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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 655 KB, 1936x1936, IMG_3917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9099978 No.9099978 [Reply] [Original]

>buy used book
>it's full of some pleb's notes

I live for this shit.

>> No.9100007

>Buy used book
>Pleb underlines some shit
>Underlines end after the fifth page
Every time

>> No.9100014

I write my phone number on high brow books that I borrow from the library. Get on my level.

>> No.9100015

That is harsh autism

>> No.9100027

what's up with this?
I don't understand why they do it

>> No.9100032

I usually write my favorite line/s from the book to spoil the whole book. Works as a great pleb filter. Nobody wants to borrow my books that way.

>> No.9100035


what book is it?

>> No.9100040

I put my stamp in books

>> No.9100044

Write all book spoilers in the margins of page 1

>> No.9100046

And, did you get some calls?

>> No.9100049

>book spoilers

tsk tsk, sorry I don't read fiction

>> No.9100052

>buy book written in the 1800s
>some angry roastie has underlined all the instances of sexism

>> No.9100054

>reading fiction

>> No.9100057

at least two different people have written in the copy of Beowulf I own

that one faggot made a bunch of stars at different parts in the book

very bad at underlining too, none of the lines are clean or straight, same goes for the brakets

a lot of the lines say C.I. next to them, and there's a name in the beginning that I can't decipher

the only written note is "courage can alter your fate - major theme of the poem" at the part where Beowulf talks about that time he was at sea and killed all the snakes


>> No.9100058

Clearly we have to fight sexism in the 1800s. It's a huge problem.

>> No.9100059

>being upset that someone underlined all the best parts for you

>> No.9100065

>reading Heaney

Not even once

>> No.9100068

I love when I get a book that was a gift and it has a message for someone. 2 of my favorite message, "I dunno what this book is but it sounds hilarious ENJOY (J R) and then some retard wrote " I can be your Arthur and you can be my Guinevere love you babe" in le morte.

>> No.9100069

>I can be your Arthur and you can be my Guinevere love you babe

what a fucking clown no wonder it didn't work out

>> No.9100081
File: 656 KB, 1412x1059, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy used book
>the first 5 pages have words he doesn't understand circled
>then it is just scribbles
>flip book animation in both corners

From that point on I learned to always check before I buy, though I think this particular case made me enjoy the book more than I otherwise would have.

>> No.9100087

>buy used book
>written insite:

Am I going to die?

>> No.9100091

woah that's fucking sick. how's the flip animation?

>> No.9100097

>Buy book called Moliére Comedies
>It's in prose
Christ never have I hated myself so much.

>> No.9100105
File: 33 KB, 412x394, 1434297123421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flip book animation in both corners
fucking kek

>> No.9100108

I wasn't serious.

>> No.9100110

they probably gave up and stopped reading

>> No.9100122

I can't honestly think of a book I've read recently that was so plot driven it could be ruined by knowing the events beforehand. Actually coming to think about it I knew the entire plot of each of them beforehand.

>> No.9100138

The book belonged to someone who died, and had their possessions sold, only this book was their favorite and you are now cursed.
Assuming you have finished reading you need to get a whole chicken from the market, shove the book inside and then burn it in offering. The ghost will only forgive your tardy return of the book because you also gave a delicious chicken.

>> No.9100146

Dandelion Wine

>> No.9100151

>fucking English majors


>> No.9100156

That's the point where they dropped the class, and downgraded to the humanities.

>> No.9100198
File: 282 KB, 1536x2048, more.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be this fucking slag
>"I'm an edgy lil girl who don't take nuffin seriously"
>Writes snarky little comments in pen because she "lives for the moment" and "doesn't give af"
>"This book's actually really boooring"
>Notes end on page 9
>Changes degrees from political science to early childhood

Looked her up on facebook and she's friends with a girl I had sex with. Crazy.

>> No.9100207

you are writing a fucking what? i can't read that

i still feel strong dislike for her though

>> No.9100215

"Dude, you're writing a fucking love letter!"

>> No.9100217

"Love letter."

