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/lit/ - Literature

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9091329 No.9091329 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>be in lit class
>the professor gives us some ten minute assignment so that she can read her new book
>ask what the book is called
>she shows the cover

thinking of dropping out or switching

>> No.9091410

>A teoria queer, oficialmente queer theory (em inglês), é uma teoria sobre o género que afirma que a orientação sexual e a identidade sexual ou de género dos indivíduos são o resultado de um constructo social e que, portanto, não existem papéis sexuais essencial ou biologicamente inscritos na natureza humana, antes formas socialmente variáveis de desempenhar um ou vários papéis sexuais.

>> No.9091439

seems pretty interesting to me

>> No.9091586
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Jesus Christ

>> No.9091688

queer criticism is a real thing, this isn't some dismissive buzzfeed article saying shakespeare was really a gay black man or something it's (presumably) analyzing queer themes in shakespeare's works, which undeniably exist.

get a grip man, you don't have to come bragging to 4chan every time you have a knee jerk conservative thought

>> No.9091703

Is this a troll post?

>> No.9091721

>which undeniably exist
Where are the fucking poststructuralists when you need them?

>> No.9091729 [DELETED] 

Rape her
>people dress up as the opposite sex for comedic effect in some of his comedies so Shakespeare was obviously ahead of his time in promoting trans acceptance

>> No.9091777

Honestly this, Shakespeare most definitely deals with themes of non heterosexual relationships and analyzing these can be worthwhile. Sexuality and its perception is incredibly important to understand the motives of his characters. Even the hinted Oedipus plot within Hamlet's relationship with his mother, though however weak the link may be, changes your understanding of the story.

>> No.9091805
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tired: Queer Theory
wired:Straight Theory

>> No.9091816

>If I don't like it, nobody should talk about it
You remind me of my kid brother, who got really mad when I mentioned the socio-economic commentary of They Live. Except he was a dumb edgy teenager. Not everything plays into your weird strawman fantasies OP.

>b-but muh SJWs!
I swear to fucking christ. People can't discuss anything without triggering you fucking manchildren. Why are you even in a lit class if you only want to read Hemingway and jerk off?

>> No.9091825

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9091832

Shakespeare doesn't have any queer themes you fucking SJW. Stop trying to rewrite history.

>> No.9091833

analysis by queer theory does not necessarily assume shakespeare was writing with queer themes in mind. there is a fair bit of crossdressing to work with though, and let's not forget the cultural context of women played by men.

>> No.9091835 [DELETED] 

t. nu-male cucks

>> No.9091839

Uh-oh. Hemingway is your favorite author, isn't he?

>> No.9091849
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>Bloom outlines the term "School of Resentment" in the introduction to his book The Western Canon: The Books and School of the Ages (1994). Bloom stresses that he does not necessarily object to analysis and discussion of social and political issues in literature, but expresses indignation toward college literature professors who teach their own political motives through literature more than the aesthetics of literary worth. In his book, Bloom defends the Western canon of literature from this "School of Resentment", which in his view threatens to break down the canon through the insertion of potentially inferior literary works for political purposes. Bloom believes that the goals of reading must be solitary aesthetic pleasure and self-insight rather than the "forces of resentment" or a goal of "improving" one's society, which he casts as an absurd aim, writing: "The idea that you benefit the insulted and injured by reading someone of their own origins rather than reading Shakespeare is one of the oddest illusions ever promoted by or in our schools." His position is that politics has no place in literary criticism: a feminist or Marxist reading of Shakespeare's Hamlet would reveal something about feminism or Marxism, he says, but likely nothing about Hamlet itself.

>> No.9091851

>Shakespeare most definitely deals with themes of non heterosexual relationships
How could he have done so if he had no conception of such a dichotomy?

>> No.9091853

Youre taking this out of proportion. I am not at all hinting at any homosexuality where there isnt none. All im saying is that analyzing these themes changes your understanding of the plays.

>> No.9091854

shakespeare wasn't writing with existentialists in mind either, but i can guarantee you there's a few academics who've devoted a lot of energy to reading shakespeare through the lens of nietzsche and sartre.

is this rewriting history, or does that begin and end with forbidden subjects like degenerate gays?

>> No.9091855

Nope. Good argument though.

