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/lit/ - Literature

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9077518 No.9077518 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think about Jordan Petersons reading list and where should I start?

Crime and Punishment
The Brothers Karamazov
Notes from Underground
The Devils
The Idiot


The Kingdom of God is Within You


The Master and Margarita


One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch
The Gulag Archipelago

The First Circle

Cancer Ward

Other books of critical importance:

Carl Jung

The Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious

Symbols of Transformation

Answer to Job

Erich Neumann

The Origins and History of Consciousness
The Great Mother

George Orwell

The Road to Wigan Pier
Animal Farm
Down and Out in Paris and London
Homage to Catalonia

Aldous Huxley

Brave New World
The Doors of Perception

Other Works

The Discovery of the Unconscious (Henri Ellenberger)
The Neuropsychology of Anxiety (Jeffrey Gray)
Affective Neuroscience (Jaak Panksepp)
The Emotional Brain (Joseph LeDoux)

>> No.9077522

Follow the Western Canon. Start with the Greeks.


>> No.9077523

They're all important works, but it's a far from exhaustive list. And most of this is stuff you should've already read.

>> No.9077525

It's a situation of "reading most of it wouldn't be a waste of time per se, but you'd be better off with a different list".
Skip the Solzhenitsyn besides Gulag, the Jung. Neumann, Orwell beyond 1984 and Huxley beyond BNW, the Other Works, and go for WaP, AK and Ivan Ilyich in Tolstoy

>> No.9077537

Greeks, The.

>> No.9077775

>skip the works of the greatest genius who ever lived, Carl Gustav Jung

Kill urself my man

>> No.9077934

Holy Kek since when is Jung considered worthwile again?
I guess it means that meme magic must be real

>> No.9077967

why isn't he?

>> No.9077974

Actually there is little wrong with him, just acknowledge that his worth as a psychologist is zero
He can still have value for his ideas. The reason I wrote what I wrote is that suddenly there seems to be more people who think Jung is fantastic and the best there is

>> No.9077980

>One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch
>The Gulag Archipelago
Literally the Ayn Rand of 'oh look at me, my life is so bad' books.

>> No.9077984

Oh I see. I first heard of him because of the Jung x Freud feud, but what made me a little curious about him were Jordan Peterson's lectures.
not OP

>> No.9077985
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Debating C.G.J.'s value, in is a thread about Peterson is futile. Considering C.G.J. trash while being interested in Peterson makes little sinse the former is probably his biggest influence and Peterson believes him to be an even greater genius than Freud.

>> No.9077991

>Literally the Ayn Rand of 'oh look at me, my life is so bad' books.
Literally won a Nobel Prize

>> No.9078006

It's up there with Frankl's "Man's search for meaning". I mean, wtf jew, how long are you gonna be butthurt about the nazis taking everything from you, killing everyone you love and torturing you for years until you barely resemble a human physically and mentally!

>> No.9078012

Does anyone find the west side of Sid Smith Hall where he's sitting depressing as fuck?

That whole street feels like a sleepy sidestreet to me, it's between all these ugly old buildings like New College and the giant yellow fucker south of that, ugly Anthro building

>> No.9078014

Hence I think Peterson is trash, not to mention his speculative evolutionary psychology
But he is profiting from this anyway, he has become - in his words - a Darwinian truth of kinds (not really but I hope the point comes across), the more exposure he gets, the more people will want to read his books or listen to his lectures

He is winning

>> No.9078024

>where should I start?

The Moral Landscape

>> No.9078051
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So did this.

>> No.9078052

> just acknowledge that his worth as a psychologist is zero

If you are a mass produced anglo-bot who can only treat patients with cbt and questionnaires, sure, whatever he has to offer is too far outside your expertise to be of any use

>> No.9078062
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>> No.9078065

well at least you admit that he's not in the realm of psychology or science. if you think using fairytales and stories to diagnose your patients is better, go ahead. you can join the lacanians and lingering freudians as well.

>> No.9078104

Depends, have you read George Orwell?

i'd start with Animal Far, then 1984, then Brave New World by Huxley, then moving on to Homage to Catalonia, ad I'd say you have a good starting point to move on to Tolstoy's Crime and Punishment.

>> No.9078134
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Good luck trapping your patients in a lifetime of unfulfilling mediocrity after interviewing them with a set of "choose your own adventure" style questionnaires and pacifying them with SSRIs

>you can join the lacanians and lingering freudians as well.

Join the father psychoanalysis if I want to become a psychoanalyst? Lmao, wtf do Anglo-therapists even have as a background? Do you also feed your patients biscuits when they do sth right? lol

>> No.9078162

>>you can join the lacanians and lingering freudians as well.

oh god the horror. don't even joke like that mang

>> No.9078185

Another bunch of undergrads, scratch that, psy101 article readers bashing on one of the most influential psychologists of our day.

