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/lit/ - Literature

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907454 No.907454 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone suggested I read Neuromancer and Lolita, they bored me to death. Do people actually like these books or do they just recommend them to sound intelligent?

Also, suggest book you genuinely like.

>> No.907460

Maybe you should try goosebumps or the hungry caterpillar.

>> No.907462

Neuromancer was comparable to rape. Lolita wasn't that bad, but I know what you mean.

What kind of genre do you like?

>> No.907466

You're reading the wrong genres then.

>> No.907467

I read those when I was 10 and 6, respectively.

>> No.907468
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Books I genuinely like? These.

>> No.907470

>book that is not about pedophilia
>comparable to rape

>> No.907472


>> No.907517

Cat's Cradle
The Things They Carried
Catch 22
Sputnik Sweetheart

>> No.907529

i fucking love the phantom tollbooth. Takes like, a two hours at the most for me to read and is just plain fun.