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9070465 No.9070465[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ seems to be the best most intelligent board to ask about this, /pol/ would just screech, so here is my question:

There seems to be a lot of circumstantial evidence pointing to Donald Trump being unable to read or having great difficulty reading - what is wrong with the man?

>> No.9070469

Dyslexia probably.

>> No.9070481

he needs special glasses probably due to his elder age
when was the last time you had a president with glasses?

>> No.9070484

Care to provide some of the evidence? Genuinely interested

>> No.9070486


I think this to some extent

Also impatience?

I know he went to military school, and that's typically for kids with too much energy and trouble staying focused.

>> No.9070495

I wouldn't be surprised, he is the oldest U.S president ever.

>> No.9070513


>> No.9070517

He didnt read the executive order putting Bannon on the NSC, and was not aware of what it said
Various interviews in which he says he reads little, gets his information from "the shows"
Two interviews several months apart ask him what he is reading and after a blank stare mumbles "All Quiet on the Western Front"
People who have known him saying he doesn't read
SNL cast members claiming he couldn't read the scripts
This deposition in which he can't read aloud the contract he signed and tries very hard to weasel out of it https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=WfaXILOSEf0

>> No.9070532

Building large walls > being able to read

>> No.9070533

Holy shit that clip, I'm getting worried that he can't read now.

>> No.9070549

>Being unable to read
Oh boy.

>> No.9070557

Our president possibly cannot read.

Our president possibly cannot read.


The person who will be in charge of us for 4-8 years might be unable to read.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck we're fucked.

>> No.9070563

Reading is brainwashing, retard.

>> No.9070567

really made me think, man.

>> No.9070568

Wasn't there that moment in the election when he BTFO'd anderson cooper or some other MSM shill with a transcript he pulled out?
Course he could have memorized it but still.

Also, someone would have discovered it a long time ago if he couldn't, and they'd probably have released it to the media considering the money that would get them. Seems unlikely that he can't read, maybe he's not so good at it though.

>> No.9070573

It's fun to get political every now and then! Better share it on Facebook so all your yuppie friends can see you adulting!

>> No.9070582

Official ranking of Trump conspiracy memes
Trump can't read > Barron is autistic > Russia

>> No.9070588

Where does "Bannon is pulling the strings" rank?

>> No.9070589

He's used teleprompters on multiple occasions. Why would he suddenly be unable to read?

>> No.9070592

He once knocked down a teleprompter saying it didn't work.

>> No.9070594

>he thinks it's a meme

>> No.9070595

Barron is autistic though.

>> No.9070602

Lech Walesa still can't read and Poland is not even close to be fucked, anons. Don't worry

>> No.9070616

Poland is a shithole desu

>> No.9070624

it was way long before Walesa

>> No.9070634

>Poland is not even close to be fucked
You guys certainly seem to be trying hard lately though

>> No.9070636

BTFO lol also a teleprompter doesn't necessarily mean you are reading word for word, it you know prompts you with a single word or phrase so you can move on to the next portion of memorized material, or has one great phrase you can ad lib eloquently (or not) around.

>> No.9070641

Nvm me, read that wrong

>> No.9070646

He graduated from Wharton and uses teleprompters regularly. Maybe there is some type of issue somewhere, but to think he can't read is ridiculous, and you would have to resort to special pleading to attempt that case.

>> No.9070652

See >>9070517
I provided a source of him unable to read a contract he signed
Lets see your transcript source

>> No.9070665

Have you seen the clips of him reading it? Its very halting and stilted
He even congratulated himself for it at the end of one
And look at how he often goes off his speeches to ramble and attack people

>> No.9070668
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reading is fake and gay

>> No.9070671

He doesn't use them regularly, and when he does he has trouble with it

>> No.9070676

Seems very unlikely to me that he cannot read.
Might be that he is too vain to wear glasses or contacts, since he needs glasses, yet you almost never see him wearing them.

>> No.9070680

If he has trouble with it, but reads it, then he can read.

>> No.9070690

>unable to read or having great difficulty reading

>> No.9070691


Good shit

>> No.9070696

My post only concerned whether or not he was a capable of reading, and I acknowledged the may have some other type of issue. I think this >>9070676 is the most likely explanation. Either that or something like dyslexia.

>> No.9070697

I could see that in public
But in private at home or in his office he can put them on and read
But people who know him say he doesn't read
He says he doesn't get his information from reading but from watching cable news

>> No.9070701


Trump reading something with glasses.

I'm pretty amazed how vain he is, to be honest. But his vanity will probably force him to actually get shit done, so his name isn't sullied even more.

>> No.9070710

I see nothing wrong there. He's probably shitty out loud reader, so he's avoiding the subject. I know I am embarrassed of myself when I need to read out a section.

