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9067768 No.9067768 [Reply] [Original]

Why is contemporary philosophy so inaccessible and obfuscatory?

>> No.9067771

If you don't write that way you aren't taken seriously.

>> No.9067775

Because it's building off stuff from the previous century which built off stuff from the previous century and so on for like 16 times, so it's just gonna get worse as time goes on

>> No.9069034

The Poetry Tree has a long been a growing and early has the lowest fruits been bought

>> No.9069055

It's not, unless you think you deserve instant gratification.

>> No.9070095

and this too, sadly

>> No.9070167

Try Vincent Descombes. Dunno what's available of him in English, but in French his books are both rigorous and very clear, a real pleasure to read and learn with him.

>> No.9070206

You're just dumb.

>> No.9070855

The French.

>> No.9071398

Modern philosophy prides itself on the exact opposite. You just can't connect premises or don't have the requisite knowledge/expertise of concepts that the philosophers purposely use to talk about deeper topics in that field. Otherwise they would have to write 20 page primers on the basics for every paper.

You can say that modern philosophy is so detailed and specific to the point of asinine autism but to say it is obfuscatory ,means you probably don't know much about modern philosophy

>> No.9071455

That's like asking why contemporary physics is so inaccessible and obfuscatory. How are you supposed to understand it if you don't have the requisite skill set and background knowledge to do so? You think philosophy is just a bunch of aphorisms about ethics?

>> No.9071495

Both of these. Nothing can be stated simply anymore cause everything that can be already has been. And so you're left with elaborating upon older ideas with ever more circuitous and disorienting twists in logic. As somebody who had to write philosophy papers in college, there were times when I lost track of my own reasoning even as I was writing out my arguments. I would later read these nigh-incomprehensible essays and wonder at the A+ scrawled at the bottom of the last page.

>> No.9071507

I have a strong suspicion none of you have ever read Foucault.

>> No.9071516

So does that mean that, somewhere along the history of philosophy, somebody got it completely right, and now in the present day all that's left to quibble over is particulars?

>> No.9071522

Because philosophy went from being the straightforward confidence that basic shitty logic directly accessed the mind of God, to thinking that we needed to figure out the underlying magical conditions of our own thinking, to realizing that the underlying conditions of our own thinking might just be a confused shitshow of unconscious currents and flows and weird sea monsters determining and limiting our thoughts, to a fuckload of weird attempts to get around that, to the realization that all those attempts had failed, to attempts to show that not only do you realize the problem AND that understand all the attempts that were made AND understand how they failed and only fell prey to the problem even worse while also thinking they avoided it, YOU aren't going to fall prey to the problem because YOU have the real slippery dippery tricky dick method for establishing your res cogitans as the crystal clear pure chalice of thought, even though of course you deny the res cogitans exists because you're not so naive that you don't realize it's an historical artefact, in fact none of these words I'm using right now even exist, nothing exists, but to prove that none of them exist I have to master the entire philosophical traditions leading up to all of them to show that nothing that I am saying is actually happening right now and this is all just an amorphous haze of particles

>> No.9071525

If you assume there's anything as simple as a single right answer for life then sure whatever makes you feel happy.

>> No.9071528

I have a strong suspicion he isn't worth reading

>> No.9071538

So you go from defending deliberately obfuscating texts to dismissing them when it suits you.

>> No.9071541


Because you're illiterate.

>> No.9071544


Foucault literally reads like a novel. If you have trouble with him, you're an irredeemable retard.

>> No.9071552

Contemporary philosophy is dominated primarily by the analytic school, Zizek's star power notwithstanding. I'm defending technical analytic works, not neomarxist french frog continental faggotry like Fougay that deserves to be tossed into the trash

>> No.9071560


analytic tradition is hegemonic bc its useful for shining the shafts of physicists and set theorists, not because its good, interesting, or enriching for an understanding of self, world, etc.

>> No.9071570
File: 375 KB, 763x960, 1485336247131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Contemporary philosophy is dominated primarily by the analytic school,

This is like an ESP researcher on Ghost Hunters saying "contemporary science is dominated primarily by ectoplasmic studies"

How clueless can you possibly be to think that your pathetic non-philosophy wasn't left behind two generations ago, after a generation or two, tops, of no one caring about it anyway

You are pathetic, analyticfag. You've wasted your life.

>> No.9071572

>everything that can be already has been

what did he mean by this

>> No.9071584


no, he's right. there are remarkably few schools that will teach you continental at any level of instruction. German Idealism and French Structuralism never happened in most Anglo philosophy departments, and if they did, they are hand-waived as obscurantist anti-foundationalism which some vaguely conceived and unrigorous concept of "every day language" manages to paper over. if you want to study Foucault, Derrida, Hegel... you're much better off doing French or German, or Comp. Lit. specializing in those languages.

>> No.9071587

Not really. Analytic school focuses more on the metaphysical structure of the "world" and the nature of the "self" than any continental sewage that's been floating out there since at least Merleau-Ponty. It's fine that you don't like it and want to insult it because you don't understand it or its value, but its overlap with physics and mathematics only occurs in light of its preoccupation with their philosophical foundations, not as a structural character of the tradition itself. It deals with its own set of issues faggot

>> No.9071670

here's one way to think of it: continental phil is the big picture, analytic phil is the nuts and bolts. that's in the case of good philosophers ofc. no doubt one has a tendency to fly off into outer space, and the other has a tendency to be autistic af, but they can work together. like a house and its foundations.

>> No.9073316

That's a very arbitrary division, Hegel for example is very concerned with metaphysical minutiae. In fact that's where he is at his best, and not his philosophy of history.

>> No.9073320

I don't know about analytical philosophy, but I'd guess they probably go beyond that division as well.

>> No.9073333

Because if you're an academic bidding for funding, you have to disguise the fact that your work is completely pointless.

>> No.9073432


>> No.9073599
File: 256 KB, 1552x1552, Mars_Valles_Marineris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because if communists talked like normal people, everyone would realize their ideas are fucking retarded and they would be laughed out of town.