>> No.9100226

You don't know what that word means

>> No.9100227

>her mouth still open with shouting
>I noticed she did not now have on the old Father's

What clunky prose. Glad it was made significantly more enjoyable by the penmanship.

>> No.9100236

Spoilers can ruin some of the intended experience. And likewise the opposite; you're actually lessening the effect of the Iliad by not knowing what's going to happen.

>> No.9100259

It seems to be in the affect of some obscure Southern dialect, so I'd give it the benefit of the doubt. I honestly wouldn't be surprised to hear that kind of shit out of a Cajun.

>> No.9100270

>Buy used book
>There's always blood on it
>Always in the same spot

Happened to me at least two or three times. Blood is so dried I can't even remove it.

>> No.9100274

Some fag 250 years ago scrawled his name in painstakingly autistic script and then drew some knight faggot on the title page and now my copy of Confessions is ruined.

baka desu

>> No.9100275

paper cut?

>> No.9100277

Holy shit it's been so long I forgot baka was filtered.
Well yeah that's what's going to happen if you buy the same book three times.

>> No.9100279
File: 239 KB, 800x480, Screenshot_2016-12-20-22-54-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy used book
>Full of well written, coherent and interesting notes on the specific part of the book

>> No.9100281

You can't really avoid knowing the plot of some of the greatest works of literature.
What would be an example of a spoiler ruining the intended experience? Something like the later events in Lolita? When I think spoilers I think stupid plot driven who did what stuff that hardly qualifies for literature.

>> No.9100283


You assume it's the Heaney why?

>> No.9100284


>> No.9100286

Lolita'd work, yeah. American Psycho too. I don't mean stuff like "oh no Ned Stark dies".

>> No.9100287

He assumed right, it's a used Heaney I bought

I've been revealed

>> No.9100292

Your expectations are a bit high if you think he should be reading Old English.

>> No.9100316
File: 64 KB, 1000x750, IMG_20170213_1643292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy used book
>discover that it used to be owned by a famous person

>> No.9100319

I dunno man. Tomayto-tomahto I suppose. Even if it is a (deeeeeep) southern accent, it still doesn't read well for me.

>> No.9100321
File: 1.49 MB, 2560x1536, 1487001332398504775855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pssh... nada personal mijo

>> No.9100328

How is that coherent and interesting? I can't understand a single word.

>> No.9100329
File: 408 KB, 1287x965, 122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think they're still together?

>> No.9100339


>> No.9100342

I hope not.

>> No.9100344


>I'm much more perseptive
>can't spell perceptive right
>using coordinating conjunctions without commas
>all caps

>> No.9100357
File: 62 KB, 800x800, 23F760F975434D86BB6AA2935059D4B91056000000E50117E81A_tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>book has a post stamp because a retard probably mailed it withouth using an envelope/box
>only the first volume has a stamp
Fucking people I swear

>> No.9100358

Just by the way he writes you can tell she choked on about 50 english dicks before coming back to the US, kissing him on the mouth and then telling him it's not gonna work out a few days later, all the while the guy was so excited to see her and show off his clean shave.

>> No.9100395
File: 1.98 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not very exciting since i found those in my moms teenage stuff... guess i will appreciate them more once she's dead

>> No.9100396

>50 english dicks
The correct term is Brittistani.

>> No.9100398

my copy of all quiet in the western front has a big dong in the last page

>> No.9100407

I found a couple of personal notes and underlinings in my father's books after he died. Funny how you start to cling to any remains of a person's thoughts and actions once they are gone.

>> No.9100408

This is so pathetic. And she probably never read it either.

>> No.9100414

i can imagine that notes in a book feel very intimate since they reflect what was going trough that persons head at the moment they read the same passage you are reading right now. i will def keep those books.

>> No.9100420

I guess I'm not surprised, whatever you're reading looks mundane.

>> No.9100421


Twice. At least he was concistent.

>> No.9100429

he probably got cucked by a Lancelot

>> No.9100431

It's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.9100439

holy shit m a x i m u m plen

>> No.9100442

This makes the note even worse.

