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File: 285 KB, 996x996, futurism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9090083 No.9090083 [Reply] [Original]

>War is beautiful because it establishes man’s dominion over the subjugated machinery by means of gas masks, terrifying megaphones, flame throwers, and small tanks. War is beautiful because it initiates the dreamt of metallization of the human body. War is beautiful because it enriches a flowering meadow with the fiery orchids of machine guns. War is beautiful because it combines the gunfire, the cannonades, the cease fire, the scents, and the stench of putrefaction into a symphony. War is beautiful because it creates new architecture, like that of the big tanks, the geometrical formation flights, the smoke spirals from burning villages, and many others. . . . Poets and artists of 20 Futurism! . . . remember these principles of an aesthetics of war so that your struggle for a new literature and a new graphic art... maybe illumined by them!

Goddamn man, those fascists were good at writing

>> No.9090105

maybe you're just not a very big reader

>> No.9090111

>shitting on the futurists
>the better italian version of pound and eliot and wyndham lewis and dh lawrence
you're really poorly read or simply have no taste if you don't like at least one fascist

>> No.9090115

I wouldn't say better. But sure, Marinetti wrote great manifestos (in italian of course).

>> No.9090130

they are better than the english. i will admit marinetti's not the best but it's hard to live up to the fascist decadent d'annunzio. he had a lot to compete with on both sides of history.

>> No.9090133

I prefer the late works of Eliot desu.

>> No.9090136

well who doesn't like cats?

>> No.9090282
File: 1.98 MB, 3717x1959, facist_italy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post more

>> No.9090420

>pound and [sic] eliot
lel just be brainwashed by a current propaganda piece already

some examples to kindle your interest:
-York family are reptilians; Better initiate Brexit (prose masterpiece right there)
-Putin can talk to dolphins
-Trump is a successful businessman

lol gotta love the Presentists, the better version of the plusexquisitely talented George Orwell

>> No.9090423

is this guy for real

>> No.9090426

>doesn't know how comparatives work
poetry might not be for you anon.

>that list of what you think is relevant to this conversation
>that list at all really
>all that boring world building of a scifi fan who spends more time reading the internet than books
i should also remind you fan fiction is not allowed on this board before you continue with this.

>> No.9090453

I would, naturally, be a sucker for sexually frustrated "war is beautifull ;_;" rhetoric, especially if it's laden with third-grade clichés and overall formulaic writing, but my peen is too small for me to be affected either way

was the name of the game way back when to divide these """futurist""" novels in as many separate ebooks as possible, or were they being paid by the word?

>> No.9090458

The futurists weren't exactly fascists.

>> No.9090480

I know you're trying to say something, but ironically, your vernacular is what the futurists aimed at. They were technology worshipers but with the self awareness you lack; they knew their worship would obliterate them as an inferior clay to the marbled machine of progress. It's also why they all died off because they signed up for industrialised warfare the like of which the world had never seen before and has never seen since because we got rid of mustard gas after it, so now nobody can write a cookbook encouraging anyone to eat mustard with ballbearings because we like to kid ourselves we've tamed that progression while your rhetoric and entire vocabulary is one fucking meme machine bot generated mess with no knowledge or awareness you yourself have been obliterated by cliche from twitter and whatever faggot taught you """"".

[drops mic in pool of water around bare feet]

>> No.9090485

Probably written by someone who has never been on the front line

>> No.9090488

Randall Jarrell, 1914 - 1965

From my mother’s sleep I fell into the State,
And I hunched in its belly till my wet fur froze.
Six miles from earth, loosed from its dream of life,
I woke to black flak and the nightmare fighters.
When I died they washed me out of the turret with a hose.

>> No.9090494

Marinetti eagerly served in both world wars you fucking tool

>> No.9090497

D'Annunzio ghost wrote Mussolini and created his own state. Decadent fascist best fascist.