>> No.9091862

I am confused. Are you implying that homosexual relationships are new?

>> No.9091866

>shakespeare wasn't writing with existentialists in mind either, but i can guarantee you there's a few academics who've devoted a lot of energy to reading shakespeare through the lens of nietzsche and sartre.
I dislike all forms of that, but queer theory is more insidious because of it being political. I would object to a fascist reading of Shakespeare too. This evidences a decay of literary theory where people are more caught up in their own ideas than actually engaging with artists.
>is this rewriting history, or does that begin and end with forbidden subjects like degenerate gays?
Are you implying that homosexuality is a "forbidden subject" in 2017? kek

>> No.9091868

homosexual and 'queer' identities are a product of modern capitalism and biopolitics. The romans had no words for 'homosexuality' or 'heterosexuality'

>> No.9091876

screaming NO really loud isn't an argument either, so don't even try to take the moral high ground, cockslap

>> No.9091881

I love how obvious it is when a poster is a woman

Don't let your emotions get the best of you on 4chan.

>> No.9091883

>no politics11!!!! only le aesthetics, I have no ideology
>t. white cis bourgeois male

>> No.9091890

ill concede the point that you have made in reference to there being no terminology in reference to non traditional sexuality, but this isnt a reflection of the ideology. he primary dichotomy of ancient Roman sexuality was active/dominant/masculine and passive/submissive/"feminised". Roman society was patriarchal, and the freeborn male citizen possessed political liberty (libertas) and the right to rule both himself and his household (familia). "Virtue" (virtus) was seen as an active quality through which a man (vir) defined himself. The conquest mentality and "cult of virility" shaped same-sex relations. Roman men were free to enjoy sex with other males without a perceived loss of masculinity or social status, as long as they took the dominant or penetrative role. Acceptable male partners were slaves, prostitutes, and entertainers, whose lifestyle placed them in the nebulous social realm of infamia, excluded from the normal protections accorded a citizen even if they were technically free. Although Roman men in general seem to have preferred youths between the ages of 12 and 20 as sexual partners, freeborn male minors were strictly off limits, and professional prostitutes and entertainers might be considerably older. There were still societal stigmas behind the act of homosexual sex. because of this, shakespeare forcefully had knowledge of relationships between two same sex individuals so these themes could possibly be reflected upon his writing.

>> No.9091892

>everybody needs to pity me for being weak and degenerate!
>t. black queer poor female

>> No.9091895

That's not an argument either. You're really bad at this.

>> No.9091900

You weren't making an argument either, sweetie.

>> No.9091911

Well, if I did, would you listen?

>> No.9091913
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Go make the world revolution somewhere else

>> No.9091920

Greatest work of Queer preformance art of our generation?

>> No.9091921

>shakespeare wasn't writing with existentialists in mind either, but i can guarantee you there's a few academics who've devoted a lot of energy to reading shakespeare through the lens of nietzsche and sartre.
>I dislike all forms of that
time goes on, retroactive analysis is exploring works of the past with the tools and knowledge of today. nobody worth a second thought is claiming historic poets as early purveyors of their own models, it's a contemporary context to elaborate on knowledge of a past work.
>but queer theory is more insidious because of it being political.
any theory of criticism is political. to take a perspective is to be political.
>I would object to a fascist reading of Shakespeare too. This evidences a decay of literary theory where people are more caught up in their own ideas than actually engaging with artists.
but this is stupid. for starters, what is there to object to? a fascist reading of shakespeare does not erase or replace traditional readings. the problem of decay exists within universities themselves, and to an extent i agree that gimmicky work is being exalted over quality work, but this doesn't itself devalue any one reading.

do you object to theories of modern architecture and engineering as applied to ancient structures?

>> No.9091930

>Queer Theory in a Nutshell
woah im so cool and edgy because I like to get fucked in the ass. Nevermind that our society basically worships faggotry ie. Glee, Modern Family, Rainbow Spice lattes at starbucks.

>> No.9091933

>Modern Family
There was this thing about how the gay couple didn't actually engage in physical affection for 2 seasons. And then only in the background. So. There's that.

>> No.9091941

we need more gay sex on tv! replace all tv programming with hardcore gay fisting porn for max diversity and progress! Let's end bigotry once and for all!