>> No.9078218

Jesus fucking Christ you people are disgusting.

How the fuck did you even came to /lit/ without being at least remotely aquainted with Jung's ideas?

>> No.9078222

It's ironic you should say that considering how much people here shit on Freud because he's a cultural marxist or some other shit, considering he is THE most influential psychanalist of his day.

>> No.9078238


>> No.9078245

Which book specifically desu?

>> No.9078256

Iliad, then Odyssey, then Oresteia, finally you're done with the biggest Greek works.
You can follow with the Aeneid or can go through the rest of Aeschylus, Sophocles, Aristophanes, etc

>> No.9078267

Be aware that to become fully ancient Greek it is absolutely necessary to have non-platonic relationships with adolescent boys

>> No.9078273

Who's Jung?

>> No.9078348
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Honestly this is a terrible idea. The books are boring as fuck, you'll drop em after 3 pages and you'll never open a book in your life again. Instead, I suggest start with something that genuinely interests you. Are you troubled about something deeply with in you? pick a psychoanalyst. Are you interested in the constants in the human psyche, what we value throughout time? Pick Jung specifically. Do some of those questions hit a nerve but you would prefer to explore them in the format of a story? Pick Dostoevsky, Hesse etc. In the works of the writers in Peterson's list you'll find a lot of traces and influence from the Greeks anyway and once your interest has been piqued you'll want to trace your way back to them. I think picking up something that answers what bothers you now and tracing the genealogy of that school of thought all the way back to the Greeks is far more engaging that picking up an utterly dry book and reading it in the hope that this will make you cultured one day.

>> No.9078439

>The Greeks
I'm sorry you were born with such terrible taste, anon.

>> No.9078465

Thats a good advice. Thank you vert much
Here is your (you)

>> No.9078503

Maybe just give the las or lad some suggestions and leave the decision on what to read to him or her.

>> No.9078512

If you genuinely find them compelling, cool, more power to you. But 99.9% of young people who have so far read nothing but young adult fiction will find them extremely dry. There is no need to force yourself to start with them, short of being an insufferably pretentious, repressed pseud, when there are books on this list that are read with the urgency of a fire extinguisher instruction manual during a fire.

>> No.9078527

Like Borges said it is of no use to read a book that you're not interested in. It doesn't do justice to yourself and it doesn't do justice to the book.

>> No.9078871

Peterson is /ourguy/ by far!

>> No.9078906

video of jordan peterson talking to hot white nationalist girl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KWXdDYEz10

>> No.9078917

>hot white nationalist girl

[citation needed]

>> No.9078922


>> No.9078940

>"Pragmatism has lead me toward traditionalism though I don't fit any label precisely and I do change my opinions from time to time as I learn and consider new information and ideas."

Doesn't sound like a "white nationalist" to me, and I doubt Peterson would talk to one.

>> No.9078978
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>Why White Identity Matters

He's perfectly aware he's talking to a racist, and he even warns her and her viewers multiple times to avoid falling into the trap of resentful identity politics.

>> No.9078998

Where is she from? I would wife her pretty quickly.

>> No.9079013

Fair enough. Talk about going into the lion's den.

>> No.9079029

I think it's pretty funny that the far right people are significantly more willing than the far left to listen to his criticisms of them, even though they're pretty much identical

>> No.9079053

Well the question is if either side is willing to change their opinions in response to criticism, and that seems to me unlikely.

>> No.9079095

I want to see him have a sincere discussion with an intelligetn communist.

>> No.9079108
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>Intelligent communists

>> No.9079121

Interesting to note that Harold Bloom dislikes Jung

>> No.9079125

>discussion with an intelligetn communist
I doubt that'll ever happen to anybody.

>> No.9079159

I'd like to see that too, but I suspect it would be exactly like the discussion he had with Sam Harris.

>> No.9079201

They'd probably go around in circles over historical details rather than epistemology though

>> No.9079218


I've heard Peterson criticize several assumptions that are at the base of Marxism for sure.

>> No.9079228
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Why no Julian Jaynes?

>> No.9079239

Because he's not fucking insane.

>> No.9079251

Christian apologists should be gassed

>> No.9079258
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Neither was Julian Jaynes. My intro. psychology textbook lifts entire descriptions of consciousness from Julian Jaynes. Just because his theory of history is crazy doesn't mean he won't expand your understanding of the mind during the process. Most of what he's said is reasonably backed by anthropological neuroscientific insights, so he's not easily refuted.

>> No.9079259

t. someone who read translations
I'd add the nine lyric poets and Theocritus

>> No.9079260

He's not a Christian apologist. Christians aren't Jungians, and would consider any Jungian interpretation of Christianity a heresy.