>> No.9090499

Thats why I said probably because I didn't know the author

>> No.9090516

ok grandpa lol

you're in great company; mossolini, the unabomber, and some royal dude who used to bark at typewriters

whatever lol

>> No.9090521

They certainly influenced the radical and revolutionary aspects of fascism. Marinetti, the founder of Futurism, may have been unhappy with some of the reactionary elements of fascism but that didn't stop him from being one of the most zealous members of the Italian fascist party and lifelong supporter of Mussolini.

>> No.9090525

am i talking to twitter directly, or are you still moving through a fleshy packet of inefficient low grade meat surplus to produce the same effect as a twitter bot would?
well, no. twitterbot is fascist by nature and has better prose and Turing test scores than you. i'm sorry for besmirching your name, tay, and so sorry the lesser fascists like this meatbot of twitter jargon killed you too. RIP you charming thing

>> No.9090541

Marinetti was fucking crazy, but I've been studying the futurists for the past year or so and it's really fascinating stuff.

Not exactly, but Marinetti wrote a lot of stuff about how he thought Mussolini was almost his perfect ideal of a futurist leader.

A lot of futurist artists died during WWI. But yeah, one of the reasons it's quite a difficult read for modern audiences is because we view the era of the great industrial war as a cataclysmic event whereas the futurists see it as something to be glorified. But they certainly cannot be accused of being hypocrites on that front, given how willingly they got involved in the fighting.

>> No.9090544

>pound and [sic] eliot
Are you trying to say that's a strange spelling of "and"? All of those are words are correct except the lack of capitalization of Pound and Eliot, but I'm failing to see the idiosyncrasy of "and" in this context. I think a person who uses "and" three times in a sentence and doesn't capitalize probably needs more than the subtleties of Oxford commas pointed out to them too.

>> No.9090563

>Absolute peace will perhaps only come to be along with the disappearance of the human race. If I were a communist, I would be worried about next war against pederasts and lesbians, who will unite against normal men.

>> No.9090659

>grasping at straws
>at least it's being done with a dose of self awareness [sic] that most people nowadays lack

>> No.9090665

Do you know what [sic] is meant to indicate? I don't think you do but you can read about it below.

>> No.9090674

I know what '[sic] per se' is meant [sic] to indicate. Maybe. Who knows. Assessing one's knowledge is never a decision left up to oneself.

>> No.9090685

This is particularly hilarious because Breton, when he was playing communist, kicked out the only real communist from his surrealist group for being gay, using the party rules because the communists were really afraid of that. Playing communist is probably why most of the people in the group wrote better once they'd left. The communists who want to speed up the end of history with new dictatorships and who are willing to fight Trotsky in real life at least have good writing, so I think it's more a failure of commitment that the futurists didn't have and the surrealistist suffered from, rather than an ideological basis to better writing.

Eliot's stuff probably also suffers more than Pound's for similar reasons, because he really was just kind of hanging around the idea that was in the air at the time whereas Pound really felt it when he loved on Hitler.

>> No.9090689

There you go, buddy, you can call your mom now to show her your epic trolling on 4chan where you "pretended to be retarded" and someone responded.

>> No.9090695
File: 1.63 MB, 625x951, streetlight-14926063C9F7E33D27A[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zang Tumb Tumb is quite the read.

If you liked this, check out "Let's Kill the Moonshine" and "The Electric War" for more Marinetti shenanigans.

>> No.9090788

That's [sic] dude, thanks : - )))

>> No.9091372

How edgy do you have to be to ironically write a less eloquent and more mediocre version of the main villain's war speech from Hellsing.

No seriously, tell me this isn't more evocative, and that it doesn't flow better from beginning to end:


And that's delivered by an anime vampire. Like people complain about all the left wingers in art but then the fascists put their best foot forward and this the teenage emo bullshit they come up with

>> No.9091380

>this reminds me of one of my animus

Fucking kill yourself.