>> No.9091952

But gay sex is misogynistic and exclusionary! And don't forget about gay trans men who don't have ani.

>> No.9091956

are you implying there isn't any heterosexual sex on tv?

>> No.9091965
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don't worry, the world is quickly becoming more enlightened and progressive

>> No.9091970

Can we not talk about sex ever again?

>> No.9091978

On a website of virginal autists obsessed with sex? Not gonna happen.

>> No.9091985

>I kinda wish my landlord would let me have a dog...
>SO YOU CAN FUCK IT RIGHT? Don't worry, there's dog fucking club you can join, dog fucker.
That's what you sound like.
I don't understand how people can equate wanting to be represented fairly in media with shit like this. Gays aren't trying to convert you.

>> No.9092004

>hehe, nothing to see here goyim, just let kids be sexualized on tv haha
>le personal is political
You're a meme.

>> No.9092005


>In 2011, internet journalist Daniel Villarreal advocated queer acceptance by writing: "I and a lot of other people want to indoctrinate, recruit, teach, and expose children to queer sexuality AND THERE’S NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT." [28]

Media is not neutral, but an instrument of mass propaganda and social engineering. It does not 'represent' society it shapes it. I used to be for gay marriage and 'tolerance', but things have gone way too far. I'm for Western Civilisation now

>> No.9092008

This, only uptight Puritans think that broadcasting porn on TV is a bad thing

get in line you fucking reactionaries

>> No.9092018

This. Every board I used to use is now absolutely filled with sex.
/b/ - used to have some good stuff before 2010. Although it was always shit, now it's filled with literal faggots.
/a/ - possibly always about sex and I happened to disillusion myself. 90% of threads are about anime girls and masturbating to said anime girls.
/v/ - filled with literal faggots posting genderbent or trap characters. every thread, which starts as a shit template thread, degenerates to underage kids talking about sex or posting r34.
/r9k/ - filled with complete normalfags and women bloggers.
/tv/ - the last bastion of 4chan pedophiles. Constant cuck posting, BBC posting and celebrity worshiping faggots. Sometimes comedy gold meme threads but it's mostly shit.

The popular boards are ruined. 4chan is a lot more gay now, and as a result, hedonistic. Instead of a bunch of nerds talking about hobbies, it's a bunch of faggots talking about sex. Some of the slower boards are alright.

>> No.9092019

>one guy says it, so it's true
People also say obama is a lizard. Also, when people say stuff like that, they're usually talking about normalizing queers by showing kids that there's nothing wrong with it. Since, you know- you can't turn people gay.

>> No.9092053


Yeah, there's no homoeroticism in Mercutio's banter in Romeo and Juliet. Ok. Whatever you say mate.

>> No.9092063

The world revolves around sex. Deal with it, virgin.

>> No.9092066

Except he's an ADVOCATE for queers.

And yes, you absolutely can turn people gay. Expose them to the stimulus enough and they'll start to imitate it. Look at how many people have become gay due to traps.

>> No.9092086


>> No.9092091

Do you study literature in your political science class very often?

>> No.9092110

That has been pretty common discourse in the gay movement since its inception.

>tfw you realise Anita Bryant was right all along.

>> No.9092115

Truly the hero we need

>> No.9092122

Are you baiting or are you an actual newfag

>> No.9092128

Maybe gays won the culture war and being straight is the new counterculture. There's nothing more obscene to the leftist than a white heterosexual couple having sex in the missionary position for the purpose of reproduction.

>> No.9092164

>implying those sicko gays wouldn't fuck dogs too if they had the chance

>> No.9092172


Wait a minute are you?

>> No.9092194

>Look at how many people have become gay due to traps.
How many?
>inb4 you pull a number out of your gaping ass because you have no fucking idea

>> No.9092195
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By definition, being gay is abnormal. We should treat it as a harmless perversion but children should definitely, 100%, never be exposed to "queer sexuality." We don't expose kids to BDSM or any of the other sexual perversions so why should we expose them to gayness?

>> No.9092209


He's a Jew, hardly a white oppressor.

>> No.9092214

FOX is a major TV network. This is the slop being pushed on our kids. But anyways you people won't be satisfied until TV is nothing but a series of depraved sex acts involving dead animals.

>> No.9092231
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>> No.9092237

He was probably mad you brought up the most blindingly obvious allegory as if it was some hidden gem.