>> No.9100618

Hydrogen peroxide? Works on clothing

>> No.9100817

>buy a book at half-price
>theres a boarding pass from 1977 in it

>> No.9100836

>buy book published in the 1800s
>some Victorian prude has underlined all the instances of vulgarity

>> No.9100846

I enjoy buying decommissioned library books that still have the library card with all the names of people who checked it out

>> No.9100862

>buy used copy of tar baby off Amazon
>Full of notes
>They're actually really insightful and pick up on things I hadn't

>> No.9100863

same op

>> No.9100962

The preface of Lolita explains that she died in childbirth and Humbert got arrested. The spoilers are part of the book.

>> No.9100970

That's not what I meant by Lolita's spoilers.

>> No.9101032
File: 25 KB, 200x200, ailxc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy used book.
>finds out has been highlighted.

>> No.9101043

>buy copy of Borges - Labyrinths
>"for Josh on his graduation, 6.1.07" on blank page

assuming Josh didn't die or something, the stupid faggot has family members cool enough to buy him Labyrinths and he gets rid of it.

>> No.9101047

>9100000 just checking who that post is

>> No.9101053


>> No.9101078


>> No.9101100

>dad gives me his copy of Structure of Scientific Revolutions when i mentioned i wanted to read it
>key ideas underlined, tags in the margins for quick reference, succinct explanations for complex ideas
>barely added anything of my own since his notes were pretty much exactly what i would have made anyway
>first time ive felt connected to my dad in an intellectual sense

He's a highly educated man (PhD in experimental psychology) but for some reason he rarely talks about his studies or career. One of the few times I've gotten insight into my quiet father.

>> No.9101208

Epic Oedipal drama bro

>> No.9101400
File: 1.22 MB, 3264x1836, 20170213_155537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I borrowed the Norton critical Things Fall Apart from the library and I was flipping through the essays in the back and there was one where a professor was talking about how the wifebeating and shit in the novel had a purpose and she had a particular line about girls in her class with large hoop earrings complaining about the book's alleged sexism and this sticky note was plastered right there.

>> No.9101429
File: 557 KB, 1872x3040, SCAN0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the back of "Paradise Lost"

>> No.9101506

>go to used book store
>every book has their price written in sharpie on the opening page

>> No.9101580

speaking of finding interesting things around or in books i have few findings
once going through the books in my mothers house ive found a vibrator, nothing too kinky, just normal pink silicone dong that vibrates 22 cms long i have used it same day
not even joking

Found series of notes describing some blokes day in it aswell as his fascination with some girl. It doesnt sound interestin but what was interesting was how he describes his day, in completely mechanical almost engineerean (lol) way. He also describes his ongoing atleast then, sexual relationship with some unnamed women. His descriptions of sex are as mechanical. He also noted exactly how long he lasted and how much he came and where. Which led me to believe he was either someone on spectrum or atleast he exists(ed) with some level of schizo.

>> No.9101585

does he fuck with schizoanalisys?

>> No.9101588

Especially hardbacks which haven't been taken out since the 80s. Nothing comfier.

>> No.9101615

buying a book partly about an irish boys sexual growth for a romantic partner going to England.

Complete misfire imho.

>> No.9101627

Maybe he was banking on Catholic guilt keeping her faithful

>> No.9101669


>mentions being clean shaven twice
>that disgusting smiley face twice
>astute, whilst, "perseptive"
>don't forget what you have in the US
>,.... me

Jesus this is bad

>> No.9101688

thanks for pointing this out anon!!!

really though, so pathetic. she probably remarked something about his stubble, and so he displays this good boy behaviour, like a child or a dog 'look at me mama, I shaved!'

>> No.9101693

What's the last word? Liebon? Cant tell.

>> No.9101707

Speaking from experience anon, i start the book thinking ill need to take notes to keep up, but after the first three pages i forget about it entirely

>> No.9101711

>buy used book
>the main characters name 'David' in underlined
>only thing underlined
>entire book
>trash it and spent 4 more dollars on another copy

>> No.9101734

he should have torn out all the pages but the religious sermons

>> No.9101895

I think it's ~LIEBO~

>> No.9102865
File: 3.62 MB, 3120x4160, 1487039791080847405983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found on the first page of a Shakespeare book.

