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9073425 No.9073425 [Reply] [Original]


Science Fiction

NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

Previous Threads:

>> No.9073427

Last thread was purged.

>> No.9073431

>thread gets raided or something by a bunch of people who clearly never usually post here
>mods delete the thread rather just ban the people ruining the thread
great moderation there, not lazy at all

>> No.9073433

What are we reading?

>> No.9073441


On Blue's Waters.

A fucking masterpiece, so much better than Long Sun it's not even funny.

I'm like "But Wolfe, you could write like THIS the whole time and purposely, deliberately chose NOT to? Why? WHY?"

>> No.9073447

I'm working on a 25,000 word thesis to defend Patrick Rothfuss' magum opus and prove that it has literary meaning. Anyone here willing to give me their thoughts? I'll credit you as a source and everything.

>> No.9073449
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It's neckbeardy wish fulfillment, nothing else.

>> No.9073453

It's like poetry. It has a melodic charm to it. I don't understand the hate on the prose, I love it.

>> No.9073512


To me his prose looks like what a neckbeard would THINK poetry sounds, rather than actual poetry.

>> No.9073609

So we will pretend like the previous thread never happened? Fine with me.

All those intellectual thieves were getting worrisome.

>> No.9073638

Lucifer's Hammer.
It has potential GRI (sex offender) so far. Enjoying it.

>> No.9073711

If you're writing something out where a character is having an important prophetic dream, should it be more straightforward or metaphorical?
The idea is that a fairy queen's telling a young witch to watch out for this knight, because he's engaged to the fairy queen and she wants to marry him after a while, so she's offering magic stuff to the witch in exchange for her care. So considering it's fairies I think the presentation and set-up would be 'dream-like' enough, but I'm still a bit concerned.

>> No.9074034

Im about to write a scene in which a character jumps out a window and into a dumpster like an action hero to catch a small, flying object

I know exactly how retarded that is but I can't think of another way to make it dramatic that doesn't involve her ending up with a bunch of holes in her. What do

>> No.9074102


Have her jump out the window thinking it'll be safe because she can land in the dumpster, but then

a) the trash is mostly solid so she breaks her leg and has to devise her escape, maybe by crawling into a nearby sewer grate

b) the "trash" is actually mostly broken glass so now she's bleeding like a stuck pig and doesn't have long to find shelter and medical care before she passes out from blood loss.

Both situations create more dramatic tension than just "whew, good thing that dumpster bin was there! looks like I've escaped unhurt!"

>> No.9074112

Man, Dumai's Wells were awesome
Asha'man FTW

>> No.9074117


>...and the front line of the Aiel exploded.
>Kneel. Or you will be knelt.

Taim is one stone cold motherfucker.

>> No.9074156

Catgirls always land on their feet.
>catch a small, flying object
Good at that too.

Dislocated shoulder could work.

>> No.9074213

Is the Gor series any good?

>> No.9074231

Someone please post houseplant pasta

>> No.9074251

I literally know for sure that my prose style and characterization and description and plot are better than Patrick Rothfuss' and on top of that it didn't take me nine fucking years to finish undergrad. How frustrating is this. I should just send my thing to DAW

>> No.9074263

I'm sure you are little anon. Your mom said so right? It must be true then.

>> No.9074274

He certainly is
And I hope Logain gets some badass moments, too
He really deserves them, after all that gentling business

>> No.9074280

No, my mom's never read Rothfuss

>> No.9074325

thinking about starting the three-body problem
haven't read any of that author's stuff before

>> No.9074455
File: 187 KB, 540x1430, dune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just read dune, bretty gud

>> No.9074458

Fevre dream
Julian is alpha.

>> No.9074510


>do absolutely nothing all day long while spouting some bullshit about slaves and masters
>my subhuman redneck lackey has to do all the actual work because I literally cannot be assed to get out of my comfy chair

I could continue but I don't want to spoiler the book for you, suffice it to say Julian is far, FAR from alpha. The most alpha character in that book is Hairy Mike Dunne.

>> No.9074530

Just finished a reread of the Ender's Game sequels, they were remarkable, much better than when I was 12. Especially in SftD/Xenocide, Card's got this uncanny dynamism with all his characters and their goals interacting with each other, and the philosophy and story are tightly integrated.

Shame there's so little action. Pogrom in Xenocide, some evasive maneuvers and Peter karate in Children of the Mind, that's it.

>> No.9074540

Given it's a fairy, is it even possible for her to be straightforward? Prophetic dreams in general should be vague to the extreme, so that it's difficult, requires faith, to adhere to it, but also so that it's plain after its fulfillment that it was accurate.

>> No.9074547

When the Deus Ex that gentled men could be cured was shitted out I gave up on that series.

>> No.9074551

The Ilearth War

It's kind of fucked up desu

>> No.9074552

All of it right?

It only gets better, the God Emperor of Dune is the best book.

>> No.9074558


>a grand total of one, maybe two men cured with this method
>it doesn't even affect the story in any meaningful way
>it's literally just a nice bit of lore about why men and women channelers must cooperate instead of fight

Ok then.

>> No.9074562

>it doesn't even affect the story in any meaningful way
You fucking faggot it was a cheap Deus Ex to restore Logain's ability to channel.

>> No.9074572


Logain channeling or not doesn't change a fucking thing in the long run.

>> No.9074583

It doesn't matter whether it effects the plot majorly, the fact is that it was a cheap Deus Ex pulled out of his ass. If you can't admit the quality of the series dropped after the first 5-6 books I have some news for you.

>> No.9074589


>If you can't admit the quality of the series dropped after the first 5-6 books I have some news for you.

Top kek, it is common fucking knowledge that the book decline sharply after book 6, you didn't discover anything new.

>> No.9074626

Why DID the quality decline so fast after book 6 though?

Would the ending have been better if Erikson had done it instead of Sanderson? I think so.

>> No.9074693


Because Jordan originally planned to tell the story in three or five books but got pushed by his publishing house and his editor/wife to stretch it across more books because it was selling well and they wanted to squeeze more shekels out of it.

>> No.9074733
File: 97 KB, 640x640, asdsad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are the Night Angel books?
I know I shouldn't be judging books by their covers but it looks like edgy teen stuff.

>> No.9074751
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Malazan Book of the Fallen, Toll the Hounds. Just got to the part where Mallet, Bluepearl, and the others all died.

