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9066185 No.9066185 [Reply] [Original]

In your best prose, write about the beauty of the female body.

>> No.9066199

ass n titties ass ass n titties

>> No.9066204

bags filled with flesh, blood, shit, and bacteria. nice.

>> No.9066209

>too white
>not trans enough
your pleb taste never ceases to disappoint me lads

>> No.9066211


Mounds of caramel, bittersweet.
My tongue through crevices of her feet.
To the hips where the nose dips.
Panties dropped, tower rising; popped.
There I stared upon it and it stared back upon me.
The black abyss.

>> No.9066213

Here's a modern haiku:

Her boobies? Shit's bonker
Her butt? FLAMING as summer (seasonal reference)
Her teeth? As white as their bleacher poopy cavity
I'll insert my peepee
In her vag

>> No.9066214

Thic (2017)
Soft and supple, like a ham. Truly satisfying when basted with thick golden honey, I sneak a taste. Big pork loin woman, such a fancy delightful afternoon where my woman sits down on the couch for hours on end. Oh how when she gets up I smell her butt sweat on the upholstery. Waft in the essence of Her...

>> No.9066217

>Mallory had an ass of alabaster perfection---smooth and daunting like the surgical white pillow suffocating the comatose---for her to smother me in the same way! Gimme the ass and I'll happily pass, greeting St. Peter with the lingering taste of wet taint still overwhelming those last precious moments of consciousness.

>> No.9066222

Hard days of work
You had a hard day at work baby
I want you to sit down, relax
While I soak you in my mentals
Backrub style, watch this, yo, yo
Massage, peppermint oil, shampoo and pears
Cinnamin, aloe, natural for you hair
So lather the soap, coconut conditioning
Honey lather, blood flowing, love glistening
Motion lotion, breeze, over the ocean
Lovers, bath crystals, lovers bun scrubbers
Hot milk bath, steam shower rubbing
These will splash long loving in your oven
Make it off, break it off, till it gets soft
Passion fruit, pussy cat, want to touch it off
In and out, rapers patients, Hershey's Kisses get a style
Stress reliever soak your feet, air them out
Brain message, think about pink
Stress relieving, no dishes in the sink
Upper lower, left, right, neck don't play
Back rub, count on, take me away
Waterfall beads, streams, plush and lavish
Come with me through all the damn madness
Night breeze at sea, sipping tea
You and your queen melodies, and trees, 85 degrees
Jet skis breeze
Scraping water on chocolate, butter scotch flowers
Vapor action, tropical sunshower
Baby powder, relax, feel for an hour
Sand suntan, snuggled up snug
Snowey days, fireplace, oriental rug
Thugs, lay on the couch, pull it out, perfect balance
Chemical stimuli, two tokes off the chalace
Complete silence, what surround us
Whats the finest, wrapped in cold sheets
Vanilla apple heat, loop played jazz music, coffee pillow sleeps
Breakfast in bed, early morning sun treats
Sunset level, suprise sunrises, hell
Lay on the couch, while I clip your toenails
Dreams of peaches and cream steam secret spells
Soft spoken gospel, Barry White acapell
Violin, good medicine, sound swell
Sunshine like, the right, without the hell
Taste sugar, wise storm steam stick
Slowdance drink, like nights over Egypt
Having, stabbing, calm chilling now we rolling
Company, ice cream licking now we holding
Gentle force, warm tingle of the golden
Open loose, ice cubes, kiss your belly
Alcohol, palm trees, peanut butter jelly
Almond twirl, fantastic melodies
Soon, taste these spoons
Wiping me with toon, fly wine, prize storm
Now it's high noon, rasberry spices
Cherry breath, drink from the mountain, sip the very best
Sounds of the shore, every winter is a war
Paradise life, recipe now pour
Musicness, model, gentle mental
Wash away your sorrow, fantasy Allah
Put the message in the bottle
Carry you through, the threshold, do my duty
Happy ending, go to rest Sleeping Beauty
Yo, this is that body shop shit
Love love slam
Edible underwear, champagne, bubble bath
Have your snack on that ass that
Know what I mean?
Massaging these melodies
Put that gangsta shit on the shelf
Blow winds, blow, through your hair
Sea breeze sticks and shit
Right right
When your around boo
Come and chop this mother fucking beat you stank ass trick

>> No.9066229

Convex, concave, convex. Soft and loose though. Also fat and jiggy, but with some perky firmness underneath. Makes my wiener get hard and tingly.

>> No.9066231
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>> No.9066233

Dat shit hot lol

>> No.9066245

Here's a napkin, wipe off your lips and lose them fat hips
I know your toes smell, your butt smell like corn chips
You was about what? Lookin bougie, I ain't the one
You try to pour your drink on me, go' head call the bouncers
My cousin outside, with two tecs, and forty ounces
Them homos at the door, didn't want none - further more
You started first fats, I'mma quench your thirst
Don't need no pens, why them niggas lookin at my hearse?
With two grenades in my coat, a bomb in my pocket
I'll make this club jump off just like a Houston Rocket
Like Monica said, "Just one of those days - you take it personal"

>> No.9066250

Women are extremely obnoxious because there is no way to turn off your instinct to value them and desire them based on their immediate appearance.

The male transcendental aesthetic assigns irreducible sublimity to something as soon as it detects that the thing has a vagina. This isn't even a single operation. You don't just look at a woman and go "I want her." That would at least be tolerable. What actually happens is that the "I want her" impulse is mediated across secondary channels and processes that tediously unfold in your mind. You look at her, you realize she has a vagina, and then six different half-imagined fantasies and weird yens like "I wonder what her asscrack smells like?" start playing themselves out, where previously you had been thinking about the physics and engineering of suspension bridges.

The more sex you have, the worse it gets. I saw a girl walking home tonight and she had bare legs because she had just been at the gym. My brain immediately slotted a 96% accurate, involuntary fantasy of what it would feel like to kiss and lick her legs before fucking her, based on previous experiences of fuckings that I've had. All she was doing was walking around. She gets to have a completely free and unfettered mind, but because I saw her mundane leg flesh, I had my time and cognitive energies wasted by imagining the exact spot where her ass fat meets her thigh fat and trying to guess at what kind of pussy lip configuration she has.

Sometimes I try to force myself to realize that women are just people, just semi-hairless apes like me. But the more I do that, the more I find it sexy that I want to smell and french kiss their holes. No matter how you try to escape your innate tendency to rate the sublimity of a frumpy 5/10's semi-hourglass shaped body as on par with the plasma jets of a quasar, your brain just finds a new way to humiliate you. There is no possible way to look at a woman and not want to fuck her. I want them to leave me alone so I can read my fucking book on the bus in peace.

>> No.9066251

She got a big booty so I call her big booty.

>> No.9066259

saved my friend :^)

>> No.9066272


I'd buy your book

>> No.9066284

Gzus whats her name?

>> No.9066291

Imagine how women fell toward men, you robot.

>> No.9066294

Who's this semen sommelier?