>> No.9092240

Yes, anime has not enough yang energy

>> No.9092247

He's right in every conceivable way, but that doesn't mean the opposition are idiots. Just that they're wrong.
That is the opposite conclusion.

t. another Jew

>> No.9092255

>implying Jewish privilege isn't a thing

>> No.9092257

>being this new to 4chan

>> No.9092264

>sure I'm rolling around in shit but so are you so I guess I win

>> No.9092267


Face it, Jews are a minority and therefore they're always right.

>> No.9092268

Depends on the situation.

>> No.9092273

An overrepresented minority, therefore privilege.

>> No.9092289

>the disgusting filth on 4chan (particularly /b/) and their bait-addled rants and ravings are in any way representative of people and thought in wider society

>> No.9092296

>breker unironically

>> No.9092297

the best

>> No.9092298

>board I used to use
>/b/ /a/ /v/ /r9k/ /tv/
>autistic virgin neet: an autobiography

>> No.9092302

you sound like an entirely mediocre reader. dont even respond to me, you're not worth it

>> No.9092309


>> No.9092485

9/10 strawman
made me chuckle

>> No.9092525


>any theory of criticism is political

Exactly. An analysis should be first concerned with the sensuous aspect of the work and later try to analyze it, and possibly with using the least amount of ideological lens possible.

>> No.9092538

>any theory of criticism is political. to take a perspective is to be political.
And atheism is a religion.
>for starters, what is there to object to?
le you can't argue with opinions man

>> No.9092539

you sound like an entirely mediocre reader. dont even respond to me, you're not worth it

>> No.9092548

Atheism is not by itself a religion, but they are atheist religions like Marxism, Nationalism, Scientism, new atheism, humanism. you can't escape metaphysics,

>> No.9092552

Atheism doesn't force you into Marxism or Scientism.

>> No.9092641

wow really original nice nabokov memeing
literature has never been purely sensual. communication of themes are at the core of the ancient greek myths, the great western classics. you cannot analyze dante narratologically or symbolically without taking on the politics of catholicism

>> No.9092671

Hence, we should teach grade school children all there is to know about 'fisting' and 'bug catching parties' you know, for tolerance

>> No.9092696

>no poetics!!! no aesthetics!!! literature is about hermeneutics that flatter my emotions and personal politics!!! my eisegetic wankery is NOT a form of hollow exploitative mysticism, it adds so many texts to the overall body of literary studies which keeps my professors employed
>t. student of identity-backed degree

>> No.9092702

I'd say good idea to drop out or switch. Literature is subtle and that won't mesh well with your autism.

>> No.9092704

who are you responding to?

>> No.9094043

OP tell us more about this situation.

>> No.9094046


>> No.9094054

Who said anything about no aesthetics? Bad post.

>> No.9094063

This evidences a decay of 4chan posts where people are more caught up in their own ideas than actually engaging with everyday life.

>> No.9094076

>sensuous aspect

Yes we need books of people talking about their own taste.

>using the least amount of ideological lens possible.

Why? Are you afraid of being brainwashed?

>> No.9094144


Sonnet 20, for one, is p aggressively gay/non het. Really don't need to be some crazy lib to realize the poem is about Willy Shakes thinking about fucking some guy and then deciding against it.

>> No.9094880

Yeah and Sappho was a (non-literal) lesbian.

People had different conceptions of sexuality back when homosexuality was a really bad thing. Doing gay shit wasn't gay (because of course you're not a sinful aberration of nature)—but this also extended to the actually gay people, who could hide it better.

>> No.9095267

I just feel like reading an original book, and not some hack's contrived interpretation of Shakespeare through a "Queer lens" would be less of a profound waste of time and mental energy.

>> No.9095299


Completely missed the point of my post, well done.

(with the least amount, not with no amount)

>> No.9096029

>I love how obvious it is when a poster is a woman
it makes my peepee hard

>> No.9096046


>> No.9097750


>> No.9097795

Lots of useless teachers out there. LOTS.
Merely because they have a piece of paper, does not imply they are competent.
Best to move on than to suffer them.

>> No.9097805

if you're an english major and this sort of thing bothers you, you're probably not going to have a good time

>> No.9097877

>Because of it it being political

What about a person's sexuality makes it political? Fucking mongoloid.