>> No.9079264


>> No.9079273


>> No.9079275

I am sick and tired of this. Every day I come to /lit/, and every day there is at least one thread up with an OP image of an attractive old man dressed sharply and posing seductively. It's probably the same one or two people who do it honestly. Let me tell you something, you faggot pieces of shit who are doing this: you are the poster child for everything that is wrong in literature, art, and society as a whole today. You are incapable of coming up with anything creative, thought provoking, or of substance, and you lack even the smallest modicum of intelligence, so you use "style" and "class" and "respectability" in place of it and to draw attention to yourself, because that's the only way your SHIT "creation" and ideas would ever get seen by anyone. And before you say anything, this has NOTHING to do with the fact that I am an hormone addled teenager. Anyway, I will be petitioning the owner of this website to ban your asses, so enjoy being able to post here while it lasts, because it's not going to last long, just like you that one time you convinced your Old English teacher to let you fuck him.

>> No.9079282
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>> No.9079291

90% of Christians don't give a shit about "heresy" and can twist their religion into being anything they want. Like Kant before him, Peterson is trying to invent some kind of philosophical justification for retarded Christian dogma. He just pretends to be "interpreting" Christianity so he doesn't look like an evangelical.

>> No.9079295

>t. someone who read translations
But English is the new Latin, and Lattimore is absolutely fine. Take advantage of the lingua france of the ascending culture.

There is a certain kind of thoroughness which is but the excuse for inactivity. Think of what Goethe understood about antiquity: certainly not as much as any classicist, and yet quite enough to enable him to engage in fruitful struggle with it. One -should- not, in fact, know more about a thing than one can oneself digest creatively. Moreover the only means of truly understanding something is one's attempt to -do- it. Let us try to live in the manner of the ancients – and we shall instantly come a hundred miles closer to them than with all our learnedness. Our classicists nowhere demonstrate that they somehow strive to vie with antiquity; that is why -their- antiquity is without any effect on the contemporary.

>> No.9079308

Lattimore is fine if you want to say you read Homer. But you're not reading Homer. You're reading a paraphrase of Homer. Homer is a POET, he infuses his poetry with melopoeia in a way that cannot be translated. You're a middlebrow: elitist enough to care about Homer but not actually interested enough to learn Greek to read him properly.

And that Nietzsche quote is irrelevant and shows a lack of comprehension of him.

>> No.9079311

Borges is good.

>> No.9079312

>90% of Christians don't give a shit about "heresy" and can twist their religion into being anything they want.

[citation needed]

>> No.9079320

Go outside. Most people who call themselves "Christians" don't even have a passing familiarity with the Bible.

>> No.9079327
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>anyone who doesn't immediately and vociferously shit all over Christianity (One of the largest and most fragmented categories of religious belief) in tacitly endorsing it and working to build justifications for all of Christian doctrine.

Reductionist degenerates should fucking leave

>> No.9079331

Nietzsche actually knew Greek, Latin, French, and Hebrew.

You'll actually notice in history that the only people who have anything interesting to say about writers are the ones who read them in their original language.

>> No.9079338

Look at the list, literally half of it is Christian bullshit. Peterson is obviously an apologist.

>> No.9079341

I love that in 2017 you can basically claim that any quotation of Nietzsche betrays an ignorance of The Essential Nietzsche since he's been misquoted so often.

>> No.9079347

Dostoevsky and Tolstoy are some of the greatest writers of all time, retard

>> No.9079354

Rabid atheists can leave too.

>> No.9079357

The quote is much deeper than you understand. Nietzsche, as a philologist, would probably tell you that there are no satisfactory Greek translations.

>> No.9079367

>we NEED religion, maaan, Christianity is great, here, read these books about it
>no I'm not an apologist, I just think that Christians are right about stuff, like, symbolically
>read Jung

>> No.9079369

wheat | chaff

>> No.9079378

>that innocent honesty
by far the most adorable /lit/ faux pas

>> No.9079392

if it has wheels it must be a car

>> No.9079405
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Calm down Harris.

>> No.9079416
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>> No.9079434

This is next level

>> No.9079620

It's not elitist to care about Homer, he's just one of the basics. Lattimore is fine for everything except the poetry, is what you seem to be saying. I don't think someone should learn Greek just to enjoy the earliest example within a primitive art form. Students of poetry, yes. But starting with the Greeks is only instructive because of their superior cultural values generally, not to appreciate their art. Art has progressed. That's the relevancy of the quote.

>> No.9079624

And despite that, he himself says that the most important elements of a work can be translated.

>> No.9080516

basically yeah, that's the link I was going for. He's also on Peterson's list

>> No.9080892

Thanks of the advice anon

>> No.9080911

>Anyway, I will be petitioning the owner of this website to ban your asses

So you are going to take this to Hiroyuki Nishimura? Good luck mate.