>> No.9066295

got an asscheek that is round like a ceramic bowl on sale at homesense for $35.99
her body has shapes like other objects for sale in magazine
she shapes and arranges the shapes of her body according to beauty standards
the shapelier bodies go to the highest bidder, men able to afford the splendour of such objects, still now analogous to furniture
the shapelier bodies acquire a taste for power, which generally ruins one's ability to appreciate their shapes
their supple breasts and firm taught stomachs become weapons used to control and oppress men
her cunt is like a Venus flytrap
her cunt gives her sovereign power over absolutely everyone all the time
one must not disagree with this sovereign object, her body like expensive household furniture, her cunt: God himself
her cunt being God, thou shalt OBEY

>> No.9066297

Muslims understands this, which is why they force their hoes to wear trash bags all day

>> No.9066299

This is great

>> No.9066305

No matter how they feel, it wouldn't be the same. Male sexuality is inherently different from female sexuality. Men are more visual, which is why seeing girls in hot pants walking around as if it's normal is such a distraction.

>> No.9066310

>No matter how they feel, it wouldn't be the same. Male sexuality is inherently different from female sexuality. Men are more visual, which is why seeing girls in hot pants walking around as if it's normal is such a distraction.

How would you know, are you a woman?

>> No.9066311
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>> No.9066313

who dat

>> No.9066316
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>> No.9066318

Ask transmen how their sexuality changes once they begin taking male hormones. They all say that they become hornier, and more obsessed with body parts.

>> No.9066320

>Ask transmen how their sexuality changes once they begin taking male hormones.

Uh, I'll pass.

>> No.9066324
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>> No.9066330

Do they also find it difficult to finish daily tasks because their minds flood with fantasies of dick?

>> No.9066335

>tfw seeing a beautiful woman ruins your day
Being a man fucking sucks

>> No.9066346

You men women on androgen hormone treatments. Not that there's anything wrong with it, just call it what it is.

>> No.9066347

Oh boy, how I know this feel. And then you come to your house and your empty, soulless bedroom.

>> No.9066350
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I write about the female body almost all the time, but I am a little drunk and watching the Super Bowl with my parents. I will report back later.

>> No.9066357

Will anon deliver?

>> No.9066369

I will. Would you like me to dig up something I've already written, or spitball something new?

>> No.9066378

Sierra Skye ;)

>> No.9066382
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>Would you like me to dig up something I've already written


>> No.9066384
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If you're strong you sublimate if you're weak you masturbate

>> No.9066391

Plump. Ripe. And just the right amount of tight, it's what it always has been. The female form, my one and only wet dream. Thick in all the places where I can get my grip, loveheart shaped lip upon lip ready for the slip of my hard, wet di-OH! Wowsy! Just another woman to make me drowsy!

I wish, I just wish...I wasn't a man....

>> No.9066398

Is sexual sublimation actually tennible, or are modern psychologists right that it can lead to mental disorders?

>> No.9066408

The psychoanalytic concept of 'repression' isn't synonymous with 'sublimation.' In short, one is life-denying and the other is life-affirming.

>> No.9066415

What's the actual distinction? They seem identical to me

>> No.9066416

You can count on me.

>> No.9066425


>> No.9066431

I think the gist of this is true. It's as if your mind genuinely cuts out and all you see is her. And the mindless subconscious rating too, the "would I-won't I", without even really realizing it's happening.

>Imagine how women fell toward men
Not even a fraction of the same. Even though Louie CK is an idiot the joke he has about men being sex prisoners in their mind compared to women only being tourists still holds true.

>> No.9066436


Women aren't actually "beautiful", just young and therefore fertile, which elicits carnal desire.

The enlightened will abstain from sex as from alcohol, or smoking, or other hedonistic experiences, save for the purpose of reproducing himself when he wants to start a family.

>> No.9066445

>or are modern psychologists right that it can lead to mental disorders
Never heard of this.

>> No.9066446

Repression is the superego having an unhealthy dominance over the desires of the id, resulting in denying oneself conscious access and acceptance to the pleasure principle causing anxiety, neurosis, and anti-social behaviors. Sublimation, on the other hand, is the ego dominating the id, denying the primitive short-term pleasure principle in favor of long-term goals of flourishing.

In short, life-denying vs. life-affirming; "I can't enjoy because of social norms" vs. "I shouldn't indulge because I have bigger goals."

>> No.9066458

Did you just write this? Brilliant, mate.

>> No.9066472




>> No.9066473

Bullshit. Female sexuality is way more selective. The number of men you encounter that you fantasize about is way lesser.

>> No.9066475

I'm not really seeing what the difference is supposed to be there, in regards to the superego and ego.

>> No.9066480

How about
>I want to indulge but I can't due to circumstances beyond my control

>> No.9066491

>tfw gay and can't really see what's so special about women

>> No.9066497

Have you never read Freud? Ego is "I shouldn't have sex because I have to be up early tomorrow" and superego is "I shouldn't have sex because premartial sex is wrong."

Not quite, because sublimation doesn't necessarily imply lack of control (although I can see why you would think that). They say Muhammad Ali wouldn't have sex for a month before each fight. That is sublimation. A situation where lack of control is involved, I suppose, would be Christian morality dictating masturbation and premarital sex are wrong, sublimating the sanctity of sex, but that's not what the original anon was talking about.

>> No.9066498
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>> No.9066499

You won the lottery m8, it's a curse.

>> No.9066500

bustling bosoms of Abraham's kotch i zotch the toch yipee yum yum gum ball patty cake bastereded yamies milky milky nam saks tidy nunnumbs crash bang pancake under pancake

>> No.9066504

would kill to be you

>> No.9066505

All things being equal, gays are the luckiest men on earth. I can't imagine how freeing it would be to look at a beautiful woman and feel absolutely nothing.

>> No.9066512
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C'mon, bros.

>> No.9066513

In your previous example, I don't see how it makes sense that the ego is the one which keeps you in check for the long term.

>> No.9066514

I am not that anon, but the fundamental difference is conscious acceptance of the desire. But I think I disagree with that other anon because they both ultimately lead to the same thing, which is that your base desires are not satisfied. This is not a good thing.

You want to not be ruled by hunger? Don't starve yourself, have a fucking sandwich and move on. You can't fight your biological needs and however much energy you think they are wasting is nothing compared to the mental energy used to sublimate them.

Think of it this way: imagine you have some work to do and you are horny. Try to sublimate the horniness and not succumb to the need, and see how easily distracted you are (by everything). Compare that to just having a quick wank, and then see how clear and unfettered your focus is. The second option is undoubtedly healthier and more productive. We don't transcend our animal instincts by denying them, we transcend them by being the (kind) master of them.

>> No.9066521

They're just shitting you. It's a gift and a curse at the same time. The annoying distraction is alternatively also a passion, a passion you can use to funnel your desires and focus. Not having it is worse than the worst of having it.

>> No.9066524
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Honestly there's like no better feeling than having a girl cuddle you with her head on your chest and you can just kinda feel your breathing lift her up and bring her down

I don't know if there's a psychological thing to that but I love it so much and I hate that I want it so bad
Fuck women

>> No.9066527

If having that passion is a good thing, why are gays so much more successful than straights?

>> No.9066531

that's exactly Hegel's view of (bodily) morality.

>> No.9066534

Sublimation is the wrong way to look at it.

Your force of effort and life isn't essentially sexual. It's just essentially creative, and most people are so boring that they choose the biologically default over what could be much better.

>> No.9066535

What is your question based on? Why do you think they are more successful, and at what?

Are you implying gays are not passionate?

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.9066537

The problem is that the wank doesn't satisfy the urge, it only eliminates horniness for half an hour. Once that time has elapsed, you're just as horny and as lonely as you were before.