>> No.9097881

Why would knowledge of the dichotomy be required to write beyond it...

>> No.9097896


if you run away from everything in life that makes you uncomfortable or every individual who's ideas you don't approve of/respect then you are a coward. simple as that. do you want to live you life as a coward? fucking kids.

>> No.9097897

No, but to be an atheist you must adhere to some wider atheistic philosophy.

>> No.9097943

it is political. Leftists like to play the old bait'n'Switcheroo with regards to sexuality. It wasn't political when activist judges imposed gay 'marriage' across the country, it wasn't political when gay was made into a mandatory subject for our kids. Today they are people who would call you a vile homophobe bigot for refusing to have sex with a transgender. Libs make fun of the christian photographer who got sued out of business for refusing gay customers, but that just goes to show some people are more equal than others. But whenever someone dares complain, guess what it's suddenly political. I call it what it is. That's cultural marxism.

>> No.9097952

That can be studied under REGULAR CRITICISM, though not muh queer theory lmao everything is just cock lust
Read his sonnets.

He's obsessed and lusts over a prettyboi in his sonnets.

>> No.9097964

Not an English major, but taking a single English class to try it out. We're reading like Lauren Berlant, Octavia Butler, Patricia Lockwood, Tony Kushner, Nikki Giovanni, etc. Each individual one doesn't bother me that much, but it's kind of exhausting constantly and exclusively having to see things from that worldview. Cannot imagine doing it for four years

>> No.9097993

I feel like gays love to be pitied and victimized for some reason. I'm somewhat homophobic, if you want to fuck dudes that's up to you, but I can't stand the attitude.

>> No.9098050

If anything, they are more representative of today's society than anything on the sanitised world of TV and prestige media outlets.

>> No.9098058

>switching out of an annoying, politicized class is cowardice!!!
it's funny to me how courage used to be a word for martial stoicism under extreme conditions and threat of death but now just means exposing yourself to obnoxious retards for no real gain

fuck this faggot age, and fuck you

>> No.9098070
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>> No.9098135


>Leftists like to play the old bait'n'Switcheroo

The left is not one person.

>It wasn't political when activist judges imposed gay 'marriage' across the country

Imposed? I didn't know gay marriage was now a requirement. Guess I gotta go get gay married now. Thanks for letting me know.

But in case I misinterpreted what you are saying, please elaborate.

>it wasn't political when gay was made into a mandatory subject for our kids

This is retarded. But, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt: could you please elaborate and provide sources?

>Today they are people who would call you a vile homophobe bigot for refusing to have sex with a transgender

The left is not one person.

>Libs make fun of the christian photographer who got sued out of business for refusing gay customers, but that just goes to show some people are more equal than others.

How does that go to show that some people are more equal than others? This is how capitalism works. If people won't support you then you will go out of business. Do you think that quoting Animal Farm makes you sound smarter?

>But whenever someone dares complain, guess what it's suddenly political

Not quite.

First of all, what is there to complain about? You have yet to make a valid point. But let's suppose for a moment that all of your points valid. If this were the case, then there's still the fact that you are only making statements regarding the movement's execution rather than its content. This could mean one of two things:

1) You think that the goal of advocating for the equalized acceptance of LGBT in society is okay and that the movement is poorly executed. In which case: how can it be fixed? Please tell me.

2) You think that somehow proving that the execution of the LGBT movement is bad also invalidates the message it conveys. Which it doesn't; that's not how logic works.

Do you know when it WAS political, though? When the Defence of Marriage Act (DOMA) was passed in 1996. DOMA defined marriage for federal purposes as the union of one man and one woman. Your entire argument is predicated on a notion which challenges government intervention. But, for some reason, the government intervening on a gay person's right to marry whomever they want does not count. Do you not see the contradictory nature of this logic?

Do you know what else made it political? You. This thread was about queer theory. It is a subset of critical theory. Critical theory uses various lenses to critique art (such as Shakespeare), society, and culture (both of which, are largely shaped by artistic mediums). You came here to promote your own agenda, which, funnily enough, is your gripe with leftists. Again, do you not see how this is contradictory?

>I call it what it is.

It isn't.

>That's cultural marxism.

