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9092918 No.9092918 [Reply] [Original]

>When you find out a philosopher already formulated and wrote down all of your ideas 375 years ago

>> No.9092980

meditations on first philosophy?

>> No.9092987


>> No.9093042

No. That's shit.

>> No.9093060


Yo, are you up to date on modern philosophy?

What have you read? It's pointless to try and be cutting edge if you aren't an expert on philosophy. Chances are, somebody else thought of it.

>> No.9093063
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>when you find out you're fucking stupid because you didn't think or formulated a single philosophical idea before you started reading it
>I can't think for myself

>> No.9093073

Haven't found one yet.

>> No.9093313

>when you get past all this crying that someone else thought of it first and #justdoit and more
Ain't no thing my mates.
Read some big N and the intro to Wittgenstein's TLP.
It's not about thinking you're better or above other people, but you can't be deterred by silly shit like someone already touching familiar ground. It's not self-delusion. You're aware of the world and continue anyway.
Sorry for the self help shelf reading.

>> No.9094245

Why pointless? For me it makes a huge difference if I come to conclusions myself because it makes the conclusi0on itself worth more.
There is no pure unconditional originality anyway, humans can not create from nothing. So even the most recognised philosopher is only gradually original at best. Which always leads to the question: Why even bother? I bother because I like thinking and gives me a sense of realness that can not be achieved simply through reading already existing things.

>> No.9094252

Modern philosophy is all bullshit anyway senpai. Pretty much all philosophical knowledge exists already. Just synthesize 2 vaguely different existing strands and then call it your own.

>> No.9095021

Put those ideas into your own words.

>> No.9095041

what if i feel the way OP feels but he already felt it and just formulated it with this thread? i wanted to make this thread....

>> No.9095045

My idea is that we all live in a computer simulation, something like a rectangular array of quantities or expressions in rows and columns that is treated as a single entity and manipulated according to particular rules, but it's where we live.

Has anyone thought of this?

>> No.9095050


>> No.9095057

can u translate this for me? Idk what you mean

>> No.9095081
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>that one time I independently invented solipsism

felt good man

>> No.9096158


>> No.9096167

An idiot would feel sad or robbed but an intelligent person would feel validated to realize they were actually on to something.

>> No.9096184

that's why you read
your mind'll grow

>> No.9096221
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>When you find out a philosopher already formulated all of your ideas 30 years ago
>But didn't write them down
>Be Plato

>> No.9096255
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Why learn anything then? Why read? When you feel better about finally learning to wipe your own ass in an auto-didactic fashion.

>> No.9096278

I feel as though something like this idea was a part of something I read years ago. Zamyatin's We, maybe?

>> No.9096285

that one time when I discovered the mind-body problem as a young child while lying awake late at night (been an insomniac my entire life)

Fucking mortifying

>> No.9096305
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375 years ago is recent.

youre heads above me or anyone else i know if you independently came up with 375-years-young philosophy

congrats kid youre a natural

>> No.9096571

This happens to me more often than it should. I feel like every time I feel like I've actually come up with something its actually already present in a philosophical work I haven't read.

>> No.9097006
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Post a novel philosophical idea.