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/lit/ - Literature

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9098095 No.9098095[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/fit/ here, does mind gains get you laid?

>> No.9098097

fuck off

>> No.9098101

lmao bro dyer (do you even read) ???

>> No.9098102

yes but only brain-laid

>> No.9098130

dumb fucking thread,

thanks for lowering the quality of this board

>> No.9098144

Unironically yes it helps to be well read. You can either dazzle dumb women into thinking youre an intellectual or have an entertaining conversation with an actually smart woman. As long as your appearance and game is decent this often leads to sex.

>> No.9098151

dubs of truth

>> No.9098154

You mean mind tricks virgins learn from youtube videos?

>> No.9098161

No he just means charisma. That's basically all game is.

>> No.9098177

Charisma, confidence and some basic human psychology. There's a science to building rapport, sales people do it all the time. It'd be idiotic to think this wouldn't work in other types of interactions too.

>> No.9098182
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Why settle for one or the other?

>> No.9098191

Me on the right

>> No.9098194
File: 600 KB, 922x709, 1459979605366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ thread?

>> No.9098196

this is what inevitably happens when you start with the greeks

>> No.9098204

why would we dedicate a thread to the worst board on 4chan?
no board knows less about its subject matter than /fit/ knows about fitness (except PLG)

>> No.9098211

>no board knows less about its subject matter than /fit/ knows about fitness (except PLG)
wrong, /mu/ exists

>> No.9098212

I never go on /fit/, what's it like?

>> No.9098227

forced memes, broscience, momscience, pictures of fat women

>> No.9098228

I worked out for a decade before I ever witnessed /fit.

Its either the most retarded board on the chan or one elaborate troll. Go see.

>> No.9098238

you don't need muscles to get laid

sex is so fucking easy if you're not deformed or disabled

>> No.9098243

teach me your ways

>> No.9098248

Great stories, lots of OC, lots of fun memes. I stopped browsing it like 2 years ago, but at least before that (browsed it for 3 years) it was great, and I learned a lot about diet and training in the process.

>> No.9098250

wealth/position of power

if you have 4 of those pussy is unlimited

>> No.9098251

what is momscience

>> No.9098253


ree etc.

>> No.9098254


>> No.9098257

I'm in college so there's promiscuous girls everywhere you look.
you talk to the girl that's into you(there's gotta be at least 1 man if not idk what to say). you go on a dinner date or something that makes her not feel like she's being used. then you have her """hang out""" at your place. then you have sex.

>> No.9098260

I enjoyed your joke, anon. Here's the (You) you were looking for.

>> No.9098261

you don't but you're being a reductionist. Female sexuality is a bit complicated, but can we agree that the attractiveness of a man to a woman is an aggregate of his qualities. Charisma, physical appearance, wealth, social status, and so on.

So let's say you're a high social status male with good charisma. No, you don't need muscles to get laid. However, if your social status is meager, as is your wealth, you don't have that to fall back on. So having a really good looking body can make up for that, and considering the time and effort it takes to achieve that, it's worth it.

Now you may want to interject and say that you ONLY need charisma. I'll agree, however, can we agree that there is a limit to how attractive the women you can successfully fuck with just that one trait? There are only so many women that are going to be that attractive, and the men that you'll be competing with will best you, as they'll have more going for them.

>> No.9098263

exactly what it sounds like, beliefs propounded by momscientists like doctor oz and mark bittman
>diet soda is bad for you
>vaccines cause autism
>eating egg yolks raises your LDL
>wheat bread is significantly healthier than white bread
>gluten is bad for you
>saturated fat is bad for you

>> No.9098266

I used to be a better virgin who got upset at the notion if anyone having sex too. then I had sex for the first time at 18 due to a fortunately assertive girl and realised that it's not some unattainable thing that only the top of the human race experiences. everyone has sex.

>> No.9098273

is /lit/ the most alpha board on this site?

>> No.9098279

off to /r9k/ with your reductionist meme dichotomies please

>> No.9098282
File: 205 KB, 1439x1374, euthanized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's gotta be at least 1 man if not idk what to say

>> No.9098287

I really like this image, do you mind if I save it and print photocopies?

>> No.9098290
File: 44 KB, 770x223, Screen Shot 2017-02-13 at 02.38.21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9098291

Go ahead friend.

>> No.9098293

>pictures of fat women

Is that an all-day thing, or am I going to have to time my visits carefully to see the fat girls?

>> No.9098300


>> No.9098303

Too beta for me.
Not sure why you're so upset by me insinuating that /lit/ is alpha. You should take this as a compliment.

>> No.9098311

all day, just crtl+f "high test"

shit I just clicked a canal for "select all rivers"

>> No.9098313


>> No.9098320

Don't fucking reply to me brainlet

>> No.9098331

I have a degree in mathematics, but sure, I'm a brainlet

>> No.9098336

that was a joke, friend, he was joking with you