And that's a retarded buzzword that has no rhetorical value.
Try again?

>> No.9098147

so promoting gay sexuality among kids is not political? ok I get it. I like the term 'cultural marxism' precisely because it never fails to get leftists' panties in a twist.

>Muh Gender is a social construct, but gays are just born that way
This is not science, this is an ideology designed with the express purpose of promoting certain deviant lifestyles with expressly political subversive motives

>> No.9098236


Dude, I WANT to believe that you are right. I WANT you to prove me wrong. What reason would I have for wanting to be incorrect? But as it stands, your argument just isn't working. As I have said several times, be specific by what you mean, and provide sources for your claims. If you can't do that, then how can anything you say be valid or correct?

>So promoting gay sexuality among kids is not political?

What does it mean to promote gay sexuality to kids? I have already asked you to elaborate and provide sources.

>I like the term 'cultural marxism' precisely because it never fails to get leftists' panties in a twist.

Again, the left is not one person.

I'm not at all bothered by your use of the term. It's just that - as I said - it has little rhetorical value. It does not strengthen your position or weaken mine. It is just there.

>>Muh Gender is a social construct, but gays are just born that way

Well, I didn't say the word "gender" in my post ONCE. So I'll say it again: The left is not one person.

Besides that, this statement is meaningless. By dictionary definition, the concept of gender IS constructed. It is a classification. The same way that that biological taxonomy is constructed.

>This is not science

Where is the scientific rigor in your argument? I've been asking for it this entire time.

Also, where is the science definitively proving that homosexuality is a choice? If gays are not just born that way, and if your viewpoint is so scientifically informed, then why do people still argue about it? Please, show me a source.

>Deviant lifestyles

What makes homosexuality a deviant lifestyle?

>Expressly political subversive motives

Which are...?

Listen, I'm not some fat girl on Tumblr with pink hair. I am a 20-something white dude on 4chan. I live in New Jersey. I study Computer Science and Philosophy. I live in an apartment 15 minutes away from my university with my boyfriend of 3 years, who is the first and only person I have had sex with. I am trying to work with you. I am trying to hear your point. But all you are doing is ignore me and make sweeping statements without backing them up.

>> No.9098286
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if gender is an arbitrary social construct, then how can someone be born gay? that's just illogical. by dictionary definition, the concept of gayness is also a socially constructed classification.

>What does it mean to promote gay sexuality to kids

see >>9091965

>Where is the scientific rigor in your argument?
If being gay was really natural, why do they put so much effort into promoting the lifestyle?

>What makes homosexuality a deviant lifestyle?
See statistics about AIDS, mental illness, crime, perversion, gays are invariably at or near the top of the list, man. The average gay man has over 500 sexual encounters per year. are you gonna try and tell me that's normal?

>Which are...?
Destruction of western civilisation, capitalism, 'heteronormativity' and the family unit. Leftists don't even try to hide it by this point. maybe you don't agree on all the points on the platform, but that's the platform, that's the idea people get from leftist messaging.

>> No.9098353

also why does everything have to be about 'gay acceptance' these days- turn on the TV, nothing but gays- go to the mall- gays. You statrt wondering, if they are pushing this stuff so hard maybe there's something fishy going on, a hidden marxist agenda, perhaps. and I'm not even getting into the transgender stuff, that's more fucked up by an order of mahnitude.

>> No.9098396


not the guy you're responding to but this is some dank shitposting

>> No.9098409


>> No.9098413

The fun starts at 4:40 by the way.

>> No.9098422 [DELETED] 