>> No.9074793

He added more and more perspectives and just started treading water. One group would be on some kind of quest and would need time to get to their destination, but in the mean time everybody else was forced to sit on their hands. Almost as if they were waiting for somebody's turn to end before they could move. He also started cramming in more and more trivial information by book 5 I'd say. Stuff that definitely did not need to be in the story. I was pretty forgiving when I was reading the series initially because I'd learned from book 1 that a lot of seemingly irrelevant stuff could be foreshadowing or world building, but in retrospect I now realize it really was just fluff.

>> No.9074811

Book Eight is a weird one. I get this impression that Erikson's editors just stopped trying to reign him in at that point because the end was in sight. It's the only way I can explain how self indulgent parts of the novel feel compared to the earlier books.

>> No.9074830

Because if he wrote at his full prose capability all the time of would lose its impact.

He does go all out in a few of his short stories though. "Empires of Flora and Fauna", "Golden City Far", and "The Death of Doctor Island" to name a few.

>> No.9074833

Maybe you just like Horn better?

>> No.9074841

Lmao what the fuck is full prose capability? Care to cite some passages?

>> No.9074872

More like he just can't keep that up for a full novel. Because it's fucking hard to make every single paragraph of a full length novel shine. Even Joseph Conrad's prose takes a break now and then.

>> No.9074910


The book is good but Horn is one of the worst pieces of shit protagonists I have encountered, like seriously.

>and then I made friends with a literal devil
>well ok maybe I kind of raped her?

>> No.9074929
File: 772 KB, 1000x4000, sffg recs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo I found this in another thread why the fuck is Discworld not on this

>> No.9075010

Memes aside, what makes BotNS good? I read it twice already, and many times more if I could all the separate chapters I read once in a while.
I just enjoy it a lot, but I can't really explain what I like about it. Also my best friend also enjoys reading a lot and I literally can't shill BotNS to him. I know what to say about the book, but I can't make it sound compelling.

Also, any good, comfy videos on youtube on BotNS that I can listen to? Like discussions, reading, review, etc. I can say I'm addicted to it kek

>> No.9075064
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about half way through, it's OK. Nothing too special. The beginning story of Brother Francis was really fantastic. but it seems to be going downhill from there..

>> No.9075138

What are some sci-fi or fantasy novels with giantesses? Preferably prominently featured.

>> No.9075145

Any fun or good novels that are over the top?

Like Fast and Furious building jump.

A novel that's crazy fun.

So crazy that it's hilarious, or does it not translate to the written word very well?

>> No.9075147

Nanatsu no Taizai

>> No.9075204

I'm past half way done with Starship Troopers, really liking it although it's epistolary nature doesn't really describe the world it's in too much.
Like, droppods, how Earth looks city wise, the ships themselves, none are described too much. Really only the power armor is described, although this probably makes sense as Jonnny is a grunt, through and through.
Still wishing the world was described more

After this I'm reading Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell which came in the mail today

>> No.9075250

The spider plant cringed as its owner brought forth the watering can. "I am a spider plant!" it cried indignantly. "How dare you water me before my time! Guards!" it called. "Guards!"

Borin, its owner, placed the watering can on the table and looked at it. "You will be watered," he said.

"You do not dare to water me!" laughed the plant.

"You will be watered," said Borin.

"Do not water me!" wept the plant.

"You will be watered," said Borin.

I watched this exchange. Truly, I believed the plant would be watered. It was plant, and on Gor it had no rights. Perhaps on Earth, in its permissive society, which distorts the true roles of all beings, which forces both plant and waterer to go unh appy and constrained, which forbids the fulfillment of owner and houseplant, such might not happen. Perhaps there, it would not be watered. But it was on Gor now, and would undoubtedly feel its true place, that of houseplant. It was plant. It would be watered at will. Such is the way with plants.

Borin picked up the watering can, and muchly watered the plant. The plant cried out. "No, Master! Do not water me!" The master continued to water the plant. "Please, Master," begged the plant, "do not water me!" The master continued to water the plant. It was plant. It could be watered at will.

The plant sobbed muchly as Borin laid down the watering can. It was not pleased. Too, it was wet. But this did not matter. It was plant.

"You have been well watered," said Borin.

"Yes," said the plant, "I have been well watered." Of course, it could be watered by its master at will.

"I have watered you well," said Borin.

"Yes, master," said the plant. "You have watered your plant well. I am plant, and as such I should be watered by my master."

The cactus plant next to the spider plant shuddered. It attempted to cover its small form with its small arms and small needles. "I am plant," it said wonderingly. "I am of Earth, but for the first time, I feel myself truly plantlike. On Earth, I w as able to control my watering. I often scorned those who would water me. But they were weak, and did not see my scorn for what it was, the weak attempt of a small plant to protect itself. Not one of the weak Earth waterers would dare to water a plant if it did not wish it. But on Gor," it shuddered, "on Gor it is different. Here, those who wish to water will water their plants as they wish. But strangely, I feel myself most plantlike when I am at the mercy of a strong Gorean master, who may water m e as he pleases."

"I will now water you," said Borin, the cactus's Gorean master.

The cactus did not resist being watered. Perhaps it was realizing that such watering was its master's to control. Too, perhaps it knew that this master was far superior to those of Earth, who would not water it if it did not wish to be watered.

>> No.9075256


The cactus's watering had been finished. The spider plant looked at it.

"I have been well watered," it said.

"I, too, have been well watered," said the cactus.

"My master has watered me well," said the spider plant.

"My master, too, has watered me well," said the cactus.

"I am to be placed in a hanging basket on the porch," said the spider plant.

"I, too, am to be placed in a hnaging basket on the porch," said the cactus.

"I wish you well," said the spider plant.

"I, too, wish you well," said the cactus.

"Tal," said the spider plant.

"Tal, too," said the cactus.

I did not think that the spider plant would object to being watered by its master again. For it realized that it was plant, and that here, unlike on Earth, it was likely to be owned and watered by many masters.

>> No.9075266

But for real: the first seven books are OK if you liked John Carter of Mars, after that it's just BDSM erotica.

>> No.9075277

>after that it's just BDSM erotica.
can I just skip the first seven then

>> No.9075295

I actually liked how the bad guys in Thomas Covenant are just bad and terrible without either coming across as either cool or edgy.

>> No.9075382

It's when your prose is 100% capable

>> No.9075386

Like my dick is in your butt, right?