>> No.9066539

Most girl's bodies are not nearly as nice as they look clothed
Thanks to leggings and pushup bras of any girl can create the illusion that their bodies are even worth fantasizing over
The average girl has terrible posture, tummy fat, a fucking wrecked vagina, skinny but also with cellulite, disgusting tits
Unless you're fucking nothing but 10s, 90% of the sex you will have will be disappointing
If I want to get rid of intrusive fantasies I just imagine what they actually look like naked

>> No.9066540

He is a faggot.

>> No.9066543

You dont have to think about sex that muc anon

>> No.9066551

You implied that the curse of male sexuality and it's obsession with young women is also a blessing because it can be funneled into constructive actions. If that's the case, then why are gays more financially and artistically successful than straights on average?

>> No.9066556

Nah, I don't think that's the case. I think if you honestly went into your work after cumming, and really immersed yourself in that, it would be more than half an hour.

My hunch is that you stay consciously dwelling on the awesomeness of the sexual fantasies and the orgasm and actually WILL your desire to come back because you had such fun with it.

Same analogy with eating: me saying that you should eat if you're hungry doesn't excuse people from eating 11 packets of doritos instead of doing their work. At that point it's not about satisfying the need it's about avoiding the work.

Well what'dya know! He's still in my back catalogue.

>> No.9066557

The drive never goes away completely.

>> No.9066562

why cant you just accept it for what it is? you need some old bearded jew to tell you what you are? that's disgusting

>> No.9066564

In your work and horny example, you don't factor in how often it isn't just a "quick wank", nor how often it just means you postpone your work again because you've exhausted your energy. What about the long term, then?
>The second option is undoubtedly healthier and more productive.
In the short term, because you get rid of your horniness. But what happens when you don't do it for a longer period of time? I remember the times I tried to experiment with it where I really wanted to but still ended up focusing on whatever annoying work I had to get through. I wouldn't say it helped me focus more, but I think the feeling at the end was worth more than the times I jerked off, worked, and finished working. Also your example with starving isn't comparable at all. You don't need to masturbate in the same way you need to eat. Go long enough without ejaculating and your body will do it naturally in your sleep, but you will still be as horny as you normally would be when you wake up, in relation to how long you've gone from ejaculating on your own terms.

I don't know. I think I'm going to try my best to go at least two or three months without. I've been wanting to for a while and see what happens to my thought process, productivity, energy level and so on.

>> No.9066566

>Well what'dya know! He's still in my back catalogue.

He argues against Kant transcendental postulations basically.

>> No.9066570

>If that's the case, then why are gays more financially and artistically successful than straights on average?
What exactly did he mean by this?

>> No.9066571

I'm testing this. I'm doing 3 months no fap and starting a journal, just to see how it feels.

>> No.9066572

What do you mean?

>This is not a good thing.

Many famous composers would hold-off on masturbation and sex in order to foster creativity. How is that not a good thing?

>> No.9066578

Here is what Schopenhauer says:

It is only the man whose intellect is clouded by his sexual instinct that could give that stunted, narrow-shouldered, broad-hipped, and short-legged race the name of the fair sex ; for the entire beauty of the sex is based on this instinct. One would be more justified in calling them the unaesthetic sex than the beautiful. Neither for music, nor for poetry, nor for fine art have they any real or true sense and susceptibility, and it is mere mockery on their part, in their desire to please, if they affect any such thing.

This seems to be correct. It is only by a coarse, vulgar and sexualized definition of "beauty" that woman can be called beautiful, but the true definition of beauty must necessarily subtract personal interest, and particularly sexual interest. Aesthetic contemplation is impossible when under the thrall of sexual passion. The woman's body, viewed objectively and aesthetically, would be seen as Schopenhauer correctly notes. Furthermore, the woman is fundamentally incapable of artistic endeavor and the woman is unable to create anything beautiful.

But I would take it further. It is only through a lot of unnatural cosmetics (which includes not only makeup, but plastic surgery, fancy clothes, hair removal, tanning, and so on) plus extreme efforts that go beyond nature (extreme dieting, physical exercise far more than is normal, and so on) that woman can be considered sexually appealing in anything but a prehistoric, grotesque sense. The "stunted, narrow-shouldered, broad-hipped, and short-legged race" is also hairy and immensely grotesque-smelling in the state of nature such as women existed throughout most history...men were only attracted to this in order to satisfy an animal and brute impulse, and in order to make children that would support one in old age.

Only under conditions of advanced civilization and leisure, and through the unnatural and extreme efforts hinted at above, can the woman be made to look appealing at all. But even then her bestial, animal nature still shows itself in her violent and brutish behavior. And so one is reminded, secretly, of her primal and grotesque origin as a "stunted, narrow-shouldered, broad-hipped, and short-legged" hairy, foul-smelling, hoarse-throated creature.

>> No.9066589

I'm used to it. Like other anons have said it's far healthier to indulge for a bit and focus on what you need to for longer on greater things.
But it's the lack of control I don't like. I should be used to a lack of control because that's life but it still is somewhat uncomfortable when you really think about it, near invisible forces inside my body can make me do things counter intuitive to my own prosperity because why not

It's just interesting to think about and I like to talk about it here even if my mind is pretty made up about it
Sorry to rant about this

>> No.9066598

The longest I've gone has been about two and a half weeks, if I remember right. And it wasn't even intentional the first week or so, after I realized a week had passed I wanted to see how far I could go. I definitely remember feeling I would get aroused by tame things more, and feel more energetic all around.

I mean in your example where you say the superego dominated the id, it leads to negative results. And the ego dominating the id can lead to positive long-term results. I don't understand how that's supposed to fit? Wouldn't it be the other way around, superego good long-term and ego not, or rather good short-term but not long-term?

>> No.9066600

It's possible to escape those forces, trust me.

>> No.9066614

Prostitution should be legal. The only reason it isn't is because women want to restrict male sexuality into forms that they themselves have complete control over. If men could get sex anywhere, the social power most women possess would dissipate.

>> No.9066618

>he's not homosexual
what a pleb.
Homosexuality can be an equally carnal sexuality (exemplified by the popular lusting on young boys) but desu, from my perspective the patrician homosexuals value the object of relationship higher than the object of sex. I haven't seen this be the case in any heterosexual relationship. at least I haven't seen it represented with equal male-female honesty, one is usually lying to some degree to the other

There's a profundity and depth within homosexuality that doesn't exist within heterosexuality

>> No.9066619

No, because ego is about realistic satisfaction of desires and the superego is the conscience, the internalized social norms and morality. If the superego dominates your desires in an unhealthy way (i.e. repression), you can get bad mental results. The ego just makes sure you don't do anything rash.

Keep in mind my use of 'unhealthy' every time I've described repression. One's desires being regulated by the superego is often a good thing.

>> No.9066625

>Homosexuality can be an equally carnal sexuality
homosexuals are much more lustful than heterosexuals. MUCH more. not even being slanderous or mad at them, it's a simple consequence of two mutually high powered male sex drives. any patrician will value the object higher than sex, plenty of heterosexuals do

also, there is a much greater depth in difference than there is in sameness.

>> No.9066630

First off, I completely agree that the best way to tackle this (if you want to) is to do the experiments yourself and record results. Everyone is different.

However, is this also not a whole other task taking up mental effort and commitment?