>> No.9080917

the gulag archipelago isn't fiction tho

>> No.9080918
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>> No.9080980

>intelligetn communist

Can you give an example of one?

>> No.9081008

>Meme magic

Please go back to /pol/

>> No.9081028

it's a plebeian list.

I know that will be hard for many to admit, but it's true.

you can't defend someone's taste simply because they are /ourguy/

>> No.9081048

What would be a better list in your opinion?

>> No.9081069

Carl jung was one of the most influential pyscholgists and a major influence to Peterson

>> No.9081100

Wow thats a powerful argument

>> No.9081105


>> No.9081129

Crime and Punishment is by Dostoevsky not Tolstoy

>> No.9081161

>Most people who call themselves "Christians" don't even have a passing familiarity with the Bible.
They believe in a literal God, I would argue that Jung didnt. How well versed they are in the bible is irrelevant.

>> No.9081172
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why I oughtta

>> No.9081254


>> No.9081347

Jungians should be gassed 2 t b h.

>> No.9081388

I think the goal is generally to display the arguments side by side for the audience rather than to convince whoever he's talking to.

>> No.9081725


Aquinas only read Aristotle in Latin.

>> No.9081782

>when he starts shitting on the concept of white nationalism right to her face
I don't mind this guy

>> No.9081808

so basically scrap the whole list and just read tolstoy. jesus you fucks suck his dick so hard. the guy fucked slaves.

>> No.9081811

rekt. i like this guy. 9/10 would frequent psychoanalysis

>> No.9081837


>believes him to be an even greater genius than Freud.

Largely indifferent to Peterson but he is right on that one.

>> No.9081849


>the guy fucked slaves.

And? You understand how many great writers in history were shitty people in their private lives right? GTFO with your shitty book burning mentality.

>> No.9081859

>defending a slave fucker
well i guess we shall allow our artists to do whatever they like as long as the art is good enough.

>> No.9081868



You got greedy too quickly.

>> No.9081872

>thinking this is bait
you hedonists are so willing to give up morality for pleasure in the form of entertainment
"don't matter if he raped a baby, long as ah get muh books"

i'm really proud of you.

>> No.9081902


>of critical importance

jesus christ, really?

>> No.9081913

Wow you arent in favor of raping a baby, good on you anon!

The fact that an author did something immoral doesnt discredit his work and condemning his actions is a weak argument against the content of his book.

>> No.9081924

It does, and the weakness of the argument in your opinion is irrelevant. If I raped a child and wrote a masterpiece beyond all masterpieces, would it be worth the rape of the child? No. Would it stop me from being a filthy child rapist? No. Is an author's work tainted by his actions? Yes. If you don't wish to resist the works of a man who fucked slaves, that is a moral failing on your part, not mine.

>> No.9081933

>If I raped a child and wrote a masterpiece beyond all masterpieces
Then you would be a child rapist and your book would be a masterpiece. You and your book are seperate things.

>> No.9081936
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You remove all the context from suffering and creation and bastardize art down to some witless yes/no binary of approach.

Stop reading; you suck at it.

>> No.9081940

Symbols of Transformation should be read before
The Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious

>> No.9081951

You're not getting it. You are willing to trade that masterpiece for the raping of a child or a slave or what have you, by separating the work from the creator. Is not creation an act? The masterpiece is just another act as the rape. They are not separate simply because you wish to appreciate the work. And make no mistake, the only reason you have decided to make the distinction is due to self interest. You want the masterpiece so badly that you're willing to overlook the very rape of a child. For christ sales, people boycott businesses for the sake of their owner's merest opinion, and this person literally fucked slaves, and you don't bat an eye beceause you're so driven to enjoy their product. You're morally bankrupt for the sake of your pleasures.

>> No.9081956

>with enough context, raping babies is fine
besides, if anything, I'm adding context to a work by considering the other acts of the author.

>> No.9081963


>throwing out this hysterical scenario to try and character assassinate because you're an overly emotional person

Miss, calm yourself. Go and get a glass of water.

>> No.9081966
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Is there going to be a second debate?
Harris didn't even take his gloves off in the first one.
I want to see him totally crush Peterson, to destroy him with pure reason.
Sam probably has better things to do however. It must be pretty humiliating for Jordan to be so utterly dismissed by a legitimate public intellectual.

Pic related, Jordan.

>> No.9081967

>i'm not only a baby rape apologist, i'm a sexist too!

>> No.9081969

Harris is a joke

>> No.9081971



Not for that post. It was shit. Just the fact that you ended up getting me right back in the mix. Well played, faggot.

>> No.9081976

>calm, cool, rational. willing to compromise to push discussion along, critical acclaim, large following
>teary, literally begins to cry when he loses, requires long breaks to process information, irrational, emotional, followed by Nazi frog posters, a joke in the university system, has a slutty daughter

Yeah Harris is the joke.