>> No.9075402

>after that it's just BDSM erotica.
So start at book 8, got it

>> No.9075410

Is stranger in a strange land good read?

>> No.9075467

Mid way through Theft of Swords, why is there so little magic?
Will there be more?

>> No.9075469

>Yo I found this in another thread
That's weird seeing as I only post it in this general....

>why the fuck is Discworld not on this
I said time and time again, I only recommend books that I myself read. If someone tells me about a book, I read it then rec if it's good.

>reading anything by an Author with Terry somewhere within their name
Weren't you warned to stay away from Terrys' when you started this genre?

>> No.9075498

GRI Approved and it's fun. You remember fun right?
Also it is slightly anime if you into that.

>> No.9075507

>book with swords in the title
>expecting magic

>> No.9075518

What the actual fuck? You haven't read Discworld and you have the audacity to say "stay away from Terrys"? Just because Goodkind is a psychopathic edgelord doesn't mean you should shit on Pratchett.

Get started on Discworld now. They're not even long books.

>> No.9075537
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Can anybody fill me in as to what happened last thread? I just posted once and when I came back it was gone.

>> No.9075541


Mods purged it because some babies got butthurt they didn't have their hugbox all to themselves anymore

>> No.9075589

People started discussing politics or incest or something. It was annoying because nobody answered my question about Snow Crash, so I ended up making a thread.

>> No.9075602

People in this general read 10 pages and use that as a measure if a book is shit or not. If I read 2 Terrys and they were both shit, you think i will read the third?

Not wasting my time with him, or his 30+ books.

>> No.9075608

It's a yes, no answer.

he was using magic all along

>> No.9075612

Alright what is going on in this picture? I see it so much but it just looks like some desiccated, naked dwarves?

>> No.9075621

You really thought the first two books were shit? What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.9075624


Spoil me more

>> No.9075630

Not him but I read like 5 pages of Small Gods and couldn't go further. The writing style is really annoying, like the writer thinking he's being really witty and funny constantly when it's just cringey.

>> No.9075633

It's Shaeönanra (PBUH) in his soul trapping mechanism.

>> No.9075638

We answered you and told you both were shit. Not our fault that you wanted us to write a thesis on why it was shit.

Pol sleeper agents got triggered and went off on a tirade about slavery not being a bad thing and what ever else they post about in pol. Trump's name got mentioned and the thread devolved from there.

I don't understand how pol comes in here, to a fucking fantasy general, and expects shit to be an echo chamber for their ideologies.

>> No.9075642

No it would be too much of a spoiler(you wound't need to/ want to finish the series). Let's just say everything becomes clear in the third book.

>> No.9075643

>and expects shit to be an echo chamber for their ideologies.

All fantasy books must jam left wing ideology down our throats otherwise they'd be pol


>> No.9075650

>what is reading comprehension

I'm getting a feeling you are a redshitor with your emphasis on me reading Pratchett.

Also I said I read books by the 2 other Terrys. I'm not touching Pratchett. The no Terry rule has worked wonderfully so far.

>> No.9075679

I won't spoil it but you will understand Krait a little better by the end of the trilogy. He did rape Seawrack but she is a siren and her song drives men literally mad. I'll give you the third point.

>> No.9075682


>Ever okay


>> No.9075683

Not surprising that someone who enjoys using this word can't appreciate Goodkind's humor. There's a site you should go to, it has a little alien as a mascot.

>> No.9075688

>Also I said I read books by the 2 other Terrys. I'm not touching Pratchett. The no Terry rule has worked wonderfully so far.
This is the most retarded rule I have ever heard of, and that's saying something. Get the fuck out of my thread.

>> No.9075700
File: 1.29 MB, 1202x1718, Gateway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the Gateway series by Frederik Pohl any good?

I like the premise of the first novel, but it seems like the sequels just keep spinning off into completely different directions.

>> No.9075717

You mean the site whose favorite author is this Goodkind of yours? Maybe you should join your CRINGEY friends.

>> No.9075727

>le epic cringe xD!
What the fuck is your problem? We're talking about the Discworld series. How ABYSMAL is your fucking taste that you only think in terms of "cringe factor"?

>> No.9075735

>le epic cringe xD!
>"cringe factor"
Who are you quoting?

>> No.9075736

You, you Goodkind-loving piece of shit.

>> No.9075739

I read goodkind when I was an edgy fifteen year old that fucking ate up bad fantasy, and I couldn't stomach him. I was actually a little offended when I found out he was getting a tv show. The guy's obnoxious.

>> No.9075742

I'd rather lose my dick then have taste so bad where I could read and enjoy that trite.

>> No.9075752

magic interstellar drive randomly teleports ship to location which triggers latent romantic PTSD associations in the skipper's mind.

>> No.9075777

>that trite.
>being this incompetent at English
No wonder you don't "get" Pratchett.

>> No.9075787

Mein nigger

Ngl, I got a bit weepy eyed at the end.

>> No.9075804

A good answer, but I am already familiar with it and it is a manga. Any other suggestions?

>> No.9075812

FFS. I just started reading toll of the hounds. Damnit.

>> No.9075816



Are you making that up

>> No.9075825

Will it work if it's her hand or wrist instead? The plot demands that she travel on foot and I want to call the readers's attention to her hand since the ink stains she got on her hands from signing her employment contract have seeped into her skin, and the contract is in fact a geas that uses the ink to enforce itself

>> No.9075857

Steven Universe. Tons of giantess waifus, though most of the ones over 10 feet have extra eyes and/or arms, and in one case an extra mouth.

>> No.9075867


Fuck off Stevian nobody is buying your book

>> No.9075868

Uh, maybe that's a good suggestion, but I'm seriously looking for books here. Surely there's an author who has done this kind of stuff?

>> No.9076060

Need a book recomendation:

Sci-fi with galactic empire/reich

>> No.9076180
File: 22 KB, 200x335, klkklkjl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished, and I think this is it for me and Malazan.

Reading it I feel kind of like I'm doing a puzzle or admiring a beautiful chess game, and that's not really my favorite aspect of books. I like to forget completely that I'm reading a story, get attached to the characters and experience things with them. That almost never happens to me with Malazan.

I understand why a lot of people like this though.

>> No.9076203

I must say that the way you describe it actually makes it sound highly appealing to me, so even if you didn't like it, at least you've intrigued another person who might.

