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9097271 No.9097271 [Reply] [Original]

>the best philosophers in history jointly studied science and mathematics
Is it possible to be a truly great thinker without training your mind with science? Think of Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle (really, all the Greeks), Descartes, Leibniz, Newton. Then think of Kant, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, and all other philosophers who are basically just memes despite dedicating their lives to what was a hobby for real thinkers to aid their real research.

>> No.9097277

define 'truly great thinker'

>> No.9097282


all fields have reached their own particular levels of specialization that it would be absurd to think that anyone can make meaningful contributions to more than one. descartes, while impressive himself, thought that gravity operated like a vortex. thats just where they were at the times.

>> No.9097303

>gravity operated like a vortex
...but it does

>> No.9097308

Kant taught astronomy (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nebular_hypothesis)) and Schopenhauer did work in optics(https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_Vision_and_Colors).). you might have a case with Freddy, although philology was considered a science in his day. just wanted to straighten out your facts a bit.

>> No.9097320

To be fair back in the day it would be easy for even a second rate scientific mind to make a contribution if one worked hard enough since we knew so very little. We are now at a point when science is so complicated and advanced it requires a deep level of specialisation (as does philosophy).

>> No.9097322


kek, kill yourself, humanities cuck

>> No.9097323

no, fuck you, faggot

>> No.9097328

>''Therefore this is my speculation, that reality is made of atoms, wich are composed by subparticles called electrons, neutrons and protons, wich are composed by particles called gluons.'' Descartes, ''On the universal foundation'', 1647

Fuck, Descartes was a genius.

>> No.9097333

try STEM and be redpilled, bluepilled retard

>> No.9097347


he didnt conceive of it like general relativity.


>> No.9097348

Kant was educated in the mathematics of his time.

>> No.9097349

im pretty sure Plato didn't know calculus.
as long as you took Geometry I don't think you're missing much ~hidden knowledge~

>> No.9097367
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damn...... Really made me think.

>> No.9097372

>im pretty sure Plato didn't know calculus.
No shit, calculus wasn't a thing until the 17th century. But you could argue the Greeks (particularly Archimedes) knew about integration.

>> No.9097381
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>tfw my Physics professor in high school used to show up with Dawkins t-shirts almost everyday
>tfw he won't ever have enough clarity to see how much of an existential parody he is
>tfw his whole existence is inherently inferior than mine, given how much self-awareness he is lacking

>> No.9097391


>Kant, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, and all other philosophers who are basically just memes

Imma give you 3/10 points for making me read three entire lines of text.

>> No.9097393
File: 84 KB, 1022x892, 1464734424819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also I think that people should dedicate themselves to what they're interested in - if you truly want to be an intellectual then you should have a passion for knowledge. The idea that you're either a humanities or a stem person is pretty ridiculous and anyone who subscribes to that ideology is severely limiting themselves in the pursuit of knowledge or intellectualism.

I majored in EECS because it's something I enjoy, and then I stayed to finish up minors in philosophy and math at UC Berkeley - I would have minored in literature as well if I was able to. If you claim to be extremely intelligent but can't grasp both the fields of science and the humanities then you really aren't intelligent - obviously this applies more today than in the past because the spread and acquisition of knowledge has become incredibly easy in comparison to how it once was.

>> No.9097394

>he didnt conceive of it like general relativity.

LEL, your damn right, he fricken invented GR. He is right.

"A vortex, for Descartes, is a large circling band of material particles."

Between the Sun and the planets (between the central massive black hole and the galactic material: stars, planets, gass, particles, asteroids etc.:

Exists a 'network/medium/field' of particles (maybe called gravitons), The sun moves "forward" (in space and time), and rotates, (the galaxy material is "rotating/revolving' around the central black hole.... maybe... maybe not)

The suns movement makes a vortex in the Gravity Field (as a gun shot through the underwater medium of a water pool, will cause the local particles to displace), bodies of smaller mass, than are compelled, forced, by this materia-spatial vortex the massier bodies have left in the Gravity Medium.

>> No.9097401

This is cringey, and for more than the reasons your think. Some of what is said on the left side, is not so swell

>> No.9097402

Please leave Lit immediately and then proceed to your nearest rope store.

>> No.9097426

>fields of science and the humanities
Stem is serious work. Humanities is "serious" play

>> No.9097436

I should mention why I included the fact that I graduated from Cal; the school is incredibly stem-oriented and it became so ridiculously clear there the lack of critical thinking within the stem programs. Those experiences really solidified, for me, the idea that balance is a necessity in the pursuit of knowledge.

>> No.9097447
File: 322 KB, 600x724, Leibniz_Hannover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ghost of Leibniz approves

>> No.9097454

Rope store? There aren't stores solely devoted to ropes anymore.

>> No.9097463

>Stem is serious work. Humanities is "serious" play
Stem is the machine. Humanities is the ghost.