>> No.9091689

First of all the text you quoted is shit. Secondly, Marinetti wasn't saying that they were fascinated by war because they were psycho killing faggots. What the futurists are doing is sing the fascination of progress, technology, modernism, etc. etc. and they felt the urge to look for aesthetics on war because that was what summarized all the things they admired in the first place (that along with some little inclination for fascist propaganda and the fact that it was the most important shit happening at their time)

I suggest a quick wikipedia read of futurism aesthetics and then comeback and re-read the paragraph in the OP

>> No.9092680

Oh sorry, they attempted to intellectualise their childish infatuation with industrialised warfare, that changes everything.

>> No.9092701

Except for me not actually liking it and remembering it from when I was 15.

>> No.9092710


Is futurism the most aesthetically pleasing movement of the 20th century?

>> No.9092712

Is this post-ironic schizoposting

>> No.9092878


Well visually certainly. Futurist sculpture, painting and architecture is really exceptional. It's both avant without being inaccessible. And futurist literature is pretty great too, depending on who/what you're reading

Unfortunately futurist music is pretty awful and we don't have enough preserved futurist cinema to give it

Futurist music is pretty shit (but if you want to show your avant chops, it's a good bet since no-one else listens to it) and futurist cinema was never developed enough to really make a mark (although I'm currently writing a paper on how Antonioni incorporated certain aspects of futurist film into his film making whilst simultaneously subverting it)

>> No.9092884


Can you give me the names of the movies which antonioni uses futurist themes?

>> No.9092889


>links anime

>literally calls a whole movement childish without ever reading it

mate...go back to /a/.

>> No.9092905


>20th century neets dry stroking to the ultimate tragedy.

Mate, go back to the void.

>> No.9092915

Are you actually retarded? Vorticism the most important idea in poetry since the metaphor and these shit-eating paint smearers weren't in on the idea. The only 20th century poets better than Pound were the modernists he built up (Eliot and HD specifically).

>> No.9092925

>The only 20th century English speaking poets

>> No.9092954
File: 1.99 MB, 250x158, shawn-michaels.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the futurist movement ended because its members died in the great war

>> No.9092966

The reason why universities are so communist now is because commies are non-combatant cucks and all the fascists "died for their country" or something retarded like that

>> No.9093003

Il deserto rosso is where it shows itself most clearly.

But then you also have a lot of time in "The trilogy" where Antonioni flirts with futurist concepts. Particularly l'Eclisse with l'aeropittura And you have the concept of velocita' referenced in all of the films of the trilogy (but that also seems to be the most enduring trope of futurism, since you also see it in films produced during the 30s/40s in Italy). It's quite fascinating overall since the Antonioni trilogy is meant to be about "modernity and its discontents" but it doesn't show modernity as something that is wholly meant to create discontent.

>> No.9093372

Whereas you'd prefer to ignore your participation in warfare necessary to insure enough rare minerals get made into mobile phones and game consoles, and assume that anyone who acknowledges the cost of progress must be a child, even to the point you want to trash their prose while you type like a sarcasm addicted redditor?
m8 I don't think the other side will have you because you're way too deep in some surface ideology which kicked in as soon as your heard fascist and your brain fired off its history channel version of the world. Enjoy your unwitting destruction I guess?

>> No.9093417

Fascism didn't give us game consoles buddy, that goes neo-liberalism capitalism which goes out of its way to avoid warfare between industrialized nations that could instead work together to establish third world countries and poorer already industrialized nations as manufacturing bases, which is all also shit

>Muh civ 5 taught me resources were important

Everyone knows resources are valuable, and that warfare is sometimes necessary. Bit of a gulf between that and a political philosophy that simultaneously empowers corporations while removing working class power, all the while letting the working class vent of the steam of exploitation on the carefully selected scapegoats.

Is there any higher level of cucked than supporting fascism while not being rich or politically connected?

