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/lit/ - Literature

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9081343 No.9081343 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw want to read Joyce aloud but can't do a good Irish accent

>> No.9081447

Rumor has it that the only way to read and understand Finnegans Wake is while being drunk and beating your family

>> No.9081454

Can confirm.

>> No.9081456
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>tfw can do an incredibly accurate Irish accent and I read Finnigans Wake aloud and it makes sense

>> No.9081460

Isn't it funny? There are parts of Joyce that I find unclear when I read them in my normal mental voice, but when I affect an Irish accent everything clicks into place.

>> No.9081464

Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?

>> No.9081737

>tfw my gorgeous Irish redhead girlfriend reads Joyce out loud for me because I'm blind

>> No.9081856

>frogs and feels.jpg

>> No.9082199

>my gorgeous Irish redhead girlfriend
>I'm blind
Sure bud, sure. confirmed for 3/10 butterface shit if anything at all.

>> No.9082214
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>everytime I try to do any accent, I immediately slide into a southern accent
I wish I had a southern accent
At least I have a thick american accent when I speak German

>> No.9082272


>Irish accent

When will this meme end? That's like saying "American accent" and then you go compare someone from fucking Lubbock ,Texas to someone from Queens, New York.

We have dozens and dozens and dozens of accents, there's two for Dublin alone.

I'm from the northside.


Here's Joyce himself










the list goes on and on


>> No.9083344

reminder to put "special snowflake" in my thread filter