Stem is the stem, roots, trunk, branches. Humanities is the leaves and fruit.

>> No.9097475


>obviously this applies more today than in the past because the spread and acquisition of knowledge has become incredibly easy in comparison to how it once was.

You really think so? I occasionally wonder why we don't have universal geniuses anymore, and my best explanation so far has been that most fields have become so complex that you're severely limited in how many you can master.

>> No.9097503

I think learning some about all the subjects that are sane and relevant (no ufos or ghosts) is critical to not being fooled by people who pretend to be experts. Lots of inadequate guys and gals exaggerate for praise and reassurance: or money.
I notice most politicians rarely say anything. They mostly babble when they talk. Intelligent people would not pretend to babble. Hence, they are severely mentally-stunted.
Some sciences are based on repeated observation to form a model that best allows us to make sense of our reactions to the environment (radiation, for example). It's impossible to make good choices if we do not have a science background (we stay stuck in culture and ritual, even when it no longer makes sense).

>> No.9097513
File: 104 KB, 750x587, crow with knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ya dude like I went to Cal and half the kids were so into like chemistry and well I couldn't do it but that's because I wanna know EVERYTHING about a subject and a few months isn't enough time to process everything and think critically about a subject like those automatons getting As while I'm getting C-s how do these brainlets even make it through their day without thinking about the effects of post-colonialism on their lives man I'm so glad I quickly branched out of the sciences at Cal into the humanities like I love social history LOVE social history have you ever read Judith Butler?

>> No.9097523

LOL - calling Kant and Schopenhauer memes while praising science. Einstein studied them both, and Schopenhauer (building off of Kant) predated E = mc2 via pure thought by 100 years.

Nietzsche a meme? His philosophy has been the guiding light of this era. There hasn't been a philosopher with a greater impact since.

Now, I'm a phys/maths student myself, but these science v. philosophy threads are getting really old. You need to wake up.

>> No.9097540
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>> No.9097576

>I occasionally wonder why we don't have universal geniuses anymore
Because they are all locked away in some basic lab somewhere working on the breakthroughs that will come out in 20 or so years, or writing for the NYT

>> No.9097577

the amount of time and effort children put into fuckshitery these days is very sad

>> No.9097583


took me like 2 seconds to regurgitate the garbage I hear from humanities-minded people who are inadequate at the sciences

I love literature, philosophy, and the like, but you'd have to have your head in your asshole to visit Berkeley and think "hmm, it's the science department that is strongly lacking critical thinking in particular".

>> No.9097586
File: 12 KB, 329x329, Ine1AkaF_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat pic

>> No.9097743

I'm the one who mentioned that and I'd like to elaborate a bit - I guess a more precise way of putting it would be lacking independent thinking. I'm not going to get into the politics of Cal at all - which is what I assume you're referring to - but I had a strong problem with the fact that the supposed bastions of intellectualism there didn't seem to have the capability to understand things unless they were expressly taught to them.

>> No.9097745

are you stupid? universal genius doesn't mean genius, it means that they're geniuses at many different fields

anyway it is true that every "intellectual" person should have a wide amount of general knowledge, but
> If you claim to be extremely intelligent but can't grasp both the fields of science and the humanities then you really aren't intelligent
shit like this sounds like the guy saying it doesn't have even a basic idea of how much knowledge there is in every field.

grasping a single field of science or humanities will take years of dedicated study, you can't grasp all of it just by "lmao passion for knowledge"

>> No.9097836

You definitely misunderstood what I was saying - I'm not demanding that everyone be an expert in everything; that was more of a comment on members of the stem community who consider themselves superior and extremely intelligent yet fail to understand philosophy or the like.

>> No.9097954

Oh, it seems so.

Anyway, some people on the other side are about as bad in my experience. I've met philosophy and women's studies (and so on) students who say ridiculously foul things about all of science just because they happened to read some Foucault.

Some others are far too dismissive of all knowledge that isn't very, uh, politically correct - you know, anything said by a white male can be dismissed easily, no matter their level of knowledge: but every woman or PoC who says that [thing x] is bad is automatically right, as long as they remember to link the badness to social justice or their identity in some way. It is a twisted sort of relativism that isn't really a proper relativism, as it does put a certain view of justice and ethics over everything else.

>> No.9098235

How many fields, and how many knowledge in each, would it take for someone to be a universal genius? You mean like, a car mechanic/doctor/lawyer/physicist/composer/painter/photographer/anthropologist/poet/archeologist/sailor/investor/chef/womens study expert?

>> No.9098276

>No shit, calculus wasn't a thing until the 17th century.
wow, thanks for telling me Captain Obvious

>> No.9098281


>> No.9098380

What do you mean?

>> No.9099381

my boi

>> No.9099483

Some of what is said on the left side is cringey, too much effort for me to attempt to explain, dont take my word for it

>> No.9099608

The bluepill/redpill dichotomy can't be explained with equations, it's a philosophical debate. Moron.