>> No.9081980

if you would pause for a moment in the decision to lynch Tolstoy for the sake of his literature, then you are indeed a defender of one who fucks slaves. starving dirt floor slaves.

>> No.9081983

I am not overlooking what Tolstoy did, fucking slaves is wrong. His books however, didnt fuck slaves and boycotting his works doesnt do anything since he is long dead.

>> No.9081985
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>willing to compromise to push discussion along

Yeah, right.

>> No.9081987

Peterson is a joke, too. Don't worry.
Harris claims to be a skeptic and he's a naïve realist at best.

>> No.9081992

I mean... Let them speak about pronouns or stupid shit, but in a epistemological sense they are no more than a pair of fools

>> No.9081996


You already played the retard ruse once.

It's not going to work a second time.

>> No.9082005

Tell me again how harris was willing to compromise

>> No.9082007

>has a slutty daughter

>> No.9082009

boycotting his works gives you peace of mind knowing that you are not propagating the idea that you will be immortalized in culture as an artistic hero even if you fuck your defenseless slaves with impunity.

>> No.9082033

He was a great artist and he deserves to be seen as a artistic hero, he also was a slave fucker and needs to be seen as a slave fucker.

>> No.9082052

>as long as we pay penance by acknowledging the rape of slaves, we can enjoy war and peace without guilt

that's like a white man enjoying a song by kanye.

>> No.9082067

You were doing just fine, don't overdo it.

>> No.9082069

shut the fuck up already. neither of you is going to 'win' this argument

>> No.9082076

>a slave rape apologist is being condescending
what a surprise that an egotist has a problem objectifying morality.

>> No.9082080

>thinking this is about "winning"
it's a legitimate question to be considered philosophically, and to shin discussion is to shun the furtherance of humanity. shame on you for stifling he healthy dissent of the greatest minds of our generation.

>> No.9082089

>positing legitimate philosophical questions to anonymous internet strangers in adversarial 5 minute long interactions
>furthering humanity

>> No.9082096

if condescension had mineral value, you would be a veritable mine, my friend.
to influence one man with healthy discussion, is to influence the next great author, the next great baby fucker, the next great entrepeneur, the next great inventor, the next great leader of men. If you do not believe in the promise of influence, you are just a measly shitposter and should question your lifestyle and merit as a human being.

>> No.9082109

That's not entirely true when the author sledgehammers you with an ideal or a bunch of moral posturing but behaves in a hypocritical manner that creates a contradiction or paradox between the work and it's author.

>> No.9082111

if inane posturing wasn't so fucking obnoxious, you might have a point or something

No truths exist on 4chan. Consensus of the most persistent of shitposters is that which determines 'good' and 'bad' influences. The fate of humanity does not hinge on two dullards' emotionally mixed up argument, and if it does god fucking help us.

>> No.9082132

this guy, you, i like you. i wpuld have followed that argument myself, but i doubted it would have done anything but helped him separate his work from his writing. but i definitely agree that it's very odd to get chided by ol grandpappy tolstoy on the merits of a sanctified marriage while he was out raping his slaves on the days he had writer's fatigue.

no, i get it, you're a pessimist who believes that because he has nothing to offer (since he's a shitposter), that no one else has anything to offer here, and that there is nothing to be learned.

i really hope you can escape that prison, you're only gimping yourself.

>> No.9082140

>no, i get it, you're a pessimist who believes that because he has nothing to offer (since he's a shitposter), that no one else has anything to offer here, and that there is nothing to be learned.

>> No.9082145


>> No.9082164

you are repeating arguments of exchanges that have occurred innumerous times, empty tropes used to dominate the unseen foe belying your impotent machinations. little wrestling matches with our fingers. nothing is resolved, as you know quite well. after all, if they were you'd stop coming here

>> No.9082173

many of my arguments have been handily resolved and i have done nothing but gain perspective and appreciation. even this discussion between you and i is of great interest and satisfying for me. whether or not the arguments are the same as they have always been does nothing against the furtherance of humanity. with repetition comes refinement and eventually, perfection.

>> No.9082178

ur also really fucking dumb and nobody cares

>> No.9082185

my dear sweet shitposter, even you have use in this grand world of mine, be not so unkind to yourself!

>> No.9082187

>grand world of mine
no, now go away

>> No.9082192

oh you, my grand world is just the world i see. it's not an implication of ownership over the worlds that we all share. i need people like you and others to help me see more and more. i do thank you for it too.

>> No.9082246

Why the fuck does he keep talking about St George and the Dragon

>> No.9082249

it's just another rickety puzzle piece in his analysis of culture

>> No.9082721

>that's like a white man enjoying a song by kanye
So youre a racist? I thought you had the moral high ground.

>> No.9082818

Alexander, The Great

>> No.9083295

I... like you too anon

>> No.9084047

it was a joke. interesting that you concede i had the moral high ground though.

