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/lit/ - Literature

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9100253 No.9100253 [Reply] [Original]

It pisses me off when I see people here post their shelf and it's filled with secondhand shit and paperbacks. If you're going to buy crap why don't you just pirate?

>> No.9100257

because reading on computer is poopitty poop-poop pippity poppity poopydoo

>> No.9100267

Don't talk to me like that, bucko.

>> No.9100289

I enjoy making you mad

>> No.9100324
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Because books are only conveyance, a device to get the words to you and once they're read, they're only purpose is to be re-read. Why do you feel need to attach your self worth to how objects you have collected? Anyone can walk into a shop a buy a thing, do you brag to others about this and show pictures of all the things you have bought?

>> No.9100332

I bet you only play games through steam

>> No.9100340
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fuck off richfag

>> No.9100345

"I can't afford anything but ratty paperbacks" would have sufficed, you pretentious windbag.

>> No.9100371


I don't play video games


listen, one of us is going to be the morally superior git here and it's not going to be you.

>> No.9100381
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Older books have nicer typesetting and are usually bound much better. Plus second-hand books avoid giving money to estate- and rights-holders in the case of dead authors.

>> No.9100387

I only buy books I can't pirate.

>> No.9100476

secondhand books are full of life. I always favor them over new books (unless some other edition is clearly superiori, obviously).

>> No.9100709

I like thinking about the original owners of my second hand books kneading their genitals while reading like I do

>> No.9100729


Taking in Literature, Film, Music, Art, anything in an uncomfortable position is almost required so as to avoid contaminating your qualia with bodily comfort.

>> No.9100741

yea I'll skip over this $0.49 copy of the bros karamazov so I can read a pirated version from my fucking ifone

>> No.9100822

>all your fancy books will one day be in a bargain bin at salvation army

>> No.9100844


I'll be cremated on the pyre of my collection.

>> No.9101289


I pay like $3 to have a physical copy of a book. It's much easier to read a physical copy for me personally, I like to underline or just write things on the sides. Plus it's fun to see your library change over time.

I feel like buying fancy editions of books just to sit on your shelves is worse, but I guess you can do what you want

>> No.9101347

>People waste money on hard covers.
Are you a 12 year old prone to book tearing rampages? There's being rich and then there's being dumb, anon.

Also this, shit's fucking unbearable.

>> No.9101353


>> No.9101425

>proceeds to read miles and miles of shitposts on 4chan

>> No.9101450

because reading off a screen for more than an hour at a time fucks up my vision and my eyes only see blurs for like 2 days

>> No.9101461

Projecting at its finest.
Now excuse me while I go read my books.

>> No.9101463


>He doesn't scour the local second-hand book stores for out-of-print works by 19th century authors whose artistic merit is without question but not appreciated today

Lel laddie, lel.

>> No.9101612

this is actually a very interesting phenomenon

>> No.9101621

This. I want my books to look like they've been trough some shit.
Also makes it easier to hold open

>> No.9101636

Yeah, sure, OK, whatever you say, buddy.

>> No.9101646

My books are absolutely filled with annotations which I constantly revise and which are never unjustified. I erase them as I find a better way to say something or treat the subject at a gloss.

>tfw living the monk life

>> No.9101738

>monk life

I bet you don't even use a dipping quill-pen.

>> No.9101760

I use the finest pens.

My annotations really are a work of art, I would lend my annotated books to friends if all my friends weren't complete idiots. Posterity will enjoy them.

>> No.9103165

This desu.

>> No.9103171

>he doesn't buy old books that are like new