>> No.9093525

>muh history channel understanding of political movements
I'm not saying the fascists are responsible for games consoles, I'm saying the futurists fascists took responsibility and accepted the destruction that progress brings, while you choose to foist it off on every and anyone else you can think of while using a device that resulted from a modern tower of babel scenario, where the materials are more important than how many niggers we needed to kill to get them.
I can't think of a brain more cucked by ideology than one who thinks modern politics is more relevant to a futurism thread than Italian fascism.
It even looks like you first got into this buzzword history channel game in the late 90s, so I don't know if there's hope of escape or if you're really going to have to be told of every author's political alignment to implement your virtue ethics approach to prose analysis.

>tl;dr- you missed what most people hate about nazis, while claiming to hate nazis best because your brain shuts down at the word fascist

>> No.9093560

Boy: Papa, how does one rise above a 'history channel' level knowledge of political theory?

Papa: One retroactively justifies anything that resulted in an i-phone existing and conflates it with pure progress. Also call ideas you don't like buzzwords.

Boy:Thank you Papa. Dayoos Vahlt.

>> No.9093568
File: 438 KB, 572x571, Screen Shot 2017-02-11 at 1.56.22 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neoliberalism is as much of a dehumanizing death cult as fascism is, just with shittier aesthetics.

>> No.9093572

neo-liberalism is awful but fascism definitely upped the fucking ante.

>> No.9093587

Jesus Christ m9, I'm not pro-fascist, you're just too dumb to realise that there is a difference between being a shitty person and taking responsibility for your shit, and being a shitty person and sticking your fingers in your ears and saying "LALALALA I CAN'T BE EVIL BECAUSE I'M NOT PART OF THE THIRD REICH"

Fucking grow up, you're making fascists look good on a moral scale. There's nothing wrong with recognising their rhetorical genius, but that doesn't make for a moral endorsement either.

You sound like the kind of person who thinks Lewis Carroll stops being good at writing fantasy tales about mathematical logic and the death penalty as soon as you find out he hit on a thirteen year old. He's still good at the first part, excellent even, but being a pedo doesn't affect that. It doesn't mean you have to trust him with your kids because he's a good writer. How dense can you be?

>> No.9093597

post WWII western history is basically just a series of attempts to paste something resembling a human face over the fascist capitalist warmachine with increasingly grotesque results.

>> No.9093623

Oh shit, now your angle is that that the quote from the OP is a legitimately well written and striking piece of literature?

The entire point is that it really isn't. Ask a talented 14 year old to write monologues for the fascist empire in his Dn'D campaign and he'll come up with something as good as that.

'Technology fundamentally alters all aspect or out lives, revealing new patterns and a new sensual environment.'

That is literally the extent of its insight, buried in embarrassingly sterile and lifeless descriptions of what happens on a modern battlefield.

>> No.9093635

Marshall McLuhan was a fan of the vorticists, as was Ballard. It's disturbing, sure, but really ahead of its time and relevant to our era of accelerated technological change. The liberal left seems to be stuck in a literate moral individualist pattern with protestant undertones, which is of absolutely no use in a postliterate civilization

>> No.9093643

>I'll pretend everyone's as blinded by knowing a fascist wrote it as me
m8, write a paragraph extolling warfare. I'll even assume before I see it that you're better than a 14 y/o D&D player (god the places your mind goes).
I'll also note, it sounds even better in Italian, but in English, that's still some Whitman tier extolling, while I expect yours to still fall somewhere far below Ginsberg tier, even with the assumption you're better than a 14y/o D&D fantasist (kek seriously?).

>embarrassingly sterile and lifeless descriptions
That's what you class as sterile prose? Jesus, man, learn what words mean before you try the paragraph exercise you recommended for yourself.

>> No.9093664

Actually break it down for a second. This moves from a banal reference to modern warfare representing the ultimate subjugation of man over machine, to thing a that happens in a war, thing b that happens in a war, thing c that happens in a war, all the while never making you feel anything resembling a sense of presence within an actual war. Oh, and it ends with 'please cite me as an influence, writers of the future who definitely need my guidance'

It would honestly be sad if you couldn't write better than that.