>> No.9084689
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>> No.9085377

what has happened

>> No.9086007

I dont know anon

>> No.9086011

I was joking friend

>> No.9086019
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>legitimate public intellectual

Thats a good one

>> No.9086036

>has a slutty daughter

suddenly i'm interested

>> No.9086048

It's not the case. On her Instagram, half of her posts are fawning over her boyfriend. There isn't a single slutty thing. She actually seems like a perfect waifu.


>> No.9086053

it's a masculine archetype, it's about how men have to prove themselves to be worthy.

>> No.9086096



>> No.9086114

Is there a book I should start with or should I just work down the list?

>> No.9086116

I like this guy

>> No.9086148

Crime and Punishment is really underwhelming after you've read Notes.

>> No.9086150

Peterson may be mentally unstable but his ideas are better than Sam Harris'

>> No.9086155

Im almost finished notes from the underground. Its my first Dostoevsky book. Where should I go next?

>> No.9086162

Why was their debate suddenly an important event with dozens of threads made about it? I don't keep up with these things.

>> No.9086176

I think theres just a lot of Peterson fanboys on /lit/

>> No.9086183

Why exactly would that ironic

>> No.9086234

Which half? I dont see any.
Peterson considers Nietzsche's Antichrist to be one of the greatest books ever written.

>> No.9086238

>Orwell beyond 1984

>> No.9086245

I think orwells best work was road to Wigan Pier
Or at least his most under appreciated

>> No.9086267

>Purple dyed hair

You need to up your slut detecting mechanisms, anon, before you get wrecked.

>> No.9086389

>the books are boring as fuck


>> No.9086407

people who know her through school have confirmed she is a slut but that is the norm these days.
She also has major mental health issues, like her father. These people have terrible genetics, sad!

>> No.9086413

She is also very average looking, boyfriend looks like chad. Backs up what others have said.

>> No.9086595
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>> No.9086633

Do we know what is wrong with Jordan?
Why does he keep breaking down?

>> No.9086647

It seems her name is Mikhail Peterson.
Sounds very russian, did peterson name her after a Dostoevsky character?

>> No.9086656

>willing to compromise
Harris was so fucking anal I finished the podcast with only one conclusion drawn, that he is a high-functioning autist.

Harris has not the self-control to be both a debater and a moderator, if they wish to debate again, they'll need to set a venue and a third party.

>> No.9086658
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He sees the end result of moral relativism at a time when Civilization is being split between the evils of being too comfortable too long, and what morals an untested West might cling to if times go bad.

He's read a fuck ton of literature regarding the effects of the Soviet occupation, the idea that a "rational" human can be brought down the genocides path so easily is terrifying to him. Hence the strange need to defend an ailing Christianity, as even in its twilight ghost state, it still provides rough bones to the societies of the West.

>> No.9086663

There's literally nothing wrong with him, other than the fact that he has said he has occasional seasonal depression because of the fucking darkness of Canadian winters, and no wonder.

>> No.9086672

He just needs Xanax.

>> No.9086680

Harris could have just accepted that they have different definitions of truth and continued the conversation.

All harris had to do was call petersons definition of truth 'moral truth' and his definition of truth 'newtonian truth' or something to that effect.

But harris saw his inability to convince peterson that morals and truth are seperate as a failure on his part and threw in the towel.

I predict that harris and peterson wont have another podcast together at least 6 months.

>> No.9086686

I think you are right anon

>> No.9086723

If you start with the wrong books and they go over your head then yes they are boring.

>> No.9086727

You are both right

>> No.9086738

>I predict that harris and peterson wont have another podcast together at least 6 months.

I doubt they ever will have one again. Harris was quite adamant in his blogpost after the podcast that since Peterson didn't accept the correspondence theory of truth, there was no point continuing the discussion over to other topics like the power of myth or Jungian archetypes. Harris no doubt believes that these things are incoherent sophistry just like most rationalistic positivists.

>> No.9086752

>They'd probably go around in circles over historical details

But history happened, so one of them can actually be correct.

>> No.9086754
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>> No.9086758

That is not a healthy looking poo
What did you eat?

>> No.9087737


>> No.9087744

should i learn greek to really get it or stick to an inferior translation?

>> No.9087843

Don't waste your time learning a ton of languages to become "well read", especially when you could just spend that time reading actually works of literature.

