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9070864 No.9070864 [Reply] [Original]

>sentence is long and complex
>spend the next 20 minutes reading it over and over again to understand it

>> No.9070871

>t. woman or liberal

>> No.9070873

That's a tiny brain wojack. But if you keep reading and challenging yourself it will grow :)

>> No.9070883
File: 26 KB, 731x565, 1485901345202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iktf, anon

>> No.9070889

>sentence introduces the names of three new characters
>read it forty times to entrench the names in my mind

>> No.9070897

>see hot girl
>imagine what her ass tastes like

>> No.9070913

>reach climax and cum after fapping
>get depressed and contemplate suicide

>> No.9070921

All liberals are women, and all women are liberals. Stop pretending to be a real conservative you lefty shitskin kek

>> No.9070928

Yes, because conservatives are known for their scholarly intellect, right?

>> No.9070931

>cuck is filtered

>> No.9070933

Women aren't political beings. To call them liberals is to assign agency where there is none. You're the cuck.

>> No.9070939

Conservatives tend to be scholarly gentlemen like William F Buckley Jr while liberals tend to be stupid, shitsucking dykes like Simone De Beauvoir
Liberals aren't political beings because liberalism is not a political ideology. it's a mental illness. Back to the synagogue, Tyrone.

>> No.9070945
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>read 10 pages
>become exhausted, unable to read another page
>lament that I don't have the intellectual vigor to finish a 300 page book every day

>> No.9070950

>liberalism is not a political ideology. it's a mental illness
Oh man, you just had to say that, didn't you? Now you're gonna have to back it up, kiddo

>> No.9070952

There's nothing wrong with ensuring you get the meaning of a phrase.

It's good of you to take time and actually learn, than to merely breeze through skimming, and applaud yourself for reading all those pages in a minute.

>> No.9070953

unironically a great post.
dubs validate.

>> No.9070958

My evidence is just look at the fucking facts. Look at real life. I know that's hard for a liberal cuck like you to do. Everything liberals talk about is delusion. They talk about invisible structural inequality, they think everything is oppression, they believe the multicultikek lie. The burden of proof is hardly on me, friend.

>> No.9070970

Just look at the trees! How could evolution do that? Obviously the world is 6000 years old.

>> No.9070975

>My evidence is just look at the fucking facts. Look at real life.
So you made a claim without any evidence and you don't think the burden of proof lies on you?

>Scholarly gentlemen

>> No.9070977

Wow, so brave. I bet you unironically post those "how it feels to be republican in college" macros

>> No.9070980

That would be the observation of the uneducated man, the scientific equivalent of a liberal. Conservatives like myself can in this one sense be compared to that greatest of Jewish professions: the scientist. You make spurious conclusions about the world while we analyze it and seek truth.
The state of the west is proof. Multiculturalism has led us into a disaster driven by liberal "tolerance"
It does feel good.

>> No.9070987

>getting meme'd this hard

>> No.9070996

The West is fine, what about it bothers you? Are you so weak and pathetic that you can't handle it?

>> No.9071001

whites are being genocided and women are having sex with black men

>> No.9071006

Yeah this is b8

>> No.9071012

False flag
I am stronger than you for I see the hideous Truth and I seek to improve it. I am not satisfied with "fine" when I know that White civilization is destined for excellence. The barbarians are at the gate. The average man has to be embarrassed of his whiteness. This isn't "fine," this is Hell. Conservatives alone have the strength to drag Western civilization out of this nightmare, and we're gracious enough to bring liberals like you with us since even though you're utterly wrong about everything, we are brothers in Whiteness.

>> No.9071021

Praise Lord Kek, white brother. His meme magic will ultimately redeem us.

>> No.9071031

What the fuck are you talking about? I am white and in the West and I am not being oppressed or shamed because of it. I have shitloads of advantages, and I would definitely choose to be white again in this time in human history.

What exactly about your condition are you trying to improve, and what is the excellent thing that you are trying to contribute?

>> No.9071034

someone is reading Agape by Gaddis xD

>> No.9071041

Reminder that irony and satire are no longer allowed here because 4chan is strictly a counterculture website.

>> No.9071048

The cruelest and most Jewish plot the liberals have enacted is to convince the White man that he is not oppressed. It is impossible to be proud of whiteness and not be ostracized. You are in Plato's Cave of liberality, and you fail to notice it.
I alone can only contribute my vast intellect to the cause (my iq is at least 130), but success is possible through brotherhood alone. I wish to have a white, non-egalitarian, monarchist ethnostate. That is excellence. Through faith in Christ and faith in kek, it is possible.

I suggest you open your eyes and read some Jared Taylor.

>> No.9071050

You don't get to pick what 4chan is, you pathetic little faggot.

>> No.9071056

Just saying you should go back to talking about Stephen Colbert on Reddit.

>> No.9071065

I know you're b8 but I'm having fun, so...

In this weird delusional world you've constructed to live in, having to just SEE people with different shades of skin is oppression and other people having consensual sex is... Genocide?


>> No.9071076

Not being able to acknowledge the objective superiority of whites is oppression as defined by the Jewess Iris Marion Young.
Interracial sex in alternative to white-white marriage is genocide. Every child a white has with a non-white is equivalent to the death of a potential white child.

>> No.9071087

>What the fuck are you talking about? I am white and in the West and I am not being oppressed or shamed because of it.
Wow, really? Nobody has ever informed you that you were racist and privileged and that you should pity other races?