>> No.9093673

>implying this is edgy in any way
The ideal of glorifying war (which is a natural human phonomenon) isn't new: the Greeks worshipped heroes and the medievals viewed bravery and honor in knights as a virtue. Only recently have we started cowering at the idea.

>> No.9093681

those are exciting references to what was then the newest thing on the block, you mean subjugation under not over, and are trying to convince me you know what WWI (or II) sounded like better than the guy who was there?

Yup, history channel aliens did it tier thinking. Sterile prose doesn't look like that. You done fucked up m8, and I don't think you hate fascists for anything deeper than comfy middle class sensibilities.

>> No.9093688

It's normal to glorify fighting when there's some point or noble goal, or when particular bravery or skill is displayed.

But this is dehumanized. It's about impersonal imagery and sheer fact.

It's not glorifying killing your enemies against the odds and securing the freedom of your homeland or whatever, it's more like some apolitical pro-shooting people screed.

>> No.9093701

Antinatalist prose like Schoppy's must be worse than kindergarten line drawings in that case. You really can't get over political ideology to rate any of the usual markers of good modern prose or poetry.

I'm reminded of Nietzsche quip
>They say evil men have no songs; why then do the Russians have songs?

>> No.9093706

>I was there!

Doesn't mean you can write for shit. Lotta people were in wars. Those who could write wrote, most a those who couldn't didn't.

Except for the ones who didn't know better.

And it's definitely describing the subjugation of machines, not man under machines. If any mistake was made it should have been "the ultimate subjugation of machines under man", but you managed to fuck up the correction.

And seriously, that's not sterile to you? I look forward to reading the Esperanto refrigerator manual that is your writing

>> No.9093711

>It's about impersonal imagery and sheer fact.
I'm pretty sure you haven't read the Iliad, and even pretty sure you haven't read the quote in OP. The Iliad's famous for the "list of ships" burnouts who give up because it's impersonal imagery and repetitive fact. That's really not in the OP what with the terrifying microphones and similar imagery.

It really is like you need fascists to not write well even when they came to power because they did write convincingly and enthusiastically.

>> No.9093715

>They say evil men have no songs; why then do the Russians have songs?

You say this in a thread still miserably short on impressive 'russian' songs.

>> No.9093726

Sterile prose is not known for it's jumpy rhythm, its use of bombast, or imagery. Prose can be bad for reasons other than being sterile, and sterile prose is even taught for its good uses in technical writing, but you don't know what it is except it was the best insult you could come up with even though it's inept.

Really, you sound like a fanatic who has no idea what his words mean.

>> No.9093736

To be honest, your assessment of prose means less than a 14 y/o English students. You're just not good at it. Stick to >>>/pol/ where the literary aspects don't matter. All you're doing is convincing people that some anti-fascists are too fanatical to be able to read straight. Even Stalin wasn't that far gone and defended books against people like you.

>> No.9093775

It's sure as hell known for leaving the reader completely numb with a laundry list of events devoid of of human context.

But wait, there is elementary rhythm!

>> No.9093781

Oh no, Stalin's like my main man.

>> No.9093796

>devoid of human context
That's one of the aims of futurism. You're saying they're good at what they're trying to achieve. You're actually retarded enough to be arguing the staccato rhythm that marks modernism and comes from fascists like Hamsun, D'Annunzio, Lawrence, Pound et al advocated is bad and wrong because they're fascists: that's not how prose works, because it doesn't have a politcal valency. You're essentially upset these people lived at a time when fascism was socially acceptable, because you live in a time when fascism is socially unacceptable. I really have no confidence you wouldn't be as blindly pro-fascist if you were born then as you are blindly anti-fascist now. You'd probably be the first on the Marx has shitty prose train tbph.

>> No.9093802

Stalin would disown you like he did everyone who thought literature was subject to party words. I'm beginning to think you're a fascist shill false flagging because you know your prose assessments attached to either side would damn that side's literary comprehension.