>> No.9076217

I dropped it after the same book and felt pretty similar about it. Felt like I was making myself keep reading for no real payoff.

>> No.9076229

Absolute Aram

>> No.9076231


>> No.9076247

You should read Memories of Ice before deciding to quit because its the first book to actually start explaining things plainly

>> No.9076249

I read the whole thing and pretty much agree with your assessment. It's a great puzzle though.

>> No.9076253

Go to doujin sites to get your fill of giant fetish. Foe some reason I'm seeing a lot of giant porn these days.

>> No.9076254

I'm reading the Illiad right now. I suppose it counts at fantasy since it didn't happen or at least is didn't happen at all like it would have in real life

>> No.9076286

>my thread
If anything I deserve this title, seeing as in this general's infancy I used to samefag and argue with myself to keep the thread alive.

I also used to wake up during the wee hours of the morning to bump the thread from page 9/10.
Your autism does not compare, you aren't even on my level, much less my league.

>> No.9076288

Yeah, I know about that stuff of course. It's generally becoming a more accepted fetish. But what I'm curious about is if there's some fantasy or sci-fi author that was ahead of the curve with incorporating giant women into their works. More interested in a published work than some smut story, doesn't even have to be fetishy (though I'm sure some would argue that anything with a giantess is inherently fetishy).

I know giantesses played a pretty large role in Norse mythology so I would imagine there were some fantasy authors who made use of that, but I don't know much about fantasy or sci-fi which is why I'm here asking for recommendations.

>> No.9076299

Imagine being the kind of person that sits in a thread arguing with himself but still can't make time to try a Discworld book.

>> No.9076304

Imagine being the sort of person who unironically likes authors named Terry.

>> No.9076310

Not touching that shit. I didn't touch it in 2008 when I had the chance. Not touching it now either.

Don't know about you but I have a a lot of unfinished series.

>> No.9076316
File: 206 KB, 457x459, 1479916051101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With how hard r/fantasy brigades theses threads can you blame them?

Kill me.

>> No.9076322

>complaining about reddit while using reddit terminology
You're hiding something. Poorly.

>> No.9076323

/sffg/ be honest with me

Are cartoony characters better than realistic ones? Most real people are too indistinct and those that stand out are almost entirely unlikable.

Cartoony individuals on the other hand are pretty much designed to to make use of their medium by being immediately identifiable and engaging.

Put simply it takes time to give a shit about a real person, time you don't have to waste on characters that last only as long as it takes you to read a book. On the other hand you can find yourself liking or hating unrealistic characters in just over two sentences

>> No.9076330

Then what the fuck are you doing here instead of reading them?

Honestly, most Discworld books do a pretty good job of standing on their own pretty well. You don't need to read more than one book to find out if he's your kind of writer. But outright refusing to even touch the series makes you look like a complete fucking retard.

Especially for this autistic fucking reason. I legit hope your death is painful.

>> No.9076338

Brigading dates back to BBS' senpai

>> No.9076398

Yeah, the Ravers are nuts. I actually felt righteous fury at their being beaten to death and hanged, which is a hard reaction for a book to pull out of you. A lot of appalling stuff happens in the second book.

>> No.9076588

Delete Arista POV chapters

>> No.9076596

why does most fantasy suck? I'm trying to find a solid series so I looked at a /lit/ fantasy chart and Name of the Wind was part of the GOD-TIER series... fuck this board.

>> No.9076624

I guess that goes for the entire general. Many, many an anon would never touch Weeks or Sanderson because of the covers. They aren't reading the books to find out if they are shit or not, and if they do read it the first chapter. They then drop it and shitpost like if they finished the series.

You can usually tell who hasn't read the book, especially in a case like the red rising series.

Also that was a typo. I meant to say that there are too many unfinished series out there for me to go pick up another, when I know the author will never finish himself.
GURM and Kvothefuss already have me waiting among others.

>> No.9076641

>why don't you guys read my favorite author
>why aren't you guys recommending my favorite author
>start liking what I like
Kys reddit

>> No.9076750

>Federation kept as much of its beef as possible at Sanctuary, so that a disaster back home would not necessarily mean capitulation.
>But I can tell you what sort of a planet it is. Like Earth, but retarded.
>Literally retarded, like a kid who takes ten years to learn to wave bye-bye and never does manage to master patty-cake.

How did Robert A Heinlein get away with this

>> No.9076760
File: 189 KB, 500x316, 1468127593617.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there more books like Bakker's? Where a son that wants to fuck his mother is described in a way that inflames?
Inb4 GRRM, he doesn't even come close.

>> No.9076770

That doesn't look like stranger in a strange land. He got away with more in that book desu.

>> No.9076771

Oh yeah? Was thinking of picking that and The Moon is a Harsh Mistress up soon
But I also have to get Slan and This Immoral too so idk

>> No.9076877

You were 'tricked' as we say in this neck of the woods. some 'jokester' played a 'huck' on you.

>> No.9076912

>comes to ssfg
>complains that his favorite book series isn't on an anon's chart
>clearly hasn't checked the charts in the OP or he would have noticed that Discworld is listed on several
>clearly hasn't lurked here for long, or checked the archive, or he would remember that Discworld actually does get talked about on here
>has no justification for reading Discworld other than 'I liked them and you're a piece of shit if you don't take my recommendation'
>calls sffg 'my thread'
Please just leave

>> No.9076926
File: 1.23 MB, 2048x1536, 2016-08-21 10.45.18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi. Anyone know of good fantasies that have novel/interesting concepts? There are so many unimaginative and tropey fantasy books out there.

>> No.9077201

I found the entirety of The Book of the Long Sun to be an exercise in tedium. The first book was pretty banal, especially for Wolfe. The second book was alright in parts but dear god the third book where they spend the entire time in tunnels is horrible. The only thing I remember from the fourth book is that dead guy in the alley that shares the same first name (Cornet) as the dead uhlan in The Book of the New Sun.

The Book of the Short Sun is leagues better but I have to say it feels like it retreads old ground. There's definitely a lot of crossover with The Fifth Head of Cerberus, to the point where I'd say it's more sequel to that than it is with either Long Sun or New Sun.

>> No.9077208

What are some books that you think fit that bill?

>> No.9077252
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Want to read something about a group of warriors fighting a never ending horde of monsters with no hope of victory anytime soon for a thankless world.