The tendency in response to my point seems to be that people want to think in extremes. It's either, cave in completely and wank whenever you want, or completely abstain and focus only on work.

It's so obviously neither of these and instead about taking the middle path of having kind control over your desires. Not suppressing them and hoping eventually they will go away (more likely they will be sublimated in ways outside your control i.e., journalling about your masturbatory habits instead of doing your work) or caving into them and wanking 7 times in an afternoon instead of doing work.

I think food is a GREAT analogy because like you said, your body needs to ejaculate, and you can make this more or less about conscious enjoyment of the process or not. It would be possible to live very healthily on food that is very cheap and brings next to no pleasure in consumption.

>> No.9066634

I don't remember exactly what Schopenhauer's conclusion, or whatever collective answer he had to "On Women", but I don't think he wrote anything on women as inspiration in that essay, did he? The whole "muse" aspect of sexual lust which obviously also applied to men, but I think was in general more directed towards women in particular.

I'm not sure why you pasted what some random wrote as well. The part in regards to modern women I don't think holds any particular truth. In the past, women were seen the same way by men, more or less, despite the lack of modern hygiene and whatnot. Women still drove men mad etc. so it's not like it increased through the ages as technology developed. If anything I would say it has decreased, especially since porn became high quality and easily accessible. Now men can look at women, all kinds of different women, naked, whenever they want. I think it has lessened the natural pull women have on men and skewed it towards pure sexual desire, and not so much the general relationship with a particular woman and all the emotions and feelings that come with that.

>> No.9066652

t. virgin
have you ever met a woman?
they fucking suck, i dated women for years and I hated every single one deep down. I only did it for fishflaps
I started dating men and I found someone who occupied an area of thought that was really interesting and interacted in a really complicated and deep way with my own. Women don't have a fucking area of thought, they're all the same, they're all bland and generally intellectually incapable.
If you're a genuinely intelligent male you wouldn't compromise so much just for pussy. I certainly haven't ascended sexuality but I think I view it pretty differently and I've learned to find men attractive because I realized by 20 that I could never be truly happy in a heterosexual relationship.

So that "greater potential depth in difference" line is catchy but turns out to be bullshit.

>> No.9066662

>have a desire? give into it, immediately!


>> No.9066668

So if you say to yourself
>I will not grant myself release for six months
and truly commit to it, succeed, and then continue, won't it become a part of your superego, the internalized norm and morality? On the occasion that you fail and end up doing it, because of ego, wouldn't you feel bad because you failed your superego?

I feel like there's more to gain in the attempt to completely abstain than to either completely cave in or attempt to do it every once in a while. Also consider how difficult it is to simply not do it compared to the other choices. And additionally, when you truly don't even have the time to do it, because of work or school, you're still gaining something from it in the form of the the build up, but you don't have that part of you which says "no", because you simply cannot find the time to do it, also in part to exhaustion. So if considering more or less total will over it throughout most of the day, to do it or not to do it, I think there's something positive to be found by continually denying it, saying "no", and moving on, for a longer period of time. The question is to what extent is it positive, and does it surpass how you feel when you completely give in at every opportunity or frequently.

>> No.9066671

You trying to say you made yourself gay by thinking?

>> No.9066682

>he can't make himself gay
It's actually pretty easy. Women do it all the time

>> No.9066683

What did you think the Greeks did?

>> No.9066688

I remember
curves and brown hair standing on edge
goose pimples on legs
and sweet smells

Pillow beneath me I saw
skin drooping on four fingers
skinny bones poking out on curved wine glasses
and grey hair hanging

Old eyes or brown hair

>> No.9066705

>he can't rewrite his biology via intellectualism
But in all honesty, I don't feel deprived in any way, I don't feel like I'm missing anything, I feel more satisfied than ever sexually.
Male features can be pretty attractive in rare cases.

>> No.9066710

I think you're just a faggit m8

>> No.9066712

Spoken like a true philistine.

>> No.9066715

Is there anyone else who hates the word 'pimple' in any context?

>> No.9066718

>My tongue through crevices of her feet.
stopped reading there

>> No.9066720

>and truly commit to it, succeed, and then continue, won't it become a part of your superego, the internalized norm and morality? On the occasion that you fail and end up doing it, because of ego, wouldn't you feel bad because you failed your superego?

No, because the superego isn't about satisfaction or pleasure, it's the father-figure saying "you can't do this." It's the rules of the game, not the player's strategy for winning (ego). Failed your superego/because of ego? What are you even talking about? Please just read Freud, anon. Pick up "Civilization and its Discontents."

>> No.9066729
File: 917 KB, 1280x720, testtubeplus--0044--will-genetic-modification-kill-or-save-humanity--large.thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will die before being able to become a transhuman able to consciously dictate your sexual desire and all physical urges

>> No.9066735

I lay my fingers around the beautiful bosom of the love I love most, my honey babe. I suckle on the nips and unstrap my belt: today is the day of the sex. I pull out my engorged, hideously elongated spike that she loves to impale herself on like Vladimir the Impaler, and I grin with all my might - time for a fright. I giggle. My chest's nipple's hardens as I cum buckets of cum onto her, her beautiful bosom rippling as beams of ejaculation milk fire against her titties. Phwoar.

>> No.9066796

Actually that anon makes total sense.

How do you know your "life-affirming" abstinence is not simply another attempt of your youthful conditioning telling you that to pleasure yourself is bad? You might have reworded it, but the initial externally-imposed outcome it still being adhered to.

If the initial parameters of the superego are violated, then it would have the same shamefil impact on the ego, even if you're telling yourself consciously you're in control of the imposition.

>> No.9066814

she got titty
she got ass
what dont she have
the dick
lemme give her it

>> No.9066848

I was ravishing her purple asshole with my 4 incher so hard, overcompensating for my crippling insecurity and lack of any power in my life or mind whatsoever. She was screaming in pain. It only made me harder. I punched her as hard as I can in the lower back just above her ass crack, i kept pounding, beating the drum. Right before I came I ripped my dick out and her asshole turned inside out. it was like a little pink penis with some brown spots. I sucked on it like a dick while I jerked off and came almost immediately

>> No.9066892


>> No.9066916

she moves in air, but hardly with humanity, for she is foreign both in appearances and behavior that neither detracts nor bewilders me

>> No.9066923

ham wallet
needs money

>> No.9066932

Maureen's got five sisters, they've all got ass.
One of them's got eyes as big as jolly ranchers. . .Beautiful girl, she's a beautiful girl.

>> No.9067042

This. Ive always found women more attractive with clothing on
>keep your panties on bitch
>the fuck is wrong with you anon arent we going to fuck
>now you pissed me off, just keep all your clothes on including your socks. shut your mouth while youre at it too, no moaning or ill slit your throat

>> No.9067046

Nothing to see here really, Just another gay searching for justification as to why being gay is better than being straight

>> No.9067064

That turned me on tbqhfamalam

>> No.9067161
File: 38 KB, 459x313, krishna4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.