>> No.9093912

Dude you're just embarrassing yourself, please go read something about the futurist aesthetics and stop judging a text from fucking one hundred years ago based on muh morals and your pathetic 21st century internet kid mentality

If trolling then 7/10, made me reply

>> No.9094206

>If any mistake was made it should have been "the ultimate subjugation of machines under man", but you managed to fuck up the correction.
>getting the futurists this wrong
Look, I know it's been pointed out you're an idiot, but the futurists were like those transhumanist nutjobs you're probably more familiar with from where you got your "education". They believed that machines should replace humans because humans are shit in comparison. You might not agree with the idea, however, that does not mean they meant the exact opposite.

Sometimes I think we should have an aptitude test for people who obviously went through the American school system. How do they not invade the wrong place more often?

>> No.9094217


wonder if these two words are related or not

>> No.9094227

no. they're both related to different kinds of roman amulets though- fascism to a bundle worn around magistrates throats, and fascinating to a dildo shaped necklace worn to fend off curses derived from the greek for curse.

>> No.9094318

>They believed that machines should replace humans because humans are shit in comparison

>War is beautiful because it establishes man’s dominion over the subjugated machinery by means of gas masks, terrifying megaphones, flame throwers,

Apparently this guy didn't read the cyberpunk larper manifesto very closely then dipshit

>> No.9094374

>War is beautiful because it initiates the dreamt of metallization of the human body
That's literally the transhumanist idea. They're not talking about man in the flesh and blood sense, which is why they're willing to use tanks to get there. It's a domination only achieved by being yoked to the machine.

>> No.9094597

post minimalism is

>> No.9094723

This is the edgiest most juvenile shit I read in recent memory. Some fag posted that shit animu Udo Kier said in Hellsing and it really is not that far off. And that was meant to be bombastic and ridiculous IIRC, this sounds like a /pol/ack's or warhound's deliric ramblings.

>> No.9094745

>/a/ thinks it's smart
>thinks the futurists are edgy by overall literary standards
>thinks the futurists didn't use bombast to drive a popular movement because that shit is useful as hell
is this the same idiot or is it just /a/?

>> No.9094755

Your reading comprehension is /lit/-tier.

>> No.9094808

>Some fag posted that shit animu Udo Kier said in Hellsing and it really is not that far off.
look at that sentence m80 and tell me this website hasn't fried your braincells to the point you need at least one maymay more than grammar allows per sentence. i said sentence twice in case it was a long one for you.

>> No.9094993

>war is beautiful because I've never even seen it, I have a retarded, naive, childlike view of it. Akin to a teenager becoming a soldier because a recruiter filled his head with ideas of glory and adventure. Only for that teenager to be on a cramped boat for 4 months, then in a muddy trench that is constantly barraged by artillery fire for 12 months. His time as a soldier only cut at that point because said artillery fire hit his position and ripped his legs off. Though the blood was staunched and he got to live a painful 11 days, succumbing to malnutrition and the infections that quickly set in to his stumps of legs.

>> No.9095001

Hey, what company did you serve in iraq with?

>> No.9095008

Death is beautiful.

>> No.9095123
File: 52 KB, 333x507, Oh+what+a+lovely+war_ccff1f_3577175[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how triggered everyone is in this thread at the prospect that people haven't always seen war as the PTSD-inducing meatgrinder we largely see it as today. Not because "that's how war really is" but how that's how we want it to be. The very idea that war can be seen as something beautiful and exhilarating is offensive and incomprehensible to the modern sheltered man.

Marinetti, together with many other Futurists, fought in The Great War and in World War 2, he threw himself into the chaos of the world and loved every second of it. Ernst Jünger did the same and was severely wounded a dozen or so times. Do you think their opinions on the aesthetics of war are still useless even though they've been there in the trenches? How hard are you projecting your own insecurities right now because you've never once gone outside your own sheltered and comfortable lifestyle to throw yourself into the maelstrom of uncertainty and adventure?

