus in Furs?

>> No.9104676

120 days of Sodom because I masturbated to both of them.

>> No.9104684

Hmmm, i'm more of a Bradbury man myself. Fahrenheit 451 is more correct.

>> No.9104729

Its a false dichotomy. Our present day-world is incredibly unique.

>> No.9104885
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>> No.9105014

BNW was ripped off of We by Zamyatin

>> No.9105019


made me drink

>> No.9105021

Brave new world for sure

>> No.9105032

A world that has not done anything except swing further and further right in economic policies since the Nixon admin is being destroyed by the left? Hmmm

>> No.9105040

>which book is more correct

Dystopian novels aren't meant to be predictions, they're meant to be warnings.

>> No.9105097

What the fuck. Has the author of this comic even read brave new world?
>huxley feared there would be no reason to ban a book for there would be one one who wants to read them
yet in BNW books are literally banned, and there are multiple characters in BNW that want to read them (Bernard, Helmholtz, Mond, islanders?)

>Huxley feared we would be reduced to egotism
In BNW everyone belongs to everyone else and individuality is terrible. Where the hell is this egotism?

In BNW it is eugenics and social conditioning that have created society. It is not laziness or hedonism.

>> No.9105103

>someone is a facebookfag

>> No.9105109

>not hedonism

soma urself

>> No.9105142
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>> No.9105146

I think by egotism he might've meant that everyone just pursues their own hedonistic interests with disregard to their fellow peers, such as fucking a girl another guy might've had a crush on.
He definitely misused "egotism" if that's the case.

>> No.9105182

BNW was pretty close to todays culture of mindless entertainment. Also there are actually feminists who try to convince people that sexual selection is bigoted and that you need to have sex with ugly/fat women, just like in the book. We don't have any genetic engineering though (yet).

1984 was right about the surveillance state, people sitting in front of propaganda screens all day long and europe becoming a combined state and the third world dominating power in the process. Sociologists are playing around with the language to make people think a certain way, though not in the way he thought would happen. We aren't at a state of constant war between the three super powers (yet).

Both are pretty relevant, but in different aspects.