There is an arresting and magical power in the freewheeling nudity of young girls. Its base is in carnal desires, but its branches are much higher. It stays with you, past the release of sexual gratification. Regardless of gender or preference, the beauty is appreciated. There is unity and clarity in such appreciation.
Humans are strange creatures. To others we must seem grotesque and bizarre; hairless apes, teetering on two feet in precarious, almost supernatural balance, nubs for noses, manes on their heads, tailless, strange limbering beasts. At our worst, unkempt, given to inactivity, obesity, disease, we are slobbish, lumpy creatures, but sculpted with exertion, we are like statues, but even the most physically perfected human, even the most regal man or the most elegant woman, can look strange if one adjusts their perspective. But then one returns to the beauty. This strange creature, the human, with plain skin and features, is oddly captivating.
The masculine: sinewy muscle, solid stance, irreproachable. The feminine: smoother, limber limbs and body, moving with grace. Many aspects of femininity and masculinity are not products of nature, but of culture, but the one inherent quality, the quality of a girl, grown out of her infancy (humans spend so long as small, larva-like creatures) and evolved into young woman, with her features of femininity achieved, is universal. Both man and woman worship the femininity of the young girl. The prudish protect it, the perverse prey on it, and the pure praise it. Let those praise, the captivating qualities, the physical ones we see, and the spiritual ones that come with the seeing, and the being seen.
Praise the gaze, both innocent and not. Inquisitive, brave, open and honest. Praise the energy, that comes with receiving praise, to flaunt without shame, and to indulge in the happiness of freedom.
Praise the grace, and the beauty. Praise the gliding legs and back, the rise and fall after that. Praise the roundness of the shoulders, the roundness of the breasts; the trunk of her body, and the convex of the second mane, newly-grown. All assemble into beauty, and beauty beheld benefits both beauty and the beholder, for the pure, not the prudish, not the perverse, but only the pure, can these delights be understood.
After the young girl stepping out of a bath, after the throng of girls frolicking in front of all, after the more learned girl in her formative years, and after the newly-crowned adult, there are none other with more power. Praise be to them, those priestesses of the power, the feminine power that houses not only the creation of humanity, but its sustenance. Sensible seniors will always salute, the young girl in her element, in her prime, in her body, which houses the soul, which in tune with the body, rises above all.

>> No.9067169

What's her name /lit/?
Dubs and I ask Lydia on a date when I see her next Friday

>> No.9067189

Just do it, pussy.

>> No.9067194

Something good that's divine when civilized.

>> No.9067210

Might be the first /lit/ post of this style and subject that didn't immediately get shut down by everyone's replies, because it's actually fairly true.

>I want them to leave me alone so I can read my fucking book on the bus in peace.

I read in public a lot and can't help but be aware of any even vaguely attractive girl being near me. 2-3 times a month I'll see one so pretty that I literally can't focus on my book until she leaves. I just want to get my shit done.

>> No.9067256

>old hags
Fuck off

>> No.9067276

Unironically wish I were gay

I don't understand women, am terrible with them, frankly don't really like them that much, and am consequently very conflicted and unhappy.

>> No.9067288
File: 51 KB, 640x426, 12346176_1700511056838236_1317576323_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i was a babe i cried in my mothers bosom. Now as a man I place jism on the bosom

>> No.9067323

only the fat chestlets

>> No.9067332

I like boobies, yummy yummy milk milk

>> No.9067344
File: 59 KB, 442x768, 1484009104377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you have more experience with them, you'll begin to understand them better. It's natural with anything complicated. Can one expected to first pick up a guitar and write a beautiful piece of music that same day? Or a physics textbook, and marry quantum and relativistic mechanics?

I am not unlike you, but I have been trying to overcome my cowardice and interact with attractive women. Slowly, after now dating 2 I have learned at least somewhat how to be attractive to them. I'm still not close to mastery, but at least I am try and making progress.

>> No.9067360

Calling her hot got the point across, but it was an understatement, like calling the sun hot. She was scorching, searing, and she'd blow the top off of any meat thermometer you stuck in her plump ass. If she were to be cut up and served, the USDA would slap a PRIME sticker on her carcass. That bitch was delectable. She didn't just make you turn your head, she'd send you to the hospital with a case of self-induced whiplash. You didn't merely want to fuck her. You wanted to ceaselessly ravage her until your cock was bloody and raw - and then go back for more. She would have looked fuckable in a burqa. But yeah, I guess you could say she was hot.

>> No.9067372

>implying you understand men

>> No.9067801

Ass does not protrude enough, 3/10 would not bang.

>> No.9067812


oh no this isn't good.

>> No.9067938


>> No.9067953

You have to make a conscious effort not to think about sex. Whenever those degenerate thoughts invade my mind, I close my eyes and focus on not thinking. By doing that I free myself from sinful thoughts. Every time I succeed, the award is a feeling of inner tranqulitiy - once again I surpassed the bestial urges.

Also, whenever in public places, make sure not to look at women (or anyone else really). The sinful thinking is less likely to disturb you without if it has no external cause.

The point of my message is: Do not make yourself a slave of the impulses. I am convinced we can all do better than that.

>> No.9067971

who /lowsexdrive/ master race here

>> No.9067992
File: 80 KB, 960x960, 1468015356841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that each woman you see has chosen to be fucked a few hours earlier

>> No.9067997

i like this one

>> No.9068008
File: 234 KB, 1920x800, 1470359475504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not having it is worse than the worst of having it.
lel no. only a beta says this, like ''it is better to have loved than to be loved''

>> No.9068015

I used to be obsessed with anal. At one point in high school, I was having more anal than regular sex. When done right and by right I mean when the guy doesn't shove his dick into you like a horse in heat, anal can teeter on that dangerous line between pleasure and pain. He feels bigger than ever and completely fills you up. As he's going in, you have to hold your breath because you feel like your body doesn't have room for air and his dick at the same time, but once he's in, the pleasure radiates through your whole body. One time, however, my boyfriend and I were walking around my neighborhood and fighting, as per usual. After coming to no resolution at all, we decided to agree to disagree and, of course, have hate sex next to a neighbor's house in broad daylight. He pulled down my shorts and without any warning or lube, shoved it up there like he was stuffing a cannon to launch it against his worst enemy. I screamed, TAKE IT OUT TAKE IT OUT TAKE IT OUT!!! Once he was out, I had to pull up my shorts, squat down on the floor, and meditate so I wouldn't shit all over the grass. It literally felt like he was pulling out my insides along with his penis. The moral of the story: Hate sex is hot, but hate anal leads to pain and explosive diarrhea.

>> No.9068016

>high school
Leave /lit/ normie

>> No.9068023

well, now i want to fuck

>> No.9068038

You are a moron
That's too long for a haiku
You fucked the rhythm

>> No.9068039
File: 971 KB, 720x1280, 1457871874749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Secret Society: Women's Sexual Fantasies Exposed - Featuring RSD Tyler

>> No.9068047
File: 82 KB, 430x645, IMG_1920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is sad. so many words and not one that actually does what the op asks for. atleast not good. one could expect men to be able to be more vocal about a womans body. but i guess the op gif shut down most of the brains anyways. and that's a GIF of a very average girl. now imagine the power rush an exceptional beautiful girl experiences at peak fertility.

>> No.9068054

this thread is cool
i'll make you a cake


>> No.9068055

>the power rush an exceptional beautiful girl experiences at peak fertility.
I'm pretty sure it's quite stressful, also.

>> No.9068072

it might be if you aren't in the mood for whatever reason. but mostly it would be addictive af.

>> No.9068102

>a very average girl
What? Where do you live that that girl is average?