>> No.9077314


>> No.9077317

why are they standing so weird?

>> No.9077409
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Any of the new canon Star Wars novels worth reading?

>> No.9077464

Power stance

>> No.9077619

Dr. Bloodmoney. My first venture into any of PKD's not-so-popular stuff. Really enjoying it so far, even if it doesn't have all of the alternate reality stuff he's usually known for.

>> No.9077664


>dat malformed right libertarian dwarf is actually an evil mastermind! YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE ME!
>the "phocomobile"

How can anyone not love Dick?

>> No.9077753

What are some of the funniest fantasy novels?

>> No.9077760


First Malazan

>> No.9077765

I don't think it was that funny.

Liked it more than Deadhouse Gates though

>> No.9077778


The dialogue sometimes was

>> No.9077784

But I don't want sometimes when I ask for a funny fantasy novel.

I'd rather have had you recommended the importance of being Earnest instead.

>> No.9077789

>come to lit
>expect us to know videos

>> No.9077792

I think that shit is some retarded car video game.

>> No.9077794

The first cabal the necromancer book.

>> No.9077803

I didn't even watch it.
It's as if an underage snuck in and got super excited and wanted "moar"nof something.

I'm sure somebody made a fast furious novelization by now. If not, play need 4 speed.

>> No.9077834

>novels that are over the top?
Locke Lamora theif scenes.

>> No.9077852

It served as an example, I never asked for a 1:1 replica.

I hoped it could get the idea across, but clearly it failed.

I'm looking for a novel that's just one big hyperbole.
Almost like it's a parody of an original story, or a folktale that may have started out very humble but after various retellings everything that can has been made into a hyperbole.

>> No.9077860

>Any fun or good novels that are over the top?

Kvothe's sex scenes

>> No.9077883

Don't bother with this guy. "Kvothe's sex scenes" are in the second book, which is shit.

The first book is semi-tolerable, there isn't much "good" fantasy out there when you read it, so you accept the little bad parts thinking that because this is the author's first novel things would get better in the second and clear up the mistakes... no, no. It just gets worse.

>> No.9077891


It's over the top shit and ridiculous

>> No.9077982

Bored of the Rings
The Sellamillion

>> No.9078000

Any fantasy novels with a really cheery little girl protagonist?

Btw how is Brandon Sanderson?
I've heard he's like a modernized Tolkien, should I read Mistborn first?

>> No.9078032

>trips wasted on little pedo protagonist

Sanderson is only "liked a modernized Tolkien" because people are imitating his shit.

Did you read Black Jewels Trilogy fag? I told you not to come back here until you finished it.

>> No.9078057

Not him but what makes black trilogy good?

How is the little girl?

>> No.9078069

I like Sanderson but his prose is definitely not solid and his dialogue is pretty bad. Solid world building, often likeable secondary characters, nice amount of magic and fantasy.

Why SHOULDN'T you read Sanderson?

>> No.9078086


WoK and WoR would have been God Tier without Shallan. With her, they're only okay.

>> No.9078145

It's gri approved, it has little girl protagonist, and it has bdsm. The recipe for a degenerate's favorite meal.

The story is good too. But yall will continue to ignore it until another anon reads it and praises it to the sun.
This trilogy was recommended to me by outer lit in 2010/2011. If those snobs could recommend it, yall could read it.

>> No.9078171
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I don't know if this is wild enough for you, but I did let slip a few snorts of amused disbelief.

>> No.9078172
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Gateway. AMAZING first book. In my top 15.

Do not read the Hechee sequels stuff my Litbro.

>> No.9078180


Not trying to rain on your parade here but Lewis' "logic" is all kinds of retarded and sounds exactly like what a fedora neckbeard from t/atheism would say to "disprove" the existence of God, only inverted.

>> No.9078221
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>tfw no skin tone android sex doll that is programmed to take my dicking and stay by my side

Why live?

>> No.9078223

Argument under the assumption that determinism is inclusive with atheism.
Otherwise his argument is consistent.

>> No.9078250


>Do not read the Hechee sequels stuff my Litbro.

Do they get really that bad?

>> No.9078251


By his own argument, even believing in God cannot be trusted since it's still a thought produced by your brain. And if nothing can be trusted then any argument can be made and the whole thing loses all meaning and is in fact something that sounds intelligent but is actually quite the contrary.

>> No.9078295

What novel has the most contrast between fun moments and tearjerker moments?

>> No.9078565

>prose is definitely not solid
>dialogue is pretty bad

>Why SHOULDN'T you read Sanderson?

What did he mean by this?

>> No.9078643

>Author won't kill off the most cuntish awful annoying characters


>> No.9078645


This general praises Bakker to the skies and his prose is even worse than Sanderson's, so why not?

>> No.9078648

>This general praises Bakker to the skies

It's just Bakker samefagging

>> No.9078970

Bakker's prose is better though

>inb4 muh name dropping

Yeah, and Sanderson doesn't do that? At least Bakker can create atomsphere

>> No.9078994

Where does one go after reading Bakker? I don't feel I can enjoy any series without a good dosage of gay rape.

>> No.9079003

Your parents bedroom.

>> No.9079014

>Monster who is intelligent doesn't kill the captives for a fucking useless item he wants to trade them for

This is fucking plot armor if I've ever seen one,
>hurr lets make this one creature act retarded when it has been cunning so far

Fuck's sake

>> No.9079024


lol bakker
don't udnerstand why this general is circlejerking over him his books are complete trash

>> No.9079049

>Women stop trying to make their situation better because they found a dead body and just shut down and started crying and stayed away from it huddled in a corner until the villain came back


>> No.9079074


Name dropping isn't an issue for me, really. I said Sanderson's prose is better because while arguably workmanlike, it gets the job done clearly and efficiently.


Bakker's prose is purpler than my face that time I almost strangled myself with prosciutto.


>> No.9079292

Anyone got a playlist for atmospheric background music that goes well with fantasy books?

>> No.9079325

>We will never get something like LOTR again that isn't a copy


>> No.9079389

Google video game tavern music, that's kinda fun. Also Depressive Silence and similar bands are perfect.
Oh and Mynoise.net for atmospheres and other noise generators.

>> No.9079443

>not listening to Schlager musik while reading fantasy books

>> No.9079617

I swear I'm half-remembering something. Maybe it's just a false positive from Morning Star.