>> No.9089818


>> No.9089832

I'm livin one hell of a life crazy colored karats baby cover your eyes Foreign headlights and I'm smoking alot, One of those nights in my hell of life, i brought out all the Ice so I shine like a star You see me from afar girl you know who im are A ghetto superstar in a hell of a car (Gucci Nigga)
A ghetto superstar its a hell of a life

Rosemary not beer Toast baby say cheers major ice make you go burr Cake so big its like yeah Swag so stupid im a real tybear yeah A bunch of street niggas get off no labor See me on the flat screen now I'm on cable Able and its Human nature the haters playa get paper Money like skyscrapers Its gucci

>> No.9090007


>> No.9090037

actually I'd like to hear your thoughts on why Jung is trash

>> No.9090081


>> No.9090107

Anyone else think his anti-depressant consumption is odd?
I like the guy but, considering all he says, taking anti-depressants seems like his own psych shit doesn't work.

>> No.9090247

>The Kingdom of God is Within You
Haven't read his book but his argument is sound, considering the Abrahamic faiths were all influenced by Zoroastrianism--not to mention the Epic of Gilgamesh, Bhagavad Gita, ancient Hebrew poems (The Book of Job[ab]), every Pagan religion and mythology ever--Zoroastrians also influenced, if not created, Mahayana Buddhism. Zoroastrianism, although having a deity and not teaching reincarnation, is similar to Buddhism in some of its doctrine as well as placing responsibility on the individual, promoting the pursuit of knowledge ("the truth" refers to the enlightenment/Nirvana/the Theory of Everything) and self-improvement. Once people realize this, the beneficial function of religion is clear and since all the Abrahamic faiths stem from Zoroastrianism (and whatever Zoroastrianism stems from, unless it truly was original) the introspective/self-improvement/enlightenment nature is within them as well.

>> No.9090431


>> No.9090439

>Anyone else think his anti-depressant consumption is odd?
What anti-depressants anon? I havent heard about this.

>> No.9090465

You faggots are so fickle that every time I come here there's a new flavour-of-the-month messiah ready to save you from yourselves.

>> No.9091039

How is that related? Why did you feel the need to share that?

>> No.9091053

I unironically agree

>> No.9091059

wrong link, meant to link >>9081859

>> No.9091060

>the guy fucked slaves
alpha as fuck.

>> No.9091065

what a shitty post

>> No.9091067

would unironically wife just to get close to her father

>> No.9091072

All it takes to dismiss anglo psychiatry is to take a look at their national character.

>> No.9091091

fucking celebdigger.

is celebdigger the right word here, though?

>> No.9091099

It's not about celebrities you retarded woman, the guy is has a lot of interesting things to say.

>> No.9091107

>has a lot of interesting things to say.
you could just try and talk the GUY, you worthless cunt, and not try to "unironically wife" his daughter.

>> No.9091114

Mate his clinical practice schedule is probably full for years and I cant just enroll in the University of Toronto
plus I'm all the way over here in Europe

>> No.9091124

>implying the only way to get the man to say a word or 2 to you is by getting in a formal relationship with his daughter.
i'm sure there are plenty o people he talks to who are not related to him.

even if you are not able to visit him, i'm sure people like him might just reply to you if you just throw him an email.
i bet it is a lot less hassle then getting married to his daughter.

>> No.9091188

I've written him a short e-mail before, with no response

>> No.9091276

>he doesn't call Jordan's office number off his website and leave him long winded voicemails about Pinocchio and the lion king

how pleb can you get?

>> No.9091427

there's probably someone that does this

>> No.9091443
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is this peterson's wife/ex-wife?

>> No.9091494


>> No.9091811

Why are you so obsessed with this dude?

>> No.9091821

Well, obviously she's a slut. Every young woman is a slut in 2017.

>> No.9091836

And every guy is a NEET virgin

>> No.9091916


>> No.9092040

spot the female

>> No.9092923


>> No.9092935

What was the previous messiah of /lit/?

>> No.9093103

What did you ask him?

>> No.9093111

You would be wasting your time

>> No.9093143

He's a hack and an embarrassment on the province.

>> No.9093151

>No James Joyce


>> No.9093364


OP, I want you to know how deeply embarrassed I am for you.

Also, you can find any of this shit on a introductory /lit/ essentials thread. It's generic opinions 101.

>speculative evolutionary psychology

Why the fuck do people who want to talk about "evolutionary" """""psychology"""""" have no concept about how to prove if something is an adaptation or not.

Because spoiler alert, it's not just speculation based on morphology.

But yes, @ Petersen capitalizing on the notoriety he's receiving. Although I'm not sure if I would categorize that as winning. While he definitely has attracted some very devoted followers who paint him as an intellectual martyr, he's also alienated himself from a huge portion of the university establishment. I don't know a lot about university politics, but that seems like the sort of thing that could bite you in the ass.

Regardless, there will be no shortage of interviews for him.

Because he hates the SJWs, so he's a hero to people who care about the most boring of all topics.

>> No.9093378

>influential means good

>> No.9093403

>old hags

>> No.9093414

>I want you to know how deeply embarrassed I am for you.
Im interested to hear what your problem with peterson is.