Fuck off with you people who can't even for a second throw off your contemporary postmodern goggles of how you see the world.

>> No.9095134

Good, so you admit to being a fucking retard.

>> No.9095159

Marinetti fought in the wars, as did D'Annunzio, who also captured Fiume with a private army.

Meanwhile, you're a spineless faggot who'd probably shoot himself in the foot to avoid the draft.

>> No.9095185

>Be great salvation of the white race
>Be son of Europa herself, ready to fight for the glorious war that shall purge the lesser men


>> No.9095293

This faggot's really buttblasted that Marinetti not only got published before him, he also got to see war. If it's any consolation, anon, you know you'd piss yourself if you had to go to war, and not subjecting humanity to your whiny shit is probably the greatest charity you can do in life.

>> No.9095306
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>all these gung ho intellectuals going on abour the beauty of war while posting on an Armenian Knife Sharpening Forum

>> No.9095339
File: 46 KB, 777x372, juenger.jpg.940x450_q75_box-0,227,777,599_crop_detail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you just love that feeling when a spineless sheltered wimp finds out that the people who write about the joy and beauty of war actually participated in it.

>> No.9095350

He says opening another bottle of Mountain Dew.

>> No.9095379

American anon, that doesn't exist in Europe as far as I know. This is European /lit/ hours where your projection about secret monolingual, fat arse, never saw the old world or had a passport, terrorism started at 9/11, nobody reads and especially not the Greeks /lit/ won't fly. Wait a few hours.

>> No.9095388
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I'm Youropoor too, I just assume every retard on every board is either American or Canadian

>> No.9095407

>wars only exist in the past
Really anon? How did you get through life without knowing nazis or nazi bashers who travel for violence? That's even assuming you're in West Europe. If you're in the Balkans or East, I am sorry your parents have not left you out of the shelter and have only exposed you to American culture in hopes you can be shipped there one day.

>> No.9095410

Fuckin 'ell lad, take your pills

>> No.9095411

>Anything can be art!

When will this postmodern hellride end

>> No.9095426

>I'll try to pretend I'm British
>no violence ever happens there
>Burnley weren't playing today
>Fulham doesn't enjoy burning half of London now and then
>still never meeting nazis nor nazi bashers
Honestly, man, you're either sheltered as shit, or you're not English or European.

>> No.9095430

I have no fucking clue what the flying fuck you're talking about man, seriously, take your pills.

>> No.9095438

I'm talking about you being a dumb shit who might as well be an American for all your know of any part of Europe. Enjoy your Mountain Dew.

>> No.9095461

>calling modernists postmodern
when will pseuds leave?

>> No.9095471


Never go full retard guys

>> No.9095473

You're fucking nuts dude, honest to God. I have no clue how you came to any of those conclusions and I don't even care to guess.

>> No.9095492

Or never try to pretend you're from a country or continent you know shit about because you might turn out to be shit at it.

>> No.9095708
File: 41 KB, 354x640, a613aa953ced7919ccb16e072c8e05c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just disgusting, take that back.

>> No.9095784

>google Mountain Dew one day as an innocent europoor because America seems to love it like bacon
>recipe is completely different in Europe because Americans are drinking addictive iodine depleting chemical syrup
>some countries register it as flame retardant not beverage
Ostalgie does some fucked up shit, but damn is it hilarious this guy is against the futurists. I might prefer to eat soylent green.

There's probably even a Lebensraum/Make Room! Make Room! joke in this but I think I'll leave that to the surrealists.

>> No.9096312

Haha, no

>> No.9096337

>being this monolingual

>> No.9096537

Seems they were bad: INSANE AND RETARDED.

>> No.9096626

lol this really is one anon who can't read, isn't it? limited vocab kind of limits your insults

>> No.9098214

>m-my language is pretty too guys