>> No.9079627

What do you legitimately miss by skipping Long Sun?

>> No.9079695


HoMM 3 soundtracks

>> No.9079705

I haven't read Pratchett, but Mazalan is goat desu

>> No.9079709


The entirety of Short Sun will make absolutely zero sense to you, and that is a shame because Short Sun is amazing.

Try and view LOng Sun as a setup with a big payoff.

>> No.9079728
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speaking of Short Sun

>just began reading In Green's Jungles when suddenly STORYTELLING COMPETITION LIKE IN NEW SUN


>> No.9079754

>Everything was so agonizingly tight, as though the flesh of the world had been dried taut across the gaps between bone: the net against the stone, the grid of shadows cast over the hollows, the watery beads cupped between the flex of tendons in his hands- so clear! And within this tightness, the sensation of inner blooming, of the collapse of seeing into being, as though his eyes had been wrung into the very heart of things. From the surface of the stone he could see himself, a dark child towering across the disc of the sun

>so clear!

it's a mess

>> No.9079765

my book

>> No.9079886

The Demon Cycle series has quite a few battles lie this and the entire 2nd book is pretty much this

>> No.9079909

Just finished Morning Star and I gotta hand it to Brown I don't think I've read a trilogy that was so just consistent

Is anyone else worried this newest trilogy is dipping into the well one too many times?

Based on the title I was kinda hoping it would be a prequel of the original Iron Golds

>> No.9080032

Anyone please?

>> No.9080034

God damn Blindsight is a difficult read for me. The prologue when they were at the playground was perfect, read really smoothly. But suddenly they're in space and I don't get every second sentence.

>> No.9080213

Erikson actually eases up on you starting in book 3 and starts doing a lot of explaining, so you might've liked it. But book 3 is pretty grim and it can also wear down on you as much as book 2 does.

>> No.9080293

what is a compelling enough reason for someone to sell their arm?

trying to make a semi-apocalyptic/cyberpunkish story where the main character is forced to sell his arm

>> No.9080305

I think the arm itself would have to have some desirable trait like luck(gambling), coordination etc

The question should probably be why would you want to buy someone else's arm...it's not a vital organ

>> No.9080309


Money for a loved one who is sick or something, To pay off debts, They're broke as fuck. Or maybe they just had it lying around when they got their new snazzy Cybernetic arm

>> No.9080318

You cunts always talk bout gri. Isn't there a gri list?
I need more Bakker degeneracy. Bakker shills you put me on this path where art thou with recommendations?

>> No.9080321

>I think the arm itself would have to have some desirable trait like luck(gambling), coordination etc
that's what I was thinking, he needs his arm to do his work and it's a great arm

>loved one who is sick or something
too cliché
>To pay off debts, They're broke as fuck
I was thinking something of the sort, maybe he owes the crime lord some money but it seems too clichéd as well
>Or maybe they just had it lying around when they got their new snazzy Cybernetic arm
the point of the story is supposed to be the sacrifice though so that doesn't really work

>> No.9080493

you should ask /swg/ on /co/ they'd know

>> No.9080500

Drugs. Have them triipping out on future heroin and wake up to their arm cut off.

>> No.9080550

hm yea, that seems like a decent idea
I'm writing it into my first draft to see if I can make a decent story out of it

>> No.9080574
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Need to make a new Marco. One where the general is crying and holding a child while aspiring authors try to break the door in.

>> No.9080589

sorry was I interrupting the active discussion of the entire three posts in the hour before the post?

>> No.9080598

You guys are like rats ot roaches. One of you get in and we tolerate you, and next weeks 5 come, then next month 15. Before the end of the year it's writer's advice general.

Make your own general and samefag it till it's self sustaining, or go to the critique threads.

>> No.9080607

Given that the alternative is a combined Rothfuss/Sanderson/Stevian general I think that sounds wonderful. we need an advice general

>> No.9080611

yea just think I hadn't posted we might have seen 3 more posts in the 90 minutes since of course none of which would have had anything to do with each other

>> No.9080638

I'd rather have writing advice spam over having to see those stupid images.

>> No.9080687

If the only reason you're reading a book is for sex scenes, just read erotica and get it over with.

>> No.9080846

how do writers create original characters?

Every character I have is a ripoff of 1-3 characters from /co/ or /a/. Granted, they're still several times more interesting and engaging than the complex but incredibly boring ones "good" writers shit out, but they're literal ripoffs

>> No.9080854

malazan bros ww@

>> No.9080862

He's rebutting positivism and saying there must be some underlying purpose to human consciousness

>> No.9080873
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fr*cking fix this PLEASE

>> No.9080934

When does the Hunger Games portion of Red Rising end? I'm already at 60% and ready to put the book down for good

>> No.9081138

This. I'm so sick of the thread police.

>> No.9081157

can we just talk about shit and stop talking about talking about shit?

I want to discuss characters. What makes a good character good and how do you make them original and vivid instead of making them boring, rehashed or just plain unlikable

>> No.9081188

Enjoy it anon, I thought it was even stranger than New Sun's

>> No.9081442


Make a stevian one

>> No.9081502

I already said: 100% of the first book.

>> No.9081630

I'd have to agree with the other poster. It sets up Short Sun and Short Sun might be worth it. I think it drags in places, too, though, and it's better to just read The Fifth Head of Cerberus and Peace and call it a day.

>> No.9081636

Go meet someone unique with traits and qualities you've never quiet encountered before. Talk to them about your writing ideas, and get an idea of the kinds of things they would do and say in the situations you imagine for them. I have a feeling the best characters are based on real people

>> No.9081696

I found myself a lot behind the wheel recently on business trips and can't make the time as much as I would want to, to sit down and read a book, so I'm looking into audiobooks.

Are there audiobooks for New/Long/Short Sun?

>> No.9081702


Seriously? It's that hard to google if there's an audiobook?

>> No.9081715


I meant to ask also if they were any good, but I hit the submit button too soon.

>> No.9082313

I'm halfway through this book. What am I in for?

>> No.9082430
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already did, before he started to fuck with the OP

>> No.9082446

Please tell me they will steal the Empress from the castle

>> No.9082463

>thread police
>only people that would feel policed is pol and Stevian
>stevian is banned
Sorry pol sleeper agents. But you have to stay in your containment board if you don't want to be policed. Nobody likes you guys anyways. You fucked up our last general and got the mods to autosage us.