>> No.9102965

Nah she probably got in a Paki gangbang. That kinda cringy writing alongside mentioning "clean-shaven" makes me bet the person who wrote it is a numale.

>> No.9103000

The Iliad itself breaks the suspense by itself several times in the story. Basically they tell you the destiny of the characters. The destiny is one of the themes though. Bad example.

>> No.9103004

Things that never happen.

>> No.9103030

That's worse though.

>> No.9103045

That's why she sold the book.

>> No.9103087

They definitely got lost from Paradise.

>> No.9103091


>> No.9103112

Better than 99% of the shit in the crit threads desu

>> No.9103147

wait what's wrong with Heaney?

>> No.9103467
File: 1.83 MB, 2983x3805, IMG_1370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw buy a used book
>it has a fake autograph in it

>> No.9103480

*tips fedora*

>> No.9103486

That sucks
Here they use pencils with a really light touch and write it on the last page.

>> No.9103503

Builds up my ego though because I always finish books, even if I don't like them. Except Naked Lunch, I didn't need to finish that.

>> No.9103582

Really bugs me that people get rid of books that people gave them and wrote specific notes for them in. I get selling a book if it's some dumb random gift, but not something with thought behind it

>> No.9103703

I miss this innocence.

>> No.9103707

You could have at least made up a story

>> No.9103712

>Am I going to die?
Not if you reply to this post with
'I am sorry Mister Spook'

>> No.9103739


I love Lanoui Bla

>> No.9103752


that's kinda nice

>> No.9103793

jesus fucking christ

>> No.9103806

I have a copy of the Republic in which the previous owner underlined "the gods" and wrote "interesting that Socrates says 'the gods' instead of just 'god'" in the margin

>> No.9103826
File: 167 KB, 1088x871, 16735240_10208222126097879_1359393781_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My copy of Foucault's Pendulum has this wankery on the back of it

>> No.9103835

I once dated a girl who would send me messages like this

>> No.9103855
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>> No.9103861


>> No.9104113
File: 2.12 MB, 1680x1050, 1384605110934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9104213

LOL! Why would you ever need to make a note of that to yourself? HAHAHA

>> No.9104817
File: 752 KB, 2560x1920, IMG_20140104_102649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pick up collection of short stories
>previously used by some college student
>only notes in one or two texts
>notes are excessive and mostly moot points or useless paraphrases
>rest is unread and spine is basically in pristine condition
Note the female handwriting :^)
But seriously though it's like this every time you buy something which incidentally is part of a curriculum somewhere else.

>> No.9104837

I bought a copy of Leaves of Grass in a Salvation Army with very extensive notes describing and explaining even the most minute imagery and details. The only problem I have with it is that it's a paperback that was very poorly binded when it was printed about 60 years ago, so I hardly ever open it anymore for fear of weakening it further.

>> No.9104852

must have been DJ Pauly D

>> No.9104866

my god do they not know how to use a fucking highlighter?!

>> No.9104873

>don't flip through the pages of the book before buying a used book

what..? why..? you are all damn retarded and stupid than the people who write the notes if you don't inspect used items before buying them. its goddamn common sense

I bet if you guys thrifted for clothes you'd post on /fa/ complaining about how all the shirts you buy have cumstains on them

>> No.9104882

>TFW I buy a signed first edition copy of The Recognitions and it's a fake.
>TFW I bought it with counterfeit money
>TFW no face

>> No.9104890

>And likewise the opposite; you're actually lessening the effect of the Iliad by not knowing what's going to happen.

>> No.9104937

>used book has an old calendar or stamp with a picture of the virgin Mary

Catholic countrymen will understand

>> No.9105060

Probably a nickname for Liebowitz or something similar, then.

>> No.9105071


>"That's all we do, isn't it"
>That is all they do


>> No.9105170

There's a bookstore around the corner from me that has a ton of books from something called the Heritage Press. Many of them have a newsletter called the Sandglass, published in either New York City or Connecticut. All of them are hardcovers with lots of illustrations and details, and a plain slipcase for each book. Does anyone here know about this? Are these rare or valuable in any way?