i dont walk to go to college but im too shy to get a job halp

>> No.9098478

That's a very good argument, but ponder this. Is there a character that could EVER defeat Uchiha Madara? And I'm not talking about Edo Tensei Uchiha Madara. I'm not talking about Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara either. Hell, I'm not even talking about Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikodou abilities and being capable of both Amateratsu and Tsukuyomi genjutsu), equipped with his Gunbai, a perfect Susano'o, control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju's DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu. I’m also not talking about Kono Yo no Kyuseishu Futarime no Rikudo Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan (which is capable of Enton Amaterasu, Izanagi, Izanami and the Tsyukuyomi Genjutsu), his two original Rinnegan (which grant him Chikushodo, Shurado, Tendo, Ningendo, Jigokudo, Gakido, Gedo, Bansho Ten’in, Chibaku Tensei, Shinra Tensei, Tengai Shinsei and Banbutsu Sozo) and a third Tomoe Rinnegan on his forehead, capable of using Katon, Futon, Raiton, Doton, Suiton, Mokuton, Ranton, Inton, Yoton and even Onmyoton Jutsu, equipped with his Gunbai (capable of using Uchihagaeshi) and a Shakujo because he is a master in kenjutsu and taijutsu, a perfect Susano’o (that can use Yasaka no Magatama ), control of both the Juubi and the Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA and face implanted on his chest, his four Rinbo Hengoku Clones guarding him and nine Gudodama floating behind him AFTER he absorbed Senjutsu from the First Hokage, entered Rikudo Senjutsu Mode, cast Mugen Tsukuyomi on everybody and used Shin: Jukai Kotan so he can use their Chakra while they are under Genjutsu.

>> No.9099259

>looking to media to make sense of the world
This is why we are drowning in mob consciousness.

>> No.9099269

holy shit havent seen this in forever

funfact used to have the top comment on this video but it was pretty dumb it said something about charls having the manliest face ive ever seen

>> No.9099415

That sounds horrible. You have my sincere condolences.

>> No.9100042
File: 189 KB, 500x360, 03678210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck happened to schools?

>> No.9100094

Holy fuck

He could have just had BIESEXUAL characters u little retard.

For example, in twelfth night the characters Sebastian OBVIOUSLY have a gay fag thing going on, yet Sebastian explicitly has a thing for women too.


>> No.9100206

Such as yourself.

>> No.9100229

This is an interesting post because, while I'm not sure if it was the intention of the author, it hits upon the idea that sexuality is and has been constructed according to the era and society. Queer scholars (e.g. Katz, Seidman) have shown that heterosexuality as a "biological" norm has only recently been invented; before then, there was less of a distinction between "straight" and "gay," for those terms didn't really exist. Instead, most of the focus was on "acceptable" or "unacceptable" sexualities, this most commonly coming into relevance with marriage or masculinity/femininity (see Blank).

While this guy is wrong in thinking that it's impossible for Shakespeare to write about non-heterosexual relationships (better thought of as male-male interactions rather than using loaded terms like "heterosexual"), he does make an interesting point that the lack of such vocabulary invariably caused Shakespeare to look at such romances in a way pretty much inconceivable to us today. He would have no conception of "non heterosexuality" as it exists in our current parlance/context. Instead, his notion of such relationships would most likely be couched in terms of decency--in the little research I've done on sexuality during the Elizabethan era, homosexuality was only prosecuted in extreme cases, i.e. those that went against the public's perception of moral/immoral. This would depend on whatever the dominant societal sexuality is, for while private male/male relationships might be permitted, there could be other prohibitions against extramarital sex, pedophilia, or inter-class relationships. Ultimately, however, Shakespeare's thought processes are unknowable to us. It's like trying to imagine how an ancient druid would conceptualize Stonehedge; whereas we can place it among other architectural landscapes and in various purpose-directed categories (time-keeping), the idea of how an actual person from back then thought of the structure is almost impossible to comprehend to us today.

>> No.9100346

Look, we all know that the most important thing is that Historical/Cultural Significant Figure X is on "our" side, whoever's side that is being the one who's writing the article.

I think Sex At Dawn does a better job legitimizing sexual behavior than trying to posit "maybe shakespeare supports homos?" We all know people easily get into freaky kinks, men like feet, most women have rape fantasies, etc.
It seems to be more of an issue with western culture in general that we build up sex as this ultimate love fantasy and try to turn it into the ultimate satisfaction, that you should always be having more and more sex.
So the gays and transgenders is just another way to discuss sex in public. I don't think most people care about gays, they just want to leap to the defense of their own sexual desires.
What's really astounding to me is that I've noticed most people still act like being gay is wrong somehow, even on 4chan we have the whole -fag thing and everybody loves to call each other faggots even in threads where the porn is feminine men.
America as a culture is probably addicted to shame fetishes, which is why this type of thinking and pro-whatever sexuality is going to be popular for a long time. Pedophiles are literally going to the final barrier.

>> No.9100425

Probably not. 4chan is infested with fags.