>> No.9082472

>can't say fucking
>posts an image cutout from a link
>doesn't post the link
Either underage or reddit desu

>> No.9082494
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Nice meme. The only hungry skeletal games vibes I got were from the starting and that two fingers in the air /hand on chest /whatever shit.

When he "dies" and comes back the ride starts. I now know for a fact that you never read / is reading the book.

>> No.9082497

What are you quoting?

>> No.9082502

>Nobody likes you guys anyways.
Except the president of the USA and his advisors.

>> No.9082505


Riyra btw

I only wrote latter post

>> No.9082659
File: 1.08 MB, 1300x867, Pol in SFFG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this one of the "images" you are sick of seeing?
Does it trigger you we don't like pol?

>> No.9082686

>Does it trigger you we don't like pol?
Not at all, I already knew that homosexuals don't like /pol/.

>> No.9082704

>anyone who makes a Stevian joke
>anyone who doubts that it's not Stevian making the Stevian jokes
>anyone who asks for writing advice
>anyone who responds to writing advice
>anyone who makes a little girl protag joke
>anyone who only reads old books
>anyone who only reads new books
>anyone who recs a book he has not written a dissertation on
>anyone who doubts that your dad is the /lit/ mod
>anyone who likes Buried Giant
It's really getting old.

>> No.9082726

The New Sun one, that I have listened to recently, is well narrated by Roy Avers, but the audio quality is not so good sometimes, as some of the cassette tapes it was digitized from had endured damage. Still, only a little was hard to understand.

>> No.9082768

You're almost as annoying as they are. Please just stop.

>> No.9082826

words have power

i dont want to cuss if i dont have to

it's from one of the images in op

>> No.9082834

eat a dick and piss off ya shitcunt triple nigger i tell you what

>> No.9082842

suck my d*ck B*TCH!!!!!

>> No.9082848 [DELETED] 

offensive behavior is not allowed on this site, good day nigger, enjoy your ban

>> No.9082856

announcing you're reports is against the rules anon

>> No.9082861
File: 24 KB, 300x467, thelefthandofdarkness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished pic related today. What a densely thematic book, with lots of ideas to unpack about patriotism, fear, loyalty, and gender. And then there is all the worldbuilding and lore which is Dune-like in scale, but better. LeGuin is a superior prose writer to Herbert, with a good eye for description and metaphor.

The extended survival sequence was also well done, like something from Robert Scott and Shackleton.

The book's 'feminist science fiction' label is too reductive. It's as observational, well-told, and literary as anything by Gene Wolfe.

>> No.9082869

At the beginning of 2nd book right now
Is Royce the heir and Hadrian the bodyguard?

>> No.9082875


>It's as observational, well-told, and literary as anything by Gene Wolfe.


>> No.9082965

great rebuttal

>> No.9083395
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>so there's this kingdom, except it's not a king because he's a hermaphrodite, they're all hermaphodites, but other than that it's just a kingdom
>Dune-like in scale, but better

>> No.9083409
File: 56 KB, 230x400, Hyperion_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this worth finishing?
It's not bad, but the canterbury tales format kinda pisses me off. Sucks because there are some really cool ideas here, but I just prefer a continuous story.
I'm only on the first part

>> No.9083617

don't read endymion

>> No.9083622

Getting off a binge of reading some literary fiction, changing gears to SF/F.

What do you think of American Gods? I've heard a lot about Gaiman, but I've never read any of his works.

>> No.9083703

Any of you guys read Elantris? I just finished it and thought it was really good. When I first read about what happened to the Elantrians and what the Shaod did I was hooked. I also really enjoyed that it was only one volume. I've been getting a bit tired of having to read a whole series.

>> No.9083724

Its been a couple of years since I read it, but I thought it was a good read. Its a meditation on the American dream via the cultures that have been absorbed into it. Its pretty slow-paced, kinda a road novel at times. Not a lot of action. Also, it did 'gods in modern times' long before any of its imitators did. Maybe before diving into the book you should try the short-ass 'Ocean at the End of the Lane' or some of his comic stuff like Sandman or Black Orchid to see if you like his writing style.

>> No.9083819
File: 503 KB, 920x1500, The-Emperors-Soul-by-Brandon-Sanderson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've heard a lot about Gaiman, but I've never read any of his works.
Definitely read Good Omens it's probably his best novel.

>Any of you guys read Elantris? I just finished it and thought it was really good.
I thought it was alright. I had more fun reading The Emperor's Soul. It's shorter than Elantris and I think it's a much better paced story also less cringey dialog this time around.

>> No.9083990

>My body is not all that changes. Before I sleep, I drink a tonic laden with processing enhancers and speed-listen to The Colors, The Iliad, Ulysses, Metamorphosis, the Theban plays, The Draconic Labels, Anabasis, and restricted works like The Count of Monte Cristo, Lord of the Flies, Lady Casterly’s Penance, 1984, and The Great Gatsby. I wake knowing three thousand years of literature and legal code and history.

>> No.9084009


his cover arts are fucking trash

>> No.9084105

I don't like real people unless their every quirks are exaggerated.

In my opinion, if you make a character too real a lot of who they are will be lost on the reader because they won't have the fucks or time to get to know them. We don't get attached to people we don't really know, and if one character is too like most normal people, knowing that their normal doesn't count as knowing them. If they're weird though, or if one of their personality traits becomes abnormally pronounced then you get a much better idea of who they are and are more willing to understand them because it's easy

>> No.9084322

Anyone here reading Twig? It's a web serial that can be found here : https://twigserial.wordpress.com/about/
It's still updating, at 2 to 3 chapters a week. Don't let its status as a web serial turn you off, the quality is professional.
The basic premise is that this is an alternate history where Frankenstein wasn't a work of fiction but rather a scientific treatise. In other words, the biological sciences received a massive advance sometimes during the 17th century.
It's the author's 3rd story, and while not as popular as his first one, is the best written in my opinion. Sorry if I'm shilling a bit, but I really want other people to try it.

>> No.9084334
File: 1.38 MB, 3264x1836, 20160917_161840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lords of the four diamonds series by jack l chalker. Really pretty fascinating. I've read around 25 of his books and the man is simply a wealth of ideas.