>> No.9105238

Most of them are high quality but low value. If you just want good quality go for it, but don't expect to sell them for much.
Collectors might be interested in books in pristine condition (with slipcase, no fading, pages all intact and clean, etc.).

>> No.9105338
File: 476 KB, 521x669, merchant of venice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was the first note i came across while i was reading merchant of venice

tbqh i died laughing. extremely feminine handwriting, no value judgment. One of two notes in the whole text.

>> No.9105415

What is the dark complexioned suitor's fate in that book?

>> No.9105744

I couldn't agree more. Maybe it's because I don't have that many friends so I have to treasure each gift I get haha. But if someone wrote me a note and everything, I would feel so guilty selling it.

>> No.9105761

Holy shit, I think I pulled a muscle cringing that hard.

>> No.9105806

basically theres a girl whose dad dies but sets some shit up whereby anyone who wants can come and pick between 3 chests (gold, silver, and lead) and if they pick the right one the daughter will marry them

a Moor picks the wrong chest and she hopes (out loud) that all others of his skin tone will choose similarly.

>> No.9105834

I have a copy of Apology where someone underlined 'the god' and wrote "interesting" in the margin

yours is way funnier but still.

>> No.9105913

Hmmm... Intresting.

>> No.9105943
File: 41 KB, 376x490, SPw8xoj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> go to thirft store
> see a copy of Finnegans wake
> open it up
> Notes fill the first page
> all the other pages look pristine.
> pleb couldn't get past the first page.

>> No.9105957

You mean a patrician realised he was wasting his time.

>> No.9106094

>buy dubliners printed in the 70's in other continent
>it has almost faded pencil anotations
comfy desu

>> No.9106200

selling Joyce. She really must have hated him.

>> No.9106219

He went to school in the 60s and 70s, so it was before Deleuze & Guattari were translated to English, but he did have a huge suspicion toward therapy and psychiatry. Since he was a researcher, he never dealt with patients though.

I recently finished the Capitalism and Schizophrenia series so maybe I'll bring it up and see what he thinks.

>> No.9106717

heaney's translation is a popular edition of both texts side by side

>>9100065 is simply wrong about heaney

>> No.9106788
File: 1.99 MB, 250x158, shawn-michaels.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy used copy of Walden
>every single page has detailed annotations and underlines
>last page has an inscription addressed to me ("The Next Reader") wishing me luck on my journey

cried desu

>> No.9106903

Literally this. Twice in the last 3 months.

>> No.9106956

If someone had told me some of the stuff that happened in war and peace before id read it id have been mad

>> No.9106965
File: 118 KB, 1536x2406, o-ANNA-KARENINA-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9106969

> reading for plot

>> No.9106976

Walden is the best book ever.

>> No.9106994

I it be silent, doe?

>> No.9107024

Yeeeeeaaaah I agree much worse. Does he think the word 'perceptive' is spelt 'perseptive'??? Because the scary thing is, that seems like a really easy book, he might legit be some casual reading douchetard who thinks that the word is literally spelt that way.

>> No.9107334

Buy Tocqueville's democracy in america used. Some grill underlined every part about wymn and africans.

>> No.9107337

Reading this in high school. Teacher says this is evidence Shakespeare was a racist bigot and claims he should not be taught anymore....Moorish slavers didnu nuthin.

>> No.9107350
File: 3 KB, 141x129, bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yfw history class was nothing but a giant spoiler

>> No.9107358
File: 10 KB, 236x236, don7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>handwrites in all caps

>> No.9107405

Why do so many english teachers do this? Is it a lit thing? 2 out of my 6 High School Eng teachers did that.

>> No.9107609

lots of old people do this

>> No.9107661

Did you rent it from the Timecube guy?

>> No.9107713

That penis looks like a roast turkey.

>> No.9107740

most books I find in second hand stores with notes in them are hell old, like the one in OPs pic is signed 1979 - the original recipient is likely dead.

>> No.9107748

>buy used book
>nearly everything on every page is highlighted/underlined

>> No.9107756


or like OP said, they make margin notes summarizing what they think is happening in the book and most of the time they're completely wrong.