>> No.9070741

If Donald Trump can't read then he is perhaps the greatest orator in human history

>> No.9070747


Oh, and there's a proof right there. >>9070710 It's obviously a known piece to him, rehersed, and he's still not at all convincing, so he sticks with improvising.

>> No.9070777
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>syrian refugees are vicious snakes

>> No.9070787



>> No.9070832

This is special pleading.

>> No.9070838

that's it, I'm a neo-Nazi now


>> No.9070856

I'd be more afraid of tripping on some razors while in a bath and in depressing mood.

>> No.9070861

These "people" are simply mentally ill compared to us

>> No.9070874


>> No.9070932

>I watch Samantha Bee and seriously think that it's a respectable source of information!

>> No.9070951

She is hardly the only one
There is video of deposition
There are the numerous other sources

>> No.9070955


>> No.9070969


>> No.9071140

trump used to have a better vocabulary. either he's dumbing himself down as part of an act, or he's genuinely losing it with age. the man was never a genius but I bet he did read back in the day, but not much more then the average person, probably a few novels and some pop history books. nowadays tv and twitter have melted his brain.

>> No.9071177


>> No.9071185

He must've well read when he was younger. Probably a degenerative brain disease like Alzheimers. Or has he always been this bad?

>> No.9071222

>implying that all anti-trump sentiment is liberal posturing

>> No.9071236
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Apparently these are his favs


I can see how he has read stuff like "All Quiet on the Western Front" (probably read it in highschool) and "Power of Positive Thinking". Hell I can even see him reading Ralph Emerson because I assure all burgers read that.

But I can't imagine he's read "The Art War" or "The Prince". That's just shit you say you've read at parties and for Trump toe stablish he's some kind of tactical genius.

>> No.9071250

You realize both of those are pretty much universally on every military's reading list right?

>> No.9071252

>never a genius


>> No.9071259

I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. I'm shocked Starship Troopers isn't on there but that indicates he probably didn't get around to it.

>> No.9071273

You should read Shareblues leaked white paper thing, they came to a conclusion that Democrats supporters sounded like cultists repeating stock arguments that barely anybody could understand while Trump supporter was able to effectively communicate and efficiently.

>> No.9071275
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>intelligence and wealth are related
>DT is a billionaire
>"I know bc...wellll.....he says so!"

>> No.9071281

I just showed both of these to my mother, who is dyslexic. In her opinion, Trump has a reading problem. She said he "cuts it up and makes his own version".

>> No.9071287

>back in the day
people in the 90s and 80s said he did not read

>> No.9071289


>Trump reads Mein Kampf
>Trump can't read

pick one leftists

>> No.9071290

>But I can't imagine he's read "The Art War" or "The Prince". That's just shit you say you've read at parties and for Trump toe stablish he's some kind of tactical genius.
Its the shit the wall street yuppies were reading in the 80s

>> No.9071294

If he is dyslexic that means he qualifies as an "oppressed" person doesn't it? He should come out with it, then he can blame liberal opposition on ableist bigotry.

>> No.9071295

Its not hard to be a billionaire when you get a 6 billion dollar bail out for reckless borrowing http://www.investopedia.com/updates/donald-trump-rich/

>> No.9071296

1) he is not a billionaire, his net worth before entering the election was probably around 250 million - and that would have dropped as people began boycotting his products and retailers stopped stocking it.
2) his wealth is based on inheritance and promoting an image and licensing products, if thats a sign of intelligence then what does that say about the Kardashians?

>> No.9071300

>if thats a sign of intelligence then what does that say about the Kardashians?

That they are smart businesspeople.

>> No.9071301

Fuck off over-sensitive pol/acks

>> No.9071304

>Getting upset when somebody calls you a leftist
Jesus senpai that's some top quality self-hate going on there.

>> No.9071305

>some top quality self-hate going on there
Not really, its just not constructive when he's putting words in some anon's mouth.

>> No.9071307

>questions trump's status as a billionaire
>the fucking guy has a fucking golden tower with his name on it
cmon bud.

>> No.9071309

>taking offence at something that was meant to be offensive

how unreasonable

>> No.9071313

>implying that muh wall is a good idea
The immigrants will just dig underground tunnels or find another way to get there, silly anon.

>> No.9071314

>he has a big ugly skyscraper, therefore he's rich

please try harder

>> No.9071315

>implying there won't be roving mole death squads

>> No.9071316

>implying poorfags own golden skyscrapers
i don't see a golden skyscraper with "anonfag" on it, now do i? you're just jealous.

>> No.9071318

He's too busy, you know, being president.

>> No.9071321
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Underground tunnels are ludicrously dangerous and costly.

