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/lit/ - Literature

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9091714 No.9091714 [Reply] [Original]

Just admit that you love me, /lit/

>> No.9091730

I'm sure most people here went through a sci-fi phase, and this is likely a lot of people's favorites. It's definitely mine. There's a general thread for this, though.

>> No.9091757

'Love' is a strong phrase. We're definitely friends though!

>> No.9091759

i've tried twice to finish this book and it's ok but i just have no desire to see it through to the end plus a sequel

>> No.9091763

Daily reminder to never read Endymion or Rise Of

>> No.9091769

I felt the same way. when they finally reached where ever the fuck they were going. was it a hotel? past the sea of razor grass. I had like 50 pages left and I just quit. I didn't care anymore because I could tell shit wouldn't get resolved and I've gone through enough terrible stories for now. the android one was okay. the rest suck. what happens anyways. do they kill that edgy faggot or what?

>> No.9091902

>HUGO AWARD sticker that ruins the cover can can't be removed

into the trash you go

>> No.9091962

>liking Brawn Lamia's story the most
apex pleb

>> No.9092046

I love it so much.
I must admit that despite being very different books than the Hyperion the Endymion series was very good and the twist at the end was very unexpected to me. Some tears were shed.

>> No.9092542

I must say it, I do.

Don't make me want to end it please, i've got so much to read already

>> No.9094061

reading them right now senpai

>> No.9094122

>not thinking Priest's tale was far and away the best

Seriously, the biggest problem with this book was the best story was in the beginning and then they trended downward until the infuriating cliffhanger ending. I still liked it though.

>> No.9094158

is Fall of Hyperion good?

>> No.9094192
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Hey this is the book that nagato gave to kyon!

>> No.9094205

She has top-tier taste for a data entity

>> No.9094274
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Parochial bitching about a good but not great work in a slowly decaying genre almost no one reads? COUNT ME IN.

Ehh, Hyperion tries a little too hard to be literary, when all it had to do was be Aniara, or a Wolfe work. Either of which would be the simplest thing to do. Hyperion has some supporters among some of the top-tier readers on /lit/, but I think in most of those cases, they read it before reaching the age of discernment, and rank it higher than it deserves out of nostalgic compulsion. It's more like a 6/10 desu. Good ideas, and the first story is flawless, but the rest of it needed rearrangement and polish.

>> No.9095683
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After entire Lovecraft bibliography i dropped Hyperion at 80% and don't feel like coming back for it. It's like Space Opera if not science fantasy.
And author appears to be seriously sexually frustrated.
Soldier was total shit, maybe it actually is what disappointed me in the book.
Nagato Yuki is basically borrowed from Hyperion's Detective's Tale, except that Hyperion's Yuki was male and wasn't dandere.

Guys I just finished fucking Blindsight.
Blindsight was 10/10 but now i'm all out of Blindsight.
What do I read now?
Solid fiction is where it's all at.

>> No.9095711


Some of the chapters are really damn good, most are terrible.

Haven't been motivated enough to buy the second book to see happens.

>> No.9095930

>Blindsight was 10/10 but now i'm all out of Blindsight.
Try The Sparrow by Mary Russell, if you already haven't. It's an exceptional work along the same theme. I've only seen it mentioned a couple of times on /lit/, which is strange because it's probably the best example of its subgenre.

I don't disagree with you about Yuki, but Yuki is another version of the general android archetype, which was written about long before and long after Hyperion. I don't think she's borrowed specifically from the book, but the TechnoCore is. Moreso than it would be borrowed from Terminator, in its modus operandi and scale.

Good, more people who don't blindly praise it.

>> No.9096191

I always liked the Scholar's Tale. It had some interesting religious discussion while also being a bit touching.

>> No.9096258

Really mature!

That one is probably the best after The Priest's Tale, I have almost no complaints about it.

>The correct answer for Abraham was to plagiarize Kierkegaard, thought Sol.

>> No.9096336
File: 902 KB, 2560x1536, 8dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw intelligent enough to realise that Consul had the best story
Consul > Poet > Priest > Jew > Detective > Allahu Akbar

>> No.9096368

Kassad's story is the most discussed around the internet for some reason. Probably due to that hentai bit.

I'd rank
Symbiotic cruciform > Nerd and daughter > Judas > Satyr Falstaff > Android Keats > Razor vagina

>> No.9096376


>> No.9096380

I've finally decided to stop coming here. Thanks for helping out.

>> No.9096386

You won't be missed faggot.

>> No.9096390

I like to just stick to the scifi general and a select few other threads. The rest of the board is cancer and cares way too much about seeming smart and not enough about reading books

>> No.9096394

>You won't be missed faggot.
I already left, so I wasn't able to read this insult.

>> No.9096396

W-wanna be friends?

>> No.9096423

What else is worthwhile from Simmons? I wanna read Song of Kali soon.