>> No.9071101

Just for the record, what you're talking about is eugenics, not genocide. (and BTW you are the one explicitly endorsing it). You're probably REALLY uneducated, or just acting that way because you enjoy pretending to be a retard. Either way, this is textbook projection, in that you project your own unconscious thought processes into your mental picture of the enemy. Which, by the way, is all a figment of your imagination.

Also, the West includes places like this on the internet. So you CAN proclaim all your weird racist ideologies as much as you want... With literally no repercussions. You're literally doing the thing you are saying you can't do, right now. How are you oppressed?

>> No.9071113

Literally never. I mean, I don't GO to weird rallies and get in people's faces, I just enjoy being white and do what I want to do. I have a white wife and white kids, white friends, and mostly white colleagues. I seriously think you guys either don't go outside, or just believe every disinformation story you are told by your poltard "informants".

>> No.9071118
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I've told you how I'm oppressed time and time again. If I bring up racial criminality, I'm called a bigot, etc. I won't bother with your petty ad hominem

>> No.9071121
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To both of you idiots, the leftists that have destroyed the democratic nature of political function have done so by exercising a 1984 style control over their own supplicants, and followers, not by attempting to control the conservative opposition with said techniques.

Look at feminism. It has all the trademarks of newspeak etched into its foundations. Simplifying the ability of its followers to distinguish shades of grey between concepts and ideas. Leaving them cognitively dissonant, and incapable of comparing or contrasting related issues.

This is on the verge of self destruction, so don't worry yourselves too much about it. Any culture, or sub-culture, that has submitted to thought control has been done away with by natural selection. These mentally ill, brainwashed lunatics don't have children. And when they do, they are raised to be just as fruity and useless as their parents.

The zenith of cultural marxist idiocy is reached. The conservatives are coming back.

>> No.9071134

You don't seem to understand my point.

>You argue that you are not allowed to say white people are objectively better blah blah blah.
>you literally ARE saying white people are objectively better blah blah blah RIGHT FUCKING NOW

Do you seriously not see that?

>> No.9071145
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And it will swing like a pendulum for all eternity... I am arguing against the conservative, but I am not a liberal. I don't know why you seem to think I give a shit what the masses are doing.

>> No.9071147

I didn't argue that I'm never allowed to say it moron. Typical liberal perceiving what he wants to exist instead of what actually does. In mainstream society, such behavior is taboo. I'm not satisfied that there are a few bastions of free speech left (/pol/, r/the_donald, etc). This is MY culture so I should be allowed to be proud of MY people where ever I want.

>> No.9071148

I know a kid who would actually say this in real life.
He's 14 and autistic btw

>> No.9071152

So you are angry because you're not allowed to say to your family and friends that white people are better? Or is it that you want to be able to say it to strangers?

>> No.9071161

It won't.

We've entered the technological information age. What we've seen is that memetics, culturally organic memetics, is far beyond the complexity of that which can be honed and sculpted to compete.

And every attempt to stifle it will bring forth opposition which outweighs the attempt itself. We've seen this with Trumps victory. This is the beginning of the end for leftism.

>> No.9071164

If you ever post a picture that small again I will cave your head in, kiddo.

>> No.9071169

It ought to be the assumption off of which policy is based. It's not sufficient to say it. It is a truth and should be treated as such. Imagine if they made believing and saying that the speed of light is constant a taboo. It would be absurd.
desu America at least is full of people on both sides of the "debate" calling the other side delusional and sincerely believing that if they looked at "the facts" or "reality" that they'd change their mind.

>> No.9071174
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>tfw too stupid to make a thread that doesn't devolve into asinine politics

>> No.9071180


>> No.9071195

If you need to concentrate to read it, you'll pay more attention.

>Oppressions begets more powerful opposition.
>this will result in stasis, not pendulum.
U wat m8?

I am flabbergasted by the differences in thinking presented by the two sides of your post! But I can see there is no arguing with you. It's clear you've created a closed loop thought process which can ONLY support itself no matter what contrary evidence is ever brought to you by any person, white or not. No matter what these sorts of thoughts are about (race, conspiracy, friendships, etc.) they are literal insanity and cannot be intervened with reason. You will most likely die as unhappy about the world as you are now, because the real world is way more complex than the one you have constructed for your mind to live in.

>> No.9071202

>the real world is way more complex than the one you have constructed for your mind to live in.
So what you want to say is that I'm delusional, and I'd change my mind if only I'd look at the facts ;^)

>> No.9071210

Yes, but not in the sense that you would develop a different opinion on the same level as your own (white is good, multicultural is good, etc.), but rather that you would realise these positions are absolutely meaningless and arbitrary when seen in light of the existential absurdity literally all of us have been placed into.

>> No.9071213

Ignorance of an event leads to its repetition. If you can't control what people remember, or what information have access to, without arousing suspicion, then you've lost control of the narrative.

The internet isn't a book, it's indefinitely archival.

>> No.9071217

What's your evidence?

>> No.9071221

The narrative has never been in anyone's control for very long, ever. All conspiracy theories to the contrary, even positing the existence of malevolent secret societies, are delusional equivalents of the God-the-father comfort.

Nobody is in control.

>> No.9071227

Same as this one here:
>real life.

And yet we reach different conclusions... Maybe we don't live in the same reality.

>> No.9071237

>A bunch of new characters are introduced in rapid succession
>realize two pages later you have no idea who is who

>> No.9071297

>go to sleep
>read it in the morning
Work errytim

>> No.9071322


Being called a bigot isn't being oppressed.

>> No.9071394


>sentence is long and complex
>understand it perfectly though
>immediately conceive a simpler way of expressing the overwrought brainfart
>dismiss author as a posturing pseud and stop reading

Literature is very difficult for people who are actually smart.