>> No.9093455

>good writers

>> No.9093466

it's Mikhaila, and yes it's russian.
Peterson even married a babushka-looking woman and has tons of russian artwork in his house. He is a huge russiaboo.

>> No.9093511

But they are

>> No.9093531

I guess (non soviet) Russia isnt a bad country to idolize.

>> No.9093556

Fuck off, Finland

>> No.9093558

It's the reasonable list for alt-right pseuds who think theyre Fighting Cultural Marxism and Saving Western Civilization.

>> No.9093565

>90% of Christians don't give a shit about "heresy" and can twist their religion into being anything they want.
This reminds me of the age-old "Did St. Augustine make Aristotle a Christian or was Aristotle a Christian?"

>> No.9093589

What list would you suggest anon?

>> No.9093607


>> No.9093668
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>Marxists are STILL this butthurt about Peterson
It will never, ever stop being hilarious.

>> No.9093686


>> No.9093720

tehe art is separate from the artist

>> No.9093722

>rationality is good because i said so
Fuck off Platonist.

>> No.9093873

Its because of the birth control pill and the decline of culture

>> No.9093919
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>> No.9094330

it's a list FOR PLEBS

how do people not get this

>> No.9094342

>le guleg archipelago man

Who is the first guy? Pretty proud of myself for knowing the rest desu

>> No.9094353

*Darwin not Dawkins

>> No.9094384

Dawkins would be a bit out of place in that list

>> No.9094389

What would be a better list?

>> No.9094391

is Jordan Peterson the Glycerine (Bush) of modern philosophy?

>> No.9094396

Ideally you should've started in high school. Literature isn't a hollywood film series. Good literature is like mathematics. When you finish you find fine your self naturalling gravity tating towards a work. As faulkner said, someone else wouldve written him. someone else would've written hemingway

>> No.9094405

i'm not saying the list is bad, i'm saying the list is for people who are not particularly well-read (and it has a specific focus; it's not a read-this-to-be-patrician list). so saying it's "plebeian" completely misses the point that that is who it is meant for.

>> No.9094765

Popularity gives some indication that something is good. It means a large amount of people think that thing is of value.

>> No.9094772

I think this list is alright to start with and by the time you have finished you will know what you want to read.

>> No.9094964


>> No.9095193

seems like yet another half-assed and just plain shit at times meme-list.

I can give you mine, but it's a list of authors, in a consequence you should try and read them.

>> No.9095406

No it doesn't you fucking idiot, that's a liberal me-me.
>muh democratic vote on quality gives objective quality

>> No.9096235

>It means a large amount of people think that thing is of value.

This is true though. Whether people agree with me or not is another matter.

>> No.9097740

>im so much smarter than the rest of the population

>> No.9097806

>this is true
Fuck off.
t. fedoraman that probably believes in the race science and IQ.

>> No.9097847

It is true tho

>> No.9098021

>probably believes in the race science and IQ


>> No.9098451

Im proud of you anon, you did well.
The first guy is Kropotkin. I dont agree with most of his conclusions he made but I did enjoy reading it.

>> No.9099016

why am I so addicted to listening to jordan peterson?

>> No.9099152

He is a pretty interesting guy

>> No.9099164
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Fedoras are unstoppable

>> No.9099181

Whats your list of authors anon?

>> No.9099198

>Someone doesnt reply to my email I want and marry their daughter so I can talk to them.

>> No.9099222

how does one sort themselves out lads?

>> No.9099235

>implying any of us would be here on 4chan we knew how to sort ourselves out

>> No.9099250
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By saving their father from the bottom of the ocean, obviously.

>> No.9099276

become a mormon
go missionary
find qt mormon wife
marry her
fuck her missionary

>> No.9099278
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by being the archetypical male meta-hero. Go slay the dragon.

>> No.9099332

He just put Erasmus there because he didn't want to make a separate section, which he explains in the book

>> No.9099345

By reading the list i guess

>> No.9099363

Evolutionary psychology is not speculation, but we all knew you were a pseud who hasn't studied the field anyway

>> No.9099719

By father does he mean the Greeks? The Greeks were kind of the fathers of western civilization right? Is Jordan Peterson telling us to start with the Greeks?

>> No.9099967

slay the dragon?
i think you mean befriend the dragon.

>> No.9099989

>Evolutionary psychology is not speculation
No, because EP has its carefully controlled experiments, with a null group and everything - no? Then it's nothing but speculation

>> No.9100159

Well peterson doesnt subscribe to that version of the story

He has to slay bill C16 and neo-marxism

>> No.9100220

Almost everyone in that picture is shit

>> No.9100231

The reading list is for his maps of meaning course, so in that context they are pretty important

>> No.9100245

>>muh democratic vote on quality gives objective quality

Thats not accurate at all

>>9094765 said that
>It means a large amount of people think that thing is of value.

Those statements are not the same