>> No.9096424

>I like to hang around the /ghetto/ general that cares way too much about their infantile daydreams and not enough about being fully developed adults.

>> No.9096446

Drood is his most 'literary' work for you hipsters.
Terror is also really good. Carrion Comfort is what Stephen King wishes he could write. Flashback is /pol/:the book if thats your thing.

>> No.9096459

Because autistically screeching about this and that author being a 'hack' is the behavior of a fully developed adult.

proving my point motherfucker

>> No.9096462


It's good, but practically everyone agrees the series goes to shit. Doesn't make the first 2 books any less enjoyable tho.

>> No.9096471

> Guys I just finished fucking Blindsight.
> Blindsight was 10/10 but now i'm all out of Blindsight.
> What do I read now?

You've just read the most important SF book of this millennium. I have nothing to offer.

>> No.9096472

No, you're merely maintaining your level of discourse at the level of an awkward frogposter. /sffg/ has good posters, as does the rest of /lit/'s cliques. As far as I can tell, you're neither.

>> No.9096476

Beginning of Consul's tale is where i dropped.
Did it get much better?
Is it just me sperging out or did Simmons write the book with his dick in the other hand?
Like really i would want to hear more about Aliens and shit than what exactly is happening with kebab dick when he's banging a death cyborg from future.

>> No.9096479


>> No.9096484

Right back at you.

>> No.9096488

what are the other best ones of this millenium?

>> No.9096492
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>dropped 40 pages before the end

>> No.9096498

Not really. I can see past my situation but you have yet to do the same.

>> No.9096504

He could have stopped at the end of the priest's tale and would have been fine. Hyperion's end isn't a real ending anyway.

>> No.9096509

By that moment i felt like the good story of priest's tale and good writing of Poet is over and now i'm ready some low grade porn.

>> No.9096530

I'm not the one trying to posture as some intellectual 'able to see past my situation.' You just sound like a delusional kid who's mad because I said I preferred to stick to a couple thread generals. You're just as bereft of insight as me, but at least I don't claim to have more depth than I do

>> No.9096563

No, my point was that you're awkward and introverted in the worst way, and tried to tout /sffg/ as something better than it is, when it's just more of the same pandering, contentious garbage that fills the rest of this board. Again, there are good posters across all of /lit/, and if you can't see that, you're hopeless.

>> No.9096593

Lol this sounds pretty fascinating, not gonna lie. Think I'll get around to some of his other material before embarking on that though. Thanks.

>> No.9096601

well I guess I'm doomed to a life of intellectual mediocrity, ah man! I hope you'll remember to write after you get the Man Booker.

At least when I talk about books in sffg, I don't feel like everybody's trying to make me feel like shit for not having read enough pre-Socratics before discussing the book I'm reading. Maybe there's a few good posters elsewhere on the board, but in my experience, 90 percent of them are stupid children pretending to be Nabokov. I would rather be a huge pleb who likes books than a juvenile pedant who hates them

>> No.9096632

Lmao idiot

Where did the greek memers and nabokov anons touch you?

You really have no intention to read from either? Stay perma pleb.

>> No.9096649

I've read both actually, to varying degrees, but that's not point

>> No.9096664

So next to nothing, and now you want to hide your shame.

I don't think one should have to read either areas as a prerequisite to be considered well read, but you sound immensely full of butthurt.

>> No.9096685

yeah, and conversations like these are exactly why.

>> No.9096701

Maybe instead of always bringing your butthurt into conversations, try doing something more productive?

>> No.9096729

I'm probably going to be killing myself in the next couple weeks anyway, so don't worry about it

>> No.9096848

I did think that the scenes involving aliens needed expansion, but the preposterous sex scenes needed to be there. For better or for worse. Simmons needed to include at least one scene for boring people blather about, to keep himself relevant for decades to come. There are few better ways to cement one's reputation than by controversy.

>> No.9096872

it's ok anon, that other faggot was just trying to get a rise out of you, don't take it personally. I agree with you that people are far too pretentious here, but arguing with them is only going to frustrate you more, all they care about is thinking that they're right. Don't kill yourself, hang out with us in the general.

>> No.9096881

he made his choice leaning on killing himself. are you telling him what to do? you're just another fascist trying to frustrate him, hypocrite.

>> No.9096995

Please stop, I'm trying to console somebody who is obviously depressed.

>> No.9097044

Sorry but you needed to just end properly without Fall of Hyperion ever happening.

>> No.9097064

>What do I read now?

Read the sequel. It's worst in every way, but it's OK.

Or read the Rifters books. The first two are very good and the third is OK.

>> No.9097065

is FoH bad? I only read da first one

>> No.9097112

All Cantos books are good, but the series has the same problem as Dune, where the first book sets a standard that is never reached, so every subsequent one feels like a small dissappointment

>> No.9097122

The first books of Dune and Hyperion are both mediocre as well, though much more entertaining than their sequels.