>> No.9068104

I think they must suffer from exacerbed jealousy, and the dread from knowing it won't last and that they have to hurry to make a choice and be up to the task until another comes along. Oh-my-god-soon-it-will-all-be-too-late-so-much-wasted-potential. The life of a prized racing horse, mostly.

>> No.9068105

I can't stand being a guy in the 21st century. We can't live as easily as women do, and we have none of the patriarchal advantages our ancestors did.

>> No.9068106

>mongrelized shitskin
>fake blonde hair
>plastic surgery and nose job
>dark eyes
>nigger lips
The animal he posted is barely even what I would call human.

>> No.9068108

>now imagine the power rush an exceptional beautiful girl experiences at peak fertility
How do I imagine that I'm a 14 year old girl. help

>> No.9068110

You have some serious problems

>> No.9068117

fuck off.

>> No.9068122

a nazi amazon underwater base in antarctica

>> No.9068124

t. butthurt cucks

Even the ugliest girl in my country is better looking than that old shitskin.

>> No.9068128

cotton panties?

>> No.9068131

go away already nobody likes you

>> No.9068136

Did I trigger you?
>you will always be a retarded cuck
>I will always be white

>> No.9068145

I'm from /pol/ and you're retarded.

>> No.9068147

>skin color is enough to make an otherwise hot girl ugly
You're so right wing that you've become gay

>> No.9068148


>> No.9068151

/pol/ is full of shitskins

>> No.9068156


>> No.9068157

>skin color=race
The brainwashing is finally complete.

>> No.9068159
File: 90 KB, 600x608, 1484841595618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you wouldn't asphyxiate yourself in this ass

>> No.9068170

Stop this at once an apologize to the lady or I'll see to it personally that you'll be hanged, drawn and quartered, and I'll tell your mother.

>> No.9068172
File: 100 KB, 733x903, IMG_0780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never be racist enough to cuck yourself out of this
Racemixing is just necessary in some circumstances

>> No.9068173

Now this is some autistic LARP, I forgot how the average user of this shit site is 14.

>> No.9068174

Here in Brazil she would be white as fuck.

>> No.9068175
File: 1.15 MB, 3264x2448, 1480436749965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody noticed how shit and chocolate look the same?

>> No.9068176

>cucking yourself, your ancestors, and your race
>no goy you're just a cuck for not racemixing
butthurt shitskin detected
In Brazil a Somalian would be considered an Honorary Aryan. Brazilians are a mix of negoid, native american, european, and some asian.

>> No.9068178

pretty sure you wouldn't even be able to count that far desu

>> No.9068182

listen bro, just stop. no body here likes you and your gay memes. take them somewhere else

and don't bother replying to me

>> No.9068183

I can reply to whomever I want you fucking shitskin communist.

>> No.9068184

Good post

>> No.9068187

this thread was all comfy and stuff, and then this neo-nazi wannabe internet tough guy shows up with his race shit white cuck triggered cuck white race verbal diarrhea, and what's worst, it's not even funny

>> No.9068194

>it's still about race to him
>it's not about securing the best genes you possibly can
If you want your genes to survive and pass on, they're more secure being mixed with that girl's then with a 6/10 aryan.

>> No.9068196
File: 69 KB, 550x733, 1484980501061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when the fuck is hiro going to nuke /pol/

holy shit, im not even triggered, all I want is one fucking thread, one fucking thread that doesn't get derailed

>> No.9068197
File: 72 KB, 610x601, 1478805910090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you know racists have tiny dicks?

>> No.9068198

Are you completely incapable of articulating your thoughts in written word? This is the kind of subhuman garbage that posts on /lit/ now, monkeys smashing their hands on their keyboards making some semblance of human language. Sad!

>> No.9068204

Thank you Chaim, I'm now a certified coal burner. You have changed my entire life perspective with your non-argument virtue signalling. Every shekel counts!

>> No.9068207

>In your best prose, write about the beauty of the female body.

She's white as snow and blonde and her eyes are icy blue and she shouts angrily in german and she has a toothbrush moustache, that's hot as fuck

>> No.9068208

delete this racist poltard

>> No.9068209

sad yourself

>> No.9068212

But I'm not a racist. So that's not true.

>> No.9068213

if u became a racist your dick would get smaller

fucking black women makes ur dick bigger

>> No.9068215
File: 94 KB, 736x982, IMG_1924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pose as one online and see for yourself

>> No.9068216

A made a point of arguing from a genetic rather than left wing perspective. It's simply a fact that part of the reason why people want to mate with other attractive people is because their offspring will inherent those atttactive traits, which will then ensure that their descendants remain in the gene pool.

>> No.9068218

no, i won't
she kills niggers with her bare hands while singing about edelweiss and makes the best apfelshtruddel

>> No.9068221
File: 158 KB, 960x960, 1426499_644829002234143_1261009220_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>don't ideologically repulse women
>drowning in liberal pussy

stay cucked niggers, it's that easy

>> No.9068222
File: 20 KB, 236x300, IMG_1923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9068223

I did that once for law enforcement. Middle aged men just kept telling me how much they wanted to fuck me.

>> No.9068226
File: 74 KB, 600x872, 1473423758494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

J'aime ta couleur café
Tes cheveux café
Ta gorge café
J'aime quand pour moi tu danses
Alors j'entends murmurer
Tous tes bracelets
Jolis bracelets
A tes pieds ils se balancent

Couleur café
Que j'aime ta couleur café

C'est quand même fou l'effet
L'effet que ça fait
De te voir rouler
Ainsi des yeux et des hanches
Si tu fais comme le café
Rien qu'à m'énerver
Rien qu'à m'exciter
Ce soir la nuit sera blanche

Couleur café
Que j'aime ta couleur café

L'amour sans philosopher
C'est comme le café
Très vite passé
Mais que veux tu que j'y fasse
On en a marre de café
Et c'est terminé
Pour tout oublier
On attend que ça se tasse

Couleur café
Que j'aime ta couleur café

>> No.9068227

>be me (le redditor)
>have hip mainstream ideas (FUCK DRUMPF!)
>drowning in skank pussy and fucking those coalburners and meth hoes raw
make love not trump's hate

>> No.9068230

that's because you suck at being a teenage girl

>> No.9068235

this bitch is disgusting

she doesn't even have any color to her face

fucking cumskins make me sick

go back to pol

>> No.9068236
File: 72 KB, 540x472, IMG_1916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9068242

Damn that makes me want to become a liberal. I mean being a white male in a loving stable monogamous relationship is so shitty! I just want to fuck coalburning whores in the ass and get AIDS, time to become antifa.

>> No.9068244


>> No.9068246

Only works if you're physically attractive

>> No.9068248
File: 50 KB, 500x333, IMG_1922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about both?

>> No.9068251


>> No.9068252
File: 196 KB, 610x639, real human bean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


niggers on 4chan actually think they look like this

>> No.9068254

hey, guys, i think he left

>> No.9068255

> I mean being a white male in a loving stable monogamous relationship is so shitty!

except you obviously aren't if you're wasting your time arguing with autists in this shithole

>> No.9068256

She has fetal alcohol syndrome.
This isn't IRC you stupid fucking monkey. Go scream about communism and how Trump is going to destroy Brazil you subhuman chimp.

>> No.9068257

still here bro

stay cucked

>> No.9068259

what is irc?

