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9083784 No.9083784 [Reply] [Original]

>"I heard the police are interrogating her debtors."
>"What, they are interrogating her debtors!?"
>"Hmm? What's wrong Rodion?"
>"Anyway, I heard the police are onto something."
>"What, they are onto something!?"
>"Hmm? What's wrong Rodion?"
>"From what I've heard someone reported a suspicious person"
>"What, a suspicious person was reported!?"
>"Hmm? What's wrong Rodion?"
It's really getting tedious at this point. The beginning was really slow, but build up to something great with the peak being his second dream shortly after the murder and the interaction afterwards, that was just fantastic. But he's lying sickly in his bed for 48 pages now and I can't take any more pages of what I described in the green. I'm at page 220 now, please tell me that it picks up real soon, at least introduce Marmeladow or something, because at this point it's just plain tedious to read.

>> No.9083806

If you didn't like the beginning just quit, it doesn't get more engrossing

>> No.9083891

Just keep reading it, it does keep in the same style, the fever dream period is a bit tedious but the themes get explored more later on.

Ignore this anon, he probably misunderstood you.

>> No.9083916

Put it down and read The Brothers Karamazov.

>> No.9083943

it picks up. But I've never understood how people can think Dostoevsky's high-brow at all, his prose style is pure comedy.

>> No.9084143


>> No.9084191

Dosto transcends the lowbrow/highbrow dichotomy

>> No.9084303

You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, you fucking pseud.

>Hear me say the word prose to sound like I know what I'm talking about

>> No.9084329

You should push through to the fourth part at least. His visit with porify (chapter 5, part 3) illustrates a lot of the ideas dosto works out/critiques over the course of the story. You'll get more marm on the way too.

>> No.9084370

>I'm at page 220 now, please tell me that it picks up real soon
It won't. Even haters of Dostoevsky tend to agree the first 100 pages of this book are written well just as things written in inspiration usually are. Later on, it's just your usual Dostoevsky who first would receive an advance payment for a novel yet unwritten, then would go to a casino, gamble away everything and then would dictate the novel to the secretary desperately trying to insert as many words in it as possible, as page count was specified in the contract.

If Dostoevsky isn't your thing, just give up and pick up some Anna Karenina or something: it has long been noticed that people who can't stand Dostoevsky usually like Tolstoy and the other way around.

>> No.9084416

I really liked Crime and Punishment but I'm struggling to finish Notes from Underground. They were translated by the same person.

>> No.9084428

>then would go to a casino, gamble away everything

I never knew this. I thought the reason he rushed things was that he was super poor.

>> No.9084432

>highbrow =/= comedy

>> No.9084446

Well he even wrote a novel about it, The Gambler. Not sure he went to a casino as he was writing Crime and Punishment though but he did whenever he visited Germany and Switzerland.

>> No.9084644

Seems to me you skim paragraphs. Stop that.

>> No.9084857

>judging an author's prose after reading translations of his work

>> No.9084906

He's right though. His prose style is actually even better in English translations than in Russian.

>> No.9084958

>struggling to finish Notes from Underground
i remember this being like 100 pages, are you serious?

>> No.9085451

130 pages of shit

>> No.9085487

>130 pages