>> No.9071323

>massive financal crisis near the end of the 80's
>literally billions in the hole and needed a bailout
>his businesses never recovered
>2008 happened
>this guy thinks he actually owns most of the shit under the Trump brand
>trump doesn't reveal his financial report and tax returns saying its all fine

H-h-h-he's rich guys, trust me! H-he has to be!

>> No.9071324

Trump made his money by inheriting wealth and intimidating other property owners who were less wealthy and even dumber than he is. When it comes to manipulating other people who either can't read or never choose to, he's pretty much a genius.

>> No.9071327

Let me guess, the financial disclosures he had to file with the government for his presidential campaign are fake too?

>> No.9071328
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And yet poor, desperate and sometimes crazy people who are willing to pay money to people smugglers are gonna make them anyway

Hey, so how many tunnels has Israel demolished?

>> No.9071329

I came here to ask /lit/ for serious discussion

and now its /pol/ tier shitposting

I might as well have asked /tv/
at least there all I'd get is cunny, bane, crablegs, and what did he mean by that

>> No.9071330

You suck.

>> No.9071331

>If I keep repeating this it'll eventually come true

>> No.9071333

>He graduated from Wharton
At a time when it was admitting and passing anyone who could pay full tuition plus a very hefty surcharge

>> No.9071336
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Well if they say he's a billionaire then whatever, but a tower that at this point he probably doesn't even personally own isn't a good indication anon

>> No.9071337

Blame /sffg/, they invited reddit and drove off old-/lit/, which ruined any possibility of sensible moderate discussion.

>> No.9071339

>Guy lives in opulence constantly
>Has excellently tailored suits
>Has a fucking helicopter
>Implying someone would buy Trump tower and leave his fucking name on it
>Implying he'd refuse to take his presidential salary if he weren't swimming in dosh
>Insinuating so hard because he's jealous that someone has a shitload of money and just became the most powerful man in existence

>> No.9071344

Wrong. Trump is a real estate giant: he doesn't have money, he has power. He's run numerous successful business ventures and became president with the entire median against him.

No buffoon does this. Trump is playing the fool.

>> No.9071345

Most likely. Some people with this and similar disorders seems to have something to prove.

>> No.9071347

also, why in the flying fuck would anyone want the brand name of an unsuccessful businessman? what are you, retarded?

>> No.9071351

>Implying someone would buy Trump tower and leave his fucking name on it
Dude, stop, you have literally no idea what you are talking about.

Trump is a brand name, he doesn't own every company with the title.


>Insinuating so hard
For someone who likes Trump you really don't know that much about him

>> No.9071354

Sure feels like CTR in here. I thought you guys only shilled on /pol/

>> No.9071356

Wouldn't call him a giant. There are plenty of real estate guys with a lot more property and a lot more money that you haven't heard of because they don't license their names out to properties that they dont even own

>> No.9071358

The argument over his wealth is not about whether he is a billionaire. I've never heard that questioned by any reputable source. Trump, though, claims that he is worth $10 billion or so, whereas he has been valued at $2-3 billion by others.

>> No.9071359

Caesar probably didn't read either and he was a great leader.

>> No.9071365
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>> No.9071368

>Far-left Marxists arguing somebody whose net worth is "probably around 250 million" isn't rich
What a time to be alive.

>> No.9071369

>actually considering these obvious political lies
If you keep falling for these underhanded political tactics you're never gonna find out about the reptillians. Stop drinking fluoride.

>> No.9071371

Because a bunch of idiots actually think highly of Trump. Do you think intelligent people who want to be taken seriously actually wear Trump ties or prefer to stay in Trump hotels?

>> No.9071373

>On archaelogical dig in Rome
>Find ancient manuscript
>Caesar's ghost-writer tells all

>> No.9071376

Underrated post

>> No.9071378

maybe they admire him because.. i dunno, he's a billionaire?

>> No.9071382

>admiring someone because he's a billionaire

>> No.9071384

>can't even read a simple list
Follow your leader

>giant real estate mogul
>"probably around 250 million" isn't rich
Its really not dude, not for him.

>> No.9071389

>admiring someone because he's a nigger
not much better for the past prez.

>> No.9071405

Trump's mental acuity and funds and even his racial opinions were never put into question until the politics started. To say that political hit pieces aren't potentially skewed is to buy into the media's bullshit. Which people are happy to do until their own favorites or ideas get criticized.

>> No.9071414

not an argument.

>> No.9071415

umm bc he was just a silly clown up until that point. it's natural that people running for president are put under higher scrutiny.

>> No.9071421

They asked for his interpretation of what he read. You and your mother are fucking retarded.

>> No.9071422

>as opposed to muh people who idolize billionaires are dumb dumbs
and yet he was a public figure, people knew of him, had reason to bring him low in the private sector as the billionaire that he is, to say that social blackmail wouldn't be relevant even before his political rising is naive at best.