>> No.9068260
File: 26 KB, 236x300, IMG_1925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now that this is out of the way, let me teach you about a little thing called Ü you Untermensch

>> No.9068264

>feet fag

Into le trash

>> No.9068265

you don't have niggers to kill somewhere? or jews?

>> No.9068269

rien a branler de ton umlaut je suis francais

>> No.9068270
File: 557 KB, 500x500, IMG_1926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>physically attractive


>> No.9068272

>be me
>fat fuck
>not getting any
>proud to the point that i'd rather be a virgin than compromise my ideology

make love not autism

>> No.9068273

bitchez ains this but hoes n tricks
lick theze nutz n suck da dick

>> No.9068274

Please don't pretend to be me goy. I have a reputation to upkeep.
Pure niggers are better than mongrelized mutts. I would rather have 1 billion niggers than 1 billion Indians or Brazilians. The mutts die first.

>> No.9068276

oeuf oeuf que lac je

>> No.9068277

Probably has a better jawline than the weak-chinned faggot who post here

>> No.9068282

Futility I asked her for her name, in a landslide of ironic mocking one-liners, which bore their thousandth marks and disappeared into the nothing. They don't know my pain, or maybe some of them do, growing against my thigh, as she smiles and perks up her ass in innocent coquetry. Hours from now she will be gone, but I still remember the waves her ass makes as she flips and walks away in compressed artifacts and unreachable delight.

What is her name?

>> No.9068283

>be me
Just fucking stop already. It's obvious you're a nu-4cuck since you use this. I remember when people would get instant replies saying "go back to freddit" for doing this.

>> No.9068287

delete this thread im on nofap

>> No.9068288
File: 70 KB, 703x463, 1397757017944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put it in my mouth
She said put it in her mouth
I said my motherfuckin mouth
I mean her motherfuckin mouth
Put it in my mouth
She said put it in her mouth
My motherfuckin mouth

And so, I put it in her mouth
and once I did
I came and started farting
Ah ha ha ha

>> No.9068289
File: 34 KB, 480x640, IMG_1921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably diamond or some other white trash bullshit

>> No.9068292
File: 24 KB, 500x208, IMG_1778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fart jokes


>> No.9068293

We can tell it's you, brazilian monkey.

>> No.9068303

This is fucking hilarious if ur just jokin, else I think you might have autism.

>> No.9068351

He is.

>> No.9068378 [DELETED] 

I want to fuck her ass until it gapes as wide as her cry filled mouth.

>> No.9068385

I want to fuck her ass until her gaping hole is as wide as her cry filled mouth.

>> No.9068477

In retrospect, I should have chosen something else.

>> No.9068691

that second paragraph, especially

>> No.9068850

don't feel bad, you're probably just not a good writer.

>> No.9068852


>> No.9068854
File: 11 KB, 219x187, 1486303418343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been on no-lewd for six days now and can't stop thinking of fucking the one girl in my international course I literally can't go to any lectures with her participating please send help.

>> No.9069020

Without vaginas you would all be dead.

>> No.9069050

Give me her name, please?
I need it for extensive research.

>> No.9069053

read this

The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pick Up Artists Neil Strauss

and fuck her

>> No.9069099
File: 120 KB, 728x546, 1465440067019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the way to no fap is not by not fapping, but by seeing the four noble truths

>> No.9069119

as a woman, i can attest to the fact that it's the same for women. we think about sex all day too, and when we see men, the would i-wont i mentality is inescapable. Even when I see a man I might think is "unattractive", it's not uncommon for me to still daydream about being fucked by him

>> No.9069123

glad at least one man here is not intensely crazy

>> No.9069181

this was very well written

>> No.9069196

Wanting stuff is good, though.

>> No.9069199

Poems about women are always mediocre, tepid things which arouse no passion save intense boredom and mild nausea.

I blame the subject matter, and the poets for having such tiny dull imaginations that they can't think of anything more exciting.

Eulogies are as a class, head and shoulders more respectable and interesting than the shit-scrawl you're attempting to use to woo some local diseased tart.

>> No.9069205

>pick up artists
>on fucking /lit/
is there no way to ban these r9k/pol rejects for ever? they're seriously cancer

>> No.9069215

No, wanting things just leads to more wanting.

The Hedonic Treadmill is being slowly cranked up and our society sweats under the strain, but those such as you do not understand why.

Consumption is not the same as contentedness - they are antithetical - the content do not consume.

>> No.9069221

As a poster on both /r9k/ and /pol/ I take offence to your assertion that either places tolerate "Pickup Artist" garbage.

The people who fall for it deserve to have their money taken though.

Anybody who thinks you can lead a human being - woman or otherwise in the fashion of a horse whisperer, is an imbecile.

>> No.9069234

>tips fedora
I agree friend. the woman is an amazingly complex creature which we should respect and let choose which parters she wishes to copulate with.

>> No.9069299

>Anybody who thinks you can lead a human being - woman or otherwise in the fashion of a horse whisperer, is an imbecile.
But obviously you can do this, if one person's dumb enough and the other's smart enough. Just lead them along mazes.

Whether you should, or whether other humans will allow to get away with it, is the real question.

>> No.9069414

Translated from german

Venus von und und mit dem
Arsch der Welt!
Rollkragen bis zum Kinn!
Zeige mir deine
Hügel und Täler.
Nymphe entführe mich
In deine Grotte,
Du, die ich erblickt!

Venus from the arse end of the world!
Turtleneck up to the chin!
Show me your
Hills and valleys.
Nymph abduct me
To your grotto.
You, on whom I layed eyes!

>> No.9069468

is there any good essay on the subject of women beauty and how do men see it?
besides schopenhauer, of course, i wan't something more focused on this lust or thirstiness i feel every time i see hot women

>> No.9069480

>reading poetry

What are you, a faggot?

>> No.9069499

You are a homo
Dick is too short to be used
I fucked you're mom

>> No.9069585
File: 586 KB, 1591x895, 1479581647571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what really gets me? Asian men get Asian women all to themselves.

How'd they get such a privilege?

>> No.9069589
File: 264 KB, 1080x1440, 1482564744716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is the wrong image.

>> No.9069655
File: 284 KB, 599x403, chump and dense.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so much fuss
made over the puss
only thing sweeter than pussy
is claude Debussy
when I see the clit
I get worked up in a fit
mysterious vagina lip
inviting my penis tip

>> No.9069696


I'm not on no-fap, just no-lewd.

If I don't bust a nut at least once a month I get constipated like mad. I don't know why.

Also cleaning after wet dreams sucks.

>> No.9069755

There are things to want that can lead to lasting increases in happiness, though. For example, you want to want things less.

There are also lots of other examples.

>> No.9069767

That lady is pretty.
But her hair is terrible.
Should keep it up or cut it short.

>> No.9069811

who's that?

>> No.9069815


>> No.9069818

this one thing i really want to fuck. god's word, and the female body, and it was good... is women mysterious, so might be, i love them all, let them cheer.

>> No.9069832


>> No.9069842

Do you think this is experience is isolated to the male sex? I imagine a female would be similarly distracted by an attractive man, albeit not as frequently, due to the infamous sexual Pareto principle. Which I suppose their in lies the rub anyway.

>> No.9069852

Wanting things often leads to satisfaction. Not always, but often enough.

