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9073850 No.9073850 [Reply] [Original]

What books about Psychology and/or Sociology have you read? Are they good? Which has provided the most insight for you?

>> No.9073888

Fanti and Jung

Both told me OP is likely a faggot.

>> No.9073892

nice post XD

>> No.9073910

Read Freud and William James. They are two huge figures in psych. I recommend reading The Freud Reader (also, check out the recommended readings in the back if the book) and The Principles of Psychology I&II (by William James). After that, work your way towards Skinner and anything that begins to interest you.

Remember Psychology is a complicated and budding SCIENCE, treat it as such. Don't fall for the memes either:
Freud laid the groundwork for the whole of therapeutic Psychology; his work is must-read because nearly everyone has an opinion on him and it is best to form your own opinion. Also, once you know about his work, you will see his influence everywhere.

Don't fall for the 'humanistic' and 'positive' branches; they are huge memes that are just moralizing human behavior under the guise of Psychology.

Be weary of any kind of pathology approach that doesn't provide an adequate physical description of its pathologies.

Psychology is a science. Don't get caught up in the free will debate. Science is monistic and has no room for special snowflake idea of 'free will'. Observe the human objectively.

>> No.9073928
File: 19 KB, 333x499, 41bKjXe0rbL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made me stop masturbating and accept and enjoy my desire

>> No.9073945

- Introduction of sociology
Had to read it at school, some of it seemed outdated
- Daniel Kahneman
- Dan Ariely
Both discuss 'irrationality' (which might not be that irrational) or cognitive bias
- Jonathan Haidt
Basically it uses the big five personality test with political leanings that and morality
- Steven Pinker
Only read "stuff of thought" so far, want to read more of his cognitive science books

I've also read a book about system justification but it wasn't that great

Please avoid Jung, Freud, Erikson, Maslow and Myers-Briggs. They have been largely discredited by psychology and sociology.

>> No.9073951

Does Lacan actually address masturbation qua masturbation?

>> No.9074019


>> No.9074115


>> No.9074270

You don't need to bump on this board, faggot.

>> No.9074278
File: 24 KB, 480x439, pepe-the-frog.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I read books based in pseudo-science?

>> No.9074282
File: 109 KB, 500x500, Disgust Zizek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accept and enjoy my desire

You haven't understood Lacan at all

>> No.9074292

>thinking fast and slow
>distinction: a social critique of the judgement of taste
>the protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism

all very good

>> No.9074431

All self help tier garbage

>> No.9074438

Not him, but what would you suggest?

>> No.9074443

Read a goddamn text book.

>> No.9074463

Biorobotics (Barbara Webb, Thomas R. Consi)
Neuroanatomy (Duane E. Haines)
Neuroscience (Dale Purves)
Making Up the Mind (Chris Frith)
The Conscious Mind (David J. Chalmers)
Associative Engines (Andy Clark)
Beyond the Physical (Donald J. DeGracia)
Essential Neurology (Iain Wilkinson, Graham Lennox)
Explaining Behavior (Fred Dretske)
Grounding Cognition (Diane Pecher, Rolf Zwaan)
Brain, Vision, Memory (Charles G. Gross)
Perception and Reason (Bill Brewer)
The Philosophy of Mind (Brian Beakley, Peter Ludlow)
Principles Of Neurology (Adams and Victor)
Beyond the Cognitive Map (A. David Redish)
Neuroscience at a Glance (Barker & Barasi)
Content and Consciousness (Daniel C. Dennett)
Thinking About Consciousness (David Papineau)
Hellenistic Philosophy of Mind (Julia E. Annas)
Where Cognitive Science Went Wrong (Oxford)
Foundations of Cognitive Psychology (Daniel J. Levitin)
Insanity in Ancient and Modern Life (Daniel Hack Tuke)
Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior (David R. Hawkins)
Brainchildren, Essays on Designing Minds (Daniel C. Dennett)
Phenomenal Concepts and Phenomenal Knowledge (Alter and Walter)
Readings in Philosophy and Cognitive Science (Alvin Goldman)
Collection of Papers Concerning Consciousness (David J. Chalmers)
Brain Facts - A Primer on the Brain and Nervous System (Society for Neuroscience)
Being There - Putting Brain, Body and World Together Again (Andy Clark)
Essential Sources in the Scientific Study of Consciousness (Baars, Banks, Newman)
Cosmic Consciousness - A Study in the Evolution of the Human Mind (Richard Maurice Bucke)
The Works of John Locke - Vol. I (John Locke)
The Works of John Locke - Vol. II (John Locke)
The Works of John Locke - Vol. III (John Locke)
The Works of John Locke - Vol. IV (John Locke)
The Works of John Locke - Vol. V (John Locke)
The Works of John Locke - Vol. VI (John Locke)
The Works of John Locke - Vol. VII (John Locke)
The Works of John Locke - Vol. VIII (John Locke)
The Works of John Locke - Vol. IX (John Locke)

>> No.9074471

>tips fedora

>> No.9074926

You can get rid of history and philosophy books then too, numbnuts.

>> No.9075203

Durkheim opened my mind to the universality and cohesion of social structures and Marx made me aware of their economic and historical situaredness.

>> No.9075306

all praise kek

because it isn't that you're autistic and only because of that are putting literally HISTORY, then P H I L O S O P H Y, and then on the third hand "psychology", all three in the same basket

>> No.9075314

Psychology is the bridge between history/philosophy and hard science.

There is literally nothing wrong with that.

>> No.9075348

"The origin of consciousness in the breakdown of the bicameral mind" by Julian Jayness,

"Language and responsibility" by Noam Chomsky

"A way of being" by Carl Rogers

"Rational emotive behavior therapy" by Albert Ellis.

And I dabbled in a lot of Jung for a while. All of it was interesting, very little of it was applicable to real life.