>> No.9107776

>Last semester
>Read The Sound and The Fury for another class
>Copy I bought had shitty notes taken, underlines pointless thing, unnecessary paraphrasing, wrote his own name on all 4 sides of the book in permanent marker
>Amazon Condition: Very Good
>Eventually add my own notes on top
>Recently bought a brand new copy at Goodwill for $1, was going to give to a friend but they already have it
>End up giving my old copy to a cute girl that sits behind me who said she's been using the audiobook
>Now worried she'll think I'm the one who wrote dumb shit everywhere

What do I do /lit/ she's really cute

>> No.9107979

Nobody ever needs to finish Naked Lunch, anon.

>> No.9108019

Do women always draw penises pointing down? Interesting

>> No.9108037

its funny because the Moor is literally given "equal opportunity", but just like a goofy saudi prince he cannot satiate his lust for all gold everything

anyone else alive at the time would have refused him outright based on skintone.

I hate when people apply arbitrary current year moral standards to older texts.

>> No.9108042
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>> No.9108110
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>> No.9108188

why do people fucking do this? i buy books in very good condition but sometimes they will have this terrible fucking highlighting in it and i will forget to complain to the bookseller to get the book for free and end up wasting $4. fuck so annoying. these fucking retards dont understand the entire point of notes...reminds me of the idiots that had to have a teacher give them a formula for a thesis statement because they couldn't understand why a good thesis statement was the way it was....REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.9108194

is that the norton anthology?

>> No.9108445
File: 431 KB, 1280x720, 2017-02-15-101820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> "... damned shit book!!!"

>> No.9108482
File: 49 KB, 310x459, Kierkegaard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i ONLY underline library kierkegaards, scribbling "god not real" on each page.

>> No.9108521

After some hard thought, I passed over a literary theory book a while ago because it was 50 dollars over an online copy, but the previous owner had highlighted every single word of the chapter on Pseudo-Longinus. 30+ pages, just a indistinguishable wall of fluorescent orange with no other marks.

>> No.9108553
File: 59 KB, 551x683, FB_IMG_1487098315906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy Road to Wigan Pier at an English thrift shopvin Germany
>Some English guy wrote shit all over it about how wrong Orwell is about Socialism with a blue ballpen
>Some German with a black pen rips him to shreds
>Still find myself using the German guy's arguments against Socialism to this day

Thanks Hans

>> No.9108561


Post excerpts pls.

>> No.9108601

uh what kind of books anon?

>> No.9108622

Hard to post excerpts of a made-up anecdote.

>> No.9108631

Was the store in münchen?

>> No.9108876

I never understood why people use textmarkers so much.
And it's not only girls who do that.

>> No.9108909

idk tell her the notes aren't yours?

>> No.9109012

It could be that they thought they'd just analyse as they read, turns out that can pull you out of the book and ruin the experience, so decided to just read it straight.

>> No.9109672

Just tell her they're not your notes. She probably doesn't care.
Better yet, give her the one without notes, get yourself another copy, and ask her out.

>> No.9109708

>buy book new on Amazon
>book has library markings in front and back
>shit ton of writing on pages, in margins, all over
>not just one person, there's at least 2 people having a conversation by writing in this book
>random crap stuffed into multiple pages
Anyone else have this problem?

>> No.9109720

never once had this problem to be honest family, and I was a frequent guest at used bookstores t b h.

perhaps used book stores were good in that particular area, or perhaps im just not a goddamned retard.

closest to such an experience was finding a post card from like 70s from quebec i think, but that was actually pretty cool

>> No.9110183

Weirdest things I found in books were
>Guarantee notes that I can take this book back to the publisher (publisher still exists)
>Some torn paper with czech text on it

No notes,nothing at all.

>> No.9110416

so they were illustrating the gramically ineffable human suffering of war?

>> No.9110907

>buy used medical textbook for cheap
>70% of every page highlighted and/or underlined with pens of different color and thickness
>pisses me off to no end
if you need notes on what you're studying do it in a fucking notebook