>> No.9069858
File: 160 KB, 753x655, anime girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[Magandiya offers his daughter to the Buddha, who replies:] On seeing [the daughters of Mara] — Discontent, Craving, & Passion — there wasn't even the desire for sex. So what would I want with this, filled with urine & excrement? I wouldn't want to touch it even with my foot.

> Haven't I in many ways advocated abandoning sensual pleasures, comprehending sensual perceptions, subduing sensual thirst, destroying sensual thoughts, calming sensual fevers? Worthless man, it would be better that your penis be stuck into the mouth of a poisonous snake than into a woman's vagina. It would be better that your penis be stuck into the mouth of a black viper than into a woman's vagina. It would be better that your penis be stuck into a pit of burning embers, blazing and glowing, than into a woman's vagina. Why is that? For that reason you would undergo death or death-like suffering, but you would not on that account, at the break-up of the body, after death, fall into deprivation, the bad destination, the abyss, hell..."

Roasties blown the fuck out by Buddha.

>> No.9069883


>> No.9069892

It's a cute goblin.

>> No.9069959


>> No.9070151

I don't buy it. Studies literally show that not only do men think about sex more often than women do, we masturbste more often too. There's a reason why porn, strippers, prostitution cater almost exclusively to men.

>> No.9070200


>> No.9070248

shit in my mouth, piss in my face, amazing grace, how sweet, the mace

>> No.9070258

yoo bitch lemme smack you're ass
lemme suck u hole, my nigress
ur body is black as the stars
i have tons of money and the car
i don't dick the son with my dick
but i'll dick you because i love u

>> No.9070395

I can't believe this thread is still up but the booktuber one about the qts was deleted.

>> No.9070448

Neurons in the brain that connect to the eye, letting you see, start real simple. They begin at first by differentiating lines. That's it, just straight lines. Left, right, slanted, vertical, general cardinal directions. Then a vortex of neurologic voodoo occurs among the matrix of tangled electrical impulses to bring an image of the sweetest clarity to our mind. That's why I believe the beauty of the female form is in the slight curve, the rise and soft swell that strikes up an impulse in the most basal of our sensory circuitry. I am simple man, based in simple tastes, so naturally I would be inclined to trust the simplest of my senses, right down to the most simple construct it has to offer.

>> No.9070714
File: 38 KB, 549x673, 2012-03-30-mochizuki-shinichi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these cringe ironically edgy posts from people too afraid to actually write something sincere because they might actually be criticized
Sasuga, /lit/.

>> No.9070736

You know as well as I do that we would DEFINITELY be torn to shreds. I like /lit/ but it is not a place for sharing sincere work. Even in the crit threads people here are as cruel as /b/, only occasionally veiled behind eloquence.

It was probably my biggest dissappointment about this place.

>> No.9070895

I fear that if I try, I might become the guy in your pic.
I guess I'll just stay in my basement.

>> No.9071049




>> No.9071167

>muh internet tribalism
>on /lit/
bro, go back.
this isn't the board for you

>> No.9071190

>tfw to smart too be straight

>> No.9071205
File: 74 KB, 625x482, respect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9071363

assez pathétique mais j'aime quand même

>> No.9071381

Shit ain't nuthin to fuck wit

>> No.9071940


>> No.9072014


>> No.9072035

dem buttocks

>> No.9072055

but srsly tho

>> No.9072168
File: 211 KB, 1080x1080, D5359E4B-4BCB-4194-AA98-B93A11996D7B-217-0000000CE331EB97_tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like a star,
All that gas
Par thine ass
A big lass
I'd have guessed
None the less
I called her Bess
I was blessed
She was caressed
Made a mess
Sweat, cum, mucus, and fecal mass
The perfecta on the tip of my shaft
That was the last I saw
Of the gassy lass

>> No.9072327

Asian men are the most cucked of all, asian women are obsessed with white men. Yes white losers go to SE Asia to fuck prostitutes, but hysteria over yellow fever is just bullshit, they're just trying to make white men seem desperate. White men are like black men in that we're not that much worse in terms of height, athleticism, maculinity etc. But we're smarter and better looking, less violent, have more money, prospects etc... The only people that are not really that into white men are black women in the west, and only in the west. Every other race in the west + everyone around the world would die to be with a white man.

>> No.9072350

not bad
>The more sex you have, the worse it gets
This is the truest sentence in there.
>tfw you can predict what a girl's pussy will taste like
I did this at a bar (told my friends what I expected) and confirmed it later that night. Feelsweirdman

>> No.9072402

>board dedicated to literature
>half its users can't distinguish between prose and poetry

>> No.9072411

>There's a place for people who love their poetry
>It's right across from the sign that says "Prose Only"

>> No.9072515

ta gueule

>> No.9072520


>> No.9072524

Why are women so attractive???

>> No.9072531

Is that from that Wes Anderson short film?

>> No.9072543


the book is fun, in a gonzo kind of way
there is even Courtney Love in this shit

also, these guys are right:

women are dumb and that make them sexy, get over it, white knights

>> No.9072586

post #300
sex sells kek

>> No.9072710

Sierra Skye

>> No.9072978

>It is only the man whose intellect is clouded by his sexual instinct that could give that stunted, narrow-shouldered, broad-hipped, and short-legged race the name of the fair sex; for the entire beauty of the sex is based on this instinct. One would be more justified in calling them the unaesthetic sex than the beautiful. Neither for music, nor for poetry, nor for fine art have they any real or true sense and susceptibility, and it is mere mockery on their part, in their desire to please, if they affect any such thing.

>> No.9073041

who cares? they're cute

>> No.9073076

schopenhauer pls go

>> No.9073087

of your mother? yuck

>> No.9073128

I have a small penis and the female body is beyond my means.

>> No.9073138

just find a small woman desu

>> No.9073139


nice try

>> No.9073142

or money

>> No.9073156

>tfw giant cock but being a manlet keeps most women from wanting to see it
At least women won't know about your dick size until you're about to fuck, and at that point it's too awkward for them to leave

>> No.9073162

just hang around in tight swimming trunks, family brother

>> No.9073171

at least you can have them to come back and/or spread the word

>> No.9073291


>> No.9073538

The curves of her shoulders to her breast, and down past her hips, even further past her thighs all the way down to her feet. The way she smells after sex and after a shower, even in the morning. Her laughter that is a bit too sharp but always sweet. Her brown eyes and pale pink lips, the freckles on her face and the scar in her eyebrow. These thing and more I'll love her for.

>> No.9073649

Who theng

>> No.9074670

Things I (a woman) do to my exterior every day to maintain my "natural beauty":

(In an attempt to showcase the daily activities that take hours of my life away each day and depress me to no end, I will omit the activities in which both sexes typically engage.)

1. Trim, file, buff, and clean the dirt from under my nails
2. Clean, tone and moisturize my face
3. Shave legs, pubic area, or armpits
4. Wash, detangle, condition, blow-dry, detangle, treat and straighten my hair in order for it to be flawlessly smooth and shiny
5. Exfoliate and moisturize my whole skin to maximize softness and suppleness
6. Pumice, exfoliate and specially moisturize my feet to prevent calluses

>> No.9074683

You don't have to buy it for it to be true. Even if men do it "more often", the exact degree and frequency really doesn't matter, as everything is relative. I'm telling you that we spend a lot of time and energy thinking about sex and being plagued by desire, just as men do. We probably spend more time and energy thinking about other shit than you do, but that isn't to say you don't think about that other shit. Right?