>> No.9084360

Four lords of the diamond*

>> No.9084476

Why is this thread so dead today

>> No.9084497
File: 19 KB, 225x378, Breeds_of_Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminds me. An earlier anon asked about books with hermaphroditic characters. Pic related has characters that swap sexes once a month.

>> No.9084566
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Is this worth reading?

>> No.9084616
File: 473 KB, 784x389, WAKE ME UP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9084860

I love you.

>> No.9084861

Yeah, pretty nice stuff. Some people don't like the sprawling, somewhat plotless nature of it, but I love how he unspools all the deep lore for his setting (a bit like Strange and Norrell, in that way).

>> No.9084872

We have a lot of Space Opera, but is there such a thing as Time Opera? Tim Powers, maybe?

>> No.9085037

Is it the same guy that did Worm? I've never gotten around to reading that. If so, do you think I should just read Twig?

>> No.9085050

Dinosaur Beach by Keith Laumer is super pulpy but might fit the bill. John C. Wright's Metachronopolis was apparently somewhat inspired by it and is a real gem, maybe closer to what you're looking for.

>> No.9085142

You know only some of those are me right? Less than 5. Believe it or not other people call out your shit.

>> No.9085150

>the quality is professional.
If its anything like Worm that's a straight up fucking lie, nobody is willing to publish his shit because the editing required is a behemoth task, If published it would at least 6000 pages with 1000 of them being really fucking shitty pop culture references.

>> No.9085162

You enjoying it so far anon?

>> No.9085172

Dare I call you... a brother?

>> No.9085193

No drama to spur conversations. When I finish my macro they will all bitch about it.
I may not be the macro maker sffg wants, but I'm the macro maker it needs.

>> No.9085200

I liked it. It was fun and well thought.

He makes up a lot of words and it's written from the perspective of an academic so it comes off as arrogant to some

>> No.9085208


Yes, the political ideology shit is annoying as fuck but it's not as rampant as it was in age of myth.
Just finished the first book of the second book.
Also it seemed I was right

>> No.9085211

your macros are shit and your delusions of grandeur pathetic

>> No.9085220

Isn't Worm that web novel former homestuck junkies became obsessed with?

>> No.9085224
File: 424 KB, 1400x2128, 81HIfvBq-4L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone read pic related?

I've heard that there are some magical elements too it, is it literal magic or is it explained in someway?
I have a hard time with magic in a sci-fi setting.

>> No.9085301

Terry Goodkind is god-tier fantasy desu

>> No.9085353

You're not the macro maker it needs either.

>> No.9085367

Yeah. Read them in whatever order I guess? But since Worm is complete maybe start with that. It might also be more approachable due to the more familiar genre. The author also wrote a story called Pact, which is urban fantasy. It's not as good as the other two, but still enjoyable.
>with 1000 of them being really fucking shitty pop culture references
Did you even read Worm? And yes, the editing would take a lot of time, but it's still a better story than a lot of actually published crap.
Not really? I mean there's certainly Homestuck fans that read it but I wasn't under the impression that they flooded there during hiatuses or once it was over.

>> No.9085397

idk but that title is retarded

>> No.9085424

>started writing a story I cared about longer and more passionately than any I've ever written before
>more than doubled my previous word cap
>asked my parents to read it because I don't know who else to ask
>they both hat it
>I took their criticism. I went back, I threw half the story out three times and re-wrote each version better than the last
>got minor hints of approval form /lit/
>finally show it to my parents again
>they still hate it

Why am I such a failure that even my parents don't think my writing is good?

>> No.9085428

Can someone provide synopsis for Acts of Caine?
Finished first book, it is not good enough to make me want to read whole series, but I still want to know what happens.

>> No.9085433

Were you writing fantasy? I know some adults just hate this genre and will never like anything with it ever.

>> No.9085443

Everything else I've written has been fantasy and they've still liked that. In fact, the only books I know my mom reads are murakami books

>> No.9085450

Well didn't they like about this one then?

>> No.9085454

Feudal Society, volume 1 - Marc Bloch

>> No.9085461

My mom didn't like the story. Another anon pointed out that the beginning I've had to re-write 4 times is boring

>> No.9085468

just keep trying

if you work hard enough you can brute force yourself a career like sanderson

>> No.9085495

Age of myth was a big disappointment. I thought I was getting more Riyria, but it turned out to be shit.

Fine example of what happens when an author listens to their reader base. I just hope Sanderson doesn't fall in the future, he is slowly listening to his readers.

>> No.9085501

I can't keep doing this. If my own parents who think every shitty doodle I ever scribbled was a masterpiece can't tell me my writing is good than who the fuck will without acting out of pity?

>> No.9085502

I don't see anyone else contributing to the sffg meme vault.

I got multiple (more than 3) people telling me they liked the macros. hell I made one after the guy explained his experience with a book.

>> No.9085512

>they both hat it
I wish my parents were cool enough to fedora something they disliked.

>> No.9085522

I can't even write a fucking post correctly

>> No.9085537
File: 47 KB, 313x475, Norse Mythology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone read this yet? Apparently it came out this week. There are also fags always asking for Norse books, read it and report back to the general.

>> No.9085569

how about YOU read it and YOU report back you lazy fuck

>> No.9085580




>> No.9085582


I'll probably keep reading just to find out what happens, hoping that shit will at least get better

>> No.9085587

Neil Gaiman a shit, expect it to be Harry Potter with Norse Gods


>reading any book about norse mythology that isn't norse mythology

>> No.9085594

>not giving me my (you)s

>> No.9085602
File: 1.89 MB, 1600x1319, Star-Wars-Kenobi-all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are the only good SW books the ones that the author had years to sit on/no imminent deadline?

>> No.9085622

>tfw you're slowly losing the zest for all your passions
>one day soon you'll give up your dream of being a renaissance man because live has beat out the enjoyment of every one of your hobbies

I want to die /sffg/

>> No.9085634

>good SW books

>> No.9085636


*tugs braid*

>> No.9085725

*smooths skirt*

>> No.9085852
File: 536 KB, 1387x1782, Stephen Youll - Foundations Edge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9086536

The Black Company

It's Pretty good so far. I wish I could see what a fully competent wizard could do in compared to what Silent, Goblin, or One Eye could do.

>> No.9086584
File: 1.05 MB, 1682x2554, Rick-Riordan-Magnus-Chase-And-The-Gods-Of-Asgard-Series.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Harry